903 resultados para analytical decomposition
We have calculated the equilibrium shape of the axially symmetric Plateau border along which a spherical bubble contacts a flat wall, by analytically integrating Laplace’s equation in the presence of gravity, in the limit of small Plateau border sizes. This method has the advantage that it provides closed-form expressions for the positions and orientations of the Plateau border surfaces. Results are in very good overall agreement with those obtained from a numerical solution procedure, and are consistent with experimental data. In particular we find that the effect of gravity on Plateau border shape is relatively small for typical bubble sizes, leading to a widening of the Plateau border for sessile bubbles and to a narrowing for pendant bubbles. The contact angle of the bubble is found to depend even more weakly on gravity.
An analytical model is developed to predict the surface drag exerted by internal gravity waves on an isolated axisymmetric mountain over which there is a stratified flow with a velocity profile that varies relatively slowly with height. The model is linear with respect to the perturbations induced by the mountain, and solves the Taylor–Goldstein equation with variable coefficients using a Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) approximation, formally valid for high Richardson numbers, Ri. The WKB solution is extended to a higher order than in previous studies, enabling a rigorous treatment of the effects of shear and curvature of the wind profile on the surface drag. In the hydrostatic approximation, closed formulas for the drag are derived for generic wind profiles, where the relative magnitude of the corrections to the leading-order drag (valid for a constant wind profile) does not depend on the detailed shape of the orography. The drag is found to vary proportionally to Ri21, decreasing as Ri decreases for a wind that varies linearly with height, and increasing as Ri decreases for a wind that rotates with height maintaining its magnitude. In these two cases the surface drag is predicted to be aligned with the surface wind. When one of the wind components varies linearly with height and the other is constant, the surface drag is misaligned with the surface wind, especially for relatively small Ri. All these results are shown to be in fairly good agreement with numerical simulations of mesoscale nonhydrostatic models, for high and even moderate values of Ri.
Diaminofluoresceins are widely used probes for detection and intracellular localization of NO formation in cultured/isolated cells and intact tissues. The fluorinated derivative, 4-amino-5-methylamino-2′,7′-difluorofluorescein (DAF-FM), has gained increasing popularity in recent years due to its improved NO-sensitivity, pH-stability, and resistance to photo-bleaching compared to the first-generation compound, DAF-2. Detection of NO production by either reagent relies on conversion of the parent compound into a fluorescent triazole, DAF-FM-T and DAF-2-T, respectively. While this reaction is specific for NO and/or reactive nitrosating species, it is also affected by the presence of oxidants/antioxidants. Moreover, the reaction with other molecules can lead to the formation of fluorescent products other than the expected triazole. Thus additional controls and structural confirmation of the reaction products are essential. Using human red blood cells as an exemplary cellular system we here describe robust protocols for the analysis of intracellular DAF-FM-T formation using an array of fluorescence-based methods (laser-scanning fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and fluorimetry) and analytical separation techniques (reversed-phase HPLC and LC-MS/MS). When used in combination, these assays afford unequivocal identification of the fluorescent signal as being derived from NO and are applicable to most other cellular systems without or with only minor modifications.
Peat soils consist of poorly decomposed plant detritus, preserved by low decay rates, and deep peat deposits are globally significant stores in the carbon cycle. High water tables and low soil temperatures are commonly held to be the primary reasons for low peat decay rates. However, recent studies suggest a thermodynamic limit to peat decay, whereby the slow turnover of peat soil pore water may lead to high concentrations of phenols and dissolved inorganic carbon. In sufficient concentrations, these chemicals may slow or even halt microbial respiration, providing a negative feedback to peat decay. We document the analysis of a simple, one-dimensional theoretical model of peatland pore water residence time distributions (RTDs). The model suggests that broader, thicker peatlands may be more resilient to rapid decay caused by climate change because of slow pore water turnover in deep layers. Even shallow peat deposits may also be resilient to rapid decay if rainfall rates are low. However, the model suggests that even thick peatlands may be vulnerable to rapid decay under prolonged high rainfall rates, which may act to flush pore water with fresh rainwater. We also used the model to illustrate a particular limitation of the diplotelmic (i.e., acrotelm and catotelm) model of peatland structure. Model peatlands of contrasting hydraulic structure exhibited identical water tables but contrasting RTDs. These scenarios would be treated identically by diplotelmic models, although the thermodynamic limit suggests contrasting decay regimes. We therefore conclude that the diplotelmic model be discarded in favor of model schemes that consider continuous variation in peat properties and processes.
