952 resultados para Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri
Anabaena strains expressing the binary toxin genes of Bacillus sphaericus produce high larvicidal activity with living cells. Western blot analysis showed that the 51-kDa and 42-kDa toxin proteins were stable in Anabaena. When a DNA fragment upstream of the 51-kDa protein gene was deleted, the toxicity was reduced by over a hundred-fold, whereas deletions at the coding regions showed that the cooperation of the two proteins expressed in Anabaena is essential for the larvicidal activity. Outdoor tests showed that the genetically altered Anabaena could keep containers with natural water from being inhabited by Culex larvae for over 2 months.
本文从外部形态,骨骼特征,阴茎骨特征,背毛髓质和角质鳞片的比较以及地理分布等方面入手,对分布于我国的长吻松鼠属(Dremomys)松鼠的分类进行了系统整理,认为红腿长吻松鼠Dremomys pyrrhomerus,橙喉长吻松鼠Dremomys gularis应是有效的种。同时记述了该属的两个新亚种D.lokriah quboensis.subsp.nov. (西藏曲波河谷); D.pernyi chaundongensis.subsp.nov.(四川东北部,湖北西北部,陕西南部)。
本论文在国内外首次报导了中国辽宁海洋放线菌资源考察研究结果。结果表明中国辽宁海洋放线菌资源丰富;在分离出的海洋放线菌中以链霉菌属居绝对优势,占所分离菌株总数的90%以上,此外尚有少量的海洋小单孢菌和海洋诺卡氏菌;所获提的海洋链霉菌可分为7个类群,已鉴定出11个种和1个新种。选择生长较快的链霉菌属13株菌株,对其形态特征、培养特征、生理生化特征、抗菌谱、细胞化学组分、DNA中的G+C mol%等内容进行系统研究。结果,全部13株菌株均能忍耐6%NaCl和pH13的碱性,5株菌株能耐受10%NaCl;G+C mol%均在69.5%-72.5%之间;均为细胞壁I型;但在形态特征、培养特征、生理生长特性、抗菌谱等方面各菌株之间又有差异。根据链霉菌鉴定手册,将13株菌株中的12株逐一定名:(1)将菌株H72-9定名为威德摩尔链德菌(S. wedmorensis, H72-9),(2)将菌株H73定名为细黄链霉菌(S. microflavus, H73)(3)将菌株H74-2定名为天蓝色链霉菌生天蓝亚种(S. coelicolor,subsp. coelicoferus, H74-2),(4)将菌株Hai-75定名为娄彻氏链霉菌(S. rochei, Hai-75),(5)将菌株H75-2定名为鲜黄链霉菌(S. galbus, H75-2),(6)将菌株H76定名为束丛链霉菌(S. fasciculus, H76),(7)将菌株H77定名为灰红链霉菌(S. griseoruber, H77),(8)将菌株H78-1定名为栗褐链霉菌(S. badius, H78-1),(9)将菌株J5定名为吡啶霉素链霉菌(S. pyridomyceticus, J5),(10)将菌株J7定名为锈亦链霉菌(S. rubiginosus, J7),(11)将菌株J10和J11定名为栗色浑圆链霉菌(S. castaneoglobosus)。将13株中的另一株海洋放线菌Hai-74确定为放线菌新种,它除了在形态特征、培养特征、生理生化特性等与已知近似种有明显的不同外,最主要的是在其独特的“索状”孢子丝结构,为国内外首次发现,故将此新种命名为索孢天蓝链霉菌(Strepomyces multisticho-cateniformis n. sp. Xie and Ding)。在研究中国辽宁海洋放线菌的抗菌性能中,我们还首次发现并报道了海洋细黄链霉菌H73的抗菌物质,它能显著减轻大豆连作障碍(重茬大豆根际土壤紫青霉菌及其毒素对大豆的危害),因此在今后它很有可能被用来研制一种能够减轻大豆连作障碍的新型农用抗生系。为此,我们对海洋细黄链霉菌H73的基因组DNA文库进行了构建,这将为今后研究有关抗菌基因方面的工作奠定基础。
本文综述了放线菌分类学研究的目的和作用,分析了放线菌分类学的历史和现状,介绍了当前放线菌多相分类研究中所采用的技术方法及适用范围。同时还重点介绍了极端高温、低温、高盐放线菌分离及分类研究的进展。从云南采集高温温泉水样、火山口土样,从云南、新疆等地采集雪山土样,从新疆、青海等地采集盐碱土样进行放线菌分离,对不同极端环境下的放线菌分离方法进行探讨,并对分离到的部分典型放线菌菌株采用形态特征、培养特征,生理生化测定,细胞化学组份分析,DNA G+C mol%和DNA同源性测定,以及16SrDNA全序列分析等相结合的多相分类技术进行系统的分类研究。从表型、基因型及系统发育三个不同层次对其分类地位进行了最终确定。其中,分离自云南洱源温泉的菌株YIM60013和腾冲火山口的菌株YIM60032分别确定为高温放线菌属的两个新种:白色高温放线菌(Thermoactznomyces albus sp. nov.)和云南高温放线菌(Termoactomyces yunnanensis sp. nov.);分离自新疆北疆地区的一株低温放线菌菌株,结合其形态特征、细胞化学组份及16S rDNA序列分析将其鉴定为链霉菌的一个新种,北疆链霉菌(Streptomyces beijiangensis sp. nov.);来自新疆盐碱土样的6株嗜盐放线菌菌株YIM90001-90006中,菌株YIM90001被命名为嗜盐普氏菌新种(Prauserella halophila sp. nov.),菌株YIM90005被 命名为脱卤普氏菌新种(Prauserella dehalogenans sp. nov.),菌株YIM90002和YIM90003鉴定为拟诺卡氏菌科中的链单抱菌新属Streptomonospora gen. nov.)和它的两个新种:菌株YIM90002定为盐生链单抱菌新种(Streptomonospora saline sp. nov.),菌株YIM90003定为白色链单抱菌新种(Streptomonospora alba sp. nov.);菌株YIM90004和YIM90006分别被确定为拟诺卡氏菌属的一个新种和一个亚种:新疆拟诺卡氏菌新种(Nocardopsi sxiniangensis sp. nov.)和嗜阿拉伯糖新疆拟诺卡氏菌亚种( Noocardiopsi sxiniangensis subsparabicus subspnov,)。
