747 resultados para Traditional pedagogy
Introduction: Primary access libraries serve as the foundation of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) interlibrary loan (ILL) hierarchy, yet few published reports directly address the important role these libraries play in the ILL system. This may reflect the traditional view that small, primary access libraries are largely users of ILL, rather than important contributors to the effectiveness and efficiency of the national ILL system.
Raising boys in accordance with traditional masculinity ideologies is creating a mental health crisis among men. Socialization in accordance with traditional male gender roles causes boys to develop dismissing-avoidant attachments with their primary caregivers. Approaching subsequent relationships with a dismissing-attachment style creates disconnection between men and male peers, female partners, and their children. Many researchers advocate clinical interventions that perpetuate men's traditional fears of intimacy, however attachment theory provides an alternative lens through which clinicians may approach therapy with men. By engaging men in therapeutic attachment relationships, clinicians can inspire implicit and explicit learning of new attachment patterns. This experience by nature challenges traditional definitions of masculinity, and men may develop more congruent, adaptive, and healthy definitions of masculinity.
Homophobia continues to exist in society. Homonegative attitudes are often implicit and can be acquired without direct training, which makes them particularly resistant to change. Relational Frame Theory (RFT) is a behavior analytic account of learning processes and can explain these processes of indirect learning. RFT also suggests therapeutic processes for dismantling stigma using a therapy model named Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This paper reviews previous research on traditional multicultural training, and addresses its shortcomings. Specifically, this paper makes the argument that traditional models encourage experiential avoidance and thus further perpetuate the processes that maintain stigma. While a handful of studies have examined stigma interventions using ACT, no ACT studies have been completed specifically on the stigma towards gay and lesbian individuals. This paper concludes with a research proposal for such a study.
The study of masculinity and its impact on men’s psychological development and subsequent functioning has become more prevalent in the last few decades. This area of research has begun to introduce psychological interventions specific to men in treatment settings. Masculinity, like any socially constructed phenomena, is a fluid concept with overlapping variables and characteristics that are specific to what is learned from one’s social, cultural, and familial environment. According to Tremblay & L’Heureux (2005):
The literature on Iranians who immigrated to countries with modern cultures is sparse. This paper presents a theoretical understanding of the research with a particular appreciation on issues related to gender roles, sexuality, and acculturation within this population. In addition, treatment suggestions with this Iranian immigrant population will be presented through the lens of self psychology and a new perspective about the effects on the sense of self of young immigrant Iranian females will be discussed.
This paper presents the first version of EmotiBlog, an annotation scheme for emotions in non-traditional textual genres such as blogs or forums. We collected a corpus composed by blog posts in three languages: English, Spanish and Italian and about three topics of interest. Subsequently, we annotated our collection and carried out the inter-annotator agreement and a ten-fold cross-validation evaluation, obtaining promising results. The main aim of this research is to provide a finer-grained annotation scheme and annotated data that are essential to perform evaluation focused on checking the quality of the created resources.
This paper presents a preliminary study in which Machine Learning experiments applied to Opinion Mining in blogs have been carried out. We created and annotated a blog corpus in Spanish using EmotiBlog. We evaluated the utility of the features labelled firstly carrying out experiments with combinations of them and secondly using the feature selection techniques, we also deal with several problems, such as the noisy character of the input texts, the small size of the training set, the granularity of the annotation scheme and the language object of our study, Spanish, with less resource than English. We obtained promising results considering that it is a preliminary study.
The treatment of factual data has been widely studied in different areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP). However, processing subjective information still poses important challenges. This paper presents research aimed at assessing techniques that have been suggested as appropriate in the context of subjective - Opinion Question Answering (OQA). We evaluate the performance of an OQA with these new components and propose methods to optimally tackle the issues encountered. We assess the impact of including additional resources and processes with the purpose of improving the system performance on two distinct blog datasets. The improvements obtained for the different combination of tools are statistically significant. We thus conclude that the proposed approach is adequate for the OQA task, offering a good strategy to deal with opinionated questions.
Salpassa denotes the blessing of houses, land, and other belongings, carried out during Easter week and Resurrection (Easter) Sunday in the Valencia–Catalonia linguistic region of north-eastern Spain. Although it is now remembered mostly as a consecrating ceremony or a religious rite, recent field research has shown that a playful element, carried out by children through their songs and other activities, was also an important aspect of the traditional Salpassa.
There is no question nowadays as to the international and powerful status of English at a global scale and, consequently, as to its presence in non-English speaking countries at different levels. Linguistically speaking, English is one of the languages which have mostly influenced Spanish throughout its history and especially from the late 1960s. In this study, the impact of English on Spanish is considered in the language of sports; particularly, sports Anglicisms and false Anglicisms are analysed. Due attention is paid to the different forms that an Anglicism may adopt and to which of those forms are more widely accepted or rejected by prescriptivists and speakers at large, in the light of a contrastive analysis of their appearance in the Nuevo diccionario de anglicismos, the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española and the Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of Body Percussion from all areas, focusing on existing academic literature and the contribution of different authors. Existing ethnographic publications are reviewed, as are the links with traditional dances, musical pedagogy, neuroscientific aspects, handclapping songs, use in shows, the sound properties of body percussion and, most importantly, the main authors who have systematically structured and build the foundations of body percussion in a coherent manner and with new contributions.
Seven wild and cultivated Salvia species and two Phlomis species, used traditionally in Valencian medicine to treat a variety of external and internal ailments, were studied. New ethnobotanical data are provided, obtained from semistructured interviews with 34 people in the Valencian area. A seasonal characterization of the essential oil of a wild sage, Salvia blancoana Webb & Heldr. subsp. mariolensis Figuerola, by GC-FID and GC-MS was carried out as a means to ensure quality control of endemic traditional species such as this one, which has been commercialized by local industries. A comparison with the essential oil of Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl subsp.lavandulifolia allowed inclusion of the wild sage within the commercial 'Spanish sage' oil.
The aim of this paper is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the importance of the fish fauna in the wetlands and coastal lagoons of the Bajo Vinalopó region (Alicante, South eastern Spain) and the ecological, historical and cultural value of the traditional knowledge on fishing maintained by local people. We have compiled data from different information sources: (1) the revision of historical archives, (2) personal interviews and collaborative research, and (3) ecological and water quality data. The results show that the area sustains important fish fauna diversity (17 species) and that local people have inherited a considerable traditional knowledge on fishing methods (11 modalities), on the maintenance and sound management of the water system and on the ecology and behaviour of fish. We conclude that a comprehensive consideration of all these ecological, historical and socio-cultural aspects related to fish and fishing shows clearly the value of this ecological and cultural heritage and provides a necessary base for a sustainable management of the area.