976 resultados para architectural heritage


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This paper is an attempt to integrate heritage and museum studies through exploring the complex relationship between the materiality of architecture and social memories with a house museum of return migration in Guangdong, PRC as a case study. It unveils that the ongoing process of memory is intrinsically intertwined with spatial and temporal dimensions of the physical dwelling and built environment and the wider social-historical context and power relations shaping them. I argue that it is the house as ‘object of exhibit’ just as much as the exhibits inside the house that materialises the turbulent and traumatic migratory experience of Returned Overseas Chinese, embodies their memories and exposes the contested nature of museumification. By looking at the socially and geographically marginalised dwelling of return migrants, the house draws people’s attention to the often neglected importance of conceptual periphery in re-theorising what is often assumed to be the core of heritage value. It points to the necessity to integrate displaced, diasporic, transnational subjects to heritage and museum studies that have been traditionally framed within national and territorial boundaries.


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This paper describes a qualitative observational study of how a work based learning masters leadership development programme for middle managers in health and social care in the UK introduced students to key aspects of delivering innovation, through a formative assignment on contemporary architectural design. Action learning and activity theoretical approaches were used to enable students to explore common principles of leading the delivery of innovation. Between 2001 and 2013 a total of 89 students in 7 cohorts completed the assignment. Evaluation lent support for the view that the assignment provided a powerful learning experience for many. Several students found the creativity, determination and dedication of architects, designers and structural engineers inspirational in their ability to translate a creative idea into a completed artefact, deploy resources and negotiate complex demands of stakeholders. Others expressed varying levels of self-empowerment as regards their capacity for fostering an equivalent creativity in self and others. Theoretical approaches in addition to activity theory, including Engeström’s concepts of stabilisation knowledge and possibility knowledge, are discussed to explain these differing outcomes and to clarify the challenges and opportunities for educational developers seeking to utilise cross-disciplinary, creative approaches in curriculum design.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações


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A utilização da madeira enquanto material estrutural é um aspeto abordado com algum receio ou até desconhecimento por parte dos elementos intervenientes no processo de construção civil, sendo ainda uma área pouco lecionada e muitas vezes excluída dos planos curriculares em Engenharia Civil. Assim sendo é importante o surgimento de trabalhos relacionados com esta matéria, relembrando ao sector da construção civil e ao ramo de estudo relacionado, que a madeira já teve e possivelmente voltará a ter um papel importante a desempenhar na área da construção. Um dos aspetos evidenciados nos estudos realizados consiste na importância da reabilitação de edifícios e do seu papel cada vez mais determinante na sociedade. Esta metodologia de intervenção apresenta-se muitas vezes como uma vantagem económica assim como contribui para a preservação do património arquitetónico e cultural, cujo valor histórico é incalculável. A importância da reabilitação de edifícios habitacionais nas zonas históricas, bem como de monumentos de grande importância cultural apresenta-se cada vez mais como um desafio devido à falta de conservação dos mesmos ao longo da sua vida útil, e da necessidade de preservar a identidade do local, beneficiando assim a qualidade do tecido urbano. Assim sendo, este trabalho apresenta um levantamento dos danos possíveis de ocorrer em elementos de madeira, dando especial destaque aos agentes patológicos e às consequências da sua atividade na madeira assim como às metodologias de inspeção e diagnóstico que poderão ser aplicadas em estruturas de madeira existentes, favorecendo assim a vertente da reabilitação ao invés da demolição. Estas metodologias recorrem a ensaios não destrutivos, como é exemplo o Pilodyn, o Resistógrafo, o Ultra-sons, etc., referindo também o recurso a ensaios destrutivos, cuja utilização terá de ser uma questão muito bem ponderada devido às consequências que implica. Por fim, apresenta-se um caso real de estudo em que se analisa um pavimento em madeira através da aplicação de metodologias de ensaio não destrutivas e destrutivas a amostras recolhidas. O objetivo será determinar o estado de conservação da madeira e algumas características físicas tais como a sua densidade e os módulos de elasticidade, sendo posteriormente efetuada uma análise estrutural. Os resultados obtidos permitem efetuar uma avaliação qualitativa do estado geral do pavimento sendo as principais conclusões que o pavimento se encontra atacado por parte de insetos xilófagos e apresenta problemas a nível de verificação a estados limite de utilização, deformação e vibração, fator que condiciona a possível utilização do pavimento.


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This paper describes the process and problems that had to be faced during the elaboration of a digital interactive narrative for the Instory project (http://img.di.fct.unl.pt/InStory/) implanted in «Quinta da Regaleira», Sintra, Portugal, and classified as World Heritage by Unesco. It also explores some of the practical and theoretical issues in what regards the literary terminology and strategies involved.


