506 resultados para Trivalent lanthanides


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Nineteen trace elements, including seven rare earth elements (REE's), and 10 major and minor elements in 76 sediment samples from Sites 798 (Oki Ridge) and 799 (Yamato Trough) were determined by means of instrumental neutron activation analysis and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Most REE patterns (chondrite-normalized) of the sediments from both sites were nearly identical to the patterns of terrigenous materials. The cerium anomaly (slightly positive) frequently appeared in REE patterns of the sediments (200-750 mbsf) from Site 799. Cerium may be selectively incorporated into the sediments with hydrogenous manganese precipitation. However, the degree of the anomaly was not well correlated with manganese content, suggesting that cerium may behave as a trivalent REE (like the other REE's) during diagenesis while manganese is transported in the sediment column accompanied by reduction to a lower oxidation state. The Th/Sc ratio of the sediments from Sites 798 and 799 tended to decrease with penetration depth. Such a depth profile may indicate a decrease in basic volcanism activities from the Pliocene (Site 798) and Miocene (Site 799). The La/Yb ratio and degree of europium anomaly also varied with depth, which may imply that two or more components with different REE patterns were supplied throughout sedimentation at sites in the Japan Sea.


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We detail the petrography and mineralogy of 145 basaltic rocks from the top, middle, and base of flow units identified on shipboard along with associated pyroclastic samples. Our account includes representative electron microprobe analyses of primary and secondary minerals; 28 whole-rock major-oxide analyses; 135 whole-rock analyses each for 21 trace elements; 7 whole-rock rare-earth analyses; and 77 whole-rock X-ray-diffraction analyses. These data show generally similar petrography, mineralogy, and chemistry for the basalts from all four sites; they are typically subalkaline and consanguineous with limited evolution along the tholeiite trend. Limited fractionation is indicated by immobile trace elements; some xenocrystic incorporation from more basic material also occurred. Secondary alteration products indicate early subaerial weathering followed by prolonged interaction with seawater, most likely below 150°C at Holes 552, 553A, and 554A. At Hole 555, greenschist alteration affected the deepest rocks (olivine-dolerite) penetrated, at 250-300°C.


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Aqueous dihydrogen (H2,aq) is produced in copious amounts when seawater interacts with peridotite and H2O oxidizes ferrous iron in olivine to ferric iron in secondary magnetite and serpentine. Poorly understood in this process is the partitioning of iron and its oxidation state in serpentine, although both impose an important control on dihydrogen production. We present results of detailed petrographic, mineral chemical, magnetic and Mößbauer analyses of partially to fully serpentinized peridotites from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 209, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) 15°N area. These results are used to constrain the fate of iron during serpentinization and are compared with phase equilibria considerations and peridotite-seawater reaction path models. In samples from Hole 1274A, mesh-rims reveal a distinct in-to-out zoning from brucite at the interface with primary olivine, followed by a zone of serpentine + brucite ± magnetite and finally serpentine + magnetite in the outermost mesh-rim. The compositions of coexisting serpentine (Mg# 95) and brucite (Mg# 80) vary little throughout the core. About 30-50% of the iron in serpentine/brucite mesh-rims is trivalent, irrespective of subbasement depth and protolith (harzburgite versus dunite). Model calculations suggest that both partitioning and oxidation state of iron are very sensitive to temperature and water-to-rock ratio during serpentinization. At temperatures above 330 °C the dissolution of olivine and coeval formation of serpentine, magnetite and dihydrogen depends on the availability of an external silica source. At these temperatures the extent of olivine serpentinization is insufficient to produce much hydrogen, hence conditions are not reducing enough to form awaruite. At T < 330 °C, hydrogen generation is facilitated by the formation of brucite, as dissolution of olivine to form serpentine, magnetite and brucite requires no addition of silica. The model calculations suggest that the iron distribution observed in serpentine and brucite is consistent with formation temperatures ranging from <150 to 250 °C and bulk water-to-rock ratios between 0.1 and 5. These conditions coincide with peak hydrogen fugacities during serpentinization and are conducive to awaruite formation during main stage serpentinization. The development of the common brucite rims around olivine is either due to an arrested reaction olivine -> brucite -> serpentine + brucite, or reflects metastable olivine-brucite equilibria developing in the strong gradient in silica activity between orthopyroxene (talc-serpentine) and olivine (serpentine-brucite).


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Calcium ion transiently blocks Na+ channels, and it shortens the time course for closing of their activation gates. We examined the relation between block and closing kinetics by using the Na+ channels natively expressed in GH3 cells, a clonal line of rat pituitary cells. To simplify analysis, inactivation of the Na+ channels was destroyed by including papain in the internal medium. All divalent cations tested, and trivalent La3+, blocked a progressively larger fraction of the channels as their concentration increased, and they accelerated the closing of the Na+ channel activation gate. For calcium, the most extensively studied cation, there is an approximately linear relation between the fraction of the channels that are calcium-blocked and the closing rate. Extrapolation of the data to very low calcium suggests that closing rate is near zero when there is no block. Analysis shows that, almost with certainty, the channels can close when occupied by calcium. The analysis further suggests that the channels close preferentially or exclusively from the calcium-blocked state.


