984 resultados para Verbal complementation
Verbal fluency is the ability to produce a satisfying sequence of spoken words during a given time interval. The core of verbal fluency lies in the capacity to manage the executive aspects of language. The standard scores of the semantic verbal fluency test are broadly used in the neuropsychological assessment of the elderly, and different analytical methods are likely to extract even more information from the data generated in this test. Graph theory, a mathematical approach to analyze relations between items, represents a promising tool to understand a variety of neuropsychological states. This study reports a graph analysis of data generated by the semantic verbal fluency test by cognitively healthy elderly (NC), patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment – subtypes amnestic(aMCI) and amnestic multiple domain (a+mdMCI) - and patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Sequences of words were represented as a speech graph in which every word corresponded to a node and temporal links between words were represented by directed edges. To characterize the structure of the data we calculated 13 speech graph attributes (SGAs). The individuals were compared when divided in three (NC – MCI – AD) and four (NC – aMCI – a+mdMCI – AD) groups. When the three groups were compared, significant differences were found in the standard measure of correct words produced, and three SGA: diameter, average shortest path, and network density. SGA sorted the elderly groups with good specificity and sensitivity. When the four groups were compared, the groups differed significantly in network density, except between the two MCI subtypes and NC and aMCI. The diameter of the network and the average shortest path were significantly different between the NC and AD, and between aMCI and AD. SGA sorted the elderly in their groups with good specificity and sensitivity, performing better than the standard score of the task. These findings provide support for a new methodological frame to assess the strength of semantic memory through the verbal fluency task, with potential to amplify the predictive power of this test. Graph analysis is likely to become clinically relevant in neurology and psychiatry, and may be particularly useful for the differential diagnosis of the elderly.
The recent recrudescence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains have created an urgent need for new therapeutics against tuberculosis. The enzymes of the shikimate pathway are attractive drug targets because this route is absent in mammals and, in M. tuberculosis, it is essential for pathogen viability. This pathway leads to the biosynthesis of aromatic compounds, including aromatic amino acids, and it is found in plants, fungi, bacteria, and apicomplexan parasites. The aroB-encoded enzyme dehydroquinate synthase is the second enzyme of this pathway, and it catalyzes the cyclization of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate in 3-dehydroquinate. Here we describe the PCR amplification and cloning of the aroB gene and the overexpression and purification of its product, dehydroquinate synthase, to homogeneity. In order to probe where the recombinant dehydroquinate synthase was active, genetic complementation studies were performed. The Escherichia coli AB2847 mutant was used to demonstrate that the plasmid construction was able to repair the mutants, allowing them to grow in minimal medium devoid of aromatic compound supplementation. In addition, homogeneous recombinant M. tuberculosis dehydroquinate synthase was active in the absence of other enzymes, showing that it is homomeric. These results will support the structural studies with M. tuberculosis dehydroquinate synthase that are essential for the rational design of antimycobacterial agents.
