624 resultados para Vaud
Purpose: Young cannabis users are at increased risk for cigarette initiation and later progression to nicotine dependence. The present study assesses to which extent cannabis users are exposed to nicotine through mulling, a widespread process consisting of mixing tobacco to cannabis for its consumption. Methods: Data are issued from an ongoing observational study taking place in Switzerland. A total of 267 eligible participants (mean age 19 years, 46.4% males) completed an anonymous self-administered questionnaire on their tobacco and cannabis intake in the previous 5 days. They also provided a urine sample that was blindly analyzed for cotinine (a key metabolite of nicotine) using liquid-chromatography coupled mass-spectrometry. After the exclusion of cannabis users not having smoked at least one joint/blunt in which tobacco had been mixed (n _ 2), and participants reporting other sources of nicotine exposition than cigarettes or mulling (n _37), four groups were created: cannabis and cigarette abstainers (ABS, n_ 69), cannabis only smokers (CAS; n _ 33), cigarette only smokers (CIS; n _ 62); and cannabis and cigarette smokers (CCS, n _ 64). Cotinine measures of CAS were compared to those of ABS, CIS and CCS. All comparisons were performed using ANCOVA, controlling for age, gender, ethnicity, BMI and environmental exposure to cigarette smoke in the past month (at home, in school/at work, in social settings). The number of mixed joints/blunts smoked in the previous 5 days was additionally taken into account when comparing CAS to CCS. Cotinine values (ng/ml) are reported as means with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Results: In the previous 5 days, CAS had smoked on average 10 mixed joints/blunts, CIS 30 cigarettes, and CCS 8 mixed joints/ blunts and 41 cigarettes. Cotinine levels of participants considerably differed between groups. The lowest measure was found among ABS (3.2 [0.5-5.9]), followed in growing order by CAS (294.6 [157.1-432.0]), CIS (362.8 [258.4-467.3]), and CCS (649.9 [500.7-799.2]). In the multivariate analysis, cotinine levels of CAS were significantly higher than those of ABS (p _.001), lower than those of CCS (p _ .003), but did not differ from levels of CIS (p _ .384). Conclusions: Our study reveals cannabis users to be significantly exposed to nicotine through mulling, even after controlling for several possible confounders such as environmental exposure to cigarette smoke. Utmost, mixing tobacco to Poster cannabis can result in a substantial nicotine exposition as cotinine levels from cannabis only smokers were as high as those of moderate cigarette smokers. Our findings also suggest that mulling is adding up to the already important nicotine exposition of cigarettes smokers. Because of the addictiveness of nicotine, mulling should be part of a comprehensive assessment of substance use among adolescents and young adults, especially when supporting their cannabis and cigarette quitting attempts. Sources of Support: This study was funded by the Public Health Service of the Canton de Vaud. Dr. BÊlanger's contribution was possible through grants from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the CHUQ/CMDP Foundation and the Laval University McLaughlin program, QuÊbec, Canada.
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: A multicentric study was set up to assess the feasibility for Swiss cancer registries of actively retrieving 3 additional variables of epidemiological and a etiological relevance for melanoma, and of potential use for the evaluation of prevention campaigns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The skin type, family history of melanoma and precise anatomical site were retrieved for melanoma cases registered in 5 Swiss cantons (Neuchâtel, St-Gall and Appenzell, Vaud and Wallis) over 3 to 6 consecutive years (1995-2002). Data were obtained via a short questionnaire administered by the physicians - mostly dermatologists - who originally excised the lesions. As the detailed body site was routinely collected in Ticino, data from this Cancer Registry were included in the body site analysis. Relative melanoma density (RMD) was computed by the ratio of observed to expected numbers of melanomas allowing for body site surface areas, and further adjusted for site-specific melanocyte density. RESULTS: Of the 1,645 questionnaires sent, 1,420 (86.3%) were returned. The detailed cutaneous site and skin type were reliably obtained for 84.7% and 78.7% of questionnaires, and family history was known in 76% of instances. Prevalence of sun-sensitive subjects and patients with melanoma affected first-degree relatives, two target groups for early detection and surveillance campaigns were 54.1% and 3.4%, respectively. After translation into the 4th digit of the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, the anatomical site codes from printed (original information) and pictorial support (body chart from the questionnaire) concurred for 94.6% of lesions. Discrepancies occurred mostly for lesions on the upper, outer part of the shoulder for which the clinician's textual description was "shoulder blade". This differential misclassification suggests under-estimation by about 10% of melanomas of the upper limbs and an over-estimation of 5% for truncal melanomas. Sites of highest melanoma risk were the face, the shoulder and the upper arm for sexes, the back for men and the leg for women. Three major features of this series were: (1) an unexpectedly high RMD for the face in women (6.2 vs 4.2 in men), (2) the absence of a male predominance for melanomas on the ears, and (3) for the upper limbs, a steady gradient of increasing melanoma density with increasing proximity to the trunk, regardless of sex. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The feasibility of retrieving the skin type, the precise anatomical location and family history of melanoma in a reliable manner was demonstrated thanks to the collaboration of Swiss dermatologists. Use of a schematic body drawing improves the quality of the anatomical site data and facilitate the reporting task of doctors. Age and sex patterns of RMD paralleled general indicators of sun exposure and behaviour, except for the hand (RMD=0.2). These Swiss results support some site or sun exposure specificity in the aetiology of melanoma.
