984 resultados para Training sets


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While wireless LAN (WLAN) is very popular now a days, its performance deteriorates in the presence of other signals like Bluetooth (BT) signal that operate in the same band as WLAN. Present interference mitigation techniques in WLAN due to BT cancel interference in WLAN sub carrier where BT has hopped but do not cancel interference in the adjacent sub carriers. In this paper BT interference signal in all the OFDM sub carriers is estimated. That is, leakage of BT in other sub carriers including the sub carriers in which it has hopped is also measured. BT signals are estimated using the training signals of OFDM system. Simulation results in AWGN noise show that proposed algorithm agrees closely with theoretical results.


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Learning to rank from relevance judgment is an active research area. Itemwise score regression, pairwise preference satisfaction, and listwise structured learning are the major techniques in use. Listwise structured learning has been applied recently to optimize important non-decomposable ranking criteria like AUC (area under ROC curve) and MAP(mean average precision). We propose new, almost-lineartime algorithms to optimize for two other criteria widely used to evaluate search systems: MRR (mean reciprocal rank) and NDCG (normalized discounted cumulative gain)in the max-margin structured learning framework. We also demonstrate that, for different ranking criteria, one may need to use different feature maps. Search applications should not be optimized in favor of a single criterion, because they need to cater to a variety of queries. E.g., MRR is best for navigational queries, while NDCG is best for informational queries. A key contribution of this paper is to fold multiple ranking loss functions into a multi-criteria max-margin optimization.The result is a single, robust ranking model that is close to the best accuracy of learners trained on individual criteria. In fact, experiments over the popular LETOR and TREC data sets show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, a test criterion is often not best served by training with the same individual criterion.


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Antenna selection allows multiple-antenna systems to achieve most of their promised diversity gain, while keeping the number of RF chains and, thus, cost/complexity low. In this paper we investigate antenna selection for fourth-generation OFDMA- based cellular communications systems, in particular, 3GPP LTE (long-term evolution) systems. We propose a training method for antenna selection that is especially suitable for OFDMA. By means of simulation, we evaluate the SNR-gain that can be achieved with our design. We find that the performance depends on the bandwidth assigned to each user, the scheduling method (round-robin or frequency-domain scheduling), and the Doppler spread. Furthermore, the signal-to-noise ratio of the training sequence plays a critical role. Typical SNR gains are around 2 dB, with larger values obtainable in certain circumstances.


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Distributed space-time block codes (DSTBCs) from complex orthogonal designs (CODs) (both square and nonsquare), coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs), and Clifford unitary weight designs (CUWDs) are known to lose their single-symbol ML decodable (SSD) property when used in two-hop wireless relay networks using amplify and forward protocol. For such networks, in this paper, three new classes of high rate, training-symbol embedded (TSE) SSD DSTBCs are constructed: TSE-CODs, TSE-CIODs, and TSE-CUWDs. The proposed codes include the training symbols inside the structure of the code which is shown to be the key point to obtain the SSD property along with the channel estimation capability. TSE-CODs are shown to offer full-diversity for arbitrary complex constellations and the constellations for which TSE-CIODs and TSE-CUWDs offer full-diversity are characterized. It is shown that DSTBCs from nonsquare TSE-CODs provide better rates (in symbols per channel use) when compared to the known SSD DSTBCs for relay networks. Important from the practical point of view, the proposed DSTBCs do not contain any zeros in their codewords and as a result, antennas of the relay nodes do not undergo a sequence of switch on/off transitions within every codeword, and, thus, avoid the antenna switching problem.


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The diversity order and coding gain are crucial for the performance of a multiple antenna communication system. It is known that space-time trellis codes (STTC) can be used to achieve these objectives. In particular, we can use STTCs to obtain large coding gains. Many attempts have been made to construct STTCs which achieve full-diversity and good coding gains, though a general method of construction does not exist. Delay diversity code (rate-1) is known to achieve full-diversity, for any number of transmit antennas and any signal set, but does not give a good coding gain. A product distance code based delay diversity scheme (Tarokh, V. et al., IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol.44, p.744-65, 1998) enables one to improve the coding gain and construct STTCs for any given number of states using coding in conjunction with delay diversity; it was stated as an open problem. We achieve such a construction. We assume a shift register based model to construct an STTC for any state complexity. We derive a sufficient condition for this STTC to achieve full-diversity, based on the delay diversity scheme. This condition provides a framework to do coding in conjunction with delay diversity for any signal constellation. Using this condition, we provide a formal rate-1 STTC construction scheme for PSK signal sets, for any number of transmit antennas and any given number of states, which achieves full-diversity and gives a good coding gain.


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Proving the unsatisfiability of propositional Boolean formulas has applications in a wide range of fields. Minimal Unsatisfiable Sets (MUS) are signatures of the property of unsatisfiability in formulas and our understanding of these signatures can be very helpful in answering various algorithmic and structural questions relating to unsatisfiability. In this paper, we explore some combinatorial properties of MUS and use them to devise a classification scheme for MUS. We also derive bounds on the sizes of MUS in Horn, 2-SAT and 3-SAT formulas.


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In this paper we propose a new algorithm for learning polyhedral classifiers. In contrast to existing methods for learning polyhedral classifier which solve a constrained optimization problem, our method solves an unconstrained optimization problem. Our method is based on a logistic function based model for the posterior probability function. We propose an alternating optimization algorithm, namely, SPLA1 (Single Polyhedral Learning Algorithm1) which maximizes the loglikelihood of the training data to learn the parameters. We also extend our method to make it independent of any user specified parameter (e.g., number of hyperplanes required to form a polyhedral set) in SPLA2. We show the effectiveness of our approach with experiments on various synthetic and real world datasets and compare our approach with a standard decision tree method (OC1) and a constrained optimization based method for learning polyhedral sets.


