893 resultados para Zammit, Brigitte
PURPOSE: To evaluate the consecutive treatment results regarding pterygium recurrence and the efficacy of exclusive strontium-/yttrium-90 beta-irradiation for primary and recurrent pterygia and to analyze the functional outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between October 1974 and December 2005, 58 primary and 21 recurrent pterygia were exclusively treated with strontium-/yttrium-90 beta-irradiation with doses ranging from 3,600 to 5,500 cGy. The follow-up time was 46.6 +/- 26.7 months, with a median of 46.5 months. RESULTS: The treatment led to a size reduction in all pterygia (p < 0.0001). Neither recurrences nor side effects were observed during therapy and follow-up in this study. Best-corrected visual acuity increased (p = 0.0064). Corneal astigmatism was reduced in recurrent pterygia (p = 0.009). CONCLUSION: Exclusive strontium-/yttrium-90 beta-irradiation of pterygia is a very efficient and well-tolerated treatment, with remarkable aesthetic and rehabilitative results in comparison to conventional treatments, especially for recurrent lesions which have undergone prior surgical excision.
Blood coagulation activation might be one mechanism linking acute mental stress with coronary events. We investigated the natural habituation of coagulation responses and recovery to short-term mental stress. Three times with one-week intervals, 24 men (mean age 47 +/- 7 years) underwent the same 13-min stressor (preparation, job interview, mental arithmetic). During each visit venous blood was obtained four times (baseline, immediately post-stress, 45 min of recovery, 105 min of recovery). Eight blood coagulation parameters were measured at weeks one and three. Acute stress provoked increases in von Willebrand factor antigen, fibrinogen, clotting factor FVII activity (FVII:C), FVIII:C, FXII:C (p's < or = 0.019), and D-dimer (N.S.). All coagulation parameters experienced full recovery except FVIII:C (p = 0.022). Stress did not significantly affect activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time. At all time points FVIII:C and FXII:C levels were significantly higher at week one compared to week three (p's < or = 0.041). Before catheter insertion, systolic blood pressure (p = 0.001) and heart rate (p = 0.026) were relatively higher at week one. Unlike the magnitude of systolic blood pressure response to stress (p = 0.007) and of cortisol recovery from stress (p = 0.002), the magnitude of all coagulation responses to stress and the recovery from stress were similar in week one and week three. Sympathetic activation with anticipatory stress best explained increased baseline activity in FVIII and FXII at week one. An incapacity of the coagulation system to adapt to stress repeats is perhaps a consequence of evolution, but might also contribute to increased coronary risk in some individuals, particularly in those with cardiovascular diseases.
The CYP17A1 gene is the qualitative regulator of steroidogenesis. Depending on the presence or absence of CYP17 activities mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids or adrenal androgens are produced. The expression of the CYP17A1 gene is tissue as well as species-specific. In contrast to humans, adrenals of rodents do not express the CYP17A1 gene and have therefore no P450c17 enzyme for cortisol production, but produce corticosterone. DNA methylation is involved in the tissue-specific silencing of the CYP17A1 gene in human placental JEG-3 cells. We investigated the role of DNA methylation for the tissue-specific expression of the CYP17A1 gene in rodents. Rats treated with the methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-deoxycytidine excreted the cortisol metabolite tetrahydrocortisol in their urine suggesting that treatment induced CYP17 expression and 17alpha-hydroxylase activity through demethylation. Accordingly, bisulfite modification experiments identified a methylated CpG island in the CYP17 promoter in DNA extracted from rat adrenals but not from testes. Both methyltransferase and histone deacetylase inhibitors induced the expression of the CYP17A1 gene in mouse adrenocortical Y1 cells which normally do not express CYP17, indicating that the expression of the mouse CYP17A1 gene is epigenetically controlled. The role of DNA methylation for CYP17 expression was further underlined by the finding that a reporter construct driven by the mouse -1041 bp CYP17 promoter was active in Y1 cells, thus excluding the lack of essential transcription factors for CYP17 expression in these adrenal cells.