本文以青藏高原东部的高山草甸为研究对象,设置早融、中间及晚融三个融雪部位,采用实验室测量、野外测量、野外样方调查相结合的 方法,从个体、种群和群落的水平上比较研究了高山雪场植物在同一雪场样地中不同融雪梯度上的特征变异及适应,结果表明: 从早融到晚融的梯度上,随着融雪时间的逐渐推迟,表土日温差降低,冻融交替的强度减弱,土壤水份逐渐增加,总N、总P、总K 以及 可溶性的N、P 和pH 变化不明显,土壤有机质及可溶性的K 和Ca 逐渐降低。冻融交替强度上的差异以及土壤水分差异被认为是融雪梯度上 影响植物生长的主要原因。 从早融到晚融的梯度上,伴随着生态因子的改变,几种常见植物的个体特征也发生相应的变化。首先,物候期推迟。植物开始生长的时间 一般要推迟将近二十天,但同一种植物在不同的融雪部位上的衰老期趋于一致,这预示着在晚融部位同一植物的生长期要缩短。其次,个体生 长特性发生改变。黑褐穗苔草(Carex atrofusca subsp. minor (Boott) T.Koyama)和西北黄芪(Astragalus fenzelianus Pet.-Stib.)的个体生长(株高、单株叶数、单叶面积和地上生物量)表现为逐渐增加的趋势;斑唇马先蒿(Pedicularis longiflora Rudolph var. tubiformis (Klotz.) Tsoong)和川西小黄菊(Pyrethrum tatsienense (Bur. et Franch.) Ling ex Shih.)则表现为逐渐降低的趋势;长叶火绒草(Leontopodium longifolium Ling)在融雪梯度上的变化趋势不明显。再次,从繁殖特性来看,大卫马先蒿(Pedicularis davidii var. pentodon Tsoong)的单株花数、单花种子数、种子千粒重及种子萌发率随融雪的推迟呈现为逐渐增加的趋势;圆穗蓼(Polygonum macrophyllum D.Don)的种子(小坚果)千粒重和萌发率也表现为逐渐增加,其余繁殖特征变化不明显。 在种群层次上,几个常见物种的分布格局随着融雪的推迟都发生一定的变化,基本上表现为从早融的集群分布到中间或晚融部位的随机分布。物种间的联结性也发生较大的变化,由早融部位的总体上的正关联逐步过度到晚融部位上的总体上的负关联。特定种对间的联结性也发生较大的变化。恶劣环境条件(如剧烈的冻融交替)的影响以及对恶劣条件适应被认为是分布格局及种间联结性发生变化的主要原因。 在群落层次上,物种多样性的变化表现为单峰曲线的格局,即在中间部位多样性最高。早融部位强烈的冻融交替和晚融部位缩短的生长季是早融及晚融部位物种多样性不高的重要原因。几乎所有的只出现在一个融雪部位(雪深级别)上的物种都发生在中间融雪部位。这说明,中等的雪深更有利于许多高山植物的存活,而过浅过深的积雪都不利于植物的生存。另外,相距较近的融雪梯度之间的物种相似性较大,而相距较远的梯度之间物种的替代率较高,物种的相似性较小。在群落的生物量方面,地上生物量随融雪的推迟而升高,地下生物量随融雪的推迟而下降,地上与地下生物量之总和随着融雪的推迟而下降,地下生物量与地上生物量之比随着融雪的推迟而下降。早融部位的地上生物量主要集中于地上0-10cm 的范围内,表明在早融部位植物地上部分有变矮的趋势;早融部位的地下生物量在土壤各深度分布相对较均一,而晚融部位地下生物量则主要集中于地下0-10cm 的范围内。生物量的变化趋势主要与雪场中各部位的土壤水分含量及地表日温度差异有关,是植物适应特定环境的结果。 To detect the plants’ responses to snow-cover gradients in an alpine meadow of eastern Tibetan plateau, laboratory method and field sample plot method were employed, and three gradeients (early-, medium and late-melting)were established in a natural snowbed. The measurements were carried out for two years and was done on three levels——individual, population and community. The results are shown as follows : From early- to late-melting gradients, daily ground temperature difference between day and night decreased, amplitude of freeze-thaw alternation weakened, soil organic matter contents and soluble K and Ca decreased, while soil water content increased. Total N, total P, total K,pH soluble N and soluble P kept constant from early- to late-melting portions. Among these factors, the changes of intense freeze-thaw alternation and soil water contents were considered as main factors affecting plants’ growth. From early- to late-melting portions, all phenological phases postponed, e.g. phase of plant emergence postponed almost twenty days. However, the same species’ individuals at different portions withered in step, which implied that the individuals at late-melting portion possessed shorter growing season length. Along the same gradient, both Carex atrofusca subsp. minor (Boott) T. Koyama and Astragalus fenzelianus Pet.-Stib. increased their individual growth, whereas Pedicularis longiflora Rudolph var. tubiformis (Klotz.) Tsoong and Pyrethrum tatsienense (Bur. et Franch.) Ling ex Shih. decreased their individual growth. Unlike the four plants mentioned above, Leontopodium longifolium L. did not show any evident change. As to reproductive charateristics, the flowers per individual, the number of seeds per flower, the thousand seed weight and the seed germination rate of Pedicularis davidii var. pentodon showed an increasing trend; and Polygonum macrophyllum D.Don also increased its thousand seed weight and seed germination rate along the same gradient. However, the other reproductive charateristics of Polygonum macrophyllum D.Don did not change significantly. At population level, the distribution pattern of several