923 resultados para Unified health system
NORO, L. R. A. et al. A utilização de serviços odontológicos entre crianças e fatores associados em Sobral, Ceará, Brasil. Cad. Saúde Pública, v. 24, n. 7, p. 1509-1516. 2008. ISSN 0102-311X.
In Scotland, life expectancy and health outcomes are strongly tied to socioeconomic status. Specifically, socioeconomically deprived areas suffer disproportionately from high levels of premature multimorbidity and mortality. To tackle these inequalities in health, challenges in the most deprived areas must be addressed. One avenue that merits attention is the potential role of general medical practitioners (GPs) in helping to address health inequalities, particularly due to their long-term presence in deprived communities, their role in improving patient and population health, and their potential advocacy role on behalf of their patients. GPs can be seen as what Lipsky calls ‘street-level bureaucrats’ due to their considerable autonomy in the decisions they make surrounding individual patient needs, yet practising under the bureaucratic structure of the NHS. While previous research has examined the applicability of Lipsky’s framework to the role of GPs, there has been very little research exploring how GPs negotiate between the multiple identities in their work, how GPs ‘socially construct’ their patients, how GPs view their potential role as ‘advocate’, and what this means in terms of the contribution of GPs to addressing existing inequalities in health. Using semi-structured interviews, this study explored the experience and views of 24 GPs working in some of Scotland’s most deprived practices to understand how they might combat this growing health divide via the mitigation (and potential prevention) of existing health inequalities. Participants were selected based on several criteria including practice deprivation level and their individual involvement in the Deep End project, which is an informal network comprising the 100 most deprived general practices in Scotland. The research focused on understanding GPs’ perceptions of their work including its broader implications, within their practice, the communities within which they practise, and the health system as a whole. The concept of street-level bureaucracy proved to be useful in understanding GPs’ frontline work and how they negotiate dilemmas. However, this research demonstrated the need to look beyond Lipsky’s framework in order to understand how GPs reconcile their multiple identities, including advocate and manager. As a result, the term ‘street-level professional’ is offered to capture more fully the multiple identities which GPs inhabit and to explain how GPs’ elite status positions them to engage in political and policy advocacy. This study also provides evidence that GPs’ social constructions of patients are linked not only to how GPs conceptualise the causes of health inequalities, but also to how they view their role in tackling them. In line with this, the interviews established that many GPs felt they could make a difference through advocacy efforts at individual, community and policy/political levels. Furthermore, the study draws attention to the importance of practitioner-led groups—such as the Deep End project—in supporting GPs’ efforts and providing a platform for their advocacy. Within this study, a range of GPs’ views have been explored based on the sample. While it is unclear how common these views are amongst GPs in general, the study revealed that there is considerable scope for ‘political GPs’ who choose to exercise discretion in their communities and beyond. Consequently, GPs working in deprived areas should be encouraged to use their professional status and political clout not only to strengthen local communities, but also to advocate for policy change that might potentially affect the degree of disadvantage of their patients, and levels of social and health inequalities more generally.
Background The study upon which this paper is based was undertaken to understand users’ and non-users’ perceptions concerning facilitators and barriers to equitable and universal access to health care in resource-poor countries such as Malawi. In this study, non-users of health services were defined as people who were not in need of health services or those who had stopped using them due to significant barriers. Methods A total of 80 interviews with non-users of health services were conducted in Rumphi, Ntchisi, Phalombe and Blantyre Districts of Malawi. Interviews focused on why informants were not using formal health services at the time of data collection. In order to identify non-users, snowballing was used health surveillance assistants, village headmen and community members also helped. One focus group discussion was also conducted with non-users of health services who were members of the Zion Church. Results Informants described themselves as non-users of health services due to several reasons: cost of health services; long distances to health facilities; poor attitude of health workers; belief in the effectiveness of traditional medicines; old age and their failure to walk. Others were non-users due to their disability; hence they could not walk over long distances or could not communicate effectively with health providers. Some of these non-users were complete non-users, namely members of the Zion Church and those who believed in traditional medicine, and they stated that nothing could be done to transform them into users of health services. Other non-users stated that they could become users if their challenges were addressed e.g. for those who were non-users of health services due to poor attitudes of health workers, they stated that if these health workers were transferred they would be able to access health services. Conclusions Public health education targeting both health workers and non-users, ensuring a functional outreach program and addressing other health system challenges such as shortage of drugs and human resources would assist in transforming non-users into users of health services.