OBJECTIVE: Vital exhaustion and depression are psychosocial risk factors of coronary artery disease. A hypercoagulable state in response to acute psychosocial stress contributes to atherothrombotic events. We aimed to investigate the hypothesis that vital exhaustion and depression correlate with stress-induced changes in the hypercoagulability marker D-dimer. METHODS: Thirty-eight healthy and nonsmoking school teachers (mean age 50+/-8 years, 55% women) completed the nine-item Maastricht Vital Exhaustion Questionnaire and the seven-item depression subscale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Within 1 week, subjects twice underwent the Trier Social Stress Test (i.e., preparation phase, mock job interview, and mental arithmetic that totaled 13 min). Plasma D-dimer levels were determined at five time points during the protocol. RESULTS: Vital exhaustion (P=.022; eta(2)=.080) and depressive symptoms (P=.011; eta(2)=.090) were associated with stress-induced changes in D-dimer levels over time controlling for sex and age. Elevated levels of vital exhaustion (r=-.46, P=.005) and of depression (r=-.51, P=.002) correlated with reduced D-dimer increase from pre-stress to immediately post-stress. Also, elevated vital exhaustion (r=.34, P=.044) and depression (r=.41, P=.013) were associated with increase (i.e., attenuated recovery) of D-dimer levels between 20 and 45 min post-stress. Controlling for stress hormone and blood pressure reactivity did not substantially alter these results. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest an attenuated immediate D-dimer stress response and delayed recovery of D-dimer levels post-stress with elevated vital exhaustion and depressive symptoms. In particular, the prolonged hypercoagulability after stress cessation might contribute to the atherothrombotic risk previously observed with vital exhaustion and depression, even at subclinical levels.
Depression and anxiety previously predicted coronary artery disease (CAD) risk. Inflammation contributes to CAD and shows an association with depression. We followed 57 teachers (mean 49+/-8 years) over 21 months and investigated whether changes in depressive and anxiety symptoms relate to those in the CAD risk and inflammation marker fibrinogen and vice versa. Increase in depressive symptoms and in fibrinogen levels were significantly correlated. While controlling for baseline depression rendered the association between changes in depression and fibrinogen nonsignificant, taking into account baseline fibrinogen levels maintained the predictive value of fibrinogen change for depression change. Anxiety and fibrinogen changes were not significantly correlated. This dynamic relationship between depression and the inflammatory biomarker fibrinogen might advance our knowledge about psychobiological mechanisms underlying both CAD and sickness behavior.
Hyperkalemia is a common life-threatening problem in hemodialysis patients. Because glycyrrhetinic acid (GA) inhibits the enzyme 11beta-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase II and thereby increases cortisol availability to the colonic mineralocorticoid receptor, it has the potential to lower serum potassium concentrations. To test this, 10 patients in a 6 month prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study were given cookies or bread rolls supplemented with glycyrrhetinic acid or placebo. Twenty-four-hour blood pressure measurements were performed at baseline and week 6 and 12 of each treatment period. The ratio of plasma cortisol/cortisone was significantly increased in all patients on GA as compared to baseline or placebo, indicating appropriate enzyme inhibition. Nine of the 10 patients had a persistent decrease in predialysis serum potassium concentration. On GA, mean predialysis serum potassium was significantly lower than at baseline or on placebo. On placebo, serum potassium was significantly elevated above the upper limit of normal in 76% compared to 30% of measurements during GA treatment. Furthermore, on this treatment the frequency of severe hyperkalemia significantly decreased from 9% to 0.6%. No differences were found in parameters reflecting sodium retention. Although these studies show that prolonged GA supplementation persistently lowers serum potassium in dialysis patients, a long-term toxicity study will be mandatory before we recommend the routine use of this treatment.
