940 resultados para Turkey--Court and courtiers


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Global legal pluralism is concerned, inter alia, with the growing multiplicity of normative legal orders and the ways in which these different orders intersect and are accommodated with one another. The different means used for accommodation will have a critical bearing on how individuals fare within them. This article examines the recent environmental jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights to explore some of the means of reaching an accommodation between national legal orders and the European Convention. Certain types of accommodation – such as the margin of appreciation given to states by the Court – are well known. In essence, such mechanisms of legal pluralism raise a presumptive barrier which generally works for the state and against the individual rights-bearer. However, the principal focus of the current article is on a less well-known, recent set of pluralistic devices employed by the Court, which typically operate presumptively in the other direction, in favour of the individual. First, the Court looks to instances of breaches of domestic environmental law (albeit not in isolation); and second, it places an emphasis on whether domestic courts have ruled against the relevant activity. Where domestic standards have been breached or national courts have ruled against the state, then, presumptive weight is typically shifted towards the individual.


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Samples containing red pigment have been collected from two different archaeological sites dating to the Neolithic (Çatalhöyük in Turkey and Sheikh-e Abad in Iran) and have been analysed by a range of techniques. Sub-samples were examined by IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, whilst thin sections were studied using optical polarising microscopy, synchrotron based IR microscopy and environmental scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Thin layers of red paint in a wall painting from Çatalhöyük were found to contain ochre (hematite and clay) as well as an unexpected component, grains of red and colourless obsidian, which have not been identified in any previous studies of the wall paintings at Çatalhöyük. These small grains of obsidian may have improved the reflective properties of the paint and made the artwork more vivid in the darkness of the buildings. Analysis of a roughly shaped ball of red sediment found on a possible working surface at Sheikh-e Abad revealed that the cause of the red colouring was the mineral hematite, which was probably from a source of terra rossa sediment in the local area. The results of this work suggest it is unlikely that this had been altered by the Neolithic people through mixing with other minerals.


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Wall plaster sequences from the Neolithic town of Çatalhöyük have been analysed and compared to three types of natural sediment found in the vicinity of the site, using a range of analytical techniques. Block samples containing the plaster sequences were removed from the walls of several different buildings on the East Mound. Sub-samples were examined by IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence to determine the overall mineralogical and elemental composition, whilst thin sections were studied using optical polarising microscopy, IR Microscopy and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis. The results of this study have shown that there are two types of wall plaster found in the sequences and that the sediments used to produce these were obtained from at least two distinct sources. In particular, the presence of clay, calcite and magnesian calcite in the foundation plasters suggested that these were prepared predominantly from a marl source. On the other hand, the finishing plasters were found to contain dolomite with a small amount of clay and no calcite, revealing that softlime was used in their preparation. Whilst marl is located directly below and around Çatalhöyük, the nearest source of softlime is 6.5 km away, an indication that the latter was important to the Neolithic people, possibly due to the whiter colour (5Y 8/1) of this sediment. Furthermore, the same two plaster types were found on each wall of Building 49, the main building studied in this research, and in all five buildings investigated, suggesting that the use of these sources was an established practice for the inhabitants of several different households across the site.


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This article examines the issue of the appropriate scope of review of economic evidence enshrined in the discretionary assessments of utility regulators in the US and the UK. It advances a balance of institutional competencies approach to the question of the degree of deference owed to the regulatory agency’s economic assessments. In doing so, it revisits the doctrinal positions advanced in the US and UK for the substantive review of administrative discretion, so as to become attuned to the challenges posed by economic evidence. Drawing on insights from political science and economics, the suggested approach illuminates the institutional disadvantages of the courts that may warrant a high degree of deference. At the same time, however, it remains sensitive to the polycentric elements of regulatory disputes as well as to a number of institutional realties that may attenuate the weight of such comparative institutional disadvantages.


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Apos uma década de rápido crescimento econômico na primeira década do século 21, Brasil e Turquia foram considerados duas das economias emergentes mais dinâmicas e promissoras. No entanto, vários sinais de dificuldades econômicas e tensões políticas reapareceram recentemente e simultaneamente nos dois países. Acreditamos que esses sinais e a sua simultaneidade podem ser entendidos melhor com um olhar retrospectivo sobre a história econômica dos dois países, que revela ser surpreendentemente paralela. Numa primeira parte, empreendemos uma comparação abrangente da história econômica brasileira e turca para mostrar as numerosas similaridades entre os desafios de política econômica que os dois países enfrentaram, assim como entre as respostas que eles lhes deram desde a virada da Grande Depressão até a primeira década do século 21. Essas escolhas de política econômica comuns dão forma a uma trajetória de desenvolvimento notavelmente análoga, caracterizada primeiro pela adoção do modelo de industrialização por substituição das importações (ISI) no contexto da recessão mundial dos anos 1930; depois pela intensificação e crise final desse modelo nos anos 1980; e finalmente por duas décadas de estabilização e transição para um modelo econômico mais liberal. Numa segunda parte, o desenvolvimento das instituições econômicas e políticas, assim como da economia política subjacente nos dois países, são analisados comparativamente a fim de prover alguns elementos de explicação do paralelo observado na primeira parte. Sustentamos que o marco institucional estabelecido nos dois países durante esse período também têm varias características fundamentais em comum e contribui a explicar as escolhas de política econômica e as performances econômicas comparáveis, detalhadas na primeira parte. Este estudo aborda elementos do contexto histórico úteis para compreender a situação econômica e política atual nos dois países. Potencialmente também constitui uma tentativa de considerar as economias emergentes numa perspectiva histórica e comparativa mais ampla para entender melhor as suas fraquezas institucionais e adotar um olhar mais equilibrado sobre seu potencial econômico.


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The paper provides a close lecture of the arguments and methods of legal construction, employed in the extensive individual opinions written by the Justices of the Brazilian Supreme Court in the case which authorized the same sex civil union. After tracing an outline of the legal problem and his possible solutions, we analyze the individual opinions, showing their methodological syncretism, the use of legal methods and arguments in a contradictory way as well the deficiencies in the reasoning. The Justices use legal arguments, but do not meet the requirements of rationality in the decision-making. We have a rhetorical attempt that aims to satisfy the public opinion than to offer a comprehensive and coherent solution according the normative elements of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988.


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EMAp - Escola de Matemática Aplicada


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of the present study was to develop and apply the direct immunohistochemistry (D-IHC) assay to search for turkey coronavirus (TCoV) antigens in formalin-fixed embedded-paraffin tissues by the use of biotin-labeled polyclonal antibody. Twenty-eight-day-old embryonated turkey eggs (n = 50) were inoculated with TCoV-purified virus, and 3 d after inoculation, sections from ileum, ileum-cecal junction, and ceca were harvested, fixed in neutral formalin, and embedded in paraffin blocks and used as positive control. In addition, a total of 100 field samples from ileum, ileum-cecal junction, and ceca, collected from 30 to 45-d-old turkeys poults experiencing an outbreak of acute enteritis, were used to search for TCoV by the same D-IHC. All results were compared with those obtained by conventional RT-PCR and indirect fluorescent antibody assay (IFA) for all tested samples. Turkey coronavirus was detected in experimentally infected embryo tissues and also in field samples in 100% of ileum-cecal junction and ceca by the 3 detection procedures. With IFA as a reference assay, sensitivity and specificity of D-IHC were 98 and 58%, whereas sensitivity and specificity of reverse transcription-PCR were 96 and 66%, calculated from the total of tested samples from experimental infection. Each of the examined procedures was highly specific (D-IHC, 93%; RT-PCR, 90%), sensitive (D-IHC, 85%; RT-PCR, 86%), and agreement of both D-IHC and RT-PCR was 99 and 100%, respectively, compared with IFA results obtained from all the field samples. These findings demonstrated the utility of D-IHC for direct detection of TCoV from field samples and considering the sensitivity and specificity found here, can be used as an alternative technique.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The degree of genetic and pathologic variation exhibited by a turkey Coronavirus (TCoV) strain was investigated after nine serial passages in 25-day-old turkey embryos obtained from wild broad-breasted bronze breeders. In spite of spleen, liver, kidneys, cloacal bursa and thymus have been collected and analysed, the main histopathological changes were only documented in the intestine sections. Microscopic lesions were characterized as mild enteritis, low degree of enterocyte vacuolization and detachment of the intestinal villous after five consecutive passages and were considered absent in the last passages. Genealogic analysis based on S1 and S2 DNA sequences suggested that Brazilian isolate might be considered as originated from TCoV strains circulating in the United States, as 100% identity with TCoV-Gl strain. Although S1 S2 sequences from each passage revealed no significant point mutations, and no correlation could be speculate between S2 nucleotide changes and pathologic features in infected embryos. This is the first demonstration of wild turkey embryos as a model for TCoV isolation and propagation.


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Includes bibliography