797 resultados para Whole body counters
The specific-locus test (SLT) detects new mutants among mice heterozygous for seven recessive visible markers. Spontaneous mutations can be manifested not only as singleton whole-body mutants in controls (for which we report new data), but as mosaics—either visible (manifesting mottled coat color) in the scored generation (G2) or masked, among the wild-type parental generation (G1). Masked G1 mosaics reveal themselves by producing clusters of whole-body mutants in G2. We provide evidence that most, if not all, mosaics detected in the SLT (both radiation and control progenies) result from a single-strand spontaneous mutation subsequent to the last premeiotic mitosis and before the first postmeiotic one of a parental genome—the “perigametic interval.” Such events in the genomes of the G1 and G0 result, respectively, in visible and masked 50:50 mosaics. Per cell cycle, the spontaneous mutation rate in the perigametic interval is much higher than that in pregamete mitotic divisions. A clearly different locus spectrum further supports the hypothesis of different origin, and casts further doubt on the validity of the doubling-dose risk-estimation method. Because mosaics cannot have arisen in mitotic germ cells, and are not induced by radiation exposure in the perigametic interval, they should not be included in calculations of radiation-induced germ-line mutation rates. For per-generation calculations, inclusion of mosaics yields a spontaneous frequency 1.7 times that calculated from singletons alone for mutations contributed by males; including both sexes, the multiple is 2.2.
The speed of absorption of dietary amino acids by the gut varies according to the type of ingested dietary protein. This could affect postprandial protein synthesis, breakdown, and deposition. To test this hypothesis, two intrinsically 13C-leucine-labeled milk proteins, casein (CAS) and whey protein (WP), of different physicochemical properties were ingested as one single meal by healthy adults. Postprandial whole body leucine kinetics were assessed by using a dual tracer methodology. WP induced a dramatic but short increase of plasma amino acids. CAS induced a prolonged plateau of moderate hyperaminoacidemia, probably because of a slow gastric emptying. Whole body protein breakdown was inhibited by 34% after CAS ingestion but not after WP ingestion. Postprandial protein synthesis was stimulated by 68% with the WP meal and to a lesser extent (+31%) with the CAS meal. Postprandial whole body leucine oxidation over 7 h was lower with CAS (272 ± 91 μmol⋅kg−1) than with WP (373 ± 56 μmol⋅kg−1). Leucine intake was identical in both meals (380 μmol⋅kg−1). Therefore, net leucine balance over the 7 h after the meal was more positive with CAS than with WP (P < 0.05, WP vs. CAS). In conclusion, the speed of protein digestion and amino acid absorption from the gut has a major effect on whole body protein anabolism after one single meal. By analogy with carbohydrate metabolism, slow and fast proteins modulate the postprandial metabolic response, a concept to be applied to wasting situations.
DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation (IR) activates p53, leading to the regulation of downstream pathways that control cell-cycle progression and apoptosis. However, the mechanisms for the IR-induced p53 activation and the differential activation of pathways downstream of p53 are unclear. Here we provide evidence that the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) serves as an upstream effector for p53 activation in response to IR, linking DNA damage to apoptosis. DNA-PKcs knockout (DNA-PKcs−/−) mice were exposed to whole-body IR, and the cell-cycle and apoptotic responses were examined in their thymuses. Our data show that IR induction of apoptosis and Bax expression, both mediated via p53, was significantly suppressed in the thymocytes of DNA-PKcs−/− mice. In contrast, IR-induced cell-cycle arrest and p21 expression were normal. Thus, DNA-PKcs deficiency selectively disrupts p53-dependent apoptosis but not cell-cycle arrest. We also confirmed previous findings that p21 induction was attenuated and cell-cycle arrest was defective in the thymoctyes of whole body-irradiated Atm−/− mice, but the apoptotic response was unperturbed. Taken together, our results support a model in which the upstream effectors DNA-PKcs and Atm selectively activate p53 to differentially regulate cell-cycle and apoptotic responses. Whereas Atm selects for cell-cycle arrest but not apoptosis, DNA-PKcs selects for apoptosis but not cell-cycle arrest.
