712 resultados para Trust in God.
From the Introduction. The EU has seen a renewed interest in strengthening its common energy policy and promoting energy security. The greatest trigger has been Russia’s unpredictable, aggressive behaviour in Ukraine in the past year. Lack of trust in a long-standing economic partner and concerns about relying on a trade partner that does not adhere to international norms have left their mark.
Are we witnessing a crisis of democratic legitimacy? While citizens may lose trust in political authorities, democratic principles and ideals continue to exercise considerable appeal. This Policy Brief argues that this paradox must be understood as a crisis of legitimation. Research suggests that legitimacy is inherently subjective and must be constantly re-earned. Low levels of political trust can be explained as the result of the complexity of globalised yet fragmented societies. The present feeling of malaise calls for a redefinition of the relationship between citizens and the authorities by which they are ruled. If popular sovereignty is to mean anything in today’s age, it requires a new legitimising narrative.
The pragmatics of computer-mediated communication between South African and Mexican drug traffickers
South Africa and Mexico are ripe with drug trafficking. The gangs and syndicates running the drug businesses in these two countries collaborate occasionally. Communication between these international drug business partners takes place on social media. Their main language of communication is English, mixed with some limited use of Spanish and Afrikaans. The key purpose of the interactions between the South African and Mexican parties is the organisation of their business activities. This study aims at examining how the drug traffickers position each other and themselves regarding their common business interest and how their relationship evolves throughout their interactions. Moreover, it is of interest to look at how these people make use of different social media and their affordances. For this a qualitative analysis of the interaction between two drug traffickers (one South African and one Mexican) on Facebook, Threema and PlayStation 4 was performed. Computer-mediated communication between these two main informants was studied at various stages of their relationship. Results show that at first the interaction between the South African and Mexican drug traffickers consists of interpersonal negotiations of power. The high risk of the drug business and gang/syndicate membership paired with intercultural frictions causes the two interlocutors to be extremely cautious and at the same time to mark their position. As their relationship develops and they gain trust in each other a shift to interpersonal negotiations of solidarity takes place. In these discursive practices diverse linguistic strategies are employed for creating relational effects and for positioning the other and the self. The discursive activities of the interactants are also identity practices. Thus, the two drug traffickers construct identities through these social practices, positioning and their interpersonal relationship.
Individual tracts by J.H. Newman, J. Keble, W. Palmer, R.H. Froude, E.B. Pusey, I. Williams, and others.
Vol. 1: 2nd ed.
Separate t.p. for Believer's triumph in God's promises.
Includes indexes.
Signatures: á⁴ (-á4 (blank?), A-2I⁸ 2K⁴.
The aim of this research was to compare perceptions of parental needs held by parents of hospitalized children and the staff caring for them, so that potential communication breakdown could be avoided. A well-trialled tool was used with a convenience sample in paediatric facilities in a National Health Service trust in north-east England. Some differences were found between parents and staff for scores for perceived importance of the 51 needs that were included in the questionnaire, and whether or not they were being satisfactorily met during the child’s hospital admission, but there were no consistent patterns, so it is difficult to draw conclusions. Parents declared themselves more independent than the staff perceived them to be. Such findings facilitate improvements in communication between parents and staff and can be included in education programmes for both.
The essential problem that Soren Kierkegaard is concerned with in his authorship is that of becoming a Christian. It is argued that Kierkegaard's authorial strategy reflects the principles of paradoxical psychotherapy. These principles indicate that both the psychological problem and its solution involve an ironic process. In the Kierkegaardian frame of reference, the situation of the immature self is paradoxical, and so is the pathway to full selfhood. The philistine and the aesthete attempt to secure autonomy and personal freedom through an external orientation. But the way to the self is inwards. Consequently, these personalities get caught in an ironic process. The further they push outwards, the further they move away from the locus of genuine selfhood and freedom. This immature form of life can only lead to a loss of self and the associated experience of despair. Paradoxically, Kierkegaard advocates the choice of despair as the way to find oneself in God.
