669 resultados para Thesleff, Irma
The process of urbanization in Latin America presents new challenges for urban transport systems insofar as one of the priorities is to provide proper mobility for the increasing and complex interaction of communities.This edition of the Bulletin, prepared by Irma Chaparro, presents a summary of the recent study entitled Evaluación del impacto socio-económico del transporte urbano en la ciudad de Bogotá. El caso del sistema masivo de transporte, Transmilenio, LC/L 1786-P, October 2002, which considers the socioeconomic impact of the Transmilenio system in Bogotá. This system is part of an integrated transport strategy promoted by the District Authority over the period 1998-2001 and is an avant-garde solution to the difficult problem of transport in the city.
Distribución del ingreso, pobreza y gasto social en América Latina / José Antonio Ocampo. -- Gasto militar y el desarrollo en América Latina / Eugenio Lahera y Marcelo Ortúzar. -- Crecimiento, justicia distributiva y poiítica social / Andrés Solimano. -- Equidad, inversión extranjera y competitividad internacional / Adolfo Figueroa. -- Tensiones en ei ajuste estructural en América Latina: asignación vs. distribución / Daniel M. Schydlowsky. -- Competitividad y regulaciones laborales / Luis Beccaria y Pedro Galín. -- Familias latinoamericanas: convergencias y divergencias de modelos y políticas / Irma Arriagada. -- Los acuerdos de libre comercio y el trabajo de las mujeres: el caso de Chile / Alicia Frohmann y Pilar Romaguera. -- Evolución macroeconómica del Paraguay 1989-1997: burbuja de consumo y crisis financier / Stéphane Straub. -- Estrategias de las empresas mexicanas en sus procesos de internacionalización / Alejandra Salas-Porras. -- La regulación de la prestación privada de servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado / Terence R. Lee y Andrei S. Jouravlev. -- Promoción de la calidad para mejorar la competitividad / Hessel Schuurman.
Income distribution, poverty and social expenditure in Latin America / José Antonio Ocampo. -- Military expenditure and development in Latin America / Eugenio Lahera and Marcelo Ortúzar. -- Growth, distributive justice and social policy / Andrés Solimano. -- Equity, foreign investment and international competitiveness / Adolfo Figueroa. -- Tensions in Latin American structural adjustment: allocation versus distribution / Daniel M. Schydlowsky. -- Competitiveness and labour regulations / Luis Beccaria and Pedro Galin. -- Latin American families: convergences and divergences in models and policies / Irma Arriagada. -- Free trade agreements and female labour: the Chilean situation / Alicia Frohmann and Pilar Romaguera. -- Macroeconomic trends in Paraguay from 1989 to 1997: consumption bubble and financial crisis / Stephane Straub. -- The strategies pursued by Mexican firms in their efforts to become global players / Alejandra Salas-Porras. -- Regulating the private provision of drinking water and sanitation services / Terence R, Lee and Andrei S. Jouravlev. -- Quality management promotion to improve competitiveness / Hessel Schuurman.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In order to establish the concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, total protein and growth factor insulin-like type I (IGF-I) in the follicular fluid, 26 Murrah breed river buffaloes, between 45 and 70 days postpartum, empty, multiparous, with average live weight of 675 +/- 56 kg and average body condition of 3.5 points on a scale of 1-5, were used in this study. The fluid was collected from dominant follicles with diameters between 8 and 12 mm by OPU, and was not taken into account the stage of the estrous cycle. Using this technique, the wave of follicular development was synchronized six days prior to collection. Biochemical analysis was performed to glucose and cholesterol through the enzymatic colorimetric method using commercial kit glicose CHOLESTEROL GOD-PAP and CHOD-PAP (Kovalent), respectively. Determination of total protein was carried out by using total protein commercial kit (Kovalent) Biuret method, and the readings were performed using absorption spectrophotometry with visible light. Concentration of IGF-I was measured by Radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique using commercial IRMA Kit IGF-I (INMUNOTECH). Descriptive statistics were developed using the PROC MEANS procedure of SAS (2009). Concentration of glucose (4.0 +/- 0.75 mmol / L-1) and IGF-I (340 +/- 129.83 ng / mL (-1)) were higher than those reported by other authors in river buffaloes and cows, respectively. However, cholesterol levels (0.51 +/- 0.12 mmol / L (-1)) and total protein (58.4 +/- 4.43 g / L (-1)) behaved inferior to other studies in same species. The results indicated that there is relationship among the nutritional aspects, diameter of follicles aspirated and productive period in the concentration of biochemical indicators.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objetivo: Examinar o padrão de consumo do tabaco e conhecimentos sobre as doenças relacionadas ao tabaco, assim como identificar os tipos mais populares de mídias entre gestantes para aprimorar estratégias para a prevenção e a cessação do tabagismo entre essas mulheres. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 61 gestantes atendidas em um hospital universitário e em unidades básicas de saúde em Botucatu, SP. A Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão foi aplicada a todas as participantes. Para aquelas com história de tabagismo, também foi aplicado o Teste de Fagerström para Dependência de Nicotina, e foi avaliado o grau de motivação para cessação tabágica nas fumantes. Resultados: Das 61 gestantes avaliadas, 25 (40,9%) eram fumantes (média de idade, 26,4 ± 7,4 anos), 24 (39,3%) eram ex-fumantes (média de idade, 26,4 ± 8,3 anos), e 12 (19,8%) nunca fumaram (média de idade, 25,1 ± 7,2 anos). A exposição passiva foi relatada por 39 gestantes (63,9%). Das 49 fumantes/ex-fumantes, 13 (29,6%) conheciam as consequências pulmonares do tabagismo; somente 2 (4,9%) conheciam os riscos cardiovasculares; 23 (46,9%) acreditavam que fumar não causa nenhum problema para o feto ou o recém-nascido; 21 (42,9%) consumiram álcool durante a gestação; 18 (36,7%) relataram aumento no consumo de cigarros quando bebiam; 25 (51,0%) experimentaram cigarros com sabores; e 12 (24,5%) fumaram narguilé. Entre as 61 gestantes avaliadas, a televisão foi o tipo de mídia mais disponível e favorita (85,2%), assim como a mais preferida (49,2%). Conclusões: Entre gestantes, o fumo ativo, o fumo passivo e o uso de formas alternativas de consumo de tabaco parecem ser altamente prevalentes, e tais mulheres parecem possuir poucos conhecimentos sobre as consequências do uso de tabaco. Programas educacionais que incluam informações sobre as consequências de todas as formas de uso de tabaco, utilizando formatos novos e efetivos para esta população específica, devem ser desenvolvidos para promover a prevenção/cessação do tabagismo entre gestantes. Amostras adicionais para explorar diferenças culturais e regionais são necessárias.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of mortality according to the presence of metabolic syndrome in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients who were followed for 5 years. We did not establish the influence of metabolic syndrome on mortality rate. However, an increase of 100 mg of triglycerides was associated with a 39% increase in the probability of death in the period of the study (hazard ratio 1.39, 95% confidence interval 1.06-1.83).
It's common knowledge that education is an essential aspect to promote the development process of a country. But, what exactly means development? Until what point does formal education influences a country development? This work seek to bring new perspectives to these matters by analyzing the influence of human capital on development, basing the theoretical concepts in authors like Theodore W. Schultz and researchers from the Frontiers of Development Economics, like Amartya Sen and Irma Adelman
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pulmonary artery sarcomas (PAS) are rare and probably incurable tumours. The clinical manifestations are non-specific and very similar to that of patients with thromboembolic disease, resulting in delay of the correct diagnosis and proper treatment. We report the case of a 66-year-old woman with PAS diagnosed by computed tomography guided biopsy. Chemotherapy treatment was initiated but the patient died 11 months after diagnosis.
Twenty six Murrah female river buffaloes, between 45 and 70 d post-partum, empty, multiparae, with an average live weight of 675 ± 56 kg, and average body condition of 3.5 points, in a 1 to 5 scale, were used to determine the concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, total protein and insulin-like growth factor type I(IGF-I) in the follicular fluid. The fluid was collected from dominant follicles, with diameters between 8 and 12 mm, by in vivo follicular aspiration. The oestrous cycle stage was not taken into account. The wave of follicular development was synchronized six days prior to the collection. Biochemical analyses of glucose and cholesterol were performed by the enzymatic colorimetric method with the utilization of commercial kits of Glicose (GOD-PAP) and Cholesterol (CHOD-PAP) (Kovalent), respectively. For the determination of total protein, the commercial kit total Protein (Kovalent), method Biuret, was employed. Readings were carried out through absorption spectrophotometry with visible light. Through the radioimmunoanalysis (RIA) technique the concentration of IGF-I was obtained using commercial kits of IRMA IGF-I (IMMUNOTECH). Descriptive statistics was used, by applying the PROC MEANS procedure of the SAS (2009) statistical package. Glucose concentrations (4.0 ± 0.75 mmol/L) and IGF-I (340 ± 129.83 ng/mL) showed higher values in female river buffaloes and dairy cows regarding those reported in other studies. However, cholesterol levels (0.51 ± 0.12 mmol/L) and total proteins (58.4 ± 4.43 g/L) were lower. Results indicate that there is a relationship between the concentration of biochemical indicators, the nutritional aspects, the diameter of the aspired follicles and the productive period.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)