983 resultados para Temperature of animals.
In this paper, the temperature of a pilot-scale batch reaction system is modeled towards the design of a controller based on the explicit model predictive control (EMPC) strategy -- Some mathematical models are developed from experimental data to describe the system behavior -- The simplest, yet reliable, model obtained is a (1,1,1)-order ARX polynomial model for which the mentioned EMPC controller has been designed -- The resultant controller has a reduced mathematical complexity and, according to the successful results obtained in simulations, will be used directly on the real control system in a next stage of the entire experimental framework
Vulcanodinium rugosum, a recently described species, produces pinnatoxins. The IFR-VRU-01 strain, isolated from a French Mediterranean lagoon in 2010 and identified as the causative dinoflagellate contaminating mussels in the Ingril Lagoon (French Mediterranean) with pinnatoxin-G, was grown in an enriched natural seawater medium. We tested the effect of temperature and salinity on growth, pinnatoxin-G production and chlorophyll a levels of this dinoflagellate. These factors were tested in combinations of five temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C) and five salinities (20, 25, 30, 35 and 40) at an irradiance of 100 µmol photon m−2 s−1. V. rugosum can grow at temperatures and salinities ranging from 20 °C to 30 °C and 20 to 40, respectively. The optimal combination for growth (0.39 ± 0.11 d−1) was a temperature of 25 °C and a salinity of 40. Results suggest that V. rugosum is euryhaline and thermophile which could explain why this dinoflagellate develops in situ only from June to September. V. rugosum growth rate and pinnatoxin-G production were highest at temperatures ranging between 25 and 30 °C. This suggests that the dinoflagellate may give rise to extensive blooms in the coming decades caused by the climate change-related increases in temperature expected in the Mediterranean coasts.
[EN] We carry out quasi-classical trajectory caculations for theC + CH+ → C2+ + H reaction on an ad hoc computed high-level ab initio potential energy surface. Thermal rate coefficients at the temperatures of relevance in cold interstellar clouds are derived and compared with the assumed, temperature-independent estimates publicly available in kinetic databases KIDA and UDfA. For a temperature of 10 K the database value overestimates by a factor of two the one obtained by us (thus improperly enhancing the destruction route of CH+ in astrochemical kinetic models) which is seen to double in the temperature range 5–300 K with a sharp increase in the first 50 K. The computed values are fitted via the popular Arrhenius–Kooij formula and best-fitting parameters α = 1:32 X 10-9 cm3s-1, β = 0:10 and γ = 2:19 K to be included in the online mentioned databases are provided. Further investigation shows that the temperature dependence of the thermal rate coefficient better conforms to the recently proposed so-called ‘deformed Arrhenius’ law by Aquilanti and Mundim.
Southeast region of the country has hot and dry weather which causes to happen heavy rainfall in short time period of warm seasons and to occur river flooding. These precipitations are influenced by monsoon system of India ocean. In these thesis, It was tried to evaluate the relation between thermal anomaly of sea surface in India ocean and Arab sea which effects on southeast monsoon precipitations of Iran, For evaluation of this happening in southeast, data were collected from 7 synoptic observation stations of Bandar Abbas, Minab, Kerman , Bam, Chabahar, Iranshahr, Zahedan and 17 rain gauge stations during June to September of each year from 1980 to 2010. Rainy days were determine and then some information about synoptic circulation models, maps of average pressure of sea surface, geopotential height of 700hP surface, geopotential height of 500hP surface, temperature of 850 hPa surface, humidity of 700 hPa surface, vertical velocity of 700 hPa surface, vertical velocity of 500 hP and humidity of 2 meters height for 6 systems were extracted from NCEP/NCAR website for evaluation. By evaluation of these systems it was determined that the monsoon low pressure system tab brings needed humidity of these precipitations to this region from India ocean and Arab sea with a vast circulation. It is seen that warm air pool locates on Iran and cold air pool locates on west of India at 800 hPa surface. In a rainy day this warm air transfers to high latitudes and influences the temperature trough of southeast cold air pool of the country. In the middle surfaces of 700 and 500 hPa, the connection between low height system above India and low height system above the higher latitudes causes the low height system above India to be strength and developed. By evaluation of humidity at 2 meters height and 700 hPa surface we observe that humidity Increases in the southeast region. With penetrating of the low height system of India above the 700 and 500 hPa surfaces of southeast of Iran, the value of negative omega (Rising vertical velocity) is increased. In the second pace, it was shown the evaluation of how the correlation between sea surface temperature anomaly in India Ocean and Arab sea influences southeast monsoon precipitation of Iran. For this purpose the data of water surface temperature anomaly of Arab sea and India ocean, the data of precipitation anomaly of 7 synoptic stations , mentioned above, and correlation coefficient among the data of precipitation anomaly and water surface temperature anomaly of Arab Sea, east and west of India ocean were calculated. In conclusion it was shown that the maximum correlation coefficient of precipitation anomaly had belonged to India Ocean in June and no meaningful correlation was resulted in July among precipitation anomaly and sea surface temperature anomaly for three regions, which were evaluated.