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Near infrared Yb3+ vibronic sideband spectroscopy was used to characterize specific lanthanide binding sites in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and retinal free bacteriorhodopsin (bO). The VSB spectra for deionized bO regenerated with a ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 ion to bO are identical. Application of a two-dimensional anti-correlation technique suggests that only a single Yb3+ site is observed. The Yb3+ binding site in bO is observed to consist of PO2− groups and carboxylic acid groups, both of which are bound in a bidentate manner. An additional contribution most likely arising from a phenolic group is also observed. This implies that the ligands for the observed single binding site are the lipid head groups and amino acid residues. The vibronic sidebands of Yb3+ in deionized bR regenerated at a ratio of 2:1 ion to bR are essentially identical to those in bO. The other high-affinity binding site is thus either not evident or its fluorescence is quenched. A discussion is given on the difference in binding of Ca2+ (or Mg2+) and lanthanides in phospholipid membrane proteins.


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A Ca2+ channel from root-tip endomembranes of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) (LCC1) was characterized using the planar lipid-bilayer technique. Investigation of single-channel recordings revealed that LCC1 is voltage gated and strongly rectifying. In symmetrical 50 mm CaCl2 solutions, the single-channel conductance was 24 picosiemens. LCC1 showed a moderate selectivity for Ca2+ over K+ (9.4:1) and was permeable for a range of divalent cations (Ca2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+). In contrast to Bryonia dioica Ca2+ channel 1, a Ca2+-selective channel from the endoplasmic reticulum of touch-sensitive tendrils, LCC1 showed no bursting channel activity and had a low open probability and mean open time (2.83 ms at 50 mV). Inhibitor studies demonstrated that LCC1 is blocked by micromolar concentrations of erythrosin B (inhibitor concentration for 50% inhibition [IC50] = 1.8 μm) and the trivalent cations La3+ (IC50 = 5 μm) and Gd3+ (IC50 = 10 μm), whereas verapamil showed no blocking effect. LCC1 may play an important role in the regulation of the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration in root-tip and/or root-cap cells. The question of whether this ion channel is part of the gravitropic signal transduction pathway deserves further investigation.


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O material Y2O3:Eu3+ vem sendo usado comercialmente como luminóforo vermelho desde da década de 1960, em uma grande variedade de aplicações devido ao seu elevado rendimento quântico (próximo de 100 %), elevada pureza de cor e boa estabilidade. Portanto, este trabalho propõe um novo método de síntese baseado nos complexos benzenotricarboxilatos (BTC) de terras raras trivalentes (RE3+) dopados com íons Eu3+. O objetivo principal é produzir materiais luminescente RE2O3:Eu3+ a temperatura mais baixa (500 °C) e em escala nanométrica. Os complexos precursores [RE(BTC):Eu3+] e [RE(TLA)·n(H2O):Eu3+], onde RE3+: Y, Gd e Lu; BTC: ácido trimésico (TMA) e ácido trimelítico (TLA) foram calcinados em diferentes temperaturas de 500 a 1000 °C, a fim de obter os materiais luminescentes RE2O3:Eu3+. Os complexos foram caracterizados por análise elementar de carbono e hidrogênio, analise térmica (TG), espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho (FTIR), difração de raios-X - método do pó (XPD) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM). Todos os complexos são cristalinos e termo estáveis até 460 °C. Dados de fosforescência dos complexos de Y, Gd e Lu mostram que o nível T1 do aníon BTC3- tem energia acima do nível emissor 5D0 do íon Eu3+, indicando que os ligantes podem atuar como sensibilizadores de energia intramolecular. O estudo das propriedades fotoluminescentes dos complexos dopados foi baseado nos espectros de excitação e emissão e curvas de decaimento de luminescência. Ademais, foram determinados os parâmetros de intensidades experimentais (Ωλ), tempos de vida (τ), taxas de decaimentos radiativo (Arad) e não-radiativo (Anrad). Os materiais luminescentes RE2O3:Eu3+ foram sintetizados de forma bem sucedida por meio do método benzenotricarboxilatos calcinados a 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 e 1000 °C, apresentando alta homogeneidade química e controle de tamanho de cristalito. Os nanomateriais foram caracterizados pelas técnicas de FTIR, XPD SEM e TEM revelando a obtenção dos materiais C-RE2O3:Eu3+ mesmo a 500 °C. Os dados de XPD dos materiais confirmaram um aumento do tamanho dos cristalitos de 5 até 52 nm (equação de Scherrer) de em função da temperatura de calcinação de 500 a 1000 °C, respectivamente, corroborados pelas técnicas de SEM e TEM. Os espectros de emissão de RE2O3:Eu3+ mostram uma banda larga atribuída a transição interconfiguracional de transferência de carga ligante-metal (LMCT) em 260 nm, i.e. O2-(2p)→Eu3+(4f6). Além disso, foram observadas linhas finas de absorção devido as transições intraconfiguracionais 4f do íon európio (7F0,1𔾹LJ; J: 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4), como esperado. As propriedades fotoluminescentes dos luminóforos foram baseadas nos espectros (excitação e emissão) e curvas de decaimento luminescente. Os parâmetros de intensidade experimental, tempos de vida, assim como as taxas de decaimentos radiativos e não radiativos foram calculados. As propriedades fotônicas dos nanomateriais são consistentes com o sítio de baixa simetria C2 ocupado pelo íon Eu3+ no C-RE2O3:Eu3+, produzindo emissão vermelha dominada pela transição hipersensível 5D0𔾻F2 do íon Eu3+ no sitio C2, ao invés do sítio centrossimétrico S6. Além disso, os nanomateriais Y2O3:Eu3+ exibem características espectroscópicas semelhantes e elevados valores de eficiência quântica (η~91 %), compatível com os luminóforos comerciais disponíveis no mercado. Este novo método pode ser utilizado para o desenvolvimento de novos nanomateriais contendo íons terras raras, assim como outros íons metálicos.