Based on North American Functional Linguistic Theory, our proposal is to describe and analyze the use of verb CHEGAR in verbal periphrasis such as [CHEGAR (E) + V2], where CHEGAR does not demonstrate a significance linked to physical movement. In linguistic literature, such periphrasis has been attributed several functions, related to aspectualization, emphasis of negative segments, and construction of mental spaces, among others. This study considers that the function of verb CHEGAR in the periphrasis in question is to indicate a global aspect, emphasizing a range of semantic-pragmatic nuances such as the sudden, instantaneous, or even abrupt character of the events refered to by the principal verb of the construction (V2), and/or the taking of initiative (sudden) by the agent (in the syntactic role of periphrastic subject), and/or subjective evaluations which go from surprise to frustration. Our objectives are the following: i) to describe and analyze the semanticpragmatic, morphosyntactic and social relationships which characterize the use of CHEGAR in verbal periphrases like [CHEGAR (E) + V2] and in coordinated/juxtaposed speech in which CHEGAR is the principal verb of the first utterance and is an elocution verb and the principal verb of the second; ii) identify, based on this description and analysis, synchrony proof in the grammaticalization of CHEGAR as an auxiliary verb in the periphrasis refered to. There was observed to be a strong similarity between coordinate/juxtaposed and periphrastic constructions. Such similarities strengthen the hypothesis that the use of CHEGAR as a lexical verb in coordinate/juxtaposed structures is the origin of the use of CHEGAR in the periphrastic structure, since the many properties encountered with higher frequency in lexical use are also just as frequently used as auxiliaries. Nevertheless, between the two constructions being studied, sufficient difference can be observed to see that CHEGAR, in the periphrasis [CHEGAR (E) V2], is behaving like an auxiliary verb, and shows typical properties of these types of verbs: i) in 100% of occurrences, it does not have a complement;ii) it has a co-referential subject in 100% of cases; iii) it does not appear with intervening material between it and V2. Besides this, CHEGAR, in periphrases, is predominant in nonneutral evaluation contexts, denoted by V2. Inspired by the results obtained, we propose strategies for the discussion of the [CHEGAR (E) V2] periphrases in both elementary and high schools.
Human cooperation is a hallmark of this species due to its wide extension to genetically unrelated individuals and complex division of labor. It is considered an evolutionary puzzle, because the theory of evolution by natural selection predicts that self-interested individuals tend to be selected. Different theories have been proposed to explain the evolution of cooperation, which the most important are kin selection and reciprocal altruism. Considering the evolutionary continuity between species, humans and other primates have several common traits that help to promote cooperation between individuals of these species. Two features, however, seem to be particularly humans: inequality aversion and preferences in relation to others. Although human cooperation is not necessarily related to morality, cooperative traits are the basis for moral tendencies. The development of human morality is a combination of early prosocial tendencies, cooperative skills displayed at different ages, social learning and cultural transmission of norms. The social stimulus seems to be particularly important in promoting cooperative behavior in children and adults. In order to study the influence of social stimuli, as verbal feedback, on children cooperation, a study was conducted with children in a public goods game. 407 children from public schools in Natal / RN, divided into 21 groups, between six and nine years, participated in eight rounds of this game. After each round, seven groups received praise for larger donations, seven groups have been criticized by smaller donations, and the other seven received no comment. Children cooperated more when criticized, without significant differences between sexes, although young children have cooperated more negative than older children. The results are likely related to the anticipation and avoidance of punishment associated with the feedback (although this did not occur), and greater sensitivity to the authority in younger children. Nevertheless, the cooperation decreased in all groups until the last day of play. The results suggest an early sensitivity to moral punishment, whose role in the maintenance of social relations must have been important in the evolution of cooperation in humans
Avaliou-se o uso de linguagem documentária alfabética de catálogos coletivos, na perspectiva das bibliotecas universitárias e no contexto sociocognitivo dos indexadores e dos usuários. Concluiu-se que o uso adequado de linguagens documentárias de áreas científicas especializadas faz-se por meio da avaliação quanto à atualização, especificidade e compatibilidade para atender às necessidades de indexação e recuperação da informação.
Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do estímulo verbal (EV) no tempo do teste de escada (TEsc) e nas variáveis cardiorrespiratórias de adultos saudáveis. Trinta e um adultos saudáveis realizaram dois TEsc (com EV e sem EV). Antes e depois de cada teste, foram avaliados os sinais vitais e a Escala de Borg. Os tempos nos TEsc foram comparados por meio do Teste t de Student para amostras pareadas e as diferenças, de acordo com a ordem de realização dos testes utilizando o Teste de Mann-Whitney. Os sinais vitais e a Escala de Borg foram comparados por meio do Teste de Friedman ou ANOVA com post hoc do Teste de Tukey. As variações foram comparadas utilizando o Teste t Student para amostras independentes ou Teste de Mann-Whitney (p<0,05). O tempo no TEsc sem EV foi de 23,48±8,28 segundos, significativamente maior que o teste com EV, que foi de 21,60±7,18 segundos (p<0,05). Todas as variáveis aumentaram após os testes, e a Escala de Borg foi a única que teve maior variação no TEsc com EV, variando 2,5±1,4 no teste sem estímulo e 3,0±1,8 pontos no com estímulo (p<0,05). O estímulo verbal melhora o desempenho no TEsc e leva à maior sensação de esforço.