The brain is exposed throughout life to oxidative stress, and certain diseases of the brain and nervous system are thought to involve free radical processes and oxidative damage. This study is aimed at evaluating the effect of kolaviron on kolanut-induced oxidative stress in developing rat brain. Twenty-five adult pregnant Wistar rats weighing between 160 and 180g were used for the experiment. They were randomly divided into five groups of five animals each. The animals were fed with standard diets of mice cubes and water provided ad libitum. The control rats received water and cornoil, while the experimental animals received 200 mg/kg body weight of kolanut (kn), 200 mg/kg of kolaviron (kv), and 200 mg/kg body weight of vitamin E which served as a standard antioxidant with cornoil as vehicle orally in pre- and post-natal life. After birth, gross morphometry and behavioural changes of the pups of days 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 postpartum were evaluated. Blood samples were collected from pups of day 21 for hematological, liver and renal function analyses, while the brains of pups of day 21 postpartum were preserved in phosphate buffer at a temperature of 4oC and pH 7.4 for biochemical analysis. There were significant alterations in the gross morphometry and behavioural parameters studied in the treated animals compared with the control at p< 0.05. There were elevated levels of RBC, WBC and platelets in the treated group compared with the control at p< 0.05. However, no significant change was observed in the PCV, Hb, liver and renal function parameters studied at p>0.05. A non-significant increase in levels of malondialdehyde, MDA, a bye-product of lipid peroxidation in the kolanut group was observed. However, administration of kolaviron and vitamin E non-significantly (p>0.05) reversed these changes. In conclusion, maternal consumption of kolanut induced mild oxidative stress and the administration of kolaviron and vitamin E decreased the rate at which kolanut induced oxidative stress in developing rat brain.
The increasingly strict regulations on greenhouse gas emissions make the fuel economy a pressing factor for automotive manufacturers. Lightweighting and engine downsizing are two strategies pursued to achieve the target. In this context, materials play a key role since these limit the engine efficiency and components weight, due to their acceptable thermo-mechanical loads. Piston is one of the most stressed engine components and it is traditionally made of Al alloys, whose weakness is to maintain adequate mechanical properties at high temperature due to overaging and softening. The enhancement in strength-to-weight ratio at high temperature of Al alloys had been investigated through two approaches: increase of strength at high temperature or reduction of the alloy density. Several conventional and high performance Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys have been characterized from a microstructural and mechanical point of view, investigating the effects of chemical composition, addition of transition elements and heat treatment optimization, in the specific temperature range for pistons operations. Among the Al-Cu alloys, the research outlines the potentialities of two innovative Al-Cu-Li(-Ag) alloys, typically adopted for structural aerospace components. Moreover, due to the increased probability of abnormal combustions in high performance spark-ignition engines, the second part of the dissertation deals with the study of knocking damages on Al pistons. Thanks to the cooperation with Ferrari S.p.A. and Fluid Machinery Research Group - Unibo, several bench tests have been carried out under controlled knocking conditions. Knocking damage mechanisms were investigated through failure analyses techniques, starting from visual analysis up to detailed SEM investigations. These activities allowed to relate piston knocking damage to engine parameters, with the final aim to develop an on-board knocking controller able to increase engine efficiency, without compromising engine functionality. Finally, attempts have been made to quantify the knock-induced damages, to provide a numerical relation with engine working conditions.
Torpor is a successful survival strategy displayed by several mammalian species to cope with harsh environmental conditions. A complex interplay of ambient, genetic and circadian stimuli acts centrally to induce a severe suppression of metabