984 resultados para Toynbee, J. M. C. (Jocelyn M. C.), m. 1985. Animals in Roman life and art
Introducción: La hemofilia es una enfermedad poco frecuente; no obstante, los avances en los tratamientos de pacientes hemofílicos en las últimas décadas han generado cambios en su calidad de vida. Esto ha motivado el desarrollo de mltiples investigaciones al respecto. Objetivo: Revisar la literatura sobre la calidad de vida en el paciente hemofílico, producida en el periodo 2008-2012. Mtodo: Se consultaron algunas bases de datos científicas utilizando como palabras clave “hemofilia” y “calidad de vida”. Se recopiló la información encontrada y se organizó según los objetivos propuestos en “factores negativos” y “factores protectores” de la calidad de vida a nivel fisiológico, psicosocial y cultural; “instrumentos para la evaluación de la calidad de vida” a nivel especfico y general; y antecedentes empíricos de los últimos cinco años en los que se evaluara la calidad de vida o se realizara alguna intervención en la misma. Resultados: En general la información disponible sobre el comportamiento epidemiológico de la hemofilia es limitada. El interés por factores protectores y negativos es principalmente de tipo fisiológico, aunque se encontraron factores de tipo psicosocial y cultural, lo que indica la importancia de profundizar en esta temtica. Existen pocos instrumentos especializados para la evaluación de la calidad de vida en hemofílicos. La evidencia empírica se centra en la evaluación. Conclusión: El estudio de la calidad de vida en pacientes hemofílicos amerita ser abordado de manera interdisciplinaria.
Objetivo: El cuestionario Barriers to Being Active Quiz (BBAQ), indaga las barreras para ser físicamente activo. El cuestionario fue traducido al español por el mismo equipo que desarrolló la versión inglésa original, pero carece de estudios de validez en la versión española. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las propiedades psicomtricas del BBAQ (en la versión completa de 21 ítems), centrándose en la fiabilidad y validez. Material y mtodos: Un total de 2.634 (1.462 mujeres y 1.172 varones; 18-30 años de edad) estudiantes universitarios completaron el cuestionario BBAQ-21. El alfa de Crombach se estim como indicador de consistencia interna. El coeficiente de correlación intra-clase (CCI) y el grado de acuerdo se calcularon para evaluar la estabilidad temporal con un periodo de 7 días entre ambas administraciones como estimadores de la reproducibilidad. Se aplic un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y confirmatorio (AFC) para analizar la validez del BBAQ-21 ítems. Resultados: El BBAQ-21 mostró valores de un alfa de Cronbach entre 0,812 y 0,844 y un CCI entre el 0,46 y 0,87. El porcentaje de acuerdo por todos los conceptos individuales varió de 45 a 80%. El AFE determinó cuatro factores que explicaron el 52,90% de la varianza y el AFC mostró moderadas cargas factoriales. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos en este cuestionario avalan la utilización de este instrumento con este tipo de muestra, desde el punto de vista de la fiabilidad y validez. El BBAQ-21 está disponible para evaluar las barreras para la actividad física en Amrica Latina.