The self-medicatíon is a phenomenon more and more frequent and used for several years already, and tts incidence and dlstribution are related wtth the organizatíon and health system of each country. Following Medeiros thoughts (2011), this practíce conststs in the consumptíon of a medicine with the purpose of treating or relieving the symptoms and diseases or even promote self health, without using a professional prescription. Methods: With thts study, we intend to find the self-medication practice incidence on the students in the School of Health of Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESSa), identify the motives that lead these students to resort to this methods and identify the most used medicatíons. lt's a transversal descriptive, observational and quantítative study. To obtain the best results it was applied a questíonnaire built for that purpose. The statístícs analyses was made using Excel program. Our sample hás 219 students of the School of Health from Polytechntc Instítute of Bragança. Results: The studied sample includes 194 female and 25 male students distributed as follows: 36 frequenting Biomedical Laboratory Sdences, 26 Dietetics and Nutrition, 99 Nursing, 33 Gerontology and 22 studying Pharmacy. The self-medicatíon prevalence was 98%. The most used medicines was the analgesics and antipyretics with 86%. The most prevalent reason for the use of self-medicatíon was the thought that the disease was a "minor health issue". It was also considered a risky practice by 77% of the students. Conclusions: The self-medication is an evident practíce on the ESSa students. This results reveal some contradiction stnce the most consider 1t as a risky practíce, however it is, stíll, practíced.
The Irish health care system is based on a complex and costly mix of private, statutory, and voluntary provisions. The majority of health care expenditure comes from the state, with a significant proportion of acute hospital care funded from private insurance, but there are relatively high out-of-pocket costs for most service users. There is free access to acute hospital care, but not for primary care, for all children. About 40% of the population have free access to primary care. Universal preventive public health services, including vaccination and immunization, newborn blood spot screening, and universal neonatal hearing screening are free. Major health challenges include poverty, obesity, drug and alcohol use, and mental health. The health care system has been dominated for the last 5 years by the impact of the current recession, which has led to very sharp cuts in health care expenditure. It is unclear if the necessary substantial reform of the system will happen. Government policy calls for a move toward a patient-centered, primary care-led system, but without very substantial transfers of resources and investment in Information and Communication Technology, this is unlikely to occur. The paper has been published as part of an overall report of Child Health in Europe: Diversity of Child Health Care in Europe: A Study of the European Paediatric Association/Union of National European Paediatric Societies and Associations http://www.jpeds.com/issue/S0022-3476(16)X0010-8 . (J Pediatr 2016;177S:S87-106).
In the digital age, e-health technologies play a pivotal role in the processing of medical information. As personal health data represents sensitive information concerning a data subject, enhancing data protection and security of systems and practices has become a primary concern. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the concept of Privacy by Design, which aims at developing a product or a service in a way that it supports privacy principles and rules. In the EU, Article 25 of the General Data Protection Regulation provides a binding obligation of implementing Data Protection by Design technical and organisational measures. This thesis explores how an e-health system could be developed and how data processing activities could be carried out to apply data protection principles and requirements from the design stage. The research attempts to bridge the gap between the legal and technical disciplines on DPbD by providing a set of guidelines for the implementation of the principle. The work is based on literature review, legal and comparative analysis, and investigation of the existing technical solutions and engineering methodologies. The work can be differentiated by theoretical and applied perspectives. First, it critically conducts a legal analysis on the principle of PbD and it studies the DPbD legal obligation and the related provisions. Later, the research contextualises the rule in the health care field by investigating the applicable legal framework for personal health data processing. Moreover, the research focuses on the US legal system by conducting a comparative analysis. Adopting an applied perspective, the research investigates the existing technical methodologies and tools to design data protection and it proposes a set of comprehensive DPbD organisational and technical guidelines for a crucial case study, that is an Electronic Health Record system.
This study aimed to characterize which regulatory logics (other than government regulation) result in healthcare output, using a two-stage qualitative study in two municipalities in the ABCD Paulista region in São Paulo State, Brazil. The first stage included interviews with strategic actors (managers and policymakers) and key health professionals. The second phase collected life histories from 18 individuals with high health-services utilization rates. An analysis of the researchers' involvement in the field allowed a better understanding of the narratives. Four regulatory systems were characterized (governmental, professional, clientelistic, and lay), indicating that regulation is a field in constant dispute, a social production. Users' action produces healthcare maps that reveal the existence of other possible health system arrangements, calling on us to test shared management of healthcare between health teams and users as a promising path to the urgent need to reinvent health.
To determine the prevalence of the Papanicolaou exam among women aged 20 to 59 years in the city of Campinas (state of São Paulo, Brazil) and to analyze associations between this test and affiliation to private health insurance plans as well as socioeconomic/demographic variables and health-related behavior. To do so, a population-based, cross-sectional study was carried out. Statistical analyses took the study design into account. Despite the significant socioeconomic differences between women with and without private health plans, no differences between these groups were found regarding having been submitted to the Papanicolaou test. In fact no differences were found as to socioeconomic and health variables analyzed. Among all variables analyzed, only marital status was significantly associated with having undergone the test. The Brazilian public health system accounted for 55.7% of the exams. The present findings indicate social equity in the city of Campinas regarding the preventive exam for cervical cancer in the age group studied.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as taxas de mortalidade por câncer de boca no período de 1991-2001, no município de Bauru-SP. A fonte de informação utilizada para o reconhecimento e seleção da população-alvo foram Certidões de Óbito dos Cartórios do município de Bauru com dados relativos ao período 1991-2001. Foram coletadas informações referentes a sexo, idade, localização da lesão e endereço. A coleta dos endereços visou à identificação no mapa do município de Bauru da localização geográfica do domicílio. Utilizando ferramentas do geoprocessamento, foi feita a inserção no mapa dos casos identificados. Foram registrados 67 casos de morte por câncer de boca na cidade de Bauru entre 1991 e 2001, com maiores taxas no sexo masculino e sexta década de vida. A análise da distribuição espacial mostra que a maioria dos casos encontra-se próxima à linha férrea que corta o município e foi responsável, em grande parte, pela ocupação territorial pela população, sendo esta também uma área que abrange os bairros mais antigos do município. O câncer de boca constitui importante causa de óbito no município, requerendo um planejamento de ações georreferenciadas pelo sistema local de saúde.
