832 resultados para Transition to practice, State-wide, Intensive care nurse education, Workplace based education


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Report on the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2010


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Report on Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2010


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The occurrence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and related risk factors was evaluated in Seychelles, a middle level income country, as accumulating evidence supports increasing rates of CVD in developing countries. CVD mortality was obtained from vital statistics for two periods, 1984-5 and 1991-3. CVD morbidity was estimated by retrospective review of discharge diagnoses for all admissions to medical wards in 1990-1992. Levels of CVD risk factors in the population were assessed in 1989 through a population-based survey. In 1991-93, standardized mortality rates were in males and females respectively, 80.9 and 38.8 for cerebrovascular disease and 92.9 and 47.0 for ischemic heart disease. CVD accounted for 25.2% of all admissions to medical wards. Among the general population aged 35-64, 30% had high blood pressure, 52% of males smoked, and 28% of females were obese. These findings substantiate the current health transition to CVD in Seychelles. More generally, epidemiologic data on CVD mortality, morbidity, and related risk factors, as well as similar indicators for other chronic diseases, should more consistently appear in national and international reports of human development to help emphasize, in the health policy making scene, the current transition to chronic diseases in developing countries and the subsequent need for appropriate control and prevention programs.


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Report on the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2011


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Report on Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2011


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Both public and private insurance for long-term care is undeveloped in some European countries such as in Spain and empirical evidence is still limited. This paper aims at exmining the determinants of the demand for Long Term Care (LTC) coverage in Spain using contingent valuation techniques. Our findings indicate that only one-fifth of the population is willing to pay to assure coverage decisions are significantly affected by private information asymmetry and housing tenure in giving rise to self-insurance reduces the probability of insurance being hypothetically purchased.


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Report on the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2012


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Report on Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2012


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OBJECTIVES: Etravirine (ETV) is a novel nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) with reduced cross-resistance to first-generation NNRTIs, which has been primarily studied in randomized clinical trials and not in routine clinical settings. METHODS: ETV resistance-associated mutations (RAMs) were investigated by analysing 6072 genotypic tests. The antiviral activity of ETV was predicted using different interpretation systems: International AIDS Society-USA (IAS-USA), Stanford, Rega and Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le Sida et les hépatites virales (ANRS). RESULTS: The prevalence of ETV RAMs was higher in NNRTI-exposed patients [44.9%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 41.0-48.9%] than in treatment-naïve patients (9.6%, 95% CI 8.5-10.7%). ETV RAMs in treatment-naïve patients mainly represent polymorphism, as prevalence estimates in genotypic tests for treatment-naïve patients with documented recent (<1 year) infection, who had acquired HIV before the introduction of NNRTIs, were almost identical (9.8%, 95% CI 3.3-21.4). Discontinuation of NNRTI treatment led to a marked drop in the detection of ETV RAMs, from 51.7% (95% CI 40.8-62.6%) to 34.5% (95% CI 24.6-45.4%, P=0.032). Differences in prevalence among subtypes were found for V90I and V179T (P<0.001). Estimates of restricted virological response to ETV varied among algorithms in patients with exposure to efavirenz (EFV)/nevirapine (NVP), ranging from 3.8% (95% CI 2.5-5.6%) for ANRS to 56.2% (95% CI 52.2-60.1%) for Stanford. The predicted activity of ETV decreased as the sensitivity of potential optimized background regimens decreased. The presence of major IAS-USA mutations (L100I, K101E/H/P and Y181C/I/V) reduced the treatment response at week 24. CONCLUSIONS: Most ETV RAMs in drug-naïve patients are polymorphisms rather than transmitted RAMs. Uncertainty regarding predictions of antiviral activity for ETV in NNRTI-treated patients remains high. The lowest activity was predicted for patients harbouring extensive multidrug-resistant viruses, thus limiting ETV use in those who are most in need.


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Bipolar disorder follows a staged trajectory in which persistence of illness is associated with a number of clinical features such as progressive shortening of the inter-episode interval and decreased probability of treatment response. This neuroprogressive clinical process is reflected by both progressive neuroanatomical changes and evidence of cognitive decline. The biochemical foundation of this process appears to incorporate changes in inflammatory cytokines, cortisone, neurotrophins and oxidative stress. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that these markers may differ between the early and late stages of the disorder. The presence of a series of tangible targets raises the spectre of development of rational neuroprotective strategies, involving judicious use of current therapies and novel agents. Most of the currently used mood stabilisers share effects on oxidative stress and neurotrophins, while novel potentially neuroprotective agents are being developed. These developments need to be combined with service initiatives to maximise the opportunities for early diagnosis and intervention.


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Introductionþ: L'insulinothérapie intraveineuse est la mieux adaptée pour obtenirun contrôle glycémique rapidement efficace ou lors de besoins en insulinechangeants de façon peu prévisible, mais son emploi hors des soins intensifs seheurte souvent aux manque de formation et réticences des soignants. L'inclusionL'inclusiondu contrôle glycémique rapide dans nos standards institutionnels de priseen charge de l'AVC aigu a suscité une demande de protocole thérapeutiqueadapté aux besoins de l'Unité cérébrovasculaire.Patients et méthodesþ: Le protocole d'insulinothérapie a été dérivé d'algorithmespubliés intégrant glycémie actuelle, cinétique glycémique et sensibilité àl'insuline du patient. Aux repas, une augmentation du débit d'insuline iv. pendant1 h a été ajoutée. Les objectifs glycémiques étaient 4-6þmmol/l en préprandialetþ< 8þmmol/l en postprandial. L'implémentation s'est faite à travers unprocessus de co-construction (outils de gestion, documents et activités de formation)avec les responsables médico-infirmiers du service.Résultatsþ: Les données des 90 premiers patients ont été analysées (diabète connuþ:38, hyperglycémie nouvelleþ: 52, 2715h de traitement cumulées). Les duréesd'insulinothérapie iv. étaient de 34,5 h [interquartile 24-39] et 26,5 h [21-36,3] respectivement(pþ=þ0,03), les délais d'atteinte de l'objectif de 5 h [4.0-8.25] et 7 h[4.0-9.75] (pþ=þns.). Pendant les 24 h suivantes, les taux de glycémies dans la cibleétaient de 70,4þ%/81,3þ% (90,3þ%/94,6þ% entre 4-8þmmol/l), avec un faible tauxd'hypoglycémies (3,9þ%/3,1þ%þ< 4,0þmmol/l, 0,4þ%/0,2þ%þ<þ3,3þmmol/l) et un contrôleglycémique postprandial comparable (excursions +2,6þmmol/l [0,7-3,9] et+1,7þmmol/l [0,6-3,7]þ; Nþ=þ75þ; pþ=þns.).Conclusionþ: L'insulinothérapie intraveineuse hors des soins intensifs est faisable,hautement sûre et efficace, même avec des objectifs glycémiques particulièrementstricts. Outre la fiabilité perçue de l'outil de gestion, la démarche departenariat adoptée avec les soignants, permettant la prise en compte de leurspréoccupations à chaque étape du processus, a été un facteur de succès importantpour son implémentation.


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In Europe, Switzerland presents an unusual pattern of marriage with a very high proportion of couples who begin to cohabit without being married, but with a very low proportion of nonmarital births. A lot of couples marry before the conception of the child or during the pregnancy. In this article we focus on the point of view of men vis-agrave-vis the marriage and its meanings. Qualitative investigations show that men strongly desire marriage for several reasons, from their desire to participate in child rearing to the fear of having their paternity denied by Swiss institutions