RESUMO: O conhecimento existe desde sempre, mesmo num estado latente condicionado algures e apenas à espera de um meio (de uma oportunidade) de se poder manifestar. O conhecimento é duplamente um fenómeno da consciência: porque dela procede num dado momento da sua vida e da sua história e porque só nela termina, aperfeiçoando-a e enriquecendo-a. O conhecimento está assim em constante mudança. À relativamente pouco tempo começou-se a falar de Gestão do Conhecimento e na altura foi muito associada às Tecnologias da Informação, como meio de colectar, processar e armazenar cada vez mais, maiores quantidades de informação. As Tecnologias da Informação têm tido, desde alguns anos para c, um papel extremamente importante nas organizações, inicialmente foram adoptadas com o propósito de automatizar os processos operacionais das organizações, que suportam as suas actividades quotidianas e nestes últimos tempos as Tecnologias da Informação dentro das organizações têm evoluído rapidamente. Todo o conhecimento, mesmo até o menos relevante de uma determinada área de negócio, é fundamental para apoiar o processo de tomada de decisão. As organizações para atingirem melhores «performances» e conseguirem transcender as metas a que se propuseram inicialmente, tendem a munir-se de mais e melhores Sistemas de Informação, assim como, à utilização de várias metodologias e tecnologias hoje em dia disponíveis. Por conseguinte, nestes últimos anos, muitas organizações têm vindo a demonstrar uma necessidade crucial de integração de toda a sua informação, a qual está dispersa pelos diversos departamentos constituintes. Para que os gestores de topo (mas também para outros funcionários) possam ter disponível em tempo útil, informação pertinente, verdadeira e fiável dos negócios da organização que eles representam, precisam de ter acesso a bons Sistemas de Tecnologias de Informação. Numa acão de poderem agir mais eficazmente e eficientemente nas tomadas de decisão, por terem conseguido tirar por esses meios o mximo de proveito possível da informação, e assim, apresentarem melhores níveis de sucesso organizacionais. Também, os Sistemas de «Business Intelligence» e as Tecnologias da Informação a ele associadas, utilizam os dados existentes nas organizações para disponibilizar informação relevante para as tomadas de decisão. Mas, para poderem alcançar esses níveis tão satisfatórios, as organizações necessitam de recursos humanos, pois como podem elas serem competitivas sem Luís Miguel Borges – Gestão e Trabalhadores do Conhecimento em Tecnologias da Informação (UML) ULHT – ECATI 6 trabalhadores qualificados. Assim, surge a necessidade das organizações em recrutar os chamados hoje em dia “Trabalhadores do Conhecimento”, que são os indivíduos habilitados para interpretar as informações dentro de um domnio especfico. Eles detectam problemas e identificam alternativas, com os seus conhecimentos e discernimento, eles trabalham para solucionar esses problemas, ajudando consideravelmente as organizações que representam. E, usando metodologias e tecnologias da Engenharia do Conhecimento como a modelação, criarem e gerirem um histórico de conhecimento, incluindo conhecimento tácito, sobre várias áreas de negócios da organização, que podem estar explícitos em modelos abstractos, que possam ser compreendidos e interpretados facilmente, por outros trabalhadores com níveis de competência equivalentes. ABSTRACT: Knowledge has always existed, even in a latent state conditioning somewhere and just waiting for a half (an opportunity) to be able to manifest. Knowledge is doubly a phenomenon of consciousness: because proceeds itself at one point in its life and its history and because solely itself ends, perfecting it and enriching it. The knowledge is so in constant change. In the relatively short time that it began to speak of Knowledge Management and at that time was very associated with Information Technologies, as a means to collect, process and store more and more, larger amounts of information. Information Technologies has had, from a few years back, an extremely important role in organizations, were initially adopted in order to automate the operational processes of organizations, that support their daily activities and in recent times Information Technologies within organizations has evolved rapidly. All the knowledge, even to the least relevant to a particular business area, is fundamental to support the process of decision making. The organizations to achieve better performances and to transcend the goals that were initially propose, tend to provide itself with more and better Information Systems, as well as, the use of various methodologies and technologies available today. Consequently, in recent years, many organizations have demonstrated a crucial need for integrating all their information, which is dispersed by the diver constituents departments. For top managers (but also for other employees) may have ready in time, pertinent, truthful and reliable information of the organization they represent, need access to good Information Technology Systems. In an action that they can act more effectively and efficiently in decision making, for having managed to get through these means the maximum possible advantage of the information, and so, present better levels of organizational success. Also, the systems of Business Intelligence and Information Technologies its associated, use existing data on organizations to provide relevant information for decision making. But, in order to achieve these levels as satisfactory, organizations need human resources, because how can they be competitive without skilled workers. Thus, arises the need for organizations to recruit called today “Knowledge Workers”, they are the individuals enable to interpret the information within a specific domain. They detect problems and identify alternatives, with their knowledge and discernment they work to solve these problems, helping considerably the organizations that represent. And, using Luís Miguel Borges – Gestão e Trabalhadores do Conhecimento em Tecnologias da Informação (UML) ULHT – ECATI 8 methodologies and technologies of Knowledge Engineering as modeling, create and manage a history of knowledge, including tacit knowledge, on various business areas of the organization, that can be explicit in the abstract models, that can be understood and interpreted easily, by other workers with equivalent levels of competence.