selected species changed from cluster pattern to random pattern as the snowmelt postponed. Overall association among the species changed from positive to negative along the same gradient. Further, interspecific association also changed evidently. Adverse circumstances such as intense freeze-thaw alternation were considered as primary factors resulting in changes of population distribution pattern and interspecific association. At the level of community, species diversity showed a pattern of a unimodal trend, i.e. the highest diversity occurred at medium snow depth,perhaps because of intense freeze-thaw alternation at early-melting portions and the shortest growing season at late-melting portions. Almost all species that only appeared at one snowmelt portion occurred at medium portion, indicating that medium snow depth was more suitable for many species’ survival. Species replacement from one snowmelt portion to its neighboring portion seldom took place. However, while distance between two portions became farther, species replacement between the two portions occurred more frequently. As for biomass, aboveground biomass increased from early- to late-melting portions, whereas belowground biomass, total biomass and the ratio of belowground to aboveground all decreased along the same snow gradient. A majority of aboveground biomass distributed in a height range of 0-10 cm, suggesting that height of plants inhabiting early-melting portion be shorter compared with other portions. In addition, belowground biomass at early-melting portion was evenly distributed at different soil depth in comparison with aboveground biomass, whereas belowground biomass at late-melting portion concentrated 0-10cm soil layer below ground. The changing trend of biomass was also related to two factors. One was soil water content, and the other topsoil temperature difference between day and night.
高等植物种子胚乳贮藏蛋白是种子发芽时的主要氮源,也是人类和动物食用植物蛋白的主要来源。大麦种子胚乳贮藏蛋白主要是醇溶蛋白(hordeins),占大麦胚乳总蛋白的50–60%。根据大麦醇溶蛋白的大小和组成特点,大麦醇溶蛋白被划分为三种类型:富硫蛋白亚类(B,γ-hordeins)、贫硫蛋白亚类(C-hordeins)以及高分子量蛋白亚类(D-hordeins)。B组和C组醇溶蛋白是大麦胚乳的两类主要贮藏蛋白,它们分别占大麦总醇溶蛋白成分的70–80%和10–12%。遗传分析表明,大麦B、C、D和γ-组醇溶蛋白分别是由位于大麦第五染色体1H(5)上的Hor2、Hor1、Hor3和Hor5位点编码。Hor2位点编码大量分子量相同但组成不同的B组醇溶蛋白(B-hordein)。B-hordein的种类、数量和分布是影响大麦酿造、食用及饲养品质的重要因素之一。为深入了解B-hordein基因家族的结构和染色体组织,探明Hor2位点基因表达的发育调控机制,最终达到改良禾谷类作物籽粒品质的目的,本研究以青藏高原青稞为材料,采用同源克隆法,分别克隆B-hordein基因和启动子,通过原核生物表达验证B-hordein基因功能,并利用实时定量PCR探索B-hordein基因表达时空关系,取得如下研究结果: 1. 以具有特殊B组醇溶蛋白亚基组成的9份青藏高原青稞为材料,根据GenBank中三个B-hordein基因序列(GenBank No. X03103, X53690和X53691)设计一对引物,通过PCR扩增,获得23个B-hordein基因克隆并对其进行了序列分析。核苷酸序列分析表明,所有克隆均包含完整的开放阅读框。有11个克隆都存在一个框内终止密码子,推测这11个克隆可能是假基因。推测的氨基酸序列分析表明,所有大麦B-hordein具有相似的蛋白质基本结构,均包括一个高度保守的信号肽、中间重复区以及C-端结构域。不同大麦种重复区内重复基元的数目有较大差异。青稞材料Z07–2和Z26的B-hordeins仅具有12个重复基元结构,更接近于野生大麦。这些重复基元数目的差异导致了重复区序列长度和结构的变异。这种现象极可能是由于醇溶谷蛋白基因在进化过程中染色体的不平衡交换或复制滑动所造成的。对所克隆基因和禾本科代表性醇溶谷蛋白基因进行聚类分析,结果表明所有来自栽培大麦的B-hordeins聚类成一个亚家族,来自野生大麦的B-hordeins以及普通小麦的LMW-GS聚类成另外一个亚家族,表明这两个亚家族的成员存在显著差异。此外,我们发现B-hordein基因推测的C-末端序列具有一些有规律的特征:即具有相同C-末端序列的B-hordein基因在系统发生树中聚类为同一个亚组(除BXQ053,BZ09-1,BZ26-5分别单独聚为一类外)。这个特征将有助于我们对所有B组醇溶蛋白基因家族成员进行分类,避免了在SDS-PAGE电泳图谱上仅依靠大小分类的局限性。 2. 根据上述克隆的青稞B-hordein基因的5’端序列设计三条基因特异的反向引物,以青稞Z09和Z26的基因组DNA为模板,采用SON-PCR和TAIL-PCR技术分离克隆出8个B-hordein基因的上游调控序列(命名为Z09P和Z26P)。序列分析表明,推测的TATA box位于–80 bp,CAAT–like box位于–140 bp处。此外,Z09P和Z26P中有六个序列在–300 bp处均存在一个由高度保守的EM基序和类GCN4基序构成的胚乳盒(Endosperm Box,EB),在约–560 bp处存在一个胚乳盒类似结构。