This study examined employee readiness for fine-tuning changes and for corporate transformation changes. It was proposed that employees would report different degrees of readiness for these two types of change and that different variables would be associated with readiness for the two types of change. Results of regression analyses indicated that trust in peers and logistics and system support displayed strong positive relationships with readiness for fine-tuning changes, while trust in senior leaders and self-efficacy displayed strong positive relationships with readiness for corporate transformation changes. The implications of this study focus on the appropriateness of traditional change management strategies in light of findings that multiple change readiness attitudes exist within an organization.
Este trabalho consiste em um estudo comparativo entre os escritos de John Wesley (1703-1791) e Ellen G. White (1827-1915) procurando definir os conceitos de santificação de cada autor. São descritos os fatores que levaram a elaboração desta percepção tanto em John Wesley como em Ellen G. White e verificadas as congruências entre os autores estudados como o conceito de amadurecimento contínuo, a negação de impecabilidade, a necessidade de dependência constante em Deus e obediência à Sua lei entre outros. São verificadas também as divergências entre ambos os autores, como os conceitos wesleyanos de santificação instantânea, a segunda obra da graça, e os conceitos whiteanos de perfeição de caráter e esferas de perfeição. Neste trabalho, também são destacadas algumas contribuições e implicações para a teologia na atualidade como os conceitos da finitude humana, o pecado e a natureza humana, a práxis e suas motivações religiosas e a colaboração divino/humana no desenvolvimento.
João Calvino é o primeiro nome que nos vem à mente ao falarmos da Reforma Protestante do século XVI. A sua influência em Genebra e especialmente a sua mais famosa e importante obra teológica intitulada Institutas, que também serviu e ainda serve de manual doutrinário para os calvinistas, atestam de fato o significado de Calvino para o rotestantismo. Nas Institutas Calvino reinterpretou todos os dogmas teológicos da igreja cristã. O dogma da criação assume lugar de destaque em sua obra pois é a partir dele que Calvino abordará outros dois, também fundamentais, que são revelação e salvação em Cristo. A característica principal que encontramos no dogma da criação de Calvino é a majestade soberana de Deus. Aliás, essa característica soberania de Deus marcou fortemente o protestantismo e ainda se faz presente na tradição reformada. Se João Calvino é o primeiro nome da Reforma Protestante, talvez, sem exagero, Karl Barth seja o primeiro nome de toda a tradição reformada. Semelhante a Calvino, Barth também reinterpretou todos os dogmas da igreja cristã. Das suas muitíssimas obras destaca-se a Die Kirchliche Dogmatik contendo mais de 9.000 páginas, que também serviu e ainda serve significativamente de referência dogmática para o protestantismo. A característica principal que encontramos no dogma da criação em Barth é o pacto da graça de Deus. A minha pesquisa focalizou o dogma da criação reinterpretado por Calvino e Barth. Ao meu ver, Barth se aproxima teologicamente de Calvino, primeiro, por ser calvinista declarado e segundo, porque sua última fase teológica é exclusivamente marcada pelo dogmatismo. Nessa pesquisa procurei desenvolver os pontos de contato entre Barth e Calvino, por exemplo, a semelhança do método teológico, que também será o fundamento da minha proposta de que Barth faz de seu dogma da criação uma releitura do dogma da criação de Calvino.(AU)
O livro de Jó, cujo tema principal é a dor humana, mostra que as provações que Jó foi obrigado a suportar são absurdas e cruéis. Diante da realidade de sua existência, Jó percebe o universo como uma ausência do Deus em quem crê. A vida humana aparece caótica e as desigualdades sociais não encontram solução, a não ser na morte. Na obra, a explicação a cerca do sofrimento do inocente continuou arbitrária e permaneceu irrespondida. Contudo, a aflição gerada pela miséria total, pelo abandono e pela solidão fez Jó compreender a aflição das pessoas com as quais ele se identificou: o pobre, a viúva, o órfão, o faminto, todos aqueles que de alguma forma sofriam injustamente. Foi a partir dessa identificação que Jó lançou seu grito de protesto e denunciou os crimes cometidos pelos poderosos aos trabalhadores do campo e da cidade na sociedade de sua época, como mostra o capítulo 24,7-12. Jó não desprezou o próximo, nem se omitiu diante da violência contra seres humanos, mas engajou-se no combate do mal. Mal que pode ser entendido como tudo aquilo que contraria o dom mais preciso de Deus, o dom da vida.(AU)