In future climates, greater heat tolerance at anthesis will be required in rice. The effect of high temperature at anthesis on spikelet fertility was studied on IR64 (lowland indica) and Azucena (upland Japonica) at 29.6 degrees C (control), 33.7 degrees C, and 36.2 degrees C tissue temperatures. The objectives of the study were to: (i) determine the effect of temperature on flowering pattern; (ii) examine the effect of time of day of spikelet anthesis relative to a high temperature episode on spikelet fertility; and (iii) study the interactions between duration of exposure and temperature on spikelet fertility. Plants were grown at 30/24 degrees C day/night temperature in a greenhouse and transferred to growth cabinets for the temperature treatments. Individual spikelets were marked with paint to relate fertility to the time of exposure to different temperatures and durations. In both genotypes the pattern of flowering was similar, and peak anthesis occurred between 10.30 h and 11.30 h at 29.2 degrees C, and about 45 min earlier at 36.2 degrees C. In IR64, high temperature increased the number of spikelets reaching anthesis, whereas in Azucena numbers were reduced. In both genotypes :511 h exposure to >= 33.7 degrees C at anthesis caused sterility. In IR64, there was no interaction between temperature and duration of exposure, and spikelet fertility was reduced by about 7% per degrees C > 29.6 degrees C. In Azucena there was a significant interaction and spikelet fertility was reduced by 2.4% degrees Cd-1 above a threshold of 33 degrees C. Marking individual spikelets is an effective method to phenotype genotypes and lines for heat tolerance that removes any apparent tolerance due to temporal escape.
Seed set of rice (Oryza sativa L.) is highly sensitive to short episodes of high temperature at anthesis events that are likely to be more frequent in future climates. Breeding for tolerance is therefore an essential component of adaptation to climate variability and change. Experiments were conducted in 2003 and 2004 at optimum (30 degrees C daytime) and high (35 and 38 degrees C) air temperature using parents of some prominent mapping populations (i) to determine whether there were differences in the daily flowering pattern and hence a potential heat avoidance mechanism, and (ii) to identify rice genotypes having true heat tolerance during anthesis, that is, high seed set in spikelets exposed to high temperature. Rice cultivar CG14 (O. glaberrima) reached peak anthesis earlier in the morning (1.5 h after dawn) under both control (30 degrees C) and high (38 degrees C) temperature conditions than O. sativa genotypes (>= 3 h after dawn). Exposure to high temperature (centered on the time of peak anthesis) for 6 h reduced spikelet fertility more than exposure for 2 h, and fertility was lower at 38 degrees C than at 35 degrees C. Genotypic ranking for spikelet fertility at 35 and 38 degrees C was highly correlated in both 2003 and 2004. Fertility was also highly correlated across years, suggesting a consistent and reproducible response of spikelet fertility to temperature. The check cultivar N22 was the most heat tolerant genotype (64-86% fertility at 38 degrees C) and cultivars Azucena and Moroberekan the most susceptible (<8%).