而Z09P-2和Z26P-3不存在保守的胚乳盒或其类似结构,预示着这两个启动子所调控的基因表达可能受不同类型反式作用因子的调节,推测该启动子对基因的表达调控具有多样性。 3. 将B-hordein基因的开放阅读框定向克隆到表达载体pET-30a中,将其导入大肠杆菌表达菌株BL21中进行外源基因的诱导表达以验证所克隆基因的功能。结果表明仅含重组子pET-BZ07-2和pET-BZ26-5的BL21细菌有目的表达蛋白产生。在诱导3 h时的蛋白表达量最高;3 mM IPTG诱导的蛋白表达量要高于1 mM IPTG诱导的表达量。这为分离纯化B-hordein蛋白以及进一步研究其对大麦籽粒品质的影响奠定基础。 4. 根据从青稞Z09和Z26中分离克隆的B-hordein基因序列设计一对基因特异的引物,同时,选择大麦α-微管蛋白基因(GenBank no. U40042)为看家基因并设计特异引物,利用实时荧光定量PCR检测了青稞籽粒4个胚乳发育时间段的B-hordein基因表达,荧光定量结果显示:两份材料中B-hordein基因的表达量均随发育过程的进行而逐渐升高。Z09中B-hordein基因在开花后7天开始转录,而Z26开花4天后就有低水平B-hordein的表达,这表明Z26中B-hordein基因可能比Z09表达的较早或者Z09中B-hordein基因表达水平较低以致于不能被检测到。此外,在4个不同的胚乳发育时期中,Z26中B-hordein基因的表达量均高于Z09材料。在开花12天到18天的过程中,Z09和Z26中B-hordein基因的表达水平有一个急剧性的升高。这说明在不同胚乳发育时期,Hor2位点的B-hordein等位基因变异体存在mRNA的差异表达。 Seed endosperm storage proteins in higher plants are the main resources of nitrogen for germinating and plant proteins for human and animals. Barley prolamins (also called hordeins) are the major storage proteins in the endosperm and account for 50–60% of total proteins. Hordeins are classically divided into three groups: sulphur-rich (B, γ-hordeins), sulphur-poor (C-hordeins) and high molecular weight (HMW, D-hordeins) hordeins based on the size and composition. B-hordeins and C-hordeins are two major groups and each respectively account for about 70-80% and 10-12% of the total hordein fraction in barley endosperm. Genetic analysis showed that B-, C-, C-, γ-hordeins are encoded by Hor2, Hor1, Hor3 and Hor5 locus on the chromosome 1H (5). Hor2 locus is rich in alleles that encode numerous heterogeneous B-hordein polypeptides. It is reported that B-hordein species, quantity and distribution are significant factors affecting malting, food and feed quality of barley. To understand comprehensively the structure and organization of B-hordein gene family in hull-less barley and explore the developmental control mechanisms of Hor2 locus gene expression and eventually to better exploitation in crop grain quality improvement, we isolated and cloned B-hordein genes and promotors of hull-less barley from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by PCR, and testified their expression founction in bacteria expression system and explore their spatial and temporal expression pattern by quantitative real time PCR. Our results are as followed, 1. Twenty-three copies of B-hordein gene were cloned from nine hull-less barley cultivars of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with special B-hordein subunits and molecularly characterized by PCR, based on three B-hordein genes published previously (GenBank No. X03103, X53690 and X53691). DNA sequences analyses confirmed that the six clones all contained a full-length coding region of the barley B-hordein genes. Eleven clones all contain an in-frame stop codon and they are probably pseudogenes. The analysis of deduced amino acid sequences of the genes shows that they have similar structures including signal peptide domain, central repetitive domain, and C-terminal domain. The number of the repeats was largerly variable and resulted in polypeptides in different sizes or structures among the genes. Twelve such repeated motifs were found in Z07–2 and Z26, and they are close to those of the wild barleys, and it is most probably caused by unequal crossing-over and/or slippage during replication as suggested for the evolution of other prolamins. The relatedness of