The phase shift full bridge (PSFB) converter allows high efficiency power conversion at high frequencies through zero voltage switching (ZVS); the parasitic drain-to-source capacitance of the MOSFET is discharged by a resonant inductance before the switch is gated resulting in near zero turn-on switching losses. Typically, an extra inductance is added to the leakage inductance of a transformer to form the resonant inductance necessary to charge and discharge the parasitic capacitances of the PSFB converter. However, many PSFB models do not consider the effects of the magnetizing inductance or dead-time in selecting the resonant inductance required to achieve ZVS. The choice of resonant inductance is crucial to the ZVS operation of the PSFB converter. Incorrectly sized resonant inductance will not achieve ZVS or will limit the load regulation ability of the converter. This paper presents a unique and accurate equation for calculating the resonant inductance required to achieve ZVS over a wide load range incorporating the effects of the magnetizing inductance and dead-time. The derived equations are validated against PSPICE simulations of a PSFB converter and extensive hardware experimentations.
Proctolaelaps euserratus Karg, 1994 (Acari, Mesostigmata, Melicharidae), exclusivelly known from the Galápagos Islands till now, is newly reported from decaying matter of animal and human decomposition in various countries of Europe (Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom). In consequence of high levels of necrophilia, the species is considered to be ecologically unusual among the other melicharids, which are primary associated with other than necrophilic habitats, such as galleries of subcorticolous beetles, bumble bee nests, flowers, etc. Proctolaelaps euserratus is reviewed, morphologically re-described (with first diagnostic characters for males), and considered as a new potential marker for later stages of decomposition, namely butyric fermentation and dry decomposition as classified in modern concepts of forensic acarology.
Capacity dimensioning is one of the key problems in wireless network planning. Analytical and simulation methods are usually used to pursue the accurate capacity dimensioning of wireless network. In this paper, an analytical capacity dimensioning method for WCDMA with high speed wireless link is proposed based on the analysis on relations among system performance and high speed wireless transmission technologies, such as H-ARQ, AMC and fast scheduling. It evaluates system capacity in closed-form expressions from link level and system level. Numerical results show that the proposed method can calculate link level and system level capacity for WCDMA system with HSDPA and HSUPA.
Background: Few studies have investigated how individuals diagnosed with post-stroke Broca’s aphasia decompose words into their constituent morphemes in real-time processing. Previous research has focused on morphologically complex words in non-time-constrained settings or in syntactic frames, but not in the lexicon. Aims: We examined real-time processing of morphologically complex words in a group of five Greek-speaking individuals with Broca’s aphasia to determine: (1) whether their morphological decomposition mechanisms are sensitive to lexical (orthography and frequency) vs. morphological (stem-suffix combinatory features) factors during visual word recognition, (2) whether these mechanisms are different in inflected vs. derived forms during lexical access, and (3) whether there is a preferred unit of lexical access (syllables vs. morphemes) for inflected vs. derived forms. Methods & Procedures: The study included two real-time experiments. The first was a semantic judgment task necessitating participants’ categorical judgments for high- and low-frequency inflected real words and pseudohomophones of the real words created by either an orthographic error at the stem or a homophonous (but incorrect) inflectional suffix. The second experiment was a letter-priming task at the syllabic or morphemic boundary of morphologically transparent inflected and derived words whose stems and suffixes were matched for length, lemma and surface frequency. Outcomes & Results: The majority of the individuals with Broca’s aphasia were sensitive to lexical frequency and stem orthography, while ignoring the morphological combinatory information encoded in the inflectional suffix that control participants were sensitive to. The letter-priming task, on the other hand, showed that individuals with aphasia—in contrast to controls—showed preferences with regard to the unit of lexical access, i.e., they were overall faster on syllabically than morphemically parsed words and their morphological decomposition mechanisms for inflected and derived forms were modulated by the unit of lexical access. Conclusions: Our results show that in morphological processing, Greek-speaking persons with aphasia rely mainly on stem access and thus are only sensitive to orthographic violations of the stem morphemes, but not to illegal morphological combinations of stems and suffixes. This possibly indicates an intact orthographic lexicon but deficient morphological decomposition mechanisms, possibly stemming from an underspecification of inflectional suffixes in the participants’ grammar. Syllabic information, however, appears to facilitate lexical access and elicits repair mechanisms that compensate for deviant morphological parsing procedures.
We present a mathematical model describing the inward solidification of a slab, a circular cylinder and a sphere of binary melt kept below its equilibrium freezing temperature. The thermal and physical properties of the melt and solid are assumed to be identical. An asymptotic method, valid in the limit of large Stefan number is used to decompose the moving boundary problem for a pure substance into a hierarchy of fixed-domain diffusion problems. Approximate, analytical solutions are derived for the inward solidification of a slab and a sphere of a binary melt which are compared with numerical solutions of the unapproximated system. The solutions are found to agree within the appropriate asymptotic regime of large Stefan number and small time. Numerical solutions are used to demonstrate the dependence of the solidification process upon the level of impurity and other parameters. We conclude with a discussion of the solutions obtained, their stability and possible extensions and refinements of our study.
