946 resultados para Ultra high-vacuum system


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Aim of this thesis was to further extend the applicability of the Fourier-transform (FT) rheology technique especially for non-linear mechanical characterisation of polymeric materials on the one hand and to investigated the influence of the degree of branching on the linear and non-linear relaxation behaviour of polymeric materials on the other hand. The latter was achieved by employing in particular FT-rheology and other rheological techniques to variously branched polymer melts and solutions. For these purposes, narrowly distributed linear and star-shaped polystyrene and polybutadiene homo-polymers with varying molecular weights were anionically synthesised using both high-vacuum and inert atmosphere techniques. Furthermore, differently entangled solutions of linear and star-shaped polystyrenes in di-sec-octyl phthalate (DOP) were prepared. The several linear polystyrene solutions were measured under large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) conditions and the non-linear torque response was analysed in the Fourier space. Experimental results were compared with numerical predictions performed by Dr. B. Debbaut using a multi-mode differential viscoelastic fluid model obeying the Giesekus constitutive equation. Apart from the analysis of the relative intensities of the harmonics, a detailed examination of the phase information content was developed. Further on, FT-rheology allowed to distinguish polystyrene melts and solutions due to their different topologies where other rheological measurements failed. Significant differences occurred under LAOS conditions as particularly reflected in the phase difference of the third harmonic, Ħ3, which could be related to shear thinning and shear thickening behaviour.


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This thesis focuses on the ceramic process for the production of optical grade transparent materials to be used as laser hosts. In order to be transparent a ceramic material must exhibit a very low concentration of defects. Defects are mainly represented by secondary or grain boundary phases and by residual pores. The strict control of the stoichiometry is mandatory to avoid the formation of secondary phases, whereas residual pores need to be below 150 ppm. In order to fulfill these requirements specific experimental conditions must be combined together. In addition powders need to be nanometric or at least sub-micrometric and extremely pure. On the other hand, nanometric powders aggregate easily and this leads to a poor, not homogeneous packing during shaping by pressing and to the formation of residual pores during sintering. Very fine powders are also difficult to handle and tend to absorb water on the surface. Finally, the powder manipulation (weighting operations, solvent removal, spray drying, shaping, etc), easily introduces impurities. All these features must be fully controlled in order to avoid the formation of defects that work as scattering sources thus decreasing the transparency of the material. The important role played by the processing on the transparency of ceramic materials is often underestimated. In the literature a high level of transparency has been reported by many authors but the description of the experimental process, in particular of the powder treatment and shaping, is seldom extensively described and important information that are necessary to reproduce the described results are often missing. The main goal of the present study therefore is to give additional information on the way the experimental features affect the microstructural evolution of YAG-based ceramics and thus the final properties, in particular transparency. Commercial powders are used to prepare YAG materials doped with Nd or Yb by reactive sintering under high vacuum. These dopants have been selected as the more appropriate for high energy and high peak power lasers. As far as it concerns the powder treatment, the thesis focuses on the influence of the solvent removal technique (rotavapor versus spray drying of suspensions in ethanol), the ball milling duration and speed, suspension concentration, solvent ratio, type and amount of dispersant. The influence of the powder type and process on the powder packing as well as the pressure conditions during shaping by pressing are also described. Finally calcination, sintering under high vacuum and in clean atmosphere, and post sintering cycles are studied and related to the final microstructure analyzed by SEM-EDS and HR-TEM, and to the optical and laser properties.


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Conjugated polymers are macromolecules that possess alternating single and double bonds along the main chain. These polymers combine the optoelectronic properties of semiconductors with the mechanical properties and processing advantages of plastics. In this thesis we discuss the synthesis, characterization and application of polyphenylene-based materials in various electronic devices. Poly(2,7-carbazole)s have the potential to be useful as blue emitters, but also as donor materials in solar cells due to their better hole-accepting properties. However, it is associated with two major drawbacks (1) the emission maximum occurs at 421 nm where the human eye is not very sensitive and (2) the 3- and 6- positions of carbazole are susceptible to chemical or electrochemical degradation. To overcome these problems, the ladder-type nitrogen-bridged polymers are synthesized. The resulting series of polymers, nitrogen-bridged poly(ladder-type tetraphenylene), nitrogen-bridged poly(ladder-type pentaphenylene), nitrogen-bridged poly(ladder-type hexaphenylene) and its derivatives are discussed in the light of photophysical and electrochemical properties and tested in PLEDs, solar cell, and OFETs. A promising trend which has emerged in recent years is the use of well defined oligomers as model compounds for their corresponding polymers. However, the uses of these molecules are many times limited by their solubility and one has to use vapor deposition techniques which require high vacuum and temperature and cannot be used for large area applications. One solution to this problem is the synthesis of small molecules having enough alkyl chain on the backbone so that they can be solution or melt processed and has the ability to form thin films like polymers as well as retain the high ordered structure characteristics of small molecules. Therefore, in the present work soluble ladderized oligomers based on thiophene and carbazole with different end group were made and tested in OFET devices. Carbazole is an attractive raw material for the synthesis of dyes since it is cheap and readily available. Carbazoledioxazine, commercially known as violet 23 is a representative compound of dioxazine pigments. As part of our efforts into developing cheap alternatives to violet 23, the synthesis and characterization of a new series of dyes by Buchwald-type coupling of 3-aminocarbazole with various isomers of chloroanthraquinone are presented.