prolamin genes of barley and wheat was assessed in the phylogenetic tree based on their polypeptides comparison. Our phylogenetic analysis suggested that the predicted B-hordeins of cultivated barley formed a subfamily, while the B-hordeins of wild barleys and the two most similar sequences of LMW-GS of T. aestivum formed another subfamily. This result indicated that the members of the two subfamilys have a distinctive difference. In addition, we found the B-hordeins with identical C-terminal end sequences were clustered into a same subgroup (except BXQ053,BZ09-1 and BZ26-5 as a sole group, respectively), so we believe that B-hordein gene subfamilies possibly can be classified on the basis of the conserved C-terminal end sequences of predicted polypeptide and without the limit of SDS-PAGE protein banding patterns. 2. The specific primers were designed according to the published sequences of barley B-hordein genes from Z09 and Z26. Using total DNA isolated from them as the templates, eight clones (designated Z09Pand Z26P) of upstream sequences of the known B-hordein genes was obtained by TAIL-PCR and SON-PCR. Sequences analysis shows that the putative TATA box was present at position –80 bp and CAAT-like box at position –140 bp. Besides, a putative Endosperm Box including an Endosperm Motif (EM) and a GCN4-Like Motif was found at position –300 bp in six clones, and another Endosperm-like box was found at positon –560 bp. While the Endosperm Box or Endosperm-like box was not found in Z09P-2 and Z26P-3. This may indicate that gene expression drived by the two promtors was probably controlled by different trans-acting factors and the genetic control mechanism of corresponding gene expression may be diverse. 3. The B-hordein genic region coding for the mature peptide was cloned into expression vector pET-30a and transformed into bacterial strain BL21 for identifying gene expression fountion. Protein SDS–PAGE analysis showed that only the transformed lysate with the pET-BZ07-2 and pET-BZ26-5 constructs produced proteins related to B-group hordeins of barley, and the mounts of proteins induced by 3 mM IPTG and 3 h were higher than other conditions. This established a base for isolating and putifying B-hordein and further exploring their effects on barley grain quality. 4. The gene-specific primers of B-hordein genes from Z09 and Z26 were used for the quantification of B-hordein gene expression. The α-tubulin gene from Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare (GenBank accession number U40042) was used as a control gene. The result shows the transcription of the B-hordein genes in Z09 was found 7 days after flowering, while the transcription of the B-hordein genes in Z26 was found 4 days after flowering, but at a very low level, and it suggested that the B-hordein genes in Z26 probably expressed earlier than those in Z09, or the B-hordein genes in Z09 expressed at so a lower level than Z26 that it can not detected. In addition, B-hordein genes in Z26 accession showed higher expression levels than those in Z09 in four developing stages. Furthermore, a progressive increase in the expression levels of the B-hordein genes between 12 and 18 days after anthesis was observed in both Z09 and Z26. It implies that the B-hordein allelic variants encoded by Hor2 locus exist the differential expression in mRNA levels of during barley endosperm development.
由于青藏高原的地理效应,第四纪冰期气候的反复变化应对现今该地区生物的地理分布及其居群遗传结构产生重大影响。肋果沙棘Hippophae neurocarpa是青藏高原地区的一个特有种,根据叶上的附属物(星状鳞毛或者鳞片状鳞毛)分为两个亚种:肋果沙棘亚种subsp.neurocarpa和密毛肋果沙棘亚种subsp.stellatopilosa。依据母系遗传的叶绿体DNA片段对该物种谱系地理学进行研究不仅能阐明该物种冰期避难所,而且对于理解两个亚种的母系分化也具有重要意义。共对两个亚种14居群的70个个体的trnL-F序列进行了测序,共发现8种单倍型,其中5种单倍型出现在肋果沙棘亚种中,4种出现在密毛肋果沙棘亚种中,两个亚种共享一种单倍型。种内谱系分化与两个亚种形态上的分化不一致。嵌套进化分支把8种单倍型分为三支:一支为肋果沙棘亚种,其他两支中两个亚种单倍型嵌套组成,且肋果沙棘亚种处于进化末端。我们的研究结果还表明肋果沙棘在冰期可能在高海拔地区存在多个避难所,并且存在来自避难所的邻域扩张。
分析和报道了马先蒿属(Pedicularis Linn.)分布于青藏高原东北部6个特有种的核型,并根据核型及其有关参数,分析和比较了该6种马先蒿核型的不对称性和相对进化程度。6个种的体细胞染色体数目都是2n=16。核型分别为:绵德马先蒿P.pilostachya Maxim.,核型公式K(2n)=16=4m+12sm,染色体相对长度组成2L+6M2+6M1+2S,核型不对称系数As·K=65.29%,属于2A型;青海马先蒿P.przewalskii Maxim.,K(2n)=16=8m(SAT)+4sm+2s+2t,2L+8M2+2M1+4S,As·K=65.02%,2B型;华马先蒿P.oederi Vahl.var.sinensis(Maxim.)Hurus.,K(2n)=16=12m+4sm,2L+4M2+8M1+2 S,As·K=59.89%,2B型;粗野马先蒿P.rudis Maxim.,K(2n)=16=4m+10sm+2st,4L+4M2+4M1+2 S,As·K=68.10%,2B型;甘肃马先蒿P.kansuensis Maxim. Subsp. kansuensis,K(2n)=16=6m+6sm+2st+2t,2L+6M2+6M1+2 S,As·K=68.92%,2A型;藓生马先蒿P.muscicola Maxim. K(2n)=16=8m(SAT)+8sm,2L=8M2+4M1+2S,As·K=62.64%,2B型。根据这6个种的核型和已有资料,认为该属的染色体基数x=8,极少数种有多倍体。通过对以上6种核型及进化程度的比较,该属核型变异较大,以中部着丝粒染色体为组成基础(较原始的种类,如华马先蒿和绵穗马先蒿),端部或近端部着丝粒染色体存在与否与该属内种的进化程度有关。核型不对称性所表示的进化程度似乎与花冠的演化有联系。
Summer diets of two sympatric raptors Upland Buzzards (Buteo hemilasius Temminck et Schlegel) and Eurasian Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo L. subsp. Hemachalana Hume) were studied in an alpine meadow (3250 m a.s.l.) on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Root voles Microtus oeconomus Pallas, plateau pikas Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson, Gansu pikas O. cansus Lyon and plateau zokors Myospalax baileyi Thomas were the main diet components of Upland Buzzards as identified through the pellets analysis with the frequency of 57, 20, 19 and 4%, respectively. The four rodent species also were the main diet components of Eurasian Eagle Owls basing on the pellets and prey leftovers analysis with the frequency of 53, 26, 13 and 5%, respectively. The food niche breadth indexes of Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls were 1.60 and 1.77 respectively (higher value of the index means the food niche of the raptor is broader), and the diet overlap index of the two raptors was larger (C-ue = 0.90) (the index range from 0 - no overlap - to I - complete overlap). It means that the diets of Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls were similar (Two Related Samples Test, Z = -0.752, P = 0.452). The classical resource partitioning theory can not explain the coexistence of Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls in alpine meadows of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. However, differences in body size, predation mode and activity rhythm between Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls may explain the coexistence of these two sympatric raptors.
Doenças causadas por fungos: Antracnose (Colletotrichum truncatum), Cancro da haste (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. meridionalis e D. phaseolorum var. caulivora), Crestamento foliar de cercóspora e mancha púrpura (Cercospora kikuchii), Ferrugem (Phakopsora pachyrhizi e P. meibomiae), Mancha alvo e podridão radicular de corinéspora (Corynespora cassiicola), Mancha foliar de ascoquita (Ascochyta sojae), Mancha foliar de mirotécio (Myrothecium roridum), Mancha olho-de-rã (Cercospora sojina), Mancha parda (Septoria glycines), Mela ou requeima (Rhizoctonia solani AG1), Míldio (Peronospora manshurica), Tombamento e morte em reboleira de rizoctonia (Rhizoctonia solani), Tombamento e murcha de esclerócio (Sclerotium rolfsii), Oídio (Erysiphe diffusa), Podridão branca da haste (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), Podridão de carvão da raiz (Macrophomina phaseolina), Podridão parda da haste (Cadophora gregata), Podridão radicular de roselínia (Rosellinia necatrix), Seca da haste e da vagem (Phomopsis spp.), Podridão radicular de fitóftora (Phytophthora sojae), Podridão vermelha da raiz (Fusarium spp.). Doenças causadas por bactérias: Crestamento bacteriano (Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. glycinea), Fogo Selvagem (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci), Pústula bacteriana (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines). Doenças causadas por vírus: Mosaico cálico (Alfalfa Mosaic Virus - AMV), Mosqueado do feijão (Bean Pod Mottle Virus - BPMV), Mosaico comum da soja (Soybean Mosaic Virus - SMV), Necrose da haste (Cowpea Mild Mottle Virus - CPMMV), Queima do broto (Tobacco Streak Virus - TSV). Doenças causadas por nematóides: Nematóide de cisto (Heterodera glycines), Nematóides de galhas (Meloidogyne incognita e M. javanica), Nematóide das lesões (Pratylenchus spp.), Nematóide reniforme (Rotylenchulus reniformis). Estádios de desenvolvimento da soja.
Página modelo; Simbologia empregada; Doenças causadas por fungos; Míldio da soja (Peronospora manshurica); Oídio da soja (Microsphaera diffusa); Ferrugem asiática (Phakopsora pachyrhizi); Mancha parda da folha (Septoria glycines); Mancha alvo (Corynespora cassiicola); Mancha olho-de-rã (Cercospora sojina); Mancha púrpura (Cercospora kikuchi); Seca da haste e da vagem (Phomopsis spp.); Antracnose (Colletotrichum truncatum); Cancro da haste (Phomopsis phaseoli f. sp. meridionalis); Podridão parda da haste (Phialophora gregata); Podridão vermelha da raiz (Fusarium solani); Mofo branco da haste (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum); Murcha de esclerotium (Sclerotium rolfsii); Podridão da raiz e da haste (Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea); Mela da folha (Rhizoctonia solani); Tombamento (Rhizoctonia solani); Morte em reboleira (Rhizoctonia solani); Roseliniose (Dematophora necatrix); Podridão negra da raiz (Macrophomina phaseolina); Doenças causadas por nematóides; Nematóide de cisto (Heterodera glycines); Nematóide de galha (Meloidogyne incognita); Doenças causadas por vírus; Mosaico comum da soja; Queima do broto; Doenças causadas por bactérias; Pústula bacteriana (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines); Fogo selvagem (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci); Crestamento bacteriano (Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. glycinea); Microorganismos que frequentemente causam a morte das sementes a campo; Aspergillus spp.; Penicillium spp.; Bacillus subtilis; Créditos fotográficos; Estádios vegetativos da planta de soja; Estádios reprodutivos da planta de soja.
Mildio da soja (Peronospera manshurica); Oidio da soja (Microsphaera diffusa); Mancha parda da folha (Septoria glycines); Mancha alvo (Corynespora cassiicola); Mancha de alternaria (Alternaria spp.); Mancha olho-de-rã (Cercospora sojina); Mancha purpura (Cercospora kikuchii); Seca da haste e da vagem (Phomopsis spp.); Antracnose (Colletotrichum truncatum); Cancro da haste (Phomopsis phaseoli f. sp. meridionalis); Podridão parda da haste (Phialophora gregata); Podridão vermelha da raiz (Fusarium solani); Mofo branco da haste (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum); Murcha de esclerotium (Sclerotium rolfsii); Podridão da raiz e da haste (Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea); Mela da folha (Rhizoctonia solani); Tombamento (Rhizoctonia solani); Morte em reboleira (Rhizoctonia solani); Roseliniose (Dematophora necatrix); Podridão negra da raiz (Macrophomina phaseolina); Nematoide de cisto (Heterodera glycines); Nematoide de galha (Meloidogyne incognita); Mosaico comum da soja; Queima do broto; Pustula bacteriana (Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines); Fogo selvagem (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci); Crestamento bacteriano (Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea); Aspergillus spp.; Penicillium spp.; Bacillus subtilis; Créditos fotográficos; Estádios vegetativos da planta de soja; Estádios produtivos da planta de soja.
Organizmy autotroficzne żyjące w ekosystemach wodnych, czerpią azot nieorganiczny z azotanów, azotynów i amoniaku. Związki te dostają się do zbiorników wodnych wraz ze spływem powierzchniowym, opadami oraz wodami gruntowymi. Wszystkie formy związków azotu ulegają licznym przemianom biochemicznym zachodzącym w słupie wody. Mowa tu głównie o amonifikacji, nitryfikacji oraz denitryfikacji częściowej i całkowitej. Jako, że z tymi przemianami wiąże się także zmiana stopnia utlenienia, zajście powyższych reakcji w głównej mierze zależy od stężenia tlenu w wodzie (Lampert i Sommer 2001). Glony z rodzaju błonica (Ulva) i gałęzatka (Cladophora) większą część swojego cyklu życiowego spędzają blisko powierzchni wody, gdzie przeprowadzają fotosyntezę i intensywnie się namnażają. Wiąże się również z wysokim zapotrzebowaniem na biogeny oraz z silną konkurencją o inne zasoby (jak np. światło) z innymi roślinami wodnymi. Obok węgla, wodoru i tlenu glony i rośliny wodne wymagają do wzrostu i swojego rozwoju dodatkowych elementów (między innymi N, P i mikroelementy). Większość z tych składników jest zwykle obecna w ekosystemie wodnym w odpowiednich ilościach w stosunku do potrzeb organizmów fotosyntetyzujących i nie należy od czynników limitujących wzrost. Jednak zawartości nieorganicznych form azotu i fosforu mogą być na tyle niskie, że powodują limitację wzrostu makroglonów w wodach powierzchniowych. Asymilacja pierwiastków biogennych (N, P) z wody zachodzi dzięki specjalnym, energo-zależnym i powiązanych z błoną komórkową systemom permeazy, których funkcją jest zapewnienie podwyższonego, wewnątrzkomórkowego stężenia tych jonów jako substratów do dalszych szlaków i procesów enzymatycznych (Gumiński 1990).
Lacticin 3147, enterocin AS-48, lacticin 481, variacin, and sakacin P are bacteriocins offering promising perspectives in terms of preservation and shelf-life extension of food products and should find commercial application in the near future. The studies detailing their characterization and bio-preservative applications are reviewed. Transcriptomic analyses showed a cell wall-targeted response of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 during the early stages of infection with the lytic bacteriophage c2, which is probably orchestrated by a number of membrane stress proteins and involves D-alanylation of membrane lipoteichoic acids, restoration of the physiological proton motive force disrupted following bacteriophage infection, and energy conservation. Sequencing of the eight plasmids of L. lactis subsp. cremoris DPC3758 from raw milk cheese revealed three anti-phage restriction/modification (R/M) systems, immunity/resistance to nisin, lacticin 481, cadmium and copper, and six conjugative/mobilization regions. A food-grade derivative strain with enhanced bacteriophage resistance was generated via stacking of R/M plasmids. Sequencing and functional analysis of the four plasmids of L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis DPC3901 from raw milk cheese revealed genes novel to Lactococcus and typical of bacteria associated with plants, in addition to genes associated with plant-derived lactococcal strains. The functionality of a novel high-affinity regulated system for cobalt uptake was demonstrated. The bacteriophage resistant and bacteriocin-producing plasmid pMRC01 places a metabolic burden on lactococcal hosts resulting in lowered growth rates and increased cell permeability and autolysis. The magnitude of these effects is strain dependent but not related to bacteriocin production. Starters’ acidification capacity is not significantly affected. Transcriptomic analyses showed that pMRC01 abortive infection (Abi) system is probably subjected to a complex regulatory control by Rgg-like ORF51 and CopG-like ORF58 proteins. These regulators are suggested to modulate the activity of the putative Abi effectors ORF50 and ORF49 exhibiting topology and functional similarities to the Rex system aborting bacteriophage λ lytic growth.
The response of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris NCDO 712 to low water activity (aw) was investigated, both in relation to growth following moderate reductions in the aw and in terms of survival following substantial reduction of the aw with NaCI. Lc.lactis NCDO 712 was capable of growth in the presence of ≤ 4% w/v NaCI and concentrations in excess of 4% w/v were lethal to the cells. The presence of magnesium ions significantly increased the resistance of NCDO 712 to challenge with NaCI and also to challenge with high temperature or low pH. Survival of Lc.lactis NCDO 712 exposed to high NaCI concentrations was growth phase dependent and cells were most sensitive in the early exponential phase of growth. Pre-exposure to 3% w/v NaCI induced limited protection against subsequent challenge with higher NaCI concentrations. The induction was inhibited by chloramphenicol and even when induced, the response did not protect against NaCI concentrations> 10% w/v. When growing at low aw, potassium was accumulated by Lc. lactis NCDO 712 growing at low aw, if the aw was reduced by glucose or fructose, but not by NaCI. Reducing the potassium concentration of chemically defined medium from 20 to 0.5 mM) produced a substantial reduction in the growth rate, if the aw was reduced with NaCI, but not with glucose or fructose. The reduction of the growth rate correlated strongly with a reduction in the cytoplasmic potassium concentration and in cell volume. Addition of the compatible solute glycine betaine, partially reversed the inhibition of growth rate and partially restored the cell volume. The potassium transport system was characterised in cells grown in medium at both high and low aw. It appeared that a single system was present, which was induced approximately two-fold by growth at low aw. Potassium transport was assayed in vitro using cells depleted of potassium; the assay was competitively inhibited by Na+ and by the other monovalent cations NH4+, Li+, and Cs+. There was a strong correlation between the ability of strains of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and subsp. cremoris to grow at low aw and their ability to accumulate the compatible solute glycine betaine. The Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris strains incapable of growth at NaCI concentrations> 2% w/v did not accumulate glycine betaine when growing at low aw, whereas strains capable of growth at NaCI concentrations up to 4% w/v did. A mutant, extremely sensitive to low aw was isolated from the parent strain Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris MG 1363, a plasmid free derivative of NCDO 712. The parent strain tolerated up to 4% w/v NaCI and actively accumulated glycine betaine when challenged at low aw. The mutant had lost the ability to accumulate glycine betaine and was incapable of growth at NaCI concentrations >2% w/v or the equivalent concentration of glucose. As no other compatible solute seemed capable of substitution for glycine betaine, the data suggest that the traditional; phenotypic speciation of strains on the basis of tolerance to 4% w/v NaCI can be explained as possession or lack of a glycine betaine transport system.