STACK is a tool for detection and visualisation of expressed transcript variation in the context of developmental and pathological states. The datasystem organises and reconstructs human transcripts from available public data in the context of expression state. The expression state of a transcript can include developmental state, pathological association, site of expression and isoform of expressed transcript. STACK consensus transcripts are reconstructed from clusters that capture and reflect the growing evidence of transcript diversity. The comprehensive capture of transcript variants is achieved by the use of a novel clustering approach that is tolerant of sub-sequence diversity and does not rely on pairwise alignment. This is in contrast with other gene indexing projects. STACK is generated at least four times a year and represents the exhaustive processing of all publicly available human EST data extracted from GenBank. This processed information can be explored through 15 tissue-specific categories, a disease-related category and a whole-body index and is accessible via WWW at http://www.sanbi.ac.za/Dbases.html. STACK represents a broadly applicable resource, as it is the only reconstructed transcript database for which the tools for its generation are also broadly available (http://www.sanbi.ac.za/CODES).
Previous reports indicate that the expression and/or activity of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) LAR are increased in insulin-responsive tissues of obese, insulin-resistant humans and rodents, but it is not known whether these alterations contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. To address this question, we generated transgenic mice that overexpress human LAR, specifically in muscle, to levels comparable to those reported in insulin-resistant humans. In LAR-transgenic mice, fasting plasma insulin was increased 2.5-fold compared with wild-type controls, whereas fasting glucose was normal. Whole-body glucose disposal and glucose uptake into muscle in vivo were reduced by 39–50%. Insulin injection resulted in normal tyrosyl phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) in muscle of transgenic mice. However, phosphorylation of IRS-2 was reduced by 62%, PI3′ kinase activity associated with phosphotyrosine, IRS-1, or IRS-2 was reduced by 34–57%, and association of p85α with both IRS proteins was reduced by 39–52%. Thus, overexpression of LAR in muscle causes whole-body insulin resistance, most likely due to dephosphorylation of specific regulatory phosphotyrosines on IRS proteins. Our data suggest that increased expression and/or activity of LAR or related PTPs in insulin target tissues of obese humans may contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance.
Greetings: 50 years of Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission–Radiation Effects Research Foundation studies
The Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission was established in Hiroshima in 1947 and in Nagasaki in 1948 under the auspices of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences to initiate a long-term and comprehensive epidemiological and genetic study of the atomic bomb survivors. It was replaced in 1975 by the Radiation Effects Research Foundation which is a nonprofit Japanese foundation binationally managed and supported with equal funding by the governments of Japan and the United States. Thanks to the cooperation of the survivors and the contributions of a multitude of scientists, these studies flourish to this day in what must be the most successful long-term research collaboration between the two countries. Although these studies are necessarily limited to the effects of acute, whole-body, mixed gamma-neutron radiation from the atom bombs, their comprehensiveness and duration make them the most definitive descriptions of the late effects of radiation in humans. For this reason, the entire world relies heavily on these data to set radiation standards. As vital as the study results are, they still represent primarily the effects of radiation on older survivors. Another decade or two should correct this deficiency and allow us to measure definitively the human risk of heritable mutation from radiation. We look to the worldwide radiation and risk community as well as to the survivors who have contributed so much to what has been done already to accomplish this goal.