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Il lavoro di tesi, svolto presso l’Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Ceramici (ISTEC-CNR, Faenza, RA), ha affrontato la produzione e la caratterizzazione di ceramici a base di boruro di zirconio (ZrB2) con lo scopo di valutare l’efficacia delle fibre corte di carbonio come potenziale rinforzo. Il boruro di zirconio appartiene a una famiglia di materiali noti come UHTC (Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics) caratterizzati da elevato punto di fusione e in grado di mantenere la resistenza meccanica e operare con limitata ossidazione a temperature superiori ai 2000°C. Il principale ostacolo nella produzione dei materiali a base di ZrB2 è il processo di sintesi, infatti, a causa della loro elevata temperatura di fusione, per ottenere un materiale completamente denso è necessario utilizzare processi a temperatura e pressione elevati (T > 2000°C e P > 30 MPa), condizioni che vanno ad influenzare la microstruttura della matrice e delle fibre e di conseguenza le proprietà meccaniche del materiale. L’aggiunta di additivi di sinterizzazione idonei permette di ottenere materiali perfettamente densi anche a temperature e pressioni inferiori. Tuttavia lo ZrB2 non viene ampiamente utilizzato per applicazioni strutturali a causa della sua fragilità, per far fronte alla sua bassa tenacità il materiale viene spesso rinforzato con una fase allungata (whiskers o fibre). È già oggetto di studi l’utilizzo di fibre corte e whiskers di SiC per tenacizzare lo ZrB2, tuttavia la forte interfaccia che viene a crearsi tra fibra e matrice, che non permette il pull-out delle fibre, ci porta a credere che una fibra che non tenda a reagire con la matrice, presentando un’interfaccia più debole, possa portare ad una tenacizzazione più efficace. Per questo scopo sono stati realizzati mediante pressatura a caldo due materiali rinforzati con fibre corte di carbonio: ZrB2 + 5% vol MoSi2 + 8% vol fibre di carbonio e [ZrB2 + 2 % peso C] + 8% vol fibre di carbonio, indicati rispettivamente con Z5M_Cf e Z2C_Cf. Sono stati analizzati e discussi diversi aspetti del materiale rinforzato tra cui: il comportamento di densificazione durante la pressatura a caldo, l’evoluzione della microstruttura della matrice, la distribuzione e la morfologia delle fibre, l’influenza del rinforzo sulle proprietà meccaniche di durezza e tenacità e sulla resistenza all’ossidazione. L’elaborato è strutturato come segue: inizialmente sono state introdotte le caratteristiche generali dei ceramici avanzati tra cui le proprietà, la produzione e le applicazioni; successivamente è stata approfondita la descrizione dei materiali a base di boruro di zirconio, in particolare i processi produttivi e l’influenza degli additivi di sinterizzazione sulla densificazione e sulle proprietà; ci si è poi concentrati sull’effetto di una seconda fase allungata per il rinforzo del composito. Per quanto riguarda la parte sperimentale vengono descritte le principali fasi della preparazione e caratterizzazione dei materiali: le materie prime, disperse in un solvente, sono state miscelate mediante ball-milling, successivamente è stato evaporato il solvente e la polvere ottenuta è stata formata mediante pressatura uniassiale. I campioni, dopo essere stati sinterizzati mediante pressatura uniassiale a caldo, sono stati tagliati e lucidati a specchio per poter osservare la microstruttura. Quest’ultima è stata analizzata al SEM per studiare l’effetto dell’additivo di sinterizzazione (MoSi2 e carbonio) e l’interfaccia tra matrice e fase rinforzante. Per approfondire l’effetto del rinforzo sulle proprietà meccaniche sono state misurate la durezza e la tenacità del composito; infine è stata valutata la resistenza all’ossidazione mediante prove in aria a 1200°C e 1500°C. L’addizione di MoSi2 ha favorito la densificazione a 1800°C mediante formazione di una fase liquida transiente, tuttavia il materiale è caratterizzato da una porosità residua di ~ 7% vol. L’addizione del carbonio ha favorito la densificazione completa a 1900°C grazie alla reazione dall’additivo con gli ossidi superficiali dello ZrB2. La microstruttura delle matrici è piuttosto fine, con una dimensione media dei grani di ~ 2 μm per entrambi i materiali. Nel caso del materiale con Z5M_Cf sono presenti nella matrice particelle di SiC e fasi MoB derivanti dalla reazione dell’additivo con le fibre e con la matrice; invece nel materiale Z2C_Cf sono presenti grani di carbonio allungati tra i bordi grano, residui delle reazioni di densificazione. In entrambi i materiali le fibre sono distribuite omogeneamente e la loro interfaccia con la matrice è fortemente reattiva. Nel caso del materiale Z5M_Cf si è formata una struttura core-shell con lo strato più esterno formato da SiC, formato dalla reazione tra il siliciuro e la fibra di C. Nel caso del materiale Z2C_Cf non si forma una vera e propria interfaccia, ma la fibra risulta fortemente consumata per via dell’alta temperatura di sinterizzazione. I valori di durezza Vickers dei materiali Z5M_Cf e Z2C_Cf sono rispettivamente 11 GPa e 14 GPa, valori inferiori rispetto al valore di riferimento di 23 GPa dello ZrB2, ma giustificati dalla presenza di una fase meno dura: le fibre di carbonio e, nel caso di Z5M_Cf, anche della porosità residua. I valori di tenacità dei materiali Z5M_Cf e Z2C_Cf, misurati con il metodo dell’indentazione, sono rispettivamente 3.06 MPa·m0.5 e 3.19 MPa·m0.5. L’osservazione, per entrambi i materiali, del fenomeno di pull-out della fibra, sulla superficie di frattura, e della deviazione del percorso della cricca, all’interno della fibra di carbonio, lasciano supporre che siano attivi questi meccanismi tenacizzanti a contributo positivo, unitamente al contributo negativo legato allo stress residuo. La resistenza all’ossidazione dei due materiali è confrontabile a 1200°C, mentre dopo esposizione a 1500°C il materiale Z5M_Cf risulta più resistente rispetto al materiale Z2C_Cf grazie alla formazione di uno strato di SiO2 protettivo, che inibisce la diffusione dell’ossigeno all’interno della matrice. Successivamente, sono stati considerati metodi per migliorare la densità finale del materiale e abbassare ulteriormente la temperatura di sinterizzazione in modo da minimizzare la degenerazione della fibra. Da ricerca bibliografica è stato identificato il siliciuro di tantalio (TaSi2) come potenziale candidato. Pertanto è stato prodotto un terzo materiale a base di ZrB2 + Cf contenente una maggiore quantità di siliciuro (10% vol TaSi2) che ha portato ad una densità relativa del 96% a 1750°C. Questo studio ha permesso di approcciare per la prima volta le problematiche legate all’introduzione delle fibre di carbonio nella matrice di ZrB2. Investigazioni future saranno mirate alla termodinamica delle reazioni che hanno luogo in sinterizzazione per poter analizzare in maniera più sistematica la reattività delle fibre nei confronti della matrice e degli additivi. Inoltre riuscendo ad ottenere un materiale completamente denso e con fibre di carbonio poco reagite si potrà valutare la reale efficacia delle fibre di carbonio come possibili fasi tenacizzanti.


