994 resultados para Trypanosoma saimirii
Epimastigotes were found multiplying in the anal glands and in hemocultures of an opossum; rare metacyclics were seen in the cultures. The flagellate is possibly T. (Megatrypanum) freitasi Rego, Magalhães & Siqueira, 1957, but its final identification is still pending.
Foi estudado, em camundongos, o padrão morfológico-evolutivo de tripomastigotas sanguíneos de cinco cepas silvestres de Trypanosoma cruzi de Santa Catarina. Os resultados mostraram predomínio da forma muito larga ( > 70%) ao longo de toda a fase aguda de infecção em quatro cepas de média virulência. Com uma cepa de elevada virulência, a forma delgada foi prevalente no período inicial de infecção seguido de maior ocorrência da muito larga. Tendo em vista que a maioria das cepas de T. cruzi que possuem predomínio da forma muito larga foram isoladas no sul do Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina) e que existem evidências de diferentes comportamentos biológicos entre estes parasitas sangüíneos, os autores sugerem a investigação de possíveis correlações dos padrões morfológicos com os aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos da doença de Chagas.
A amostra Berenice-78 de T. cruzi recém-isolada apresentou características bem distintas da cepa Berenice isolada há 16 anos da mesma paciente. Foram verificadas sua alta infectividade e baixa virulência para camundongos C3H isogênicos que sobreviveram à fase aguda da infecção. Os parasitas desta cepa apresentaram tropismo para os músculos esquelético e cardíaco, ascensão gradual da parasitemia ao longo de 25 passagens sangüíneas sucessivas e estabilidade da curva de parasitemia. A cepa Berenice apresentou as mesmas características descritas por Brener, Chiari & Alvarenga (1974) em relação ao tropismo e padrão da curva de parasitemia, sendo no entanto demonstrado que sua virulência para camundongos albinos continua aumentando com o decorrer do tempo. Foram discutidas a possibilidade de reinfecção da paciente Berenice e a importância do conhecimento de amostras de T. cruzi de baixa virulência para animais de laboratório.
Frequent individual observations od different stages of Rhodnius prolixus exposed to Trypanosoma rangeli, revealed a higher susceptibility to infection in the bugs exposed during the two first instars. The mortality rate in infected bugs was significantly higher than in controls, indicating that the parasite was responsible for the majority of deaths. An analysis of the mortality distribution, per instar, is presented. Statistical analysis of deaths among the different infected instars, showed that T. rangeli produces its pathological effect in any stage of R. prolixus independently of its susceptibility to the parasite. The survival to adult decreased in all the infected instar bugs. A significant longer time to reach the adult stage was observed in the infected bugs when compared with controls, excepting for specimens exposed in the third instar. The epidemiological significance of the present results is discussed.
Chronic focal and diffuse myiocarditis with interstitial fibrosis developed in Swiss outbred mice and in the inbred AKR and A/J strains of mice which were chronically infected with several Trypanosoma cruzi strains belonging to three biological types (Type I, II and III). High incidence of electrocardiographic changes with predominance of intraventricular conduction disturbances, 1st. and 2nd. degree AV block, arrhythmias, comparable with those found in human Chagas' disease, were also present. Morphological study of the conduction tissue of the heart revealed inflammatory and fibrotic changes. The presence of inflammation in the inter-atrial septum almost always coincided with the inflammatory involvement of the ventricular conduction system. Focal inflammation was associated with vacuolization and focal necrosis of the specific fibers. Most of the lesions were seen affecting the His bundel (76.3% of the cases), the right bundle branch (73.3%), AV node (43.9%) and left bundle branch (37.5%). Correlation between morphological changes in the conduction tissue and electrocardiographic alteration occured in 53.0 to 62.5% of the cases, according to the experimental groups.
Theoretically, serological assays with affinity purified marker antigens can allow strain-specific diagnosis even when parasites cannot be retrieved from and infected host. A Trypanosoma cruzi antigen was purified by affinity chromatography using a zymodeme (Z) 2 specific monoclonal antibody (2E2C11). An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on the purified antigen could discriminate between sera from rabbits immunized with T. cruzi zymodeme clones but could not discriminate between sera from mice infected with different zymodemes.
Megazol, nifurtimox, benznidazol and allopurinol were investigated, by light and electron µscopy, for their action on T. cruzi. Both the direct effect upon amastigote and trypomastigote forms and the effect upon the interaction of heart muscle cells (HMC) with bloodstream trypomastigotes were studied. The proliferation of amastigotes in Warren medium was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by megazol, nifurtimox and benznidazol. Treatment of amastigotes (25-50 µM/24 h) and trypomastigotes (25 µM/24h) led to several ultrastructural alterations in the parasites. These three drugs also had a potent effect on the treatment of infected heart muscle cells when added at the beginning of the interaction or after one or three days of infection. The interiorized parasites showed a similar pattern of ultrastructural alterations as observed by the direct effect on the amastigotes. The primary heart muscle cell culture proved to be a suitable model for the study of drugs on intracellular parasites. Likewise, the amastigote proliferation in axenic medium was shown to be an adequate assay for an initial trial of drugs. These parameters seem very reliable to us for a systematic investigation of the mechanism of action of new drugs.
The biological characterization of the Trypanosoma cruzi clone Dm 28c in terms of its growth in LIT medium, cell-cycle, infectivity to mice and interaction with professional and non-professional phagocytic cells shows that it behaves as a bona fide T. cruzi representant. The biological properties of this myotropic clone do not change according to the origin of the trypomastigote forms (i. e., from triatomines, infected mice, cell-culture or from the chemically defined TAUP and TAU3AAG media). In addition Dm 28c metacyclic trypomastigotes from TAU3AAG medium display a high infectivity level to fibroblasts and muscle cells. Experiments on binding of cationized ferritin to trypomastigotes surface show the existence of cap-like structures of ferritin in regions near the kinetoplast. However the nature and role of these anionic sites remain to be determined. The results indicate that metacyclic trypomastigotes from Dm 28c clone obtained under chemically defined conditions reproduce the biological behaviour of T. cruzi, rendering this system very suitable for the study of cell-parasite interactions and for the isolation of trypanosome relevant macromolecules.
Dez clones isolados das cepas Y, CL e MR foram caracterizados segundo infectividade das culturas, curvas de parasitemia, polimorfismo e mortalidade em camundongos C3H isogênicos. Entra os clones das cepas Y e CL foram encontradas diferenças intragrupos bastante significativas. Os clones da cepa MR apresentaram maior homogeneidade. Estes resultados indicam que as cepas do T. cruzi podem apresentar diferentes graus de heterogeneidade. Também sugerem que as condições utilizadas para a manutenção de cepas de T. cruzi podem resultar em vantagens seletivas para algumas subpopulações, podendo uma cepa ser o resultado da interação destas subpopulações (clones) selecionadas após alguns anos de manutenção em laboratório.