It is widely known that informal contacts and networks constitute a major advantage when searching for a job. Unemployed people are likely to benefit from such informal contacts, but building and sustaining a network can be particularly difficult when out of employment. Interventions that allow unemployed people to effectively strengthen their networking capability could as a result be promising. Against this background, this article provides some hints in relation to the direction that such interventions could take. First, on the basis of data collected on a sample of 4,600 newly-unemployed people in the Swiss Canton of Vaud, it looks at the factors that influence jobseekers' decisions to turn to informal contacts for their job search. The article shows that many unemployed people are not making use of their network because they are unaware of the importance of this method. Second, it presents an impact analysis of an innovative intervention designed to raise awareness of the importance of networks which is tested in a randomized controlled trial setting.
Compte tenu des relations étroites existant entre le pouvoir politique et l'histoire - et plus particulièrement l'enseignement de l'histoire à l'école - , les manuels constituent un objet d'étude privilégié de l'évolution des relations pouvoir/enseignement. Ils fournissent un lieu de médiation privilégié entre les savoirs savants et les savoirs scolaires institutionnels ; ils permettent d'observer les conceptions didactiques préconisées par l'institution scolaire. Si, sous l'égide de l'Etat-nation au 19e siècle, les savoirs savants historiques et les savoirs scolaires étaient entremêlés, les rapports se sont complexifiés durant le 20e siècle en raison notamment de la prise de distance progressive de l'histoire savante à l'égard du pouvoir. Petit à petit, à partir des années 1930, le concept d'histoire- problème, initié par l'école historique des Annales, dépasse l'histoire-récit de l'école historique positiviste (méthodique) du 19e siècle et sa traduction du récit- national au coeur de la leçon d'histoire. Cependant, si après 1945, l'école des Annales, puis la Nouvelle histoire, tendent à s'imposer dans le champ de l'histoire savante francophone, elles se heurtent à une tradition scolaire bien établie et modifient peu et tardivement les curricula, les manuels et les pratiques enseignantes. Progressivement donc, une fracture apparaît entre l'histoire savante et l'histoire scolaire. Dans cette étude, notre travail envisage l'analyse du manuel d'histoire en tant qu'objet hybride. Il est à la fois porteur d'un texte historien, ouvrage de vulgarisation et de référence, ainsi qu'outil pédagogico-didactique. Par ailleurs, le manuel d'histoire a la charge de transmettre des valeurs, car les finalités attribuées par l'autorité politique, via les autorités scolaires, à l'histoire scolaire comportent toujours une dimension forte de formation du futur citoyen. Au texte de départ sont associés des documents textuels ou iconiques, des résumés, des questions regroupées par chapitre, un glossaire ou une chronologie générale. De plus, ce texte est encadré d'un dispositif didactique plus ou moins explicite : préface, numérotation par paragraphe correspondant à la leçon du jour, dates mises en évidence, aide-mémoire et questions. Par ailleurs, les découpages en livres ou en parties peuvent correspondre à des années (ou parties d'années) de programme. Il sera donc également étudié pour les spécificités d'un sous-genre de discours à définir : les manuels - d'histoire - produits (et utilisés) dans le canton de Vaud au 20e siècle. En conséquence, notre travail se propose d'observer et d'analyser les manuels d'histoire vaudois sous deux modalités préférentielles. Premièrement, celle des formes constitutives et évolutives prises par le manuel pour se construire comme un discours légitimé (deuxième partie : écriture et mise en scène de l'histoire). Deuxièmement, celle de la mise en scène d'une histoire à visée pseudo- pédagogique masquant l'intégration du discours de l'autorité politique (troisième partie : comment l'autorité vient au discours). Site internet : http://manuelshistoire.ch
Le projet EVITA (EValuation Indication, Traitement ambulatoire, Accompagnement) s'inscrit dans le Plan cantonal d'action Alcool (2007-2012), lui-même en conformité avec le Plan national Alcool (2007-2011). Ce projet est un mandat du Service de la santé publique qui a pour objectif la mise en oeuvre et l'évaluation d'un dispositif cantonal d'indication et de suivi (DCIS) constituant une porte d'entrée unique. Le DCIS est constitué d'un partenariat entre la Fondation vaudoise contre l'alcoolisme (FVA) et le Centre de traitement en alcoologie (CTA) du CHUV. C'est l'Unité d'évaluation de programmes de prévention (UEPP) de l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP) qui a été chargée par le CTA, mandant, de l'évaluation du projet EVITA et qui en a rédigé le protocole. [Introduction, p. 5]
High prevalence of osteoporosis in Swiss women aged 60 and older: a 2-year pilot screening campaign.