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This thesis reports on the experimental realization, characterization and application of a novel microresonator design. The so-called “bottle microresonator” sustains whispering-gallery modes in which light fields are confined near the surface of the micron-sized silica structure by continuous total internal reflection. While whispering-gallery mode resonators in general exhibit outstanding properties in terms of both temporal and spatial confinement of light fields, their monolithic design makes tuning of their resonance frequency difficult. This impedes their use, e.g., in cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) experiments, which investigate the interaction of single quantum mechanical emitters of predetermined resonance frequency with a cavity mode. In contrast, the highly prolate shape of the bottle microresonators gives rise to a customizable mode structure, enabling full tunability. The thesis is organized as follows: In chapter I, I give a brief overview of different types of optical microresonators. Important quantities, such as the quality factor Q and the mode volume V, which characterize the temporal and spatial confinement of the light field are introduced. In chapter II, a wave equation calculation of the modes of a bottle microresonator is presented. The intensity distribution of different bottle modes is derived and their mode volume is calculated. A brief description of light propagation in ultra-thin optical fibers, which are used to couple light into and out of bottle modes, is given as well. The chapter concludes with a presentation of the fabrication techniques of both structures. Chapter III presents experimental results on highly efficient, nearly lossless coupling of light into bottle modes as well as their spatial and spectral characterization. Ultra-high intrinsic quality factors exceeding 360 million as well as full tunability are demonstrated. In chapter IV, the bottle microresonator in add-drop configuration, i.e., with two ultra-thin fibers coupled to one bottle mode, is discussed. The highly efficient, nearly lossless coupling characteristics of each fiber combined with the resonator's high intrinsic quality factor, enable resonant power transfers between both fibers with efficiencies exceeding 90%. Moreover, the favorable ratio of absorption and the nonlinear refractive index of silica yields optical Kerr bistability at record low powers on the order of 50 µW. Combined with the add-drop configuration, this allows one to route optical signals between the outputs of both ultra-thin fibers, simply by varying the input power, thereby enabling applications in all-optical signal processing. Finally, in chapter V, I discuss the potential of the bottle microresonator for CQED experiments with single atoms. Its Q/V-ratio, which determines the ratio of the atom-cavity coupling rate to the dissipative rates of the subsystems, aligns with the values obtained for state-of-the-art CQED microresonators. In combination with its full tunability and the possibility of highly efficient light transfer to and from the bottle mode, this makes the bottle microresonator a unique tool for quantum optics applications.