BACKGROUND: Stress-related hypercoagulability might link job stress with atherosclerosis. PURPOSE: This paper aims to study whether overcommitment, effort-reward imbalance, and the overcommitment by effort-reward imbalance interaction relate to an exaggerated procoagulant stress response. METHODS: We assessed job stress in 52 healthy teachers (49 +/- 8 years, 63% women) at study entry and, after a mean follow-up of 21 +/- 4 months, when they underwent an acute psychosocial stressor and had coagulation measures determined in plasma. In order to increase the reliability of job stress measures, entry and follow-up scores of overcommitment and of effort-reward imbalance were added up to total scores. RESULTS: During recovery from stress, elevated overcommitment correlated with D-dimer increase and with smaller fibrinogen decrease. In contrast, overcommitment was not associated with coagulation changes from pre-stress to immediately post-stress. Effort-reward imbalance and the interaction between overcommitment and effort-reward imbalance did not correlate with stress-induced changes in coagulation measures. CONCLUSIONS: Overcommitment predicted acute stress-induced hypercoagulability, particularly during the recovery period.
INTRODUCTION: Acute psychosocial stress accelerates blood coagulation and elicits hemoconcentration which mechanisms are implicated in acute coronary thrombotic events. We investigated the extent to which the change in prothrombotic measures with acute stress reflects hemoconcentration and genuine activation of coagulation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-one middle-aged healthy men underwent three sessions of a combined speech and mental arithmetic task with one-week intervals. Coagulation and plasma volume were assessed at baseline, immediately post-stress, and 45 min post-stress at sessions one and three. Measures of both visits were aggregated to enhance robustness of individual biological stress responses. Changes in eight coagulation measures with and without adjustment for simultaneous plasma volume shift were compared. RESULTS: From baseline to immediately post-stress, unadjusted levels of fibrinogen (p=0.028), clotting factor VII activity (FVII:C) (p=0.001), FVIII:C (p<0.001), FXII:C (p<0.001), and von Willebrand factor (VWF) (p=0.008) all increased. Taking into account hemoconcentration, fibrinogen (p=0.020) and FVII:C levels (p=0.001) decreased, activated partial prothrombin time (APPT) shortened (p<0.001) and prothrombin time (PT) was prolonged (p<0.001). Between baseline and 45 min post-stress, unadjusted (p=0.050) and adjusted (p=0.001) FVIII:C levels increased, adjusted APTT was prolonged (p=0.017), and adjusted PT was shortened (p=0.033). D-dimer levels did not significantly change over time. CONCLUSIONS: Adjustment for stress-hemoconcentration altered the course of unadjusted levels of several prothrombotic factors. After adjustment for hemoconcentration, APPT was shortened immediately post-stress, whereas 45 min post-stress, FVIII:C was increased and PT was shortened. Procoagulant changes to acute stress may reflect both hemoconcentration and genuine activation of coagulation molecules and pathways.
BACKGROUND: Circulating progenitor cells have been implicated with maintaining vascular integrity. Low counts are found in adults with high cardiovascular risk and are associated with impaired endothelial function. It remains unknown whether psychosocial risk factors are independently related to counts of circulating progenitor cells. METHODS: We investigated a random sample of 468 adult industrial employees (mean age 41.2 years, 89% men) of Caucasian origin. Cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, LDL, HDL and C-reactive protein), health behavior (smoking, alcohol and physical exercise), psychological variables (effort-reward imbalance social support, negative affectivity) and interaction terms served as predictors of circulating progenitor cells (CD34+ CD31dim) as enumerated by flow-cytometry. FINDINGS: Psychosocial variables were independently associated with progenitor cell counts. The association with risk factors increased with age (explained variance in 18-36 year olds R(2)=0.17, p=0.55; age 36.1-46 R(2)=0.32, p=0.001; age>46 R(2)=0.27, p<0.001). Data revealed a shift from a larger association between behavioral and psychosocial variables and cell counts to a stronger association between biological variables and cell counts in older individuals. A significant interaction was observed between smoking and effort-reward imbalance in middle-aged subjects, those with both risk factors present had lower cell counts. In older employees, the interaction between biological risk factors and smoking was related to lower cell counts. INTERPRETATION: In working middle-aged and older men, psychosocial risk factors were related to circulating counts of progenitor cells. Smoking interacted negatively with psychosocial risk factors (middle-aged men) or with biological risk factors (older employees).