A minimal model of species migration is presented which takes the form of a parabolic equation with boundary conditions and initial data. Solutions to the differential problem are obtained that can be used to describe the small- and large-time evolution of a species distribution within a bounded domain. These expressions are compared with the results of numerical simulations and are found to be satisfactory within appropriate temporal regimes. The solutions presented can be used to describe existing observations of nematode distributions, can be used as the basis for further work on nematode migration, and may also be interpreted more generally.
Atomic force microscopy is used to study the ordering dynamics of symmetric diblock copolymer films. The films order to form a lamellar structure which results in a frustration when the film thickness is incommensurate with the lamellae. By probing the morphology of incommensurate films in the early ordering stages, we discover an intermediate phase of lamellae arranged perpendicular to the film surface. This morphology is accompanied by a continuous growth in amplitude of the film surface topography with a characteristic wavelength, indicative of a spinodal process. Using selfconsistent field theory, we show that the observation of perpendicular lamellae suggests an intermediate state with parallel lamellae at the substrate and perpendicular lamellae at the free surface. The calculations confirm that the intermediate state is unstable to thickness fluctuations, thereby driving the spinodal growth of surface structures.
This paper discusses ECG classification after parametrizing the ECG waveforms in the wavelet domain. The aim of the work is to develop an accurate classification algorithm that can be used to diagnose cardiac beat abnormalities detected using a mobile platform such as smart-phones. Continuous time recurrent neural network classifiers are considered for this task. Records from the European ST-T Database are decomposed in the wavelet domain using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) filter banks and the resulting DWT coefficients are filtered and used as inputs for training the neural network classifier. Advantages of the proposed methodology are the reduced memory requirement for the signals which is of relevance to mobile applications as well as an improvement in the ability of the neural network in its generalization ability due to the more parsimonious representation of the signal to its inputs.
Wall plaster sequences from the Neolithic town of Çatalhöyük have been analysed and compared to three types of natural sediment found in the vicinity of the site, using a range of analytical techniques. Block samples containing the plaster sequences were removed from the walls of several different buildings on the East Mound. Sub-samples were examined by IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence to determine the overall mineralogical and elemental composition, whilst thin sections were studied using optical polarising microscopy, IR Microscopy and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis. The results of this study have shown that there are two types of wall plaster found in the sequences and that the sediments used to produce these were obtained from at least two distinct sources. In particular, the presence of clay, calcite and magnesian calcite in the foundation plasters suggested that these were prepared predominantly from a marl source. On the other hand, the finishing plasters were found to contain dolomite with a small amount of clay and no calcite, revealing that softlime was used in their preparation. Whilst marl is located directly below and around Çatalhöyük, the nearest source of softlime is 6.5 km away, an indication that the latter was important to the Neolithic people, possibly due to the whiter colour (5Y 8/1) of this sediment. Furthermore, the same two plaster types were found on each wall of Building 49, the main building studied in this research, and in all five buildings investigated, suggesting that the use of these sources was an established practice for the inhabitants of several different households across the site.
Evidence is presented that the performance of the rationally designed MALDI matrix 4-chloro-α-cyanocinnamic acid (ClCCA) in comparison to its well-established predecessor α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) is significantly dependent on the sample preparation, such as the choice of the target plate. In this context, it becomes clear that any rational designs of MALDI matrices and their successful employment have to consider a larger set of physicochemical parameters, including sample crystallization and morphology/topology, in addition to parameters of basic (solution and/or gas-phase) chemistry.
The detection of physiological signals from the motor system (electromyographic signals) is being utilized in the practice clinic to guide the therapist in a more precise and accurate diagnosis of motor disorders. In this context, the process of decomposition of EMG (electromyographic) signals that includes the identification and classification of MUAP (Motor Unit Action Potential) of a EMG signal, is very important to help the therapist in the evaluation of motor disorders. The EMG decomposition is a complex task due to EMG features depend on the electrode type (needle or surface), its placement related to the muscle, the contraction level and the health of the Neuromuscular System. To date, the majority of researches on EMG decomposition utilize EMG signals acquired by needle electrodes, due to their advantages in processing this type of signal. However, relatively few researches have been conducted using surface EMG signals. Thus, this article aims to contribute to the clinical practice by presenting a technique that permit the decomposition of surface EMG signal via the use of Hidden Markov Models. This process is supported by the use of differential evolution and spectral clustering techniques. The developed system presented coherent results in: (1) identification of the number of Motor Units actives in the EMG signal; (2) presentation of the morphological patterns of MUAPs in the EMG signal; (3) identification of the firing sequence of the Motor Units. The model proposed in this work is an advance in the research area of decomposition of surface EMG signals.