898 resultados para Textual competence
There are three main study areas of guidance needs for pupils in Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) which are academic development, personal and social development and the area of professional career. The area of academic development is where the knowledge to be acquired by the pupils, attitudes towards efficient learning in schools and the skills of efficient study are inculcated, the latter being the objective of our study. The research was taken from a sample of 80 school children between twelve and sixteen years old in a Secondary School in Santiago of Compostela ( Spain ). After analysing the results obtained we can see several motivations that justify the need to improve learning and study skills used by pupils. Normative arguments exist, needs that are exhibited by pupils and by teachers, especially tutors, of a scientific nature (connection with academic work) and to develop new strategies taking into account the contributions to the pedagogic research in this field. In this sense the application of an innovative programme of skills and study strategies in communication could be of interest.
En este trabajo se informan resultados sobre las características que se observan en tareas específicas de reformulación en alumnos universitarios que cursan el tramo medio de la carrera de Psicología (N=58), y de un grupo de referencia de alumnos de las carreras de Lenguas Modernas, Letras y Bibliotecología (N=33) de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina). Se han considerado tres tipos de reformulación: resuntiva, comprensiva y productiva. Se ha analizado un corpus de 621 reformulaciones, a partir de diferentes tipos de textos. Las producciones obtenidas fueron categorizadas según los siguientes criterios: presencia/ausencia de dificultades normativas, morfosintáticas y semánticas. Los resultados muestran que aparecen problemas predominantemente en el caso de las paráfrasis y de la elaboración de resúmenes. En ellas se observan dificultades de puntuación ; de cohesión y coherencia textual , y distorsiones u omisiones semánticas relativas a la extracción de las partes principales del texto y/o su reemplazo, con inadecuada disponibilidad de recursos léxicos y confusión en el tipo de registro que corresponde a la escritura. Estos resultados, coincidentes con los otros de la misma investigación, de carácter más amplio, informan sobre los problemas de un número importante de alumnos universitarios para interactuar no sólo con textos académicos, sino con textos de carácter general. Además conducen a interrogarse por una parte sobre la naturaleza de dichas dificultades, que parecen ligadas a problemas de producción, que de modo indirecto dan cuenta de dificultades en comprensión textual y, por la otra, a las características de la enseñanza universitaria en el tratamiento textual.
En 1953, el padre Leonardo Castellani publica La muerte de Martín Fierro, un poema autobiográfico que remeda el estilo y forma del texto de José Hernández. Hemos hallado una copia mecanografiada -presumiblemente la misma que fuera entregada a la imprenta-, con numerosas correcciones autógrafas, algunas de las cuales no han sido incorporadas al texto finalmente editado. Destacamos dos tipos de variantes: aquellas que obedecen a cuestiones estilísticas (imitación del estilo gauchesco, mejoramiento de la métrica, signos de puntuación, etc.), y otras de mayor interés (reescritura y/o supresión de versos y estrofas completas) en las que se revela cierta autocensura ejercida sobre asuntos estrictamente relacionados con su crisis personal luego de haber sido expulsado de la Compañía de Jesús.
Quienes han sido seguidores de la obra de Ezequiel Martínez Estrada (1895-1964) pueden advertir que son numerosos los estudios acerca de él y de su obra, pero creemos que la validación de sus textos reside en su perdurabilidad. Por esta razón debe seguir estudiándoselo a la luz de las incitaciones críticas recientes que en este caso devienen en cuestiones geneticistas. Es a partir de los pre-textos que obran en la Fundación Martínez Estrada y de los artículos y obras éditas del autor, que podemos observar el proceso de escritura desde la mirada de la crítica genética. La importancia de las investigaciones de genética textual en los archivos de grandes escritores contribuye a proporcionar un ámbito de reflexión concreto sobre los objetivos y métodos de la crítica genética, los cuales arrojan luz sobre los procesos de creación. De este modo, el estudio de un caso particular de escritura en un autor fundamental para pensar la tradición ensayística argentina nos permite dar cuenta de que una de las regularidades en las reescrituras que Martínez Estrada realiza sobre el Sarmiento se relacionan con la tensión entre la modernidad y la identidad
The Competency-Based Education in the context of training is intended as a comprehensive approach that seeks to link education with the productive sector and increase the potential of individuals, in the face of social, economic, political and cultural transformations that suffers the world and the contemporary society; this is how educational services associated to the rural area takes part of the global revalorization of the role of learning and knowledge. Under the competence approach and taking into account the CONOCER model, we design a Technological Master from the “Colegio de Postgraduados” identifying the competences needed so that the students, professional from different areas of knowledge, managed to develop them, but mainly to achieve the goal of developing the capacities of producers in Mexican rural area.
The acquisition of technical, contextual and behavioral competences is a prerequisite for sustainable development and strengthening of rural communities. Territorial display of the status of these skills helps to design the necessary learning, so its inclusion in planning processes is useful for decision making. The article discusses the application of visual representation of competences in a rural development project with Aymara women communities in Peru. The results show an improvement of transparency and dialogue, resulting in a more successful project management and strengthening of social organization.
