973 resultados para arctic tundra
There has been a marked decline in the summer extent of Arctic sea ice over the past few decades. Data from autonomous ice mass-balance buoys can enhance our understanding of this decline. These buoys monitor changes in snow deposition and ablation, ice growth, and ice surface and bottom melt. Results from the summer of 2008 showed considerable large-scale spatial variability in the amount of surface and bottom melt. Small amounts of melting were observed north of Greenland, while melting in the southern Beaufort Sea was quite large. Comparison of net solar heat input to the ice and heat required for surface ablation showed only modest correlation. However, there was a strong correlation between solar heat input to the ocean and bottom melting. As the ice concentration in the Beaufort Sea region decreased, there was an increase in solar heat to the ocean and an increase in bottom melting.
The Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) observatory HAUSGARTEN, in the eastern Fram Strait, provides us the valuable ability to study the composition of benthic megafaunal communities through the analysis of seafloor photographs. This, in combination with extensive sampling campaigns, which have yielded a unique data set on faunal, bacterial, biogeochemical and geological properties, as well as on hydrography and sedimentation patterns, allows us to address the question of why variations in megafaunal community structure and species distribution exist within regional (60-110 km) and local (<4 km) scales. Here, we present first results from the latitudinal HAUSGARTEN gradient, consisting of three different stations (N3, HG-IV, S3) between 78°30'N and 79°45'N (2351 - 2788 m depth), obtained via the analysis of images acquired by a towed camera (OFOS - Ocean Floor Observation System) in 2011. We assess variability in megafaunal densities, species composition and diversity as well as biotic and biogenic habitat features, which may cause the patterns observed. While there were significant regional-scale differences in megafaunal composition and densities between the stations (N3 = 26.74 ± 0.63; HG-IV = 11.21 ± 0.25; S3 = 18.34 ± 0.39 individuals/m**2), significant local differences were only found at HG-IV. Regional-scale variations may be due to the significant differences in ice coverage at each station as well as the different quantities of protein available, whereas local-scale differences at HG-IV may be a result of variation in bottom topography or factors not yet identified.
Microbial communities and their associated metabolic activity in marine sediments have a profound impact on global biogeochemical cycles. Their composition and structure are attributed to geochemical and physical factors, but finding direct correlations has remained a challenge. Here we show a significant statistical relationship between variation in geochemical composition and prokaryotic community structure within deep-sea sediments. We obtained comprehensive geochemical data from two gravity cores near the hydrothermal vent field Loki's Castle at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge, in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Geochemical properties in the rift valley sediments exhibited strong centimeter-scale stratigraphic variability. Microbial populations were profiled by pyrosequencing from 15 sediment horizons (59,364 16S rRNA gene tags), quantitatively assessed by qPCR, and phylogenetically analyzed. Although the same taxa were generally present in all samples, their relative abundances varied substantially among horizons and fluctuated between Bacteria- and Archaea-dominated communities. By independently summarizing covariance structures of the relative abundance data and geochemical data, using principal components analysis, we found a significant correlation between changes in geochemical composition and changes in community structure. Differences in organic carbon and mineralogy shaped the relative abundance of microbial taxa. We used correlations to build hypotheses about energy metabolisms, particularly of the Deep Sea Archaeal Group, specific Deltaproteobacteria, and sediment lineages of potentially anaerobic Marine Group I Archaea. We demonstrate that total prokaryotic community structure can be directly correlated to geochemistry within these sediments, thus enhancing our understanding of biogeochemical cycling and our ability to predict metabolisms of uncultured microbes in deep-sea sediments.
Coupled analyses of n-alkane biomarkers and plant macrofossils from a peat plateau deposit in the northeast European Russian Arctic were carried out to assess the effects of past hydrology on the molecular contributions of plants to the peat. The n-alkane biomarkers accumulated over 9.6 kyr of local paleohydrological changes in this complex peat profile in which a succession of vegetation changes occurred during a transition from a wet fen to a relatively dry peat plateau bog. This study shows that the contribution of the n-C31 alkane from rootlets to peat layers rich in fine and dark roots is important. The results further indicate that the n-alkane Paq and n-C23/n-C29 biomarker proxies that have been useful to reconstruct past water table levels in many peat deposits can be misleading when the contributions of Betula and Sphagnum fuscum to the peat are large. Under these conditions, the C23/(C27 + C31) n-alkane ratio seems to correct for the presence of Betula and S. fuscum and provides a better description for the relative amounts of moisture. The average chain length (ACL) n-alkane proxy also appears to be a good paleohydrology proxy in having larger values during dry and cold conditions in this Arctic bog setting.
The presence of sea-ice leads represents a key feature of the Arctic sea ice cover. Leads promote the flux of sensible and latent heat from the ocean to the cold winter atmosphere and are thereby crucial for air-sea-ice-ocean interactions. We here apply a binary segmentation procedure to identify leads from MODIS thermal infrared imagery on a daily time scale. The method separates identified leads into two uncertainty categories, with the high uncertainty being attributed to artifacts that arise from warm signatures of unrecognized clouds. Based on the obtained lead detections, we compute quasi-daily pan-Arctic lead maps for the months of January to April, 2003-2015. Our results highlight the marginal ice zone in the Fram Strait and Barents Sea as the primary region for lead activity. The spatial distribution of the average pan-Arctic lead frequencies reveals, moreover, distinct patterns of predominant fracture zones in the Beaufort Sea and along the shelf-breaks, mainly in the Siberian sector of the Arctic Ocean as well as the well-known polynya and fast-ice locations. Additionally, a substantial inter-annual variability of lead occurrences in the Arctic is indicated.
Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV, SW Barents Sea slope, 1280 m) is one of the numerous cold methane-venting seeps existing along the continental margins. Analyses of video-guided core samples revealed extreme differences in the diversity and density of the metazoan meiobenthic communities associated with the different sub-habitats (centre, microbial mats, Pogonophora field, outer rim) of this mud volcano. Diversity was lowest in the sulphidic, microbial mat sediments that supported the highest standing stock, with unusually high densities (11000 ind./10 cm**2) of 1 nematode species related to Geomonhystera disjuncta. Stable carbon isotope analyses revealed that this nematode species was thriving on chemosynthetically derived food sources in these sediments. Ovoviviparous reproduction has been identified as an important adaptation of parents securing the survival and development of their brood in this toxic environment. The proliferation of this single species in exclusive association with free-living, sulphide-oxidising bacteria (Beggiatoa) indicates that its dominance is strongly related to trophic specialisation, evidently uncommon among the meiofauna. This chemoautotrophic association was replaced by copepods in the bare, sulphide-free sediments of the volcano's centre, dominated by aerobic methane oxidation as the chemosynthetic process. Copepods and nauplii reached maximum densities and dominance in the volcano's centre (500 ind./10 cm**2). Their strongly depleted carbon isotope signatures indicated a trophic link with methane-derived carbon. This proliferation of only selected meiobenthic species supported by chemosynthetically derived carbon suggests that, in addition to the sediment geochemistry, the associated reduced meiobenthic diversity may equally be related to the trophic resource specificity in HMMV sub-habitats.
Combined d18O/salinity data reveal a distinctive water mass generated during winter sea ice formation which is found predominantly in the coastal polynya region of the southern Laptev Sea. Export of the brine-enriched bottom water shows interannual variability in correlation with atmospheric conditions. Summer anticyclonic circulation is favoring an offshore transport of river water at the surface as well as a pronounced signal of brine-enriched waters at about 50 m water depth at the shelf break. Summer cyclonic atmospheric circulation favors onshore or an eastward, alongshore water transport, and at the shelf break the river water fraction is reduced and the pronounced brine signal is missing, while on the middle Laptev Sea shelf, brine-enriched waters are found in high proportions. Residence times of bottom and subsurface waters on the shelf may thereby vary considerably: an export of shelf waters to the Arctic Ocean halocline might be shut down or strongly reduced during "onshore" cyclonic atmospheric circulation, while with "offshore" anticyclonic atmospheric circulation, brine waters are exported and residence times may be as short as 1 year only.
In der Wassersäule der Laptew See haben die Bildungs- und Verteilungsbedingungen vielfliltige Ursachen. Für die südliche Lapt ew See konnte eine Methananomalie innerhalb des Lenaausstrorns nachgewiesen werden, die im direkten Zusammenhang mit dem Flußwasser stehen muß. Mit den hohen Konzentrationen am Kontinentalhang ergab sich ein Hinweis auf eventuell vorhandene Gashydrate an der Sole eines zum Hang hin auskeilenden Permafrosts oder auf Gashydrate in den Sedimenten des Kontinentalhangs selbst. Ob es entlang der reliktisch vorhandenen, ehemaligen Flußläufe auf dem Schel f ebenfalls zu Entgasungen kommt, bleibt allerdings weiter unklar, da dieses Phänomen nicht beobachtet wurde oder die Anomalien nicht eindeutig diesem Prozeß zuzuordnen waren. Sicherlich ist die COz-Reduktion im Sediment in der Laptew See eine Hauptquelle für marines, bodennahes Methan. Die Ergebnisse. zeigen, daß dieser Bildungsprozeß vor allem für die küstennahen Bereiche wahrscheinlich ist. Dennoch gibt es auch Bereiche, wo die Zuordnung zu einer expliziten Methanquelle nicht eindeutig ist. Für eine genauere Bewertung der Herkunft der Gase sollten in künftigen Untersuchungen die Methankonzentrationen des Sediments einbezogen werden. Aber auch die Isotopensignaturen des Gases im Sediment können wertvolle Hinweise auf die Genese geben, vor allem wenn die Wasserstoffisotopie mituntersucht wird. Dies erscheint sinnvoll, da sich dur ch leichtes, bodennahes, Methan in der Wassersäule Hinweise auf biogene Bildungen ergaben, dieser Befund könnte durch weitere Untersuchungen präzisiert werden. Dies gilt aber auch für die CH4-Anomalien des OberfIächenwassers. Auch hier ergaben sich durch leicht KohIenstoffsignaturen Hinweise auf biogene in situ-Produktion. Mit detaillierteren Methankonzentrations- und d13C- CH4-Isotopenprofilen der Wassersäule könnte dieser Bildungspfad eindeutiger beschrieben werden. Es konnte ferner gezeigt werden, daß die Lapt ew See während der Sommermonate eine Quelle für atmosphärisches CI L darstellt. Das emittierte Gas geht neben vereinzelten Bodenquellen auch auf in situ-Produktion in der Wassersäule zurück. Abgesehen von der nördlichen Region geht das Methan bodennaher Anomalien innerhalb der Wassersäule sehr schnell zurück und nur ein kleiner Teil gelangt so schließlich in die Atmosphäre. Der während der ARK-XIV Expedition getestete Methansensor hat sich als ungeeignet für den Einsatz gemeinsam mit der CTD erwiesen. Es hat sich gezeigt, daß der Sensor unter diesen Bedingungen nicht genügend Zeit hat, um sein Meßsignal zu stabilisieren. Möglicherweise kann er aber in modifizierter For m und mit einer Kalibration für niedrigere Konzentrationsbereiche als stationäres Meßgerät eingesetzt werden. Für hohe CH4-Konzentrationen, wie man sie an Pockmarks antrifft, ist die Methansensormessung sicherlich auch jetzt schon eine geeignete Methode.