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O estudo de compostos organolantanídeos consiste em um dos campos de maior interesse dentro da química organometálica, principalmente devido ao uso potencial como precursores ou catalisadores em reações de hidrogenação, hidroformilação, carbonilação, oxidação e principalmente polimerização de olefinas. Este interesse tem levado diversos grupos de pesquisa a sintetizarem compostos utilizando o ânion ciclopentadienil e seus derivados ligados a íons lantanídeos (III). O presente trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para a aplicação desses compostos organolantanídeos como catalisadores em reações de polimerização de olefinas. O trabalho envolveu uma etapa de síntese e caracterização de duas classes de compostos organolantanídeos Ln(MS)2Cp*(Ln = Tb e Yb), e Ln(MS)2Cp*PzA (Ln = Sm, Tb e Yb) e uma etapa de estudo da atividade catalítica desses compostos frente a reações de polimerização de etileno, propileno e estireno, utilizando metilaluminoxano como co-catalisador e a caracterização dos polímeros formados. Os compostos sintetizados apresentaram atividade catalítica apenas para polimerização de estireno. O polímero formado, independente do composto organolantanídeo utilizado, foi caracterizado como poliestireno principalmente atático, indicando que a polimerização não é estereoespecífica e apresentou massa molar da ordem de 104 g/mol.


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Polycrystalline cerium hydroxysulfate powders have been prepared by soft solution processing using various basic solvents. The crystals prepared have varying morphologies, spherical and flaky, depending on the solvent used. The crystals obtained from distilled water-pyridine and aqueous ammonia solvent mixtures are spherical, whereas those obtained from mixtures of distilled water and ethylenediamine or hydrazine hydrate are flaky. All the crystalline cerium hydroxysulfate samples display luminescence properties. It was found that the flaky crystals generally show a much stronger luminescence than their spherical counterparts.