A saúde bucal na maioria dos municípios brasileiros constitui ainda um grande desafio aos princípios doutrinários do SUS. Este estudo objetivou analisar a prevalência de cárie dentária (CPOD) e as diferenças quanto ao gênero e localização geográfica, Significant Caries Index (SiC) e a porcentagem de livres de cárie no município de Itaí, São Paulo, em 2006. Utilizou-se a metodologia da OMS (1997), em uma população constituída por 390; destes, 178 adolescentes aos 12 anos de idade e que correspondem a 46% dos adolescentes matriculados nas escolas do município. O exame foi realizado por um único examinador. O teste kappa foi calculado com valor de concordância de 0,95. O índice CPOD foi de 2, 45, o SiC de 5, 08, e 30% dos indivíduos se apresentaram livres de cárie. Observou-se que 34% dos adolescentes concentraram 70% da doença demonstrando a ocorrência da polarização da cárie dentária. Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes na comparação do CPOD entre a localização geográfica e o mesmo não aconteceu com o gênero. Concluiu-se que está ocorrendo a polarização da cárie dentária em adolescentes, aos 12 anos, mas esta ocorrência não se apresenta de forma homogênea. Os problemas se intensificam em uma pequena parcela da população.
Este trabalho avaliou o material de higiene bucal usado em escolas para estabelecer um protocolo às ações de higiene bucal coletiva. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: 1ª- 20 responsáveis pelos procedimentos coletivos com escolares de Bauru e São José dos Campos - SP responderam a dois questionários sobre o uso de cinco kits de higiene bucal coletiva. A análise estatística foi realizada através do teste Wilcoxon (p < 0,05); 2ª - 178 escolares de 4 a 8 anos de Bauru e Bariri-SP dispensaram na escova uma quantidade de creme dental e dentifrício líquido para a prática da escovação, a qual foi pesada através de uma balança portátil. A análise estatística foi obtida através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e a análise de covariância (p< 0,05). O kit 5 obteve graus de satisfação e muita satisfação quando comparado aos kits 1 a 4. A quantidade de creme dental dispensada pelos escolares foi em média 0,41g (Bauru) e 0,48g (Bariri). Não houve diferença estatística entre os escolares de Bauru e Bariri em relação ao dentifrício líquido (média de 0,15g). O dentifrício líquido, através da "técnica da gota", foi considerado prático, dispensando uma pequena quantidade padronizada. O kit 5 demonstrou ser uma boa alternativa ao estabelecimento de um protocolo de ações em saúde bucal coletiva no SUS.
Deaths caused by systemic mycoses such as paracoccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, candidiasis, aspergillosis, coccidioidomycosis and zygomycosis amounted to 3,583 between 1996-2006 in Brazil. When analysed as the underlying cause of death, paracoccidioidomycosis represented the most important cause of deaths among systemic mycoses (~ 51.2%). When considering AIDS as the underlying cause of death and the systemic mycoses as associated conditions, cryptococcosis (50.9%) appeared at the top of the list, followed by candidiasis (30.2%), histoplasmosis (10.1%) and others. This mortality analysis is useful in understanding the real situation of systemic mycoses in Brazil, since there is no mandatory notification of patients diagnosed with systemic mycoses in the official health system.
Estudo transversal desenvolvido com a clientela da clínica médica das Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Lorena (SP) com o objetivo de descrever o perfil de utilização de medicamentos em adultos e idosos. Foram coletados dados sobre características sociodemográficas, razões de procura do serviço, prescrição medicamentosa, identificação do(s) medicamento(s) utilizado(s) no último mês, local de aquisição do(s) mesmo(s), automedicação e uso de medicamento(s) homeopático(s). Foram entrevistados 766 indivíduos, sendo 66% do sexo feminino. Mais de 46% dos entrevistados referiram existência de doença crônica e a maioria se considerava em bom estado de saúde. A prescrição de medicamentos alcançou cerca de 70% da população, com média de 1,5 medicamento por pessoa, a maioria anti-hipertensivos. Este número aumentou com o aumento da idade, foi maior nas situações de manutenção do estado de saúde e casos de doença, na existência de doença crônica, nos casos auto-referidos como estado de saúde ruim para os homens e regular para as mulheres. Para as mulheres, também foi maior para as não inscritas em alguma UBS e para aquelas em consulta de retorno. A automedicação e o uso de medicamentos homeopáticos foram baixos.