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This paper presents the development of a neural network based power system stabilizer (PSS) designed to enhance the damping characteristics of a practical power system network representing a part of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) system. The proposed PSS consists of a neuro-identifier and a neuro-controller which have been developed based on functional link network (FLN) model. A recursive on-line training algorithm has been utilized to train the two neural networks. Simulation results have been obtained under various operating conditions and severe disturbance cases which show that the proposed neuro-PSS can provide a better damping to the local as well as interarea modes of oscillations as compared to a conventional PSS


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We report on exchange bias effects in 10 nm particles of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 which appear as a result of competing interactions between the ferromagnetic (FM)/anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) phases. The fascinating new observation is the demonstration of the temperature dependence of oscillatory exchange bias (OEB) and is tunable as a function of cooling field strength below the SG phase, may be attributable to the presence of charge/spin density wave (CDW/SDW) in the AFM core of PCMO10. The pronounced training effect is noticed at 5 K from the variation of the EB field as a function of number of field cycles (n) upon the field cooling (FC) process. For n > 1, power-law behavior describes the experimental data well; however, the breakdown of spin configuration model is noticed at n >= 1. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3696033]


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We show that a large class of Cantor-like sets of R-d, d >= 1, contains uncountably many badly approximable numbers, respectively badly approximable vectors, when d >= 2. An analogous result is also proved for subsets of R-d arising in the study of geodesic flows corresponding to (d+1)-dimensional manifolds of constant negative curvature and finite volume, generalizing the set of badly approximable numbers in R. Furthermore, we describe a condition on sets, which is fulfilled by a large class, ensuring a large intersection with these Cantor-like sets.


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The rainbow connection number of a connected graph is the minimum number of colors needed to color its edges, so that every pair of its vertices is connected by at least one path in which no two edges are colored the same. In this article we show that for every connected graph on n vertices with minimum degree delta, the rainbow connection number is upper bounded by 3n/(delta + 1) + 3. This solves an open problem from Schiermeyer (Combinatorial Algorithms, Springer, Berlin/Hiedelberg, 2009, pp. 432437), improving the previously best known bound of 20n/delta (J Graph Theory 63 (2010), 185191). This bound is tight up to additive factors by a construction mentioned in Caro et al. (Electr J Combin 15(R57) (2008), 1). As an intermediate step we obtain an upper bound of 3n/(delta + 1) - 2 on the size of a connected two-step dominating set in a connected graph of order n and minimum degree d. This bound is tight up to an additive constant of 2. This result may be of independent interest. We also show that for every connected graph G with minimum degree at least 2, the rainbow connection number, rc(G), is upper bounded by Gc(G) + 2, where Gc(G) is the connected domination number of G. Bounds of the form diameter(G)?rc(G)?diameter(G) + c, 1?c?4, for many special graph classes follow as easy corollaries from this result. This includes interval graphs, asteroidal triple-free graphs, circular arc graphs, threshold graphs, and chain graphs all with minimum degree delta at least 2 and connected. We also show that every bridge-less chordal graph G has rc(G)?3.radius(G). In most of these cases, we also demonstrate the tightness of the bounds.


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The Maximum Weight Independent Set (MWIS) problem on graphs with vertex weights asks for a set of pairwise nonadjacent vertices of maximum total weight. The complexity of the MWIS problem for hole-free graphs is unknown. In this paper, we first prove that the MWIS problem for (hole, dart, gem)-free graphs can be solved in O(n(3))-time. By using this result, we prove that the MWIS problem for (hole, dart)-free graphs can be solved in O(n(4))-time. Though the MWIS problem for (hole, dart, gem)-free graphs is used as a subroutine, we also give the best known time bound for the solvability of the MWIS problem in (hole, dart, gem)-free graphs. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider an inverse elasticity problem in which forces and displacements are known on the boundary and the material property distribution inside the body is to be found. In other words, we need to estimate the distribution of constitutive properties using the finite boundary data sets. Uniqueness of the solution to this problem is proved in the literature only under certain assumptions for a given complete Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. Another complication in the numerical solution of this problem is that the number of boundary data sets needed to establish uniqueness is not known even under the restricted cases where uniqueness is proved theoretically. In this paper, we present a numerical technique that can assess the sufficiency of given boundary data sets by computing the rank of a sensitivity matrix that arises in the Gauss-Newton method used to solve the problem. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the method.


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In this letter, we analyze the Diversity Multiplexinggain Tradeoff (DMT) performance of a training-based reciprocal Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO) system. Assuming Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the Receiver (CSIR), we propose a channel-dependent power-controlled Reverse Channel Training (RCT) scheme that enables the transmitter to directly estimate the power control parameter to be used for the forwardlink data transmission. We show that, with an RCT power of (P) over bar (gamma), gamma > 0 and a forward data transmission power of (P) over bar, our proposed scheme achieves an infinite diversity order for 0 <= g(m) < L-c-L-B,L-tau/L-c min(gamma, 1) and r > 2, where g(m) is the multiplexing gain, L-c is the channel coherence time, L-B,L-tau is the RCT duration and r is the number of receive antennas. We also derive an upper bound on the outage probability and show that it goes to zero asymptotically as exp(-(P) over bar (E)), where E (sic) (gamma - g(m)L(c)/L-c-L-B,L-tau), at high (P) over bar. Thus, the proposed scheme achieves a significantly better DMT performance compared to the finite diversity order achieved by channel-agnostic, fixed-power RCT schemes.