Genetic parameters and breeding values for dairy cow fertility were estimated from 62 443 lactation records. Two-trait analysis of fertility and milk yield was investigated as a method to estimate fertility breeding values when culling or selection based on milk yield in early lactation determines presence or absence of fertility observations in later lactations. Fertility traits were calving interval, intervals from calving to first service, calving to conception and first to last service, conception success to first service and number of services per conception. Milk production traits were 305-day milk, fat and protein yield. For fertility traits, range of estimates of heritability (h(2)) was 0.012 to 0.028 and of permanent environmental variance (c(2)) was 0.016 to 0.032. Genetic correlations (r(g)) among fertility traits were generally high ( > 0.70). Genetic correlations of fertility with milk production traits were unfavourable (range -0.11 to 0.46). Single and two-trait analyses of fertility were compared using the same data set. The estimates of h(2) and c(2) were similar for two types of analyses. However, there were differences between estimated breeding values and rankings for the same trait from single versus multi-trait analyses. The range for rank correlation was 0.69-0.83 for all animals in the pedigree and 0.89-0.96 for sires with more than 25 daughters. As single-trait method is biased due to selection on milk yield, a multi-trait evaluation of fertility with milk yield is recommended. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Variation in carrying capacity and population return rates is generally ignored in traditional studies of population dynamics. Variation is hard to study in the field because of difficulties controlling the environment in order to obtain statistical replicates, and because of the scale and expense of experimenting on populations. There may also be ethical issues. To circumvent these problems we used detailed simulations of the simultaneous behaviours of interacting animals in an accurate facsimile of a real Danish landscape. The models incorporate as much as possible of the behaviour and ecology of skylarks Alauda arvensis, voles Microtus agrestis, a ground beetle Bembidion lampros and a linyphiid spider Erigone atra. This allows us to quantify and evaluate the importance of spatial and temporal heterogeneity on the population dynamics of the four species. Results: Both spatial and temporal heterogeneity affected the relationship between population growth rate and population density in all four species. Spatial heterogeneity accounted for 23–30% of the variance in population growth rate after accounting for the effects of density, reflecting big differences in local carrying capacity associated with the landscape features important to individual species. Temporal heterogeneity accounted for 3–13% of the variance in vole, skylark and spider, but 43% in beetles. The associated temporal variation in carrying capacity would be problematic in traditional analyses of density dependence. Return rates were less than one in all species and essentially invariant in skylarks, spiders and beetles. Return rates varied over the landscape in voles, being slower where there were larger fluctuations in local population sizes. Conclusion: Our analyses estimated the traditional parameters of carrying capacities and return rates, but these are now seen as varying continuously over the landscape depending on habitat quality and the mechanisms of density dependence. The importance of our results lies in our demonstration that the effects of spatial and temporal heterogeneity must be accounted for if we are to have accurate predictive models for use in management and conservation. This is an area which until now has lacked an adequate theoretical framework and methodology.
Aluminium is omnipresent in everyday life and increased exposure is resulting in a burgeoning body burden of this non-essential metal. Personal care products are potential contributors to the body burden of aluminium and recent evidence has linked breast cancer with aluminium-based antiperspirants. We have used graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) to measure the aluminium content in breast biopsies obtained following mastectomies. The aluminium content of breast tissue and breast tissue fat were in the range 4-437 nmol/g dry wt. and 3-192 nmol/g oil, respectively. The aluminium content of breast tissue in the outer regions (axilla and lateral) was significantly higher (P = 0.033) than the inner regions (middle and medial) of the breast. Whether differences in the regional distribution of aluminium in the breast are related to the known higher incidence of tumours in the outer upper quadrant of the breast remains to be ascertained. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Studies in human, animal and cellular systems suggest that phenols from virgin olive oil are capable of inhibiting several stages in carcinogenesis, including metastasis. The invasion cascade comprises cell attachment to extracellular matrix components or basement membrane, degradation of basement membrane by proteolytic enzymes and migration of cells through the modified matrix. In the present study, we investigated the effect of phenolics extracted from virgin olive oil (OVP) and its main constituents: hydroxytyrosol (3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol), tyrosol (p-hydroxyphenylethanol), pinoresinol and caffeic acid. The effects of these phenolics were tested on the invasion of HT115 human colon carcinoma cells in a Matrigel invasion assay. OVP and its compounds showed different dose-related anti-invasive effects. At 25 mu g/ml OVP and equivalent doses of individual compounds, significant anti-invasive effects were seen in the range of 45-55% of control. Importantly, OVP, but not the isolated phenolics, significantly reduced total cell number in the Matrigel invasion assay. There were no significant effects shown on cell viability, indicating the reduction of cell number in the Matrigel invasion assay was not due to cytotoxicity. There were also no significant effects on cell attachment to plastic substrate, indicating the importance of extracellular matrix in modulating the anti-invasive effects of OVP. In conclusion, the results from this study indicate that phenols from virgin olive oil have the ability to inhibit invasion of colon cancer cells and the effects may be mediated at different levels of the invasion cascade. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The improvements obtained on cooling atmospheric remote-sensing instruments for space flight applications has promoted research in characterization of the necessary optical filters. By modelling the effects of temperature on the dispersive spectrum of some constituent thin film materials, the cooled performance can be simulated and compared. multilayer filter designs with the measured spectra from actual filters. Two actual filters are discussed, for the 7µm region, one a composite cut-on/cut-off design of 13% HBW and the other an integral narrowband design of 4% HBW.