This paper reports a learning experience related to the acquisition of project management competences. Students from three different universities and backgrounds, cooperate in a common project that drives the learning-teaching process. Previous related works on this initiative have already evaluated the goodness of this multidisciplinary, project-based learning approach in the context of a new educative paradigm. Yet the innovative experience has allowed the authors to define a rubric in order to measure specific competences in project management. The study shows the rubric’s main aspects as well as competence acquisition evaluation alternatives, based in the metrics defined. Key indicators and specific reports obtained from data base fields in the web tool will support this work. As a result, new competences can be assessed, such ones like teamwork, problem solving, communication and leadership. Final goal is to provide an overall competence map to the students at the same time they improve their skills.
This communication presents the results of an innovative approach for competencedevelopment suggesting a new methodology for the integration of these elements in professional development within the ADA initiative (AulaaDistanciaAbierta, Distance and Open Classroom) of the Community of Madrid. The main objective of this initiative is to promote the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for educational activities by creating a new learning environment structured on the premises of commitment to self–learning, individual work, communication and virtual interaction, and self and continuous assessment. Results from this experience showed that conceptualization is a positive contribution to learning, as students added names and characteristics to competences and abilities that were previously unknown or underestimated. Also, the diversity of participants’ disciplines indicated multidimensional interest in this idea and supported the theory that this approach to competencedevelopment could be successful in all knowledge areas.
The results obtained after incorporating the competence “creativity” to the subject Technical Drawing of the first course of the Degree in Forestry, Technical University of Madrid, are presented in this study.At first, learning activities which could serve two functions at the same time -developing students’ creativity and developing other specific competences of the subject- were considered. Besides, changes in the assessment procedure were made and a method which analyzes two aspects of the assessment of the competence creativity was established. On the one hand, the products are evaluated by analyzing the outcomes obtained by students in the essays suggested and by establishing a parameter to assess the creativity expressed in those essays. On the other, an assessment of the student is directly carried out through a psychometric test which has been previously chosen by the team.Moreover, these results can be applied to similar or could be of general application
The airline industry is often unstable and unpredictable forcing airlines to restructure and create flexible strategies that can respond to external operating environmental changes. In turbulent and competitive environments, firms with higher flexibility perform better and the value of these flexibilities depends on factors of uncertainty in the competitive environment. A model is sought for and arrived at, that shows how an airline business model will function in an uncertain environment with the least reduction in business performance over time. An analysis of the business model flexibility of 17 Airlines from Asia, Europe and Oceania, that is done with core competence as the indicator reveals a picture of inconsistencies in the core competence strategy of certain airlines and the corresponding reduction in business performance. The performance variations are explained from a service oriented core competence strategy employed by airlines that ultimately enables them in having a flexible business model that not only increases business performance but also helps in reducing the uncertainties in the internal and external operating environments.
There is growing concern over the challenges for innovation in Freight Pipeline industry. Since the early works of Chesbrough a decade ago, we have learned a lot about the content, context and process of open innovation. However, much more research is needed in Freight Pipeline Industry. The reality is that few corporations have institutionalized open innovation practices in ways that have enabled substantial growth or industry leadership. Based on this, we pursue the following question: How does a firm’s integration into knowledge networks depend on its ability to manage knowledge? A competence-based model for freight pipeline organizations is analysed, this model should be understood by any organization in order to be successful in motivating professionals who carry out innovations and play a main role in collaborative knowledge creation processes. This paper aims to explain how can open innovation achieve its potential in most Freight Pipeline Industries.
This paper describes the participation of DAEDALUS at ImageCLEF 2011 Medical Retrieval task. We have focused on multimodal (or mixed) experiments that combine textual and visual retrieval. The main objective of our research has been to evaluate the effect on the medical retrieval process of the existence of an extended corpus that is annotated with the image type, associated to both the image itself and also to its textual description. For this purpose, an image classifier has been developed to tag each document with its class (1st level of the hierarchy: Radiology, Microscopy, Photograph, Graphic, Other) and subclass (2nd level: AN, CT, MR, etc.). For the textual-based experiments, several runs using different semantic expansion techniques have been performed. For the visual-based retrieval, different runs are defined by the corpus used in the retrieval process and the strategy for obtaining the class and/or subclass. The best results are achieved in runs that make use of the image subclass based on the classification of the sample images. Although different multimodal strategies have been submitted, none of them has shown to be able to provide results that are at least comparable to the ones achieved by the textual retrieval alone. We believe that we have been unable to find a metric for the assessment of the relevance of the results provided by the visual and textual processes
The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help teachers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with a two-fold objective: a) To develop a model for teaching and evaluating core competences that is useful and easily applicable to its different degrees, and b) to provide support to teachers by creating an area within the Website for Educational Innovation where they can search for information on the model corresponding to each core competence approved by UPM. Information available on each competence includes its definition, the formulation of indicators providing evidence on the level of acquisition, the recommended teaching and evaluation methodology, examples of evaluation rules for the different levels of competence acquisition, and descriptions of best practices. These best practices correspond to pilot tests applied to several of the academic subjects conducted at UPM in order to validate the model. This work describes the general procedure that was used and presents the model developed specifically for the problem-solving competence. Some of the pilot experiences are also summarised and their results analysed