Background: Osteoporosis (OP) is frequent in postmenopausal women, but remains underdiagnosed and undertreated. In Switzerland, DXA is not reimbursed by the insurances for screening, even if it is recommended to test women's Bone Mineral Density (BMD) at the age of 65. Methods: To assess the feasibility of a screening program for OP, the Bone diseases center of Lausanne has been mandated to perform a 2-year information and screening campaign (3 days per months) for women age 60 and older through the state of Vaud using a mobile unit for bone assessment. This project is still ongoing. Women are informed by media for dates and screening locations. Appointments are taken by phone. Women known for osteoporosis or already treated are excluded. During the evaluation every women is assessed by a questionnaire for risk factors, by a DXA measurement (Discovery C, Hololgic), and by Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) for Genant's grades 2 and 3 prevalent vertebral fractures (VF). Women are considered at high risk of fracture if they have a hip fracture, a VF, another fragility fracture with a BMD T-score ≤-2 or a BMD T-score ≤-2.5. Results: After 17 months (50 days of screening), 752 women were assessed, mean age 66±6 yrs, mean BMI 26±5 kg/m2, mean lowest T-score -1.6±1.0 SD. 215 women (29%) were considered at high risk, 92 of them (12%) having established OP and 50 (7%) having one or more fragility VF. VF were unknown for 83% of the women and discovered by VFA. The number needed to screen (NNS) were 3.5 for high risk women, 8.2 for established OP and 15 for VF. Conclusions: After near ¾ of the project, prevalence of women at high risk of fracture was high, with a NNS below 4. Knowing the global cost of OP and that current treatment have a high efficacy for fracture risk reduction, such a screening program could have a positive economic impact. VFA allowed discovering many women with unknown VF, who were at very high risk of further fractures. A systematic screening for VF should be added to BMD measurements after the age of 60.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Hospitality workers are a population particularly at risk from the noxious effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). The Canton of Vaud, Switzerland banned smoking in public places in September 2009. This prospective study addresses the impact of the ban on the health of hospitality workers. METHODS: ETS exposure was evaluated using a passive sampling device that measures airborne nicotine; lung function was assessed by spirometry; health-related quality of life, ETS exposure symptoms and satisfaction were measured by questionnaire. RESULTS: 105 participants (smokers and non-smokers) were recruited initially and 66 were followed up after one year. ETS exposure was significantly lower after the ban. Hospitality workers had lower pre-ban forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) values than expected. FEV1 remained stable after the ban, with a near-significant increase in the subgroup of asthmatics only. FVC increased at one year follow-up from 90.42% to 93.05% (p = 0.02) in the entire cohort; women, non-smokers and older participants gained the greatest benefit. The health survey showed an increase in physical wellbeing after the ban, the greatest benefit being observed in non-smokers. ETS exposure symptoms were less frequent after the ban, especially red and irritated eyes and sneezing. The new law was judged useful and satisfactory by the vast majority of employees, including smokers. CONCLUSION: The recent cantonal ban on smoking in public places brought about an improvement in lung function, physical well-being and ETS symptoms of hospitality workers, including smokers.
BACKGROUND: Preventive treatment may avoid future cases of tuberculosis among asylum seekers. The effectiveness of preventive treatment depends in large part on treatment completion. METHODS: In a prospective cohort study, asylum seekers of two of the Swiss Canton Vaud migration centres were screened with the Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA). Those with a positive IGRA were referred for medical examination. Individuals with active or past tuberculosis were excluded. Preventive treatment was offered to all participants with positive IGRA but without active tuberculosis. The adherence was assessed during monthly follow-up. RESULTS: From a population of 393 adult migrants, 98 (24.9%) had a positive IGRA. Eleven did not attend the initial medical assessment. Of the 87 examined, eight presented with pulmonary disease (five of them received a full course of antituberculous therapy), two had a history of prior tuberculosis treatment and two had contraindications to treatment. Preventive treatment was offered to 75 individuals (4 months rifampicin in 74 and 9 months isoniazid in one), of whom 60 (80%) completed the treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The vulnerability and the volatility of this population make screening and observance of treatment difficult. It seems possible to obtain a high rate of completion using a short course of treatment in a closely monitored population living in stable housing conditions.