The cellular mechanisms responsible for enhanced muscle protein breakdown in hospitalized patients, which frequently results in lean body wasting, are unknown. To determine whether the lysosomal, Ca2+-activated, and ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathways are activated, we measured mRNA levels for components of these processes in muscle biopsies from severe head trauma patients. These patients exhibited negative nitrogen balance and increased rates of whole-body protein breakdown (assessed by [13C]leucine infusion) and of myofibrillar protein breakdown (assessed by 3-methylhistidine urinary excretion). Increased muscle mRNA levels for cathepsin D, m-calpain, and critical components of the ubiquitin proteolytic pathway (i.e., ubiquitin, the 14-kDa ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2, and proteasome subunits) paralleled these metabolic adaptations. The data clearly support a role for multiple proteolytic processes in increased muscle proteolysis. The ubiquitin proteolytic pathway could be activated by altered glucocorticoid production and/or increased circulating levels of interleukin 1beta and interleukin 6 observed in head trauma patients and account for the breakdown of myofibrillar proteins, as was recently reported in animal studies.
O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi desenvolver duas escalas de silhuetas para crianças de ambos os sexos entre quatro e seis anos de idade, para avaliação da percepção e insatisfação com o tamanho corporal. O estudo foi composto por duas etapas. A primeira etapa envolveu a construção de uma escala de silhuetas bidimensional e uma escala de silhuetas tridimensional, a partir das fotos de 18 crianças voluntárias, divididas em nove crianças de cada sexo, sendo uma representante para cada intervalo de IMC estabelecido para a construção das escalas. Para garantir as qualidades psicométricas dos instrumentos, estabeleceram-se os valores médios de IMC correspondentes para cada figura com incremento constante de 1,9 Kg/m². Foram fotografadas crianças com Índice de Massa Corporal correspondente às médias dos intervalos estabelecidos para as figuras da sequência das escalas. Estas fotos foram transformadas por um designer gráfico em um arquivo para impressão 3D e um arquivo 2D frontal de silhuetas infantis. A segunda etapa contemplou a análise das qualidades psicométricas dos instrumentos. A coleta de dados ocorreu em quatro escolas particulares em diferentes cidades. Participaram do estudo 193 crianças de quatro a seis anos de idade, sendo 102 do sexo feminino e 91 do sexo masculino. As escalas foram apresentadas para cada criança em ordem ascendente ou aleatória, perguntando-se Qual figura representa seu corpo atual? e Qual figura representa o corpo que você gostaria de ter?, sendo a discrepância entre a figura que representa o IMC Atual e a que representa o IMC Desejado, caracterizada como Insatisfação com o tamanho corporal, e a discrepância entre a figura que representa o IMC Real e a que representa o IMC Atual caracterizada como Inacurácia da percepção do tamanho corporal. A escala bidimensional é apresentada na forma de nove cartões plastificados para cada gênero, com 12,5cm de altura por 6,5cm de largura, com a figura centralizada. A escala tridimensional é composta de nove bonecos para cada gênero impressos através da tecnologia de impressão 3D, com 12cm de altura. A Escala de Silhuetas Bidimensional mostrou valores de fidedignidade satisfatórios para Acurácia e Satisfação para crianças de seis anos, podendo ser um indicativo da influência do ambiente e do desenvolvimento em crianças menores. A Escala de Silhuetas Tridimensional apresentou-se mais adequada para a avaliação da Insatisfação com o tamanho corporal em relação a Bidimensional, mostrando que detalhes mais reais permitem um melhor julgamento por parte das crianças, seja do corpo como um todo, seja de partes dele. Este estudo sugere que as escalas de silhuetas podem ser usadas em crianças, e que pré-escolares já conseguem cumprir a tarefa de selecionar a figura que representa seu corpo nesta faixa etária. A construção e desenvolvimento das escalas mostraram-se ser válidas e permitem a investigação mais acurada de fatores relacionados as dimensões perceptivas da imagem corporal em pré-escolares, porém, parecem refletir também outras fontes de variância e influência que precisam ser investigadas.
INTRODUÇÃO: Tumores indutores de osteomalácia (TIOs) são raros, geralmente apresentam origem mesenquimal, têm produção excessiva de fosfatoninas sendo a mais comum o FGF23 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) que, em níveis elevados, provoca osteomalácia hipofosfatêmica. A cura dos TIOs envolve a remoção completa do tumor, o que torna essencial sua localização. OBJETIVOS: (1) caracterizar nove pacientes com TIO ao diagnóstico e avaliá-los evolutivamente em longo prazo; (2) avaliar a eficácia da cintilografia com Octreotida (Octreoscan®) e a da cintilografia de corpo inteiro com Mibi (MIBI) na detecção dos TIOs. MÉTODOS: O acompanhamento dos pacientes consistiu na avaliação clínica, na avaliação laboratorial com ênfase no metabolismo ósseo e na realização de exames de imagem para caracterização das deformidades esqueléticas. Para a localização dos TIOs, os pacientes foram submetidos a exames de Octreoscan®, MIBI, ressonância magnética (RM) e tomografia computadorizada (TC). RESULTADOS: O período de observação dos pacientes variou de dois a 25 anos. Ao diagnóstico, todos exibiam fraqueza muscular, dores ósseas e fraturas de fragilidade. Em relação à avaliação laboratorial, apresentavam: hipofosfatemia com taxa de reabsorção tubular de fosfato reduzida, fosfatase alcalina aumentada e níveis elevados de FGF23. O Octreoscan® permitiu a identificação dos TIOs nos nove pacientes e o MIBI possibilitou a localização dos TIOs em seis pacientes, sendo que ambos os exames foram concordantes entre si e com os exames topográficos (RM ou TC). Os achados histopatológicos das lesões dos nove pacientes confirmaram tratar-se de oito tumores mesenquimais fosfatúricos (PMTs) benignos e um PMT maligno. Após a primeira intervenção cirúrgica para a remoção dos TIOs, quatro pacientes encontram-se em remissão da doença e cinco evoluíram com persistência tumoral. Dos cinco, quatro foram reoperados e um aguarda nova cirurgia. Dos que foram reoperados, um paciente se mantém em remissão da doença, um foi a óbito por complicações clínicas, uma teve doença metastática e o último apresentou recidiva tumoral três anos após a segunda cirurgia. Deformidades ósseas graves foram observadas nos pacientes cujo diagnóstico e/ou tratamento clínico foram tardios. O tratamento da osteomalácia foi iniciado com fosfato e perdurou até a ressecção tumoral, tendo sido reintroduzido nos casos de persistência/recidiva tumoral. Quatro pacientes que fizerem uso regular desse medicamento por mais de seis anos evoluíram com hiperparatireoidismo terciário (HPT). CONCLUSÕES: O estudo revelou que tanto o Octreoscan® como o MIBI foram capazes de localizar os TIOs. Por isso, incentivamos a realização do MIBI nos locais onde o Octreoscan® não for disponível. Uma equipe experiente é indispensável para o sucesso cirúrgico visto que os tumores, embora benignos, costumam ser infiltrativos. Recomendamos o seguimento por tempo indeterminado em função do risco de recidiva tumoral. Assim como o FGF23, consideramos o fósforo um excelente marcador de remissão, persistência e recidiva dos TIOs. O diagnóstico e o tratamento precoce são fundamentais para a melhora dos sintomas podendo minimizar as deformidades esqueléticas e as sequelas ósseas. O uso prolongado do fosfato no tratamento da osteomalácia hipofosfatêmica foi associado ao desenvolvimento do HPT
O sistema microPET/CT é um importante equipamento utilizado nas pesquisas de imagem diagnóstica em pequenos animais. O radiofármaco mais usado nesta tecnologia é o fluordeoxiglicose marcado com flúor-18. Este estudo tem como objetivo efetuar o controle radiológico no laboratório de pesquisa microPET/CT do Centro de Radiofarmácia do IPEN-CNEN/SP, de forma a satisfazer tanto as normas nacionais como as recomendações internacionais. O laboratório está classificado pela equipe de radioproteção da instalação como área supervisionada, nas quais embora não seja obrigatória a adoção de medidas específicas de proteção e segurança, devem ser submetidas reavaliações regulares das condições do ambiente de trabalho. Visando assegurar a proteção radiológica dos trabalhadores diretamente envolvidos no manuseio do equipamento, realizou-se o monitoramento do local de trabalho e a avaliação do controle de dose individual. Inicialmente foi feito o monitoramento pré-operacional, isto é, o levantamento radiométrico no laboratório. Além disso, mediu-se nível de radiação externa nas instalações do laboratório e suas adjacências, por meio da colocação de nove dosímetros termoluminescentes (TL) de CaSO4:Dy, em locais previamente selecionados. Os indivíduos ocupacionalmente expostos foram avaliados mensalmente por meio do uso de dosímetros TL posicionados no tórax e por medidas de corpo inteiro, tomadas a cada seis meses. O período do estudo foi de dois anos, com início em abril de 2014. Para o controle do microPET/CT realizou-se testes de desempenho de acordo com o protocolo padrão do equipamento e em conformidade com a norma desenvolvida pela força tarefa para estudos com PET em animais Animal PET Standard Task Force. O presente estudo permitiu demonstrar que os níveis de radiação das áreas (estimativas de dose ambiente e dose efetiva), assim como a blindagem do equipamento estão adequados de acordo com os limites da exposição ocupacional. Ressalta-se a importância de se seguir rigorosamente os princípios de radioproteção, já que se trata de pesquisas com fontes radioativas não seladas.
In an attempt to improve the current understanding of the adaptive response to exercise in humans, this dissertation performed a series of studies designed to examine the impact of training intensity and mode on aerobic capacity and performance, fibre-type specific adaptations to training, and individual patterns of response across molecular, morphological and genetic factors. Project #1 determined that training intensity, session dose, baseline VO2max and total training volume do not influence the magnitude of change in VO2max by performing a meta-regression, and meta-analysis of 28 different studies. The intensity of training had no effect on the magnitude of increase in maximal oxygen uptake in young healthy participants, but similar adaptations were achieved with lower training doses following high intensity training. Project # 2 determined the acute molecular response, and training-induced adaptations in aerobic performance, aerobic capacity and muscle phenotype following high-intensity interval training (HIT) or endurance exercise (END). The acute molecular response (fibre recruitment and signal activation) and training-induced adaptations in aerobic capacity, aerobic performance, and muscle phenotype were similar following HIT and END. Project # 3 examined the impact of baseline muscle morphology and molecular characteristics on the training response, and if muscle adaptations are coordinated. The muscle phenotype of individuals who experience the largest improvements (high responders) were lower before training for some muscle characteristics and molecular adaptations were coordinated within individual participants. Project # 4 examined the impact of 2 different intensities of HIT on the expression of nuclear and mitochondrial encoded genes targeted by PGC-1α. A systematic upregulation of nuclear and mitochondrial encoded genes was not present in the early recovery period following acute HIT, but the expression of mitochondrial genes were coordinated at an individual level. Collectively, results from the current dissertation contribute to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms influencing skeletal muscle and whole-body adaptive responses to acute exercise and training in humans.
Problématique : L'allergie au lait de vache (ALV) est reconnue comme une condition transitoire qui disparaît chez la majorité des enfants avant l’âge de 3-5 ans, mais des données récentes révèlent une persistance de l’ALV. Les enfants souffrant d’une ALV sont à risque d’apports insuffisants en calcium et en vitamine D, deux nutriments impliqués dans la santé osseuse. Une première étude transversale portant sur la santé osseuse d’enfants prépubères ALV a observé que la densité osseuse (DMO) lombaire était significativement inférieure à celle d’enfants sans allergie au lait de vache (SALV). Objectifs : Sur la base de ces résultats, nous désirons documenter l’évolution longitudinale de la santé osseuse, du statut en vitamine D, des apports en calcium et en vitamine D et de l’adhérence à la supplémentation des enfants ALV (n=36) et de comparer ces données aux enfants SALV (n=19). Résultats : Le gain annualisé de la DMO lombaire est similaire entre les enfants ALV et SALV. Bien qu’il n’y ait pas de différence significative entre les deux groupes, la DMO lombaire des enfants ALV demeure cependant inférieure à celle des témoins. Qui plus est, le score-Z de la DMO du corps entier tend à être inférieur chez les enfants-cas comparé aux témoins. Au suivi, la concentration de 25OHD et le taux d’insuffisance en vitamine D sont similaires entre les deux groupes tout comme les apports en calcium et en vitamine D. Davantage d’enfants ALV prennent un supplément de calcium au suivi comparativement au temps initial (42% vs. 49%, p<0,05), mais le taux d’adhérence à la supplémentation a diminué à 4 jours/semaine. Conclusion : Une évaluation plus précoce ainsi qu’une prise en charge de la santé osseuse des enfants ALV pourraient être indiquées afin de modifier l’évolution naturelle de leur santé osseuse. Les résultats justifient aussi le suivi étroit des apports en calcium et vitamine D par une nutritionniste et la nécessité d'intégrer la supplémentation dans le plan de traitement de ces enfants et d’assurer une surveillance de l’adhérence à la supplémentation.
BACKGROUND Stiff skin syndrome and systemic or localized scleroderma are cutaneous disorders characterized by dermal fibrosis and present clinically with induration of the skin, with or without joint, internal organ or vascular involvement. OBJECTIVES To provide clinical, histological and preliminary genetic analysis of two West Highland white terrier siblings presenting with indurated skin resembling stiff skin syndrome in humans. ANIMALS Two client owned full sibling West Highland white terriers from two different litters. METHODS Clinical examination, histopathological examination and whole genome sequencing analysis of affected and unaffected West Highland white terriers. RESULTS Affected dogs exhibited markedly indurated skin that was attached firmly to the underlying tissue and incomplete closure of the mouth and eyes. No abnormalities were found by neurological or orthopaedic examination, radiographs of the head or whole body computed tomography. Histologically, the dermis and pannicular septa were thickened by a marked increase in coarse collagen fibres and a mild to moderate increase in collagen fibre diameter. The syndrome most likely follows an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. The sequence analysis did not reveal any obvious causative variant in the investigated candidate genes ADAMTSL2 and FBN1. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE The clinical phenotype and histopathological features of two West Highland white terrier siblings resembled stiff skin syndrome in humans. Unlike in humans, or previously described beagles with stiff skin, there was no restriction of joint mobility. Genetic analysis did not detect a candidate causative variant and warrants further research.
INTRODUCTION Putrefaction of the brain is a challenge to a forensic pathologist because it may lead to considerable organ alterations and restrict documenting reliable autopsy findings. OBJECTIVES This study aims to present a new and systematic evaluation of possible benefits of post-mortem MR Neuroimaging (1.5 Tesla, sequences: T1w, T2w) in putrefied corpses in comparison to PMCT and autopsy. METHODS A post-mortem MRI brain examination was conducted on 35 adult, putrefied corpses after performing a whole body CT scan prior to a forensic autopsy. Imaging data and autopsy findings were compared with regard to brain symmetry, gray and white matter junction, ventricular system, basal ganglia, cerebellum, brain stem, and possible pathological findings. RESULTS At autopsy, a reliable assessment of the anatomical brain structures was often restricted. MR imaging offered an assessment of the anatomical brain structures, even at advanced stages of putrefaction. In two cases, MR imaging revealed pathological findings that were detectable neither by CT scans nor at autopsy. CONCLUSIONS Post-mortem MR imaging of putrefied brains offers the possibility to assess brain morphology, even if the brain is liquefied. Post-mortem MR imaging of the brain should be considered if the assessment of a putrefied brain is crucial to the evaluation of a forensic autopsy case.
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