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We present high spatial resolution ion-microprobe rare earth element (REE) data for discrete growth phases of complex polyphase zircons from early Archaean Amitsoq gneisses, outer Godthabsfjord, SW Greenland. In Matsuda diagrams, the two major growth phases, >3.8 Ga cores and ca. 3.65 Ga rims, have steep positive slopes from La to Lu, prominent positive Ce anomalies and negative Eu anomalies that are consistent with growth in a melt. Exceptions to this are non-cathodolurnmescent zircon developed between the cores and rims, sometimes truncating zoning in the cores, and late Archaean prismatic tip overgrowths, both of which exhibit flatter light REE (LREE) patterns and have small or no Eu anomaly, which we interpret as the result of metamorphism and/or small-degree, isolated partial melting. Our data support previous interpretations that the ca. 3.65 Ga zircon phase was generated in a melt, with the >3.8 Ga phase representing either original protolith zircons in a large degree partial melt or inherited zircons in an introduced magma. Regardless which of these two interpretations is correct for these, and similar, rocks in the outer GodthAbsfjord, the 3.65 Ga event will have profoundly affected isotopic systems and obscured beyond recognition any earlier igneous features such as cross-cutting relationships, which may only be assigned a minimum 3.65 Ga age. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Arsenic has been classified as a human carcinogen based on epidemiological data however the mechanism of its carcinogenicity is still unclear. Urinary biomarkers for chronic arsenic exposure would be valuable as an early warning indicator for timely interventions. In this study, young female C57BI/6J mice were given drinking water containing 0, 100, 250 and 500 mug As-v/L as sodium arsenate ad libitum for 12 months. Urine was collected bimonthly for urinary arsenic methylation assay and porphyrin analysis. All detectable arsenic species showed strong linear correlation with administered dosage and the arsenic methylation patterns were similar in all three treatment groups. No significant changes of methylation patterns were observed over time for either the control or test groups. Urinary coproporphyrin III was significantly increased in the 8th month in 250 and 500 mug/L groups and remained significantly dose-related after 10 and 12 months. Coproporphyrin I also showed a significant dose-response relationship after 12 months. Our results confirm that urinary arsenic is a useful biomarker for internal dose. The alteration of porphyrin profile suggests that arsenic can affect the heme metabolism and this may occur prior to the onset of arsenic induced carcinogenesis. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The diagrammatic strong-coupling perturbation theory (SCPT) for correlated electron systems is developed for intersite Coulomb interaction and for a nonorthogonal basis set. The construction is based on iterations of exact closed equations for many - electron Green functions (GFs) for Hubbard operators in terms of functional derivatives with respect to external sources. The graphs, which do not contain the contributions from the fluctuations of the local population numbers of the ion states, play a special role: a one-to-one correspondence is found between the subset of such graphs for the many - electron GFs and the complete set of Feynman graphs of weak-coupling perturbation theory (WCPT) for single-electron GFs. This fact is used for formulation of the approximation of renormalized Fermions (ARF) in which the many-electron quasi-particles behave analogously to normal Fermions. Then, by analyzing: (a) Sham's equation, which connects the self-energy and the exchange- correlation potential in density functional theory (DFT); and (b) the Galitskii and Migdal expressions for the total energy, written within WCPT and within ARF SCPT, a way we suggest a method to improve the description of the systems with correlated electrons within the local density approximation (LDA) to DFT. The formulation, in terms of renormalized Fermions LIDA (RF LDA), is obtained by introducing the spectral weights of the many electron GFs into the definitions of the charge density, the overlap matrices, effective mixing and hopping matrix elements, into existing electronic structure codes, whereas the weights themselves have to be found from an additional set of equations. Compared with LDA+U and self-interaction correction (SIC) methods, RF LDA has the advantage of taking into account the transfer of spectral weights, and, when formulated in terms of GFs, also allows for consideration of excitations and nonzero temperature. Going beyond the ARF SCPT, as well as RF LIDA, and taking into account the fluctuations of ion population numbers would require writing completely new codes for ab initio calculations. The application of RF LDA for ab initio band structure calculations for rare earth metals is presented in part 11 of this study (this issue). (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We have previously shown that a division of the f-shell into two subsystems gives a better understanding of the cohesive properties as well the general behavior of lanthanide systems. In this article, we present numerical computations, using the suggested method. We show that the picture is consistent with most experimental data, e.g., the equilibrium volume and electronic structure in general. Compared with standard energy band calculations and calculations based on the self-interaction correction and LIDA + U, the f-(non-f)-mixing interaction is decreased by spectral weights of the many-body states of the f-ion. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Clark 1 (diphenylarsine chloride) and Clark 2 ( diphenylarsine cyanide) were used as chemical weapon agents (CWA), and the soil contamination by these CWA and their degraded products, diphenyl and phenyl arsenicals, has been one of the most serious environmental issues. In a series of comparisons in toxicity between trivalent and pentavalent arsenicals we investigated differences in the accumulation and toxicity of phenylarsine oxide (PAO(3+)) and phenylarsonic acid (PAA(5+)) in rat heart microvascular endothelial cells. Both the cellular association and toxicity of PAO(3+) were much higher than those of PAA(5+), and LC50 values of PAO(3+) and PAA(5+) were calculated to be 0.295 muM and 1.93 mM, respectively. Buthionine sulfoximine, a glutathione depleter, enhanced the cytotoxicity of both PAO(3+) and PAA(5+). N-Acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) reduced the cytotoxicity and induction of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) mRNA in PAO(3+)-exposed cells, while NAC affected neither the cytotoxicity nor the HO-1 mRNA level in PAA(5+)-exposed cells. The effect of NAC may be due to a strong affinity of PAO(3+) to thiol groups because both NAC and GSH inhibited the cellular accumulation of PAO(3+), but PAA(3+) increased tyrosine phosphorylation levels of cellular proteins. These results indicate that the inhibition of protein phosphatases as well as the high affinity to cellular components may confer PAO(3+) the high toxicity.


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In 1977 a five-part conjecture was made about a family of groups related to trivalent graphs and one part of the conjecture was proved. The conjecture completely determines all finite members of the family. Here we prove another part of the conjecture and foreshadow a paper which completes the proof of the other three parts.