999 resultados para artesanato intelectual


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This study investigated the children s intellectual development with high and low blood lead level with the parenting styles in the respective interactions with these children. The WISC-III and IEP (Parenting Styles Inventory) were used. Were studied 40 children, with ages among 7 to 13 years old, and 40 parents, who lived in a risk spot near the contamination area. The children were divided into two groups: G1 – 20 children with blood lead level above 10µg/dl; and G2 – 20 children with blood lead level lower than 10µg/dl. The results indicated damages on WISC-III for the children with Pb-S than10µg/dl and prevalence of practices educational negatives were found in both groups, with statistical difference (5%). The environmental stimulation can minimize the damages caused by the lead poisoning, and the parent s positive educative practice can contribute as modulator of the lead s effect.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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This study aims to understand if intellectual work provides conditions for the emergence of psychic suffering inuniversity teachers in a public institution of higher education. Use is made of the philosophical assumptions ofhistorical materialism, work as a category of nuclear analysis of human phenomena, and also the categories ofalienated labor and intellectual work. It also refers to mental illnesses as a social production. The research subjectswere teachers with contracts of employment in exclusive dedication (RDIDP). It is used as an instrument for datacollection, a questionnaire with closed and opened questions of opinative character. Responses were categorized andanalyzed qualitatively and had not intention of giving statistical data. However, in order to better display, the samepercentage of the sample are presented, among which one third (29.6%) have some health problem after enteringuniversity. Of those, 15,5% are related to the organization of work, 5,6% to the working conditions, 2,8%concomitantly to the conditions and the organization of work. The results indicate that the organization of work in apublic university has shown itself as a space of psychic suffering, but also of alienation.


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There are at least three different visions about origins of design; the most diffused is the idea that design begins with the Industrial Revolution. Some see the design as heir of a special kind of crafts at Revolution’s eve, because it already have a former project and work division. Less diffused is the idea that there aren’t much significant differences between design and crafts, giving to design some millenniums of history. But, being the designer heir of this millenary tradition isn’t time to reconciliate it again with crafts? Shouldn’t we return to defend the rescue of concepts of project before the modernism?


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This paper presents aspects of Early Childhood Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education, considering collaborative teaching as a relevant strategy in this mode. Thus, had been aimed to review the literature on collaborative learning in kindergarten and verify the knowledge of teachers on this pedagogical strategy. The survey was conducted in Child Education Centers and Schools municipal daycare, totaling 4 units and 45 participants. Empirical data were collected through a closed questionnaire, tabulated and analyzed qualitative and qualitatively. The results indicate the recognition of preschool teachers in need of support and assistance regarding collaborative teaching, highlighting the need for continuous training in the performance of special education teacher in this context.


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When we think of a transposition from a traditional culture industry to the new coherence of the creative industries, a number of new parallel discussions arises, encircled by the reconfiguration of the value chain of such industries and, not only, but also due to a change on creation coherence of a product whose most valuable input is creativity. Therefore, as a mechanism through which such creativity is valued, the intellectual property becomes one of the key elements of this debate, mainly in a world where the coherence of distribution transcends the physical copies towards the digitization of content. From this initial debate, the present article seeks to weave the main relations between the theme of creative industries and the intellectual property, describing the adversities of a deficient regulation and its consequences on the creative industries production, indicating the existing alternatives and questioning the balance between two forces: the collective and the individual rights.


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Thinking the school as an institution of equal access for every type of kid, youthful, and adult, to education, It was thought for this assignment to focus in inclusive education in defense of the right of all students to be together, learning and participating without any kind of discrimination. Knowing the large scope of the theme Inclusive Education , subdivided by MEC in four types of disabilities, as follows: auditory, visual, motor and intellectual. It was decided to approach here; intellectual disability, to be a disability that covers a vast number of limitations and that is largely present in the school environment. This work will sought to better understand this deficiency and the work with students carrying it into the classroom


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar de que forma os desenhos animados contribuem na formação da criança na faixa etária de 3 à 7 anos. Adotando como referência os desenhos animados O Peixonauta e Meu Amigãozão, produzidos pela TVPinguim (Brasil) e por uma parceria entre a brasileira 2DLab e a canadense Breakthrough Animation respectivamente, pretende-se analisar de que modo as animações semeiam valores essenciais da sociedade ao mesmo tempo que cultiva o intelecto adaptando conhecimentos científicos à percepção infantil. Utilizando da abordagem qualitativa, e tendo como referencial a pesquisa bibliográfica, o presente estudo visa apresentar as animações definidas acima e desenvolver uma análise acerca de sua relação com o telespectador infantil


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Objetivo: Identificar a correlação do desempenho intelectual e dos sinais preditivos de ansiedade e depressão em cuidadores de crianças com fissura labiopalatina no período transoperatório de cirurgias primárias. Métodos: Participaram 20 mães de crianças com fissura labiopalatina submetidas à queiloplastia e palatoplastia, com média de idade de 27 anos e grau de instrução de ensino médio. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck (BAI), Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) e o Teste Não-Verbal de Inteligência G36. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística pelo Teste Exato de Fisher. Resultados: A correlação dos resultados obtidos através dos instrumentos demonstraram que, em relação à ansiedade, 35% dos sujeitos apresentaram ansiedade mínima e nível intelectual deficiente (V), 25% ansiedade mínima e nível intelectual inferior a média (IV) e 25% ansiedade leve e nível intelectual deficiente (V); na análise estatística obteve-se p:0,38. Em relação à depressão, 35% obtiveram nível mínimo e nível intelectual deficiente (V) e 30% nível leve e nível intelectual inferior a média (IV), estatisticamente p:0,50. Conclusão: Estatisticamente não houve significância nos resultados obtidos, justificado pelo número reduzido da amostra. No entanto, qualitativamente, os resultados demonstraram que quanto menor o nível intelectual dos sujeitos, menor os níveis de ansiedade e depressão. Quanto maior a capacidade cognitiva do cuidador, maior foram as suas expectativas referentes ao procedimento cirúrgico e a antecipação dos resultados, o que pode acarretar ao aumento de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão.


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Atualização do DSPACE, implemenção de todas as funcionalidades e as novas funções da versão 3.1 Comparação das versões utilizadas do DSpace para avaliação dos benefícios no desempenho, com a adoção de novos serviços e implementações, plug-ins e integração com banco corporativo da Universidade.  


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O movimento do acesso aberto na USP Programa de Apoio as Revistas da USP Resolução USP no.6.444 de 22/out/2012 Portal Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da USP