Dispersal is a key process in population and evolutionary ecology. Individual decisions are affected by fitness consequences of dispersal, but these are difficult to measure in wild populations. A long-term dataset on a geographically closed bird population, the Mauritius kestrel, offers a rare opportunity to explore fitness consequences. Females dispersed further when the availability of local breeding sites was limited, whereas male dispersal correlated with phenotypic traits. Female but not male fitness was lower when they dispersed longer distances compared to settling close to home. These results suggest a cost of dispersal in females. We found evidence of both short- and long-term fitness consequences of natal dispersal in females, including reduced fecundity in early life and more rapid aging in later life. Taken together, our results indicate that dispersal in early life might shape life history strategies in wild populations.
Although FTO is an established obesity-susceptibility locus, it remains unknown whether it influences weight change in adult life and whether diet attenuates this association. Therefore, we investigated the association of FTO-rs9939609 with changes in weight and waist circumference (WC) during 6.8 years follow-up in a large-scale prospective study and examined whether these associations were modified by dietary energy percentage from fat, protein, carbohydrate, or glycemic index (GI). This study comprised data from five countries of European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) and was designed as a case-cohort study for weight gain. Analyses included 11,091 individuals, of whom 5,584 were cases (age (SD), 47.6 (7.5) years), defined as those with the greatest unexplained annual weight gain during follow-up and 5,507 were noncases (48.0 (7.3) years), who were compared in our case-noncase (CNC) analyses. Furthermore, 6,566 individuals (47.9 (7.3) years) selected from the total sample (all noncases and 1,059 cases) formed the random subcohort (RSC), used for continuous trait analyses. Interactions were tested by including interaction terms in the models. In the RSC-analyses, FTO-rs9939609 was associated with BMI (β (SE), 0.17 (0.08) kg·m(-2)/allele; P = 0.034) and WC (0.47 (0.21) cm/allele; P = 0.026) at baseline, but not with weight change (5.55 (12.5) g·year(-1)/allele; P = 0.66) during follow up. In the CNC-analysis, FTO-rs9939609 was associated with increased risk of being a weight-gainer (OR: 1.1; P = 0.045). We observed no interaction between FTO-rs9939609 and dietary fat, protein and carbohydrate, and GI on BMI and WC at baseline or on change in weight and WC. FTO-rs9939609 is associated with BMI and WC at baseline, but association with weight gain is weak and only observed for extreme gain. Dietary factors did not influence the associations.
Dance is a rich source of material for researchers interested in the integration of movement and cognition. The multiple aspects of embodied cognition involved in performing and perceiving dance have inspired scientists to use dance as a means for studying motor control, expertise, and action-perception links. The aim of this review is to present basic research on cognitive and neural processes implicated in the execution, expression, and observation of dance, and to bring into relief contemporary issues and open research questions. The review addresses six topics: 1) dancers’ exemplary motor control, in terms of postural control, equilibrium maintenance, and stabilization; 2) how dancers’ timing and on-line synchronization are influenced by attention demands and motor experience; 3) the critical roles played by sequence learning and memory; 4) how dancers make strategic use of visual and motor imagery; 5) the insights into the neural coupling between action and perception yielded through exploration of the brain architecture mediating dance observation; and 6) a neuroaesthetics perspective that sheds new light on the way audiences perceive and evaluate dance expression. Current and emerging issues are presented regarding future directions that will facilitate the ongoing dialogue between science and dance.