999 resultados para University of Michigan. Class of 1912
Ware and Van Brunt, architect. An addition was built to the south in 1898. The 1883 portion was torn down in 1918.
[source for copy neg unknown, sepia tone added]
Top Row: Wesley Winkler, Ralph Drake, Charles Rothschild, Norman Sterry, Kenneth Robinson, Alfred Chadwick, Weldon Fix, Ross Kidston, Les Barkenbus, Harrison Weeks, David Dunlap, George Gregory, Harold Baker, Cecil Gooding, George Sadler
Third Row: student mngr. H.C. Crafts, Edward Dickey(?), David Beardsley, William Snushall, ? Smith, George Davison, Kennedy Potter, ? Clark, Charles Van Valkenberg, Neil Snow, Joseph Horgan, James Forrest, William Foote, Webb Sadler, ? Hayes
Second Row: trainer Keene Fitzpatrick, ? Smith, Samuel Sackett, Everett Sweeley, Herbert Graver, Walter Shaw, Hugh White, Albert Herrnstein, Curtis Redden, Dan McGugin, Ebin Wilson, Bruce Shorts, Arthur Redner, Temple Owens
Front Row: Ralph Husson, Albert Preussman, Arthur Urquhart, Willie Heston, Benjamin Southworth, coach Fielding Yost, Charles Crane, Jerome (mascot), John Lewis, Frank Doty, Frank Belknap
Back row-standing: Keene Fitzpatrick, Joe Maddock, Coach Fielding Yost, Dan McGugin, Eugene Tefler, Frank Doty, Rolla Bigelow, Lorin(?) Jones, Andrews, Andrews, Samuel Sackett, DeStelle DeLappe, Anderson, William Snushall, Elmer Shank, Brown, William Cole, Clarence Wilcox, Shirk, Lake, James Turner, Kennedy Potter, George Read, Richardson, Ralph Drake, John Hincks, Clifford Kennedy
Middle Row-kneeling: Chauncey Brewer, John H. James, David Smith, Abner Howell, James Forrest, William Palmer, George Edmonds, Edwards, Spaulding, John Belford, Davis, Eldred Keays, Samuel Ball, Hemeneway, Palmer,
Front Row: Charles VanValkenberg, Paul Dickey, Herbert Graver, Paul Jones, Everett Sweeley, Charles Carter, Albert Herrnstein, Ross Kidston, George Gregory, William Weeks, James Knight, Norman Sterry, Curtis Redden, Harold Baker, Moses Johnson, James Maynard, Frederick Woodward, Chris Cron, Chester Apel, Cooley, John Lewis
Back Row: stud. mngr, Thomas Roberts, Tom Hammond, John Curtis, John Garrels, Cecil Gooding, "Germany" Schulz, David Dunlap, Frank Longman, coach Fielding Yost, Ray Barnett, trainer Keene Fitzpatrick
Middle Row: Rolla Bigelow, Herb Graver, Joe Maddock, Curtis Redden, George Gregory, Willie Heston
front Row: James DePree, Walter Eyke, John James, Duncan Thomson, Eugene Person, Fred Norcross, Hal Weeks
Top Row: assistant coach William Cole, Ted Stuart, James De Pree, Paul Magoffin, Walter Graham, Harry Patrick,
Middle Row: Hal Weeks, Harry Hammond, Thomas Jefferson Smull, Charles Briggs, Adolph "Germany" Schulz, Jay Mack Love, John Garrels, William Dennison Clark, Walter Rheinschild, Edward Hammond, Walter Becker
Front Row: trainer Keene Fitzpatrick, Tom Hammond, John Curtis, Henry Schulte, captain Willie Heston, , Frank Longman, Charles Carter, coach Fielding Yost, student mngr. Albert H. Montgomery
Seated in front: Fred Norcross
Football squad on practice field
Full Squad posed on practice field.
Football squad on practice field. 1913
Back Row: Chester Morrison, ?, Angus Goetz, Harold Cherry, ?, Abraham Cohn, ?, Eddy, Ward Culver, ?
Third Row: ?, Archie Weston, Oscar Cartwright, Skinner, trainer Harold Tuthill
Second Row: ?, J .Orton Goodsell, William Fortune, ?, Alan W. Boyd, Tad Wieman, Clifford Sparks
Front Row: Fred Hendershott, others unidentified
Others on team bur not identified in this picture:Charles Booth, Lee Bonar, William Cruse, Harold Froemke, Thomas Garrett, Lowell Genebach, Joseph Hanzlik, Oscar Lambert, L.O. Lindstom, Harold Rye, Richard F. Weske
Top Row: Dick Bodycomb, Gus Eaton, Bud Marshall, Tony Cybulski, Herb Taggart, Bob Kash, Burl Selden (ass't coach), Cliff Keen (coach).
Third Row: Gene Kiddon, Gordon Smith, Vaughn Lowther, Jim Coleman, Larry Shaw, James Johnson, Frank Whitehouse, Gene Freed, Everet Knapp, George Sipp, Stan Emerling.
Second Row: Bill Clark, James Richter, Jack Keller, Dave Bradbury Fred Koehn, Hyman Berman, Bill Parshall, Bill Connoly, M. Richard Fleishman, Frank Murphy, Jim Briskin, Leon Hinz.
Bottom Row: John Wilcox, Prentice Ryan, Ed Morey, Jim Costa, Barry Breakey, Jere Ogle, Jim Armelagos, Don O'Connell, Jerry Burns, John Picard, James Sakai, Ted Karmazin.
l-r: Ray Jackson, Chris Webber, Juwan Howard, Jalen Rose, Jimmy King
[l-r: Ray Jackson, Juwan Howard, Jalen Rose, Jimmy King, Chris Webber]