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The impact of microbial activity on the deterioration of cultural heritage is a well-recognized global problem. Glazed wall tiles constitute an important part of the worldwide cultural heritage. When exposed outdoors, biological colonization and consequently biodeterioration may occur. Few studies have dealt with this issue, as shown in the literature review on biodiversity, biodeterioration and bioreceptivity of architectural ceramic materials. Due to the lack of knowledge on the biodeteriogens affecting these assets, the characterization of microbial communities growing on Portuguese majolica glazed tiles, from Pena National Palace (Sintra, Portugal) and another from Casa da Pesca (Oeiras, Portugal) was carried out by culture and molecular biology techniques. Microbial communities were composed of microalgae, cyanobacteria, bacteria and fungi, including a new fungal species (Devriesia imbrexigena) described for the first time. Laboratory-based colonization experiments were performed to assess the biodeterioration patterns and bioreceptivity of glazed wall tiles produced in laboratory. Microorganisms previously identified on glazed tiles were inoculated on pristine and artificially aged tile models and incubated under laboratory conditions for 12 months. Phototrophic microorganisms were able to grow into glaze fissures and the tested fungus was able to form oxalates over the glaze. The bioreceptivity of artificially aged tiles was higher for phototrophic microorganisms than pristine tile models. A preliminary approach on mitigation strategies based on in situ application of commercial biocides and titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on glazed tiles demonstrated that commercial biocides did not provide long term protection. In contrast, TiO2 treatment caused biofilm detachment. In addition, the use of TiO2 thin films on glazed wall tiles as a protective coating to prevent biological colonization was analysed under laboratorial conditions. Finally, conservation notes on tiles exposed to biological colonization were presented.


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O projeto MEMORIAMEDIA tem como objetivos o estudo, a inventariação e divulgação de manifestações do património cultural imaterial: expressões orais; práticas performativas; celebrações; o saber-fazer de artes e ofícios e as práticas e conhecimentos relacionados com a natureza e o universo. O MEMORIAMEDIA iniciou em 2006, em pleno debate nacional e internacional das questões do património cultural imaterial. Este livro cruza essas discussões teóricas, metodológicas e técnicas com a caracterização do MEMORIAMEDIA. Os resultados do projeto, organizados num inventário nacional, estão publicados no site www.memoriamedia.net, onde se encontram disponíveis para consulta e partilha. Filomena Sousa é investigadora de pós-doutoramento em antropologia (FCSH/UNL) e doutorada em sociologia (ISCTE-IUL). Membro integrado no Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição - patrimónios, artes e culturas (IELT) da FCSH/UNL e consultora da Memória Imaterial CRL – organização não-governamental autora e gestora do projeto MEMORIAMEDIA. Desenvolve investigação no âmbito das políticas e instrumentos de identificação, documentação e salvaguarda do património cultural imaterial e realizou vários documentários sobre expressões culturais.


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This study explores the perceptions and experiences of middle-class women, mostly mothers, regarding the elementary school education of their children of mixed heritage. Because it endeavours to provide a forum in which the voices of women are considered a source of valuable information for educators, this study contributes to the fields of feminist and mothering research. Participants assign meanings to their lived experiences (Schon, 1983; van Manen 1997) and contemplate the various ways in which a mixed heritage mayor may not affect a child's schooling. Four main participants were interviewed who are mothers whose children of mixed heritage presently attend public elementary schools in Ontario, Canada. The study had an emergent design, thus allowing the researcher to make decisions as the study progressed. Three additional participants were included in the study to provide a wider perspective on the topic. These 3 additional women were the researcher herself as she explored her self-conceptual baggage (Kirby & McKenna. 1989); the researcher's mother in an attempt to consider the motherline (Lowinsky, 1992); and a volunteer non-mother of mixed ethnicity. The study involved a total of 12 individual interviews of approximately 2 hours in length. The 4 main participants and the researcher were each interviewed twice; the researcher's mother and the volunteer non-mother were each interviewed once. The researcher also attempted a focus group and kept a journal throughout the research process. Much of the analysis centers on women's interpretations of the mixed heritage experience and on their suggestions for elementary school educators. It concludes pondering on the invisibility (Chiong, 1998) of such children within the school system and calling for increased teacher education as a way to bring the mixed heritage experience out of the shadows.


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Clara Irvin Chapman's last visit to the Chapman campus was in March, 1967 for the opening of the Thurmond Clarke Memorial Library. She is in the Heritage Room by a portrait of her late husband, Charles Clarke Chapman, for whom the college is named.


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Clara Irvin Chapman's last visit to the Chapman campus was in March, 1967 for the opening of the Thurmond Clarke Memorial Library. She is in the Heritage Room by a portrait of her late husband, Charles Clarke Chapman, for whom the college is named.


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Clara Irvin Chapman's last visit to the Chapman campus was in March, 1967 for the opening of the Thurmond Clarke Memorial Library. She is in the Heritage Room of the library.


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Clara Irvin Chapman's last visit to the Chapman campus was in March, 1967 for the opening of the Thurmond Clarke Memorial Library. She is in the Heritage Room by a portrait of her late husband, Charles Clarke Chapman, for whom the college is named.