998 resultados para Terapia ocupacional na saúde coletiva
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
O interesse de estudantes, pesquisadores e profissionais das ciências da vida e da saúde pela Filosofia da Ciência e a dificuldade que eles enfrentam para obter fundamentos teóricos diretamente de obras filosóficas motivaram a produção desse livro. Para os autores, a Filosofia da Ciência contribui para a formação de pesquisadores à medida que os princípios básicos da pesquisa científica e de seu significado contribuem para a produção de novos conhecimentos. Eles afirmam que o método científico se constitui na ferramenta adequada para a construção de soluções eficazes para problemas que profissionais e pesquisadores encontrarão ao longo se suas atividades, já que os capacita a fazer análises, sínteses e críticas baseadas no raciocínio científico. Outra importante colaboração é fornecer uma perspectiva do processo histórico da ciência. Ao longo dos capítulos são abordados temas como a natureza do conhecimento científico e o modo de produção da ciência. Os autores ainda apresentam uma breve história do pensamento biológico, além de conceitos e métodos das teorias Geral dos Sistemas e da Auto-organização, fundamentais para a tipificação dos fenômenos biológicos e para uma concepção da natureza como resultante da interação dinâmica entre fatores biológicos, psicológicos e sociais. Eles também abordam a relação entre a atividade científica e a sociedade tecnológica atual, inclusive discutindo sobre a ética que deve reger esse relacionamento. A obra faz um foco ainda sobre a psicossomática, que analisa por diversos aspectos: expõe seus fundamentos teóricos, bases fisiológicas e hipóteses filosóficas em torno do problema mente-corpo desenvolvidas ao longo da história, além de avaliar os mecanismos fisiológicos próprios aos processos psicossomáticos e demonstrar de que modo a psicossomática poderia ser aplicada à saúde coletiva.
O livro tenta compreender, por meio de uma abordagem histórica e política, as contradições e os dilemas que enfrentam os trabalhadores da área de saúde pública. Eles se formam geralmente em meio a modelos biomédicos e individualistas, mas nesse segmento da medicina predomina um candente discurso em defesa do trabalho em equipe e multidisciplinar. Conforme diz o autor, mesmo esse discurso está impregnado de abordagens com viés simplesmente organizativo ou tecnicista. Além disso, confunde o processo de trabalho médico com o processo de trabalho em saúde. Em tal contexto, saem do foco as necessidades sociais em saúde da população e dos próprios trabalhadores e, ainda, a necessidade de se criar espaços coletivos, onde as práticas das equipes possam ser compartilhadas, debatidas e transformadas. O pesquisador discorre também sobre algumas políticas de saúde no Brasil ao longo da história, enfatizando especialmente o período pós-regime militar (1964-1985), em que os movimentos sociais, em particular o da Reforma Sanitária Brasileira, tiveram papel central nas mudanças empreendidas na área. Ele cita, por exemplo, a implantação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e a Estratégia de Saúde da Família, modelo adotado posteriormente e hoje priorizado nas políticas
Focus groups are seen as important tools in qualitative research for evaluating projects aimed at articulating social networks and movements. Six focus groups were held as one of the stages in research as part of the Food Safety and Sustainable Nutrition Project (SANS). This social network articulates the academic world with social movements and government in defense of the human right to suitable nutrition. This report is aimed at discussing the experience of applying focus groups to the investigation of perceptions by health professionals of activities related to food and nutrition in basic health care. These groups made it possible to bring together 52 professionals from 13 municipalities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and they exchanged experiences and debated issues related to food safety in the area of health care. The group discussions identified eating, nutrition vigilance and intersectoriality as emerging topics. The focus group technique proved to be a suitable tool for investigating the topic quickly and in depth, with a large number of professionals working in different contexts. In fact, the discussions went beyond the objectives of the research, since the group work made it possible to strengthen the process of articulation carried out by a network that promoting local measures in food safety and sustainable nutrition.
This article offers theoretical and practical elements for an analysis of the Worker's Health Care Program developed by the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). From a determined locus, the region of Franca, State of São Paulo, it aims at identifying the challenges for implementation of the National Occupational Health Policy, due to the particularities of the work/health relationship within the sugarcane agro-industry. It is based on group interviews involving health workers, specifically sanitary inspectors and the worker's health interlocutors. The results showed that health care professionals must be better prepared, from the technical point of view, to be able to perform actions related to workers' health. These results also indicated the need for a greater integration between health services, particularly when damage notification and workers' health surveillance are concerned.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
The scope of this article is to evaluate risk and protection factors for the development of 1-year-olds assisted at family health care units. It is a cross-sectional study involving 65 children of approximately 1 year of age and their mothers attended at two family health care units. The development was assessed using a developmental screening test (Denver II). The mothers filled out the SRQ-20 questionnaire to identify common mental disorder (CMD) indicators. After data collection, descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed. Global development was at risk in 43.1% of the children evaluated, and the most affected areas were language and fine motor development; 44.6% of mothers had results indicative of CMD when the child was 1 year of age. In bivariate analysis, reported depression, smoking, infections in pregnancy, CMD after birth and working outside the home were significantly associated with the children's development. After full statistical analysis, CMD was revealed as being a risk factor, and working away from home as being a protection factor. In order to increase the chances of success of programs targeted for children at health care units and avoiding the risk of impaired development, it is important to focus on two aspects: children's stimulation and maternal mental health.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Technology advances and scientific studies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) have contributed significantly to reduce mortality and morbidity of at-risk newborns (NB). However, they are more likely to present neurological and/or developmental psychomotor delay with neurological and sensory alterations. Therefore, proposals for neonatal intervention were developed with the aim of protecting the baby and offering appropriate incentives to minimize the effects of hospital intervention. To this end, programs of protective measures such as the Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) were developed. Given the relevance of the issue described, this systematic review critically appraises articles from the national and international literature, published in recent years (from 2000 to 2011), that describe whether the KMC can be a protective factor for the development of writing in premature infants. The textual search was conducted using the Virtual Health Library (VHL), a website that covers publications worldwide, allowing access to articles from health science, including LILACS, IBECS, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library and SciELO, as database. The findings revealed that infants who participated in the KMC program showed improvements in their development and that factors such as low-birth-weight prematurity and learning disorders have close relationship with the onset of motor impairments and changes in psychomotor development. The findings showed no articles describing the KMC as a protective factor for the incidence of dysgraphia. Thus, we emphasize the importance of conducting further studies on these topics.