Como parte das pesquisas sociolinguísticas desenvolvidas no interior do projeto ALIP (Amostra Linguística do Interior), privilegiamos, neste artigo, a apresentação de resultados gerais decorrentes da investigação de três fenômenos variáveis na fala do interior paulista: (i) a concordância verbal de primeira pessoa do plural; (ii) a concordância verbal de terceira pessoa do plural; (iii) a alternância pronominal entre as formas de codificação da primeira pessoa do discurso do plural nós e a gente. Assumindo os preceitos teórico-metodológicos da Sociolinguística laboviana, mostramos, por meio de comparações interdialetais, como tais fenômenos variáveis se inserem no cenário mais amplo da pesquisa sociolinguística sobre o português brasileiro. Os resultados permitem constatar aproximações e distanciamentos entre a fala do interior paulista e de outras variedades do português brasileiro, o que põe à mostra a importância da descrição de mais essa variedade, ainda pouco conhecida no cenário sociolinguístico brasileiro.
Efeitos de modelagem do comportamento verbal e de instruções sobre o comportamento de encaixar peças
Pesquisas têm demonstrado diferenças nos efeitos dos comportamentos verbais modelado e instruído sobre o comportamento verbal e não-verbal. Este estudo investigou efeitos da modelagem do comportamento verbal e das instruções sobre o comportamento verbal (falar sobre encaixar peças) e o não-verbal (encaixar peças azuis e vermelhas, grandes e pequenas e quadradas e circulares) de 10 crianças, entre 8 e 9 anos de idade. A coleta de dados foi realizada em duas condições com cinco participantes. Condição 1: modelagem do comportamento verbal. Condição 2: apresentação de instruções para o comportamento não-verbal. Quando ocorreu a modelagem do comportamento verbal foram observadas mudanças correspondentes no comportamento não-verbal. As instruções produziram imediata adesão do comportamento não-verbal e, na seqüência, o desempenho foi alterado. Esses dados reafirmam a importância de ampliar o conhecimento dos efeitos da modelagem do comportamento verbal e das instruções sobre o comportamento de crianças em jogos como o utilizado nesta pesquisa.
Speech/language disorders are common in the fragile X syndrome. [Howard-Peebles, 1979: Am J Hom Genet 31:214-222; Renier et al., 1983: J Ment Defic Res 27:51-59; Sparks, 1984: Birth Defects and Speech-Language Disorders, pp, 39-43; Hanson et al., 1986: Am J Med Genet 23:195-206]. Verbal paraphasias have been considered a rare feature and word-finding difficulties have seldom been reported. Here we report on ten Brazilian patients who were evaluated for speech/language disturbances and found that word-finding difficulties were present in 50% of the cases, which is a slightly higher frequency than that of clear dyspraxia. We suggest, therefore, that word-finding difficulties and verbal dyspraxia can be a common feature within the spectrum of this syndrome. Additional speech findings are discussed. (C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Verifies the applicability to research on indexers' reading strategies of the process observing technique known as Verbal Protocol or Thinking Aloud. This interpretative-qualitative data collecting technique allows the observation of different kinds of process during the progress of different kinds of tasks. Presents a theoretical investigation into reading and into formal methodological procedures to observe reading processes. Describes details of the methodological procedures adopted in five case studies with analysis of samples of data. The project adopted three kinds of parameters for data analysis: theoretical, normative, empirical (derived from observations made in the first case study). The results are compared, and important conclusions regarding documentary reading are drawn.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)