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Copper(I) halide clusters are recently considered as good candidate for optoelectronic devices such as OLEDs . Although the copper halide clusters, in particular copper iodide, are very well known since the beginning of the 20th century, only in the late ‘70s the interest on these compounds grew dramatically due their particular photophysical behaviour. These complexes are characterized by a dual triplet emission bands, named Cluster Centred (3CC) and Halogen-to-Ligand charge transfer (3XLCT), the intensities of which are strictly related with the temperature. The CC transition, due to the presence of a metallophylic interactions, is prevalent at ambient temperature while the XLCT transition, located preferentially on the ligand part, became more prominent at low temperature. Since these pioneering works, it was easy to understand the photophysical properties of this compounds became more interesting in solid-state respect to solution with an improvement in emission efficiency. In this work we aim to characterize in SS organocopper(I)iodide compounds to valuate the correlation between the molecular crystal structure and the photophysical properties. It is also considered to hike new strategies to synthesize CuI complexes from the wet reactions to the more green solvent free methods. The advantages in using these strategies are evident but, obtain a single crystal suitable for SCXRD analysis from these batches is quite impossible. The structure solution still remains the key point in this research so we tackle this problem solving the structure by X-ray powder diffraction data. When the sample was fully characterized we moved to design and development of the associated OLED-device. Since copper iodide complexes are often insoluble in organic solvents, the high vacuum deposition technique is preferred. A new non-conventional deposition process have also been proposed to avoid the low complex stability in this practice with an in-situ complex formation in a layer-by layer deposition route.


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La presenza di micotossine nelle materie prime desta grande preoccupazione a causa delle importanti implicazioni nella sicurezza di alimenti e mangimi. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di mettere a punto e validare una metodica analitica rapida e semplice, in cromatografia liquida ad ultra prestazione accoppiata a spettrometria di massa-tandem (UPLC-MS/MS), per la determinazione simultanea di differenti micotossine: aflatossine (B1, B2, G1, G2), ocratossina A, fumonisine (B1, B2), deossinivalenolo e zearalenone in matrici biologiche. Il metodo sviluppato per l’analisi di campioni di mangime secco per cani ha mostrato prestazioni adeguate ed è stato applicato a 49 campioni reperibili in commercio, al fine di valutare la sua efficacia e di ottenere alcuni dati preliminari sulla contaminazione da micotossine in alimenti per cani disponibili sul mercato italiano. Lo studio ha evidenziato una percentuale alta di campioni positivi, contenenti principalmente fumonisine, deossinivalenolo e ocratossina A; tutti i tenori si sono dimostrati inferiori al limite di legge previsto (Racc. CE 576/2006). Una seconda metodica è stata messa a punto e validata per l’identificazione e la quantificazione micotossine in campioni di formaggio; per questa matrice è stata inserita anche l’aflatossina M1, specifica dei prodotti lattiero - caseari. Le differenti proprietà chimico-fisiche degli analiti e la complessità della matrice hanno implicato alcune difficoltà nello sviluppo della metodica. Tuttavia, il metodo validato si è mostrato rapido, semplice ed affidabile ed è stato applicato a diversi tipi di formaggi per verificarne la versatilità. I risultati preliminari hanno mostrato l’assenza di contaminazione da parte delle micotossine in oggetto. Entrambi i metodi si sono dimostrati utili per il monitoraggio di contaminanti in matrici complesse ad oggi ancora poco studiate.


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Questo lavoro ha lo scopo di individuare una strada nella ricerca di un confronto tra canditati eventi di neutrino cosmico da parte dell'esperimento ANTARES ,nel Mar Mediterraneo a sud est della costa di Tolone, in Francia e gli Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays dell'osservatorio Pierre Auger in Argentina. Si utilizzano dati raccolti dal telescopio di neutrini ANTARES tra il 2007 e il 2013, con energie dell'ordine del TeV, e quelli di Auger ottenuti tra il 2004 e il 2014, con energie dei raggi cosmici dell'ordine dell'EeV. Entrambi gli apparati sono basati sulla rivelazione di radiazione Cherenkov, ma l'osservatorio di Auger è dotato di un secondo rivelatore di luminescenza che lavora in sincrono per ridurre gli errori sistematici associati ai singoli rivelatori. Le distribuzioni degli eventi in base alle direzioni di arrivo e dell' energia osservata, sono i parametri necessari per la ricerca di una correlazione. Dalla sovrapposizione delle distribuzioni possiamo evidenziare le zone di visibilità caratteristiche di ciascun esperimento, e condurre un eventuale successiva analisi finalizzata ad una identificazione univoca di eventi coincidenti.