This epidemiologic investigation in three Swiss regions (Geneva, St. Gall-Appenzell, Vaud) included 5,193 women diagnosed as having a first primary breast cancer. The patients were followed up for ten years (the observation totalled 24,994 women-years). Overall, these results confirmed that the relative risk of a second breast cancer was greatly increased during the first year following the primary diagnosis, but this was largely due to simultaneously discovered contralateral tumours. Beyond the first year of follow-up, the relative risk of a second tumour was lower but still significantly greater than unity. No significant diminution of the excess risk was observed in the first 10 years of follow-up. Relative risk of a second breast cancer was generally higher before age 50, independently of the latency. The relative risk of a second breast cancer differed significantly from one region to another, possibly due to specific techniques of registration.
Introduction: Low socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with higher prevalence of diabetes and worse outcomes; it has also been shown to be associated with worse quality of care. We aimed to explore the relationship between SES and quality of care in the Swiss context. Methods: We used data from a population-based survey including 519 adult diabetic patients living in the canton of Vaud. Self-reported data on patients' and diabetes characteristics, indicators of process and outcomes of care and quality of life were collected. Dependent variables included 6 processes of care (PoC) received during the last 12 months (HbA1C, lipid, microalbuminuria, fundoscopy, feet examination and influenza vaccination) and selected clinical outcomes (blood pressure, LDL, HbA1C, diabetes-specific (ADDQoL) and generic quality of life (SF-12)). Regression analyses were performed to assess the relationship between education and income, respectively, and quality of care as measured by PoC and clinical outcomes. Adjustment was made for age, gender and comorbidities. Results: Mean age was 64.5 years, 40% were women; 19%, 56% and 25% of the patients reported primary (I), secondary (II) and tertiary (III) education. Fundoscopy was the only PoC significantly associated with education, with III education patients more likely to get the exam than those with primary education (adjOR 1.8, 95% CI 1.0-3.3). Use of composite indicators of PoC showed that compared to patients with primary education, patients with III education were more likely to receive ≥5/6 PoC (adjOR 1.9, 95% CI 1.1-3.4), and that those with II or III education were more likely to receive 4/4 PoC (adjOR 1.9, 95% CI 1.0-3.3; adjOR 2.1, 95% CI 1.1-4.1, respectively). Quality of life was the only clinical outcome significantly associated with education, with II and III education patients reporting better quality of life compared to primary education patients, as measured by the ADDQoL (β 0.6, 95% CI 0.3-1.0, β 0.6, 95% CI 0.2-1.0, respectively) and the physical component score of the SF-12 (β 2.5, 95% CI 0.2-4.8, β 3.6, 95% CI 0.9-6.4, respectively). No associations were found between income and quality of care. Conclusion: Social inequalities have been demonstrated in Switzerland for global health indicators. Our results suggest that similar associations are found when considering quality of care measures in individuals with diabetes, but only for a few indicators.
The species of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) group are morphologically very similar but exhibit high levels of karyotypic variation. Here we used genetic variation at 10 microsatellite markers in a data set of 212 individuals mostly sampled in the western Alps and composed of five karyotypic taxa (Sorex coronatus, Sorex antinorii and the S. araneus chromosome races Cordon, Bretolet and Vaud) to investigate the concordance between genetic and karyotypic structure. Bayesian analysis confirmed the taxonomic status of the three sampled species since individuals consistently grouped according to their taxonomical status. However, introgression can still be detected between S. antinorii and the race Cordon of S. araneus. This observation is consistent with the expected low karyotypic complexity of hybrids between these two taxa. Geographically based cryptic substructure was discovered within S. antinorii, a pattern consistent with the different postglaciation recolonization routes of this species. Additionally, we detected two genetic groups within S. araneus notwithstanding the presence of three chromosome races. This pattern can be explained by the probable hybrid status of the Bretolet race but also suggests a relatively low impact of chromosomal differences on genetic structure compared to historical factors. Finally, we propose that the current data set (available at http://www.unil.ch/dee/page7010_en.html#1) could be used as a reference by those wanting to identify Sorex individuals sampled in the western Alps.