471 resultados para Thermotolerant coliforms
tratamiento debe ser evaluado y controlado periódicamente, para garantizar su calidad para el consumo humano. El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue evaluar mediante un estudio físico-químico y microbiológico el Sistema de Calidad y Tratamiento del Agua que se efectúa en la Planta Potabilizadora del cantón Chordeleg. Se realizó un estudio no experimental, de campo, descriptivo y de corte no longitudinal. Para el análisis físico-químico se evaluaron 176 muestras en las 8 semanas, realizando 1 muestreo al día. En cada muestreo se realizó el análisis de 11 muestras que corresponden: 2 muestra de agua cruda, 2 muestras de agua pre-filtrada, 6 muestras de agua filtrada y 1 muestra de agua tratada realizándose un total de 22 muestras a la semana, en los cuales se determinó los parámetros físico-químicos: temperatura, sólidos totales disueltos, turbiedad y color, pH, dureza, alcalinidad, hierro, sulfato, nitritos, nitratos y cloro libre residual; parámetros microbiológicos: Coliformes totales y fecales. Los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas realizadas, mediante el análisis estadístico demostraron que los parámetros fisicoquímicos cumplen con lo establecido en la norma INEN 1108-2014, mientras que en los parámetros microbiológicos se estableció que los Coliformes fecales se encuentran dentro del rango establecido por la norma INEN 1108-2014 y los Coliformes totales fuera de lo establecido por la OMS(ausencia).
Mestrado em Biotecnologia, Faculdade de Engenharia de Recursos Naturais, Univ. do Algarve, 2005
Background: The microflora hypothesis may be the underlying explanation for the growth of inflammatory disease. In addition to many known affecting factors, knowing the gut microbiota of healthy newborns can help to understand the gut immunity and modulate it. Objectives: This study examined the microbiota of healthy newborns from urban regions. Patients and Methods: We enrolled 128 full-term newborns, born at Seoul St. Mary and St. Paul hospital from January 2009 to February 2010. All 143 samples of feces were cultivated in six culture plates to determine the amounts of total bacteria, anaerobes, gram-positive bacteria, coliforms, lactobacilli, and bifidobacteria. The samples were evaluated with a bivariate correlation between coliforms and lactobacilli. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis with HhaI and MspI and a clustering analysis were performed for determination of diversity. Results: Bacteria were cultured in 61.5% of feces in the following order: anaerobes, gram-positive bacteria, lactobacilli, coliform, and bifidobacteria. The growth of total bacteria and lactobacilli increased in feces defecated after 24 hours of birth (P < 0.001, P = 0.008) and anaerobes decreased (P = 0.003). A negative correlation between the growth of lactobacilli and coliforms was found (r = -463, P < 0.001). Conclusions: This study confirms that bacterial colonization of healthy newborns born in cities is non-sterile, but has early diversification and inter-individuality.
En la Fundación “María Amor” de la parroquia de Sayausí, se utiliza un equipo de ozonificación para el proceso de desinfección para obtener agua inocua. En este trabajo, se realizó la evaluación de la eficiencia del ozonificador cuya función es disminuir la carga bacteriana del agua, para lo cual se efectuó el análisis microbiológico de la misma, mediante la determinación de la presencia de coliformes totales y fecales que son empleados como parámetros indicadores de calidad sanitaria del agua. Para la evaluación de la eficiencia del ozonificador se determinó coliformes totales y fecales mediante el método del NMP (número más probable). Se analizaron64 muestras, tomadas en la Fundación María Amor, de las cuales 32 corresponden al agua entubada (antes de ser ozonificada) y 32 corresponden al agua ozonificada con este equipo, en ellas se procedió a realizar el análisis microbiológico mediante el método indicada, verificando el cumplimiento de los parámetros establecidos en la normativa ecuatoriana INEN 1108:2014 en cuanto a la calidad microbiológica del agua. Con los resultados obtenidos de la reducción de la carga microbiana se evaluó la eficiencia del equipo de ozonizaciónestablecido en la norma mexicana NOM-1809-SSA1-1998. En los resultados de los parámetros microbiológicos se realizó un análisis descriptivo y de varianza con un nivel de significancia del 5%, en el cual se determinó que los valores de eficiencia estaban por debajo de lo establecido para cumplir con un proceso de ozonificación eficiente.
The experiment constituted in evaluating the acid silage prepared from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) filletage industry residues. This silage was prepared in a filetage industry through the residues milling and 5% of ascetic acid addition and stock piling in a period up to until 201 days. Storaged silages in a period of 7, 12, 22, 27, 41, 48, 61, 75, 84, 91, 96, 110, 140, 151, 181, 187 and 201dias were evaluated. Bromatologics analyses of rude protein(PB), etereal extract (EE), humidity (UM), ashes (CZ) and microbiological analyses of Salmonella, total coliforms, faecals and Escherichia coli of the storaged silages in a period of 7, 91 and 201 days were realized. The pH was evaluated in all the storaged periods. Differences (P > 0.05) in the substance of PB, EE, UM and CZ were not observed. A linear increase in PH was observed, being stabilizing in plateau of 4.74. In relation to the microbiological analysis the presence of Salmonella, total coliforms, faecals and E. Coli were not found. Was concluded that the acid silage gotten from tilapia filetage residues produced with the use of 5% ascetic acid can be stored during 201 days without having Salmonella, total coliforms and faecals proliferation.
The availability of fresh-cut fruit (FCF) in the marketplace has been increasing in Portugal, although reports of its microbial quality are not known. Due to the growing concerns of these commodities over their microbial safety, the objectives of this work were to study the microbiological quality and prevalence of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes on fresh-cut fruits sold in southern Portugal. A study to examine the changes in pH and microbial counts, before and after the expiration dates, was also made. A total of 160 samples was purchased in the local grocery stores between September 2011 and August 2014, before their sell-by date. These samples were assayed for aerobic mesophilic (AM) and psychrotrophic (AP) microorganisms, yeasts and molds (YM), lactic-acid bacteria (LAB), coliforms (TC), Escherichia coli and coagulase positive staphylococci as well as L. monocytogenes and Salmonella. The microbiological counts ranged from 3.0-9.2 lg cfu/g (AM); 2.2–10.7 lg cfu/g (AP); 2.3–10.4 lg cfu/g (YM); 1.9–9.0 lg cfu/g (LAB) and less than 1–9.1 lg cfu/g (TC). The melons and watermelon presented the highest levels of the microbial quality parameters studied. However, no E. coli, staphylococci, Salmonella and L. monocytogenes were detected in any of the samples. After the sell-by date, an increase of the AM, AP, LAB and YM values was observed in all fruits. Conversely, the differences found in TC counts before and after the best-before date had no statistical significance. A decrease in pH was observed in all fruits except pineapple whose pH slightly increased after 14 days of storage. The results highlight the importance of preventing contamination and cross contamination, selecting adequate decontamination technologies and maintaining a strict temperature control during processing, distribution and selling of FCF.