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The clinical validity of at-risk criteria of psychosis had been questioned based on epidemiological studies that have reported much higher prevalence and annual incidence rates of psychotic-like experiences (PLEs as assessed by either self rating questionnaires or layperson interviews) in the general population than of the clinical phenotype of psychotic disorders (van Os et al., 2009). Thus, it is unclear whether “current at-risk criteria reflect behaviors so common among adolescents and young adults that a valid distinction between ill and non-ill persons is difficult” (Carpenter, 2009). We therefore assessed the 3-month prevalence of at-risk criteria by means of telephone interviews in a randomly drawn general population sample from the at-risk age segment (age 16–35 years) in the Canton Bern, Switzerland. Eighty-five of 102 subjects had valid phone numbers, 21 of these subjects refused (although 6 of them signaled willingness to participate at a later time), 4 could not be contacted. Sixty subjects (71% of the enrollment fraction) participated. Two participants met exclusion criteria (one for being psychotic, one for lack of language skills). Twenty-two at-risk symptoms were assessed for their prevalence and severity within the 3 months prior to the interview by trained clinical raters using (i) the Structured Interview for Prodromal Syndromes (SIPS; Miller et al., 2002) for the evaluation of 5 attenuated psychotic and 3 brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms (APS, BLIPS) as well as state-trait criteria of the ultra-high-risk (UHR) criteria and (ii) the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument, Adult version (SPI-A; Schultze-Lutter et al., 2007) for the evaluation of the 14 basic symptoms included in COPER and COGDIS (Schultze-Lutter et al., 2008). Further, psychiatric axis I diagnoses were assessed by means of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview, M.I.N.I. (Sheehan et al., 1998), and psychosocial functioning by the Scale of Occupational and Functional Assessment (SOFAS; APA, 1994). All interviewees felt ‘rather’ or ‘very’ comfortable with the interview. Of the 58 included subjects, only 1 (2%) fulfilled APS criteria by reporting the attenuated, non-delusional idea of his mind being literally read by others at a frequency of 2–3 times a week that had newly occurred 6 weeks ago. BLIPS, COPER, COGDIS or state-trait UHR criteria were not reported. Yet, twelve subjects (21%) described sub-threshold at-risk symptoms: 7 (12%) reported APS relevant symptoms but did not meet time/frequency criteria of APS, and 9 (16%) reported COPER and/or COGDIS relevant basic symptoms but at an insufficient frequency or as a trait lacking increase in severity; 4 of these 12 subjects reported both sub-threshold APS and sub-threshold basic symptoms. Table 1 displays type and frequency of the sub-threshold at-risk symptoms.


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The early detection and treatment of persons at risk for psychosis is currently regarded as a promising strategy in fighting the devastating consequences of psychotic disorders. The two current favored at-risk approaches, i.e., the «ultra high risk» and the «basic symptom» criteria, were developed mainly using adult samples. Initial evidence suggests, however, that they cannot simply be applied to children and adolescents. For «ultra-high risk» criteria, there is indication of some attenuated psychotic symptoms being potentially nonspecific in adolescents, and of brief limited intermittent symptoms being difficult to clinically classify in children when observable behavioral correlates are missing. For basic symptoms, too, only a preliminary indication of their usefulness in children and adolescents exists. Since developmental peculiarities in the assessment of basic symptoms should be considered, a child and youth version of the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument (SPI-CY) was developed. In conclusion, research on the clinical-prognostic validity of the at-risk criteria and their potential adaption to the special needs of children and adolescents is needed. If a «Prodromal Risk Syndrome for Psychosis» or «Attenuated Psychotic Symptoms Syndrome» are included in the upcoming DSM-5, it should be highlighted that its suitability for children and adolescents is only insufficiently known.


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O Instrumento de Propensão a Esquizofrenia tem suas origens no conceito de sintoma básico descrito primeiramente por Gerd Huber. Sintomas básicos são distúrbios sub-clínicos sutis auto-experimentados da motivação, da tolerância ao estresse, do afeto, do pensamento, do discurso, da ação motora e da percepção, os quais são claramente distintos fenomenologicamente dos sintomas psicóticos. Eles podem estar presentes antes do primeiro episódio psicótico, entre e após episódios psicóticos, e mesmo durante os próprios episódios psicóticos. Pensava-se que eles eram a mais imediata expressão psicopatológica da alteração somática por trás do desenvolvimento da psicose – assim o termo “básico”. Sintomas básicos são fenomenologicamente diferentes dos estados mentais conhecidos pelo paciente/sujeito do que ele/ela considera seu eu “normal” e assim são claramente distinguíveis dos distúrbios sutis descritos como traços naqueles com alto risco genético. Além disso, sintomas básicos são claramente distintos fenomenologicamente dos sintomas psicóticos atenuados ou francos - empregados no critério de “risco-ultra-alto” (Ultra High Risk − UHR) para risco iminente de um primeiro episódio psicótico – já que não são necessariamente observáveis por outros, como pensamento e discurso estranhos, sintomas negativos e alteração formal do pensamento. Eles são considerados como sendo desenvolvidos no próprio sujeito, contrariamente aos distúrbios de percepção esquizotípicos e alucinações, e não afetam primariamente o conteúdo do pensamento como o fazem o pensamento mágico, as idéias de referência, a ideação paranóide e os delírios.


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There are two main types of bone in the human body, trabecular and cortical bone. Cortical bone is primarily found on the outer surface of most bones in the body while trabecular bone is found in vertebrae and at the end of long bones (Ross 2007). Osteoporosis is a condition that compromises the structural integrity of trabecular bone, greatly reducing the ability of the bone to absorb energy from falls. The current method for diagnosing osteoporosis and predicting fracture risk is measurement of bone mineral density. Limitations of this method include dependence on the bone density measurement device and dependence on type of test and measurement location (Rubin 2005). Each year there are approximately 250,000 hip fractures in the United States due to osteoporosis (Kleerekoper 2006). Currently, the most common method for repairing a hip fracture is a hip fixation surgery. During surgery, a temporary guide wire is inserted to guide the permanent screw into place and then removed. It is believed that directly measuring this screw pullout force may result in a better assessment of bone quality than current indirect measurement techniques (T. Bowen 2008-2010, pers. comm.). The objective of this project is to design a device that can measure the force required to extract this guide wire. It is believed that this would give the surgeon a direct, quantitative measurement of bone quality at the site of the fixation. A first generation device was designed by a Bucknell Biomedical Engineering Senior Design team during the 2008- 2009 Academic Year. The first step of this project was to examine the device, conduct a thorough design analysis, and brainstorm new concepts. The concept selected uses a translational screw to extract the guide wire. The device was fabricated and underwent validation testing to ensure that the device was functional and met the required engineering specifications. Two tests were conducted, one to test the functionality of the device by testing if the device gave repeatable results, and the other to test the sensitivity of the device to misalignment. Guide wires were extracted from 3 materials, low density polyethylene, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, and polypropylene and the force of extraction was measured. During testing, it was discovered that the spring in the device did not have a high enough spring constant to reach the high forces necessary for extracting the wires without excessive deflection of the spring. The test procedure was modified slightly so the wires were not fully threaded into the material. The testing results indicate that there is significant variation in the screw pullout force, up to 30% of the average value. This significant variation was attributed to problems in the testing and data collection, and a revised set of tests was proposed to better evaluate the performance of the device. The fabricated device is a fully-functioning prototype and further refinements and testing of the device may lead to a 3rd generation version capable of measuring the screw pullout force during hip fixation surgery.


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Background Basic symptom (BS) criteria have been suggested to complement ultra-high risk (UHR) criteria in the early detection of psychosis in adults and in children and adolescents. To account for potential developmental particularities and a different clustering of BS in children and adolescents, the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument, Child and Youth version (SPI-CY) was developed. Aims The SPI-CY was evaluated for its practicability and discriminative validity. Method The SPI-CY was administered to 3 groups of children and adolescents (mean age 16; range=8–18; 61% male): 23 at-risk patients meeting UHR and/or BS criteria (AtRisk), 22 clinical controls (CC), and 19 children and adolescents from the general population (GPS) matched to AtRisk in age, gender, and education. We expected AtRisk to score highest on the SPI-CY, and GPS lowest. Results The groups differed significantly on all 4 SPI-CY subscales. Pairwise post-hoc comparisons confirmed our expectations for all subscales and, at least on a descriptive level, most items. Pairwise subscale differences indicated at least moderate group effects (r≥0.37) which were largest for Adynamia (0.52≤r≥0.70). Adynamia also performed excellent to outstanding in ROC analyses (0.813≤AUC≥0.981). Conclusion The SPI-CY could be a helpful tool for detecting and assessing BS in the psychosis spectrum in children and adolescents, by whom it was well received. Furthermore, its subscales possess good discriminative validity. However, these results require validation in a larger sample, and the psychosis-predictive ability of the subscales in different age groups, especially the role of Adynamia, will have to be explored in longitudinal studies.


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The early detection and treatment of people at risk for psychosis is currently regarded as a promising strategy in fighting the devastating consequences of psychotic disorders. Currently, the 2 most broadly used sets of at-risk criteria, that is, ultra-high risk (UHR) and basic symptom criteria, were developed mainly in adult samples. We review the data regarding the presence and relevance of at-risk symptoms for psychosis in children and adolescents. The few existing studies suggest that attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS) and brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms (BLIPS) do have some clinical relevance in young adolescents from the general population. Nevertheless, their differentiation from atypical psychotic symptoms or an emerging schizotypal personality disorder, as well as their stability and predictive accuracy for psychosis, are still unclear. Further, standard interviews for UHR criteria do not define a minimum age for the assessment of APS and BLIPS or guidelines as to when and how to include information from parents. APS and basic symptoms may be predictive of conversion to psychosis in help-seeking young adolescents. Nevertheless, the rate and timing, and thus the required observation time, need further study. Moreover, no study has yet addressed the issue of how to treat children and adolescents presenting with at-risk symptoms and criteria. Further research is urgently needed to examine if current at-risk criteria and approaches have to be tailored to the special needs of children and adolescents. A preliminary rationale for how to deal with at-risk symptoms for psychosis in clinical practice is provided.


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Background: Over the last 15 years, efforts to detect psychoses early in their prodromal states have greatly progressed; meanwhile, ultra-high risk (UHR) criteria have been the subject of such consensus that parts of them have been proposed for inclusion in DSM-5 in terms of an attenuated psychosis syndrome. However, it is frequently unacknowledged that the definitions and operationalizations of UHR-related at-risk criteria, including the relevant attenuated psychotic symptoms, vary considerably across centers and time and, thus, between prediction studies. Methods: These variations in UHR criteria are described and discussed with reference to the rates of transition to psychosis, their prevalence in the general population and the proposed new operationalization of the attenuated psychosis syndrome. Results: A comparison of samples recruited according to different UHR operationalizations reveals differences in the distribution of UHR criteria and transition rates as well as in the prevalence rates of at-risk criteria in the general population. Conclusion: The evidence base for the introduction of such a new syndrome is weaker than the number of studies using supposedly equal UHR criteria would at first suggest. Thus, studies comparing the effects of different (sub-)criteria not only on transition rates and outcomes but also on other important aspects, such as neurocognitive performance and brain imaging results, are necessary. Meanwhile, the preliminary attenuated psychosis syndrome in DSM-5 should not follow an altogether new definition but, rather, the currently most reliable UHR definition, which must still demonstrate its reliability and validity outside specialized psychiatric services.