917 resultados para Vincke, Enric
El universo oncológico, aparentemente, constituye un ámbito de profundos consensos; aliviar el sufrimiento de pacientes y familias, la búsqueda de una cura efectiva o erradicar el estigma asociado al diagnóstico son objetivos que generan un amplio acuerdo social. Desde una perspectiva cultural, sin embargo, se constata la presencia de ciertas áreas de tensión y disidencia en torno al cáncer. En este artículo, aplicando conceptos analíticos de Gramsci y Foucault, se define en forma de decálogo lugares comunes que como el pensamiento positivo, la feminidad, la prevención o el espíritu de lucha conforman una cultura hegemónica en cáncer de mama enfrentada a los discursos de culturas subalternas como la feminista o ambientalista. Frente a la idea de unidad y consenso, el análisis de la literatura antropológica proporciona una imagen compleja donde la vivencia del cáncer, resignificando la enfermedad como un espacio de conflicto ideológico, es construida en términos de lucha de intereses y proyectos de control social.
Voltage-dependent K+ channels (Kv) are involved in the proliferation and differentiation of mammalian cells, since Kv antagonists impair cell cycle progression. Although myofibers are terminally differentiated, some myoblasts may re-enter the cell cycle and proliferate. Since Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 expression is remodeled during tumorigenesis and is involved in smooth muscle proliferation, the purpose of this study was to analyze the expression of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 in smooth muscle neoplasms. In the present study, we examined human samples of smooth muscle tumors together with healthy specimens. Thus, leiomyoma (LM) and leiomyosarcoma (LMS) tumors were analyzed. Results showed that Kv1.3 was poorly expressed in the healthy muscle and indolent LM specimens, whereas aggressive LMS showed high levels of Kv1.3 expression. Kv1.5 staining was correlated with malignancy. The findings show a remodeling of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 in human smooth muscle sarcoma. A correlation of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 expression with tumor aggressiveness was observed. Thus, our results indicate Kv1.5 and Kv1.3 as potential tumorigenic targets for aggressive human LMS.
Mass mortality events are increasing dramatically in all coastal marine environments. Determining the underlying causes of mass mortality events has proven difficult in the past because of the lack of prior quantitative data on populations and environmental variables. Four-year surveys of two shallow-water sponge species, Ircinia fasciculata and Sarcotragus spinosulum, were carried out in the western Mediterranean Sea. These surveys provided evidence of two severe sponge die-offs (total mortality ranging from 80 to 95% of specimens) occurring in the summers of 2008 and 2009. These events primarily affected I. fasciculata, which hosts both phototrophic and heterotrophic microsymbionts, while they did not affect S. spinosulum, which harbors only heterotrophic bacteria. We observed a significant positive correlation between the percentage of injured I. fasciculata specimens and exposure time to elevated temperature conditions in all populations, suggesting a key role of temperature in triggering mortality events. A comparative ultrastructural study of injured and healthy I. fasciculata specimens showed that cyanobacteria disappeared from injured specimens, which suggests that cyanobacterial decay could be involved in I. fasciculata mortality. A laboratory experiment confirmed that the cyanobacteria harbored by I. fasciculata displayed a significant reduction in photosynthetic efficiency in the highest temperature treatment. The sponge disease reported here led to a severe decrease in the abundance of the surveyed populations. It represents one of the most dramatic mass mortality events to date in the Mediterranean Sea
L’objectiu del següent treball és buscar les diferències en l’estil de joc ofensiu (en els gols aconseguits) entre un equip consolidat a la 1a divisió espanyola (F.C Barcelona) i un equip d’ascens recent (Elx C.F). Per aconseguir-ho, s’analitzen els gols a favor per part dels dos equips durant les primeres 25 jornades de lliga 2013/2014. A través d’un full d’observació i tangent en compte totes les seves categories, es classifiquen cada un dels gols segons l’estil de joc ofensiu al qual pertany (Joc Combinatiu, Joc Directe o Joc Contraatac). Els resultats obtinguts demostren com existeixen diferències significatives en la utilització dels diferents estils de joc entre els dos equips. A més també es mostren diferències rellevants pel que fa al nombre total de gols aconseguits, en la presència d’una regularitat temporal (durant les 25 jornades) d’utilització d’un estil o altre i en la relació temporal (durant el partit) dels gols aconseguits entre els dos equips analitzats.
By reconstructing the nutrient balance of a Catalan v illage circa 1861-65 we examine the sustainability of organic agricultural sy stems in the northwest Mediterranean bioregion prior to the green rev olution and the question of whether the nutrients extracted f rom the soil were replenished. With a population density of 59 inhabitants per square km, similar to other northern European rural areas at that time, and a lower liv estock density per cropland unit, this v illage experienced a manure shortage. The gap was f illed by other labour-intensiv e way s of transf erring nutrients f rom uncultiv ated areas into the cropland. Key elements in this agricultural sy stem were v iney ards because they hav e f ew nutrient requirements, and woodland and scrublands as sources of relev ant amounts of nutrients collected in sev eral ways.
Disseny d´una trituradora de mandíbula simple per a una pedrera d’àrids calcaris.Aquesta màquina ha de substituir la que hi ha ara i per tant, haurà de tenir una capacitat de producció no inferior a275 tones/hora, que suposa un 10% més respecte a la producció de la màquina actual, en previsió de lesfutures demandes d´àrids. Per altra banda aquesta màquina ha de tenir un manteniment molt simple per tald’abaratir el costos de manteniment al mínim i a la vegada reduir el temps de reparació i per tant d’improductivitat
The extensional theory of arrays is one of the most important ones for applications of SAT Modulo Theories (SMT) to hardware and software verification. Here we present a new T-solver for arrays in the context of the DPLL(T) approach to SMT. The main characteristics of our solver are: (i) no translation of writes into reads is needed, (ii) there is no axiom instantiation, and (iii) the T-solver interacts with the Boolean engine by asking to split on equality literals between indices. As far as we know, this is the first accurate description of an array solver integrated in a state-of-the-art SMT solver and, unlike most state-of-the-art solvers, it is not based on a lazy instantiation of the array axioms. Moreover, it is very competitive in practice, specially on problems that require heavy reasoning on array literals
La actual sociedad del conocimiento así como las nuevas políticas educativas de la Unión Europea requieren una nueva aproximación a los recursos educativos. El uso de un formato cerrado y monolítico como puede ser el libro de texto tiene que ser substituido por la creación y actualización constante de colecciones o repositorios de recursos que faciliten y formen parte del proceso de aprendizaje. El presente trabajo introduce una aproximación a este nuevo paradigma a través del análisis de tres niveles: la investigación del comportamiento informacional de estudiantes en el uso de recursos educativos disponibles en la red; el análisis funcional y de usabilidad de las herramientas que dan soporte a la gestión y uso de los recursos de información; y la prueba piloto de una herramienta de bookmarking en las aulas virtuales de la asignatura de Interacción Persona-Ordenador cómo práctica para mejorar el comportamiento informacional de los estudiantes. Considerar conjuntamente estos tres niveles es clave para mejorar el comportamiento informacional de los estudiantes y, en consecuencia, permitir una mejor adquisición de las competencias informacionales esenciales en el contexto actual.
Nota breu de flora sobre la presència d’un arbre caducifoli originari del centre i de l’est d’Amèrica del Nord que s’ha trobat naturalitzat a la desembocadura del rec del Molí de Pals
Nota breu de flora que fa referència a la presència de Saxifraga stolonifera Meerb a La Garrotxa
Nota breu de flora sobre la presència de Sicyos angulatus L., recollida al llarg del riu Ter, als municipis de Girona,Celrà i Bordils (Gironès, quadrats UTM 31T DG84, DG85 i DG95), entre els 40 i 65 md’altitud
The aim of this paper was to explore whether self-efficacy as teacher and researcher perceived by university lecturers was related to teaching styles and approaches. Two instruments were administered to 259 teachers at the University of Girona (Spain), who were active researchers and had a teaching workload of 9 ECTS or above. The results showed that self-efficacy as a researcher was the variable which yielded most differences. The higher the self-efficacy of the researcher, the stronger the belief that teaching was guided by research. Certain beliefs about the teaching-research nexus were very different according to the degree of self-efficacy as a researcher, while there were fewer differences in terms of gender and field of study
In this paper we describe a browsing and searching personalization system for digitallibraries based on the use of ontologies for describing the relationships between all theelements which take part in a digital library scenario of use. The main goal of thisproject is to help the users of a digital library to improve their experience of use bymeans of two complementary strategies: first, by maintaining a complete history recordof his or her browsing and searching activities, which is part of a navigational userprofile which includes preferences and all the aspects related to community involvement; and second, by reusing all the knowledge which has been extracted from previous usage from other users with similar profiles. This can be accomplished in terms of narrowing and focusing the search results and browsing options through the use of a recommendation system which organizes such results in the most appropriatemanner, using ontologies and concepts drawn from the semantic web field. The complete integration of the experience of use of a digital library in the learning process is also pursued. Both the usage and information organization can be also exploited to extract useful knowledge from the way users interact with a digital library, knowledge that can be used to improve several design aspects of the library, ranging from internal organization aspects to human factors and user interfaces. Although this project is still on an early development stage, it is possible to identify all the desired functionalities and requirements that are necessary to fully integrate the use of a digital library in an e-learning environment.
The User-centered design (UCD) game is a tool forhuman-computer interaction practitioners to demonstrate the key user-centered design methodsand how they interrelate in the design process in an interactive and participatory manner. The target audiences are departments and institutions unfamiliar with UCD but whose work is related to the definition, creation, and update of a product or service.
The User-centered design (UCD) Gymkhana is a tool for human-computer interaction practitioners to demonstrate through a game the key user-centered design methods and how they interrelate in the design process.The target audiences are other organizational departments unfamiliar with UCD but whose work is related to the definition, cretaion, and update of a product service.