997 resultados para asynchronous activity
TROST. S. G., R. R. PATE, J. F. SALLIS, P. S. FREEDSON, W. C. TAYLOR, M. DOWDA, and J. SIRARD. Age and gender differences in objectively measured physical activity in youth. Med. Sci. Sports Ererc., Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 350-355, 2002. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate age and gender differences in objectively measured physical activity (PA) in a population-based sample of students in grades 1-12. Methods: Participants (185 male, 190 female) wore a CSA 7164 accelerometer for 7 consecutive days. To examine age-related trends. students were grouped as follows: grades 1-3 (N = 90), grades 4-6 (N = 91), grades 7-9 (N = 96). and grades 10-12 (N = 92). Bouts of PA and minutes spent in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) and vigorous PA (VPA) were examined. Results: Daily MVPA and VPA exhibited a significant inverse relationship with grade level, with the largest differences occurring between grades 1d-3 and 4-6. Boys were more active than girls; however, for overall PA, the magnitudes of the gender differences were modest. Participation in continuous 20-min bouts of PA was low to nonexistent. Conclusion: Our results support the notion that PA declines rapidly during childhood and adolescence and that accelerometers are feasible alternatives to self-report methods in moderately sized population-level surveillance studies.
CcmG is unlike other periplasmic thioredoxin (TRX)like proteins in that it has a specific reducing activity in an oxidizing environment and a high fidelity of interaction. These two unusual properties are required for its role in c-type cytochrome maturation. The crystal structure of CcmG reveals a modified TRX fold with an unusually acidic active site and a groove formed from two inserts in the fold. Deletion of one of the groove-forming inserts disrupts c-type cytochrome formation. Two unique structural features of CcmG-an acidic active site and an adjacent groove-appear to be necessary to convert an indiscriminately binding scaffold, the TRX fold, into a highly specific redox protein.
Objective: To evaluate the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and planned behavior (TPB) in predicting moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in sixth-grade youth. Methods: One hundred ninety-eight students completed a questionnaire measuring attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and intentions to be active. MVPA was measured using the CSA 7,164 accelerometer. Results: Although demonstrating an acceptable fit, the TRA and TPB accounted for only a small percentage of the variance in MVPA. In support of the TPB: the addition: of control perceptions to the reasoned! action model! added to the prediction of intentions and MVPA. Conclusion: Within our sample of sixth graders, the utility of the, TRA or TPB;as a framework for activity interventions appears to be limited.
The aims of this paper are (1) to comment on the evidence relating to the health risks and benefits of physical activity (PA) for pregnant women and their unborn foetuses, and (2) to discuss the public health benefits of participation in appropriate physical activity during pregnancy. Evidence from recent original research and review papers suggests that there are potential benefits of appropriate PA in terms of maternal weight control and fitness, which are likely to have significant long term public health benefits. Concerns about the potential ill-effects of PA during pregnancy, such as hyperthermia, shortened gestational age and decreased birth weight are not supported by the most recent scientific reviews. The physiological adaptations to exercise during pregnancy appear to protect the foetus from potential harm and, while an upper level of safe activity has not been established, the benefits of continuing to be active during pregnancy appear to outweigh any potential risks. All decisions about participation in physical activity during pregnancy should however be made by women in consultation with their medical advisers.
New amino acids are reported in which component macrocycles are constrained to mimic tripeptides locked in a beta-strand conformation. The novel amino acids involve macrocycles functionalized with both an N- and a C-terminus enabling addition of appendages at either end to modify receptor affinity, selectivity, or membrane permeability. We show that the cycles herein are effective templates within inhibitors of HIV-1 protease. Eleven compounds originating from such bifunctionalized cyclic templates are potent inhibitors of HIV-1 protease (Ki 0.3-50 nM; pH 6.5, I = 0.1 M). Unlike normal peptides comprising amino acids, five of these macrocycle-containing compounds are potent antiviral agents with sub-micromolar potencies (IC50 170-900 nM) against HIV-1 replication in human MT2 cells. The most active antiviral agents are the most lipophilic, with calculated values of LogD(6.5) greater than or equal to 4. All molecules have a conformationally constrained 17-membered macrocyclic ring that has been shown to structurally mimic a tripeptide segment (Xaa)-(Val/Ile)-(Phe/Tyr) of a peptide substrate in the extended conformation. The presence of two trans amide bonds and a para-substituted aromatic ring prevents intramolecular hydrogen bonds and fixes the macrocycle in the extended conformation. Similarly constrained macrocycles may be useful templates for the creation of inhibitors for the many other proteins and proteases that recognize peptide beta-strands.
An integrated model relating workplace rumor activity, belief, and accuracy is proposed and tested. Senior VPs of Communications from a sample of Fortune-500 corporations and CEOs of established public relations firms were surveyed regarding rumor episodes that they had experienced. Results confirmed previous research on the role of uncertainty, anxiety, and belief in rumor activity. In addition, a reduced sense of control mediated the effects of uncertainty on anxiety, and anxiety mediated the effects of importance on rumor activity. Evidence was found for the roles of group bias in how strongly a rumor is believed. Rumor activity was also implicated in the formation of more accurate rumors. The significance of these results for rumor theory and for Public Relations practitioners is presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Abnormal patterns of trunk muscle activity could affect the biomechanics of spinal movements and result in back pain. The present study aimed to examine electromyographic (EMG) activity of abdominal and back muscles as well as triaxial torque output during isometric axial rotation at different exertion levels in back pain patients and matched controls. Twelve back pain patients and 12 matched controls performed isometric right and left axial rotation at 100%, 70%, 50%, and 30% maximum voluntary contractions in a standing position. Surface EMG activity of rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum and multifidus were recorded bilaterally. The primary torque in the transverse plane and the coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were measured. Results showed that there was a trend (P = 0.08) of higher flexion coupling torque during left axial rotation exertion in back pain patients. Higher activity for external oblique and lower activity for multifidus was shown during left axial rotation exertion in back pain group when compared to the control group. In right axial rotation, back pain patients exhibited lesser activity of rectus abdominis at higher levels of exertion when compared with matched controls. These findings demonstrated that decreased activation of one muscle may be compensated by overactivity in other muscles. The reduced levels of activity of the multifidus muscle during axial rotation exertion in back pain patients may indicate that spinal stability could be compromised. Future studies should consider these alternations in recruitment patterns in terms of spinal stability and internal loading. The findings also indicate the importance of training for coordination besides the strengthening of trunk muscles during rehabilitation process. (C) 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Promoting physical activity is a public health priority, and changes in the environmental Contexts of adults' activity choices are believed to be crucial. However, of the factors associated with physical activity, environmental influences are among the least understood. Method: Using journal scans and computerized literature database searches, we identified 19 quantitative studies that assessed the relationships With physical activity behavior of perceived and objectively determined physical environment attributes. Findings were categorized into those examining five categories: accessibility of facilities, opportunities for activity, weather, safety, and aesthetic attributes. Results: Accessibility, opportunities, and aesthetic attributes had significant associations with physical activity, Weather and safety showed less-strong relationships. Where Studies pooled different categories to create composite variables, the associations were less likely to be statistically significant. Conclusions: Physical environment factors have consistent associations with physical activity behavior. Further development of ecologic and environmental models, together with behavior-specific and context-specific measurement strategies, should help in further understanding of these associations. Prospective Studies are required to identify possible causal relationships.
Background: For research on physical activity interventions to progress systematically, the mechanisms of action must be studied. In doing so, the research methods and their associated concepts and terminology become more complex. It is particularly important to clearly distinguish among determinants, correlates, mediators, moderators, and confounder variables used in physical activity research. This article examines the factors that are correlated with and that may have a causal relationship to physical activity. Methods and Results: We propose that the term correlate be used, instead of determinant, to describe statistical associations or correlations between measured variables and physical activity. Studies of the correlates of physical activity are reviewed. The findings of these studies can help to critique existing theories of health behavior change and can provide hypotheses to be tested in intervention studies from which it is possible to draw causal inferences. Mediator, moderator, and confounder variables can act to influence measured changes in physical activity. Intervening causal variables that are necessary to complete a cause-effect pathway between an intervention and physical activity are termed mediators. The relationship between an intervention and physical activity behaviors may vary for different groups; the strata by which they vary are levels of moderators of the relationship. Other factors may distort or affect the observed relationships between program exposure and physical activity, and are known as confounders. Conclusions: Consistent use of terms and additional research on mediators and moderators of intervention effects will improve our ability to understand and influence physical activity.
OBJECTIVE Because there is discordance between different immunoassay values for serum hGH, and because clinical state may not correlate with immunoreactive hGH, we have developed an assay to accurately measure serum hGH somatogenic bioactivity. The results of this assay were compared with the Elegance two-site ELISA assay across 135 patient samples in a variety of clinical states. DESIGN The somatogenic assay was based on stable expression of hGH receptor in the murine BaF line, allowing these cells to proliferate in response to hGH. To eliminate interference by other growth factors in serum, we created a specific antagonist of the hGH receptor (similar to Trovert or Pegvisomant) which allowed us to obtain a true measure of hGH somatogenic activity by subtraction of the activity in the presence of the antagonist. The assay was carried out in microtiter plates over 24 h, with oxidation of a chromogenic tetrazolium salt (MTT) as the endpoint. PATIENTS These encompassed a number of different clinical conditions related to short stature, including idiopathic short stature, neurosecretory dysfunction and renal failure, as well as obese patients on dietary restriction and normal volunteers. MEASUREMENTS In addition to the colourimetric (MTT) response to hGH, we measured free hGH by stripping out GHBP-bound hGH using beads coupled to a monoclonal antibody to the GHBP (GH binding protein). All samples were measured in both bioassay and ELISA assay. RESULTS This bioassay was sensitive (5 mU/l or 2 mug/l) and precise, and not subject to interference by the GHBP. There was a good correlation (r = 0.95) between bioactivity and immunoactivity across clinical states. There was, however, an increased bioactivity during secretory peaks (over 25 mU/l), which has been reported previously for the Nb2 bioassay. Free hGH did not correlate with clinical state. CONCLUSIONS Because the results of the Elegance ELISA and the bioassay correlate well, even though there is greater bioactivity at higher hormone concentrations, it is evident that an appropriate immunoassay is able to act as a reliable indicator for clinical assessment. In those rare cases where bio-inactive GH exists, our bioassay should provide an appropriate means to demonstrate this.
Two series of benzimidazole derivatives were sythesised. The first one was based on 5,6-dinitrobenzimidazole, the second one comprises 2-thioalkyl- and thioaryl-substituted modified benzimidazoles. Antibacterial and antiprotozoal. activity of the newly obtained compounds was studied. Some thioalkyl derivatives showed remarkable activity against nosocomial strains of Stenotrophomonas malthophilia, and an activity comparable to that of metronidazole against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Of the tested compounds, 5,6-dichloro-2-(4-nitrobenzylthio)-benzimidazole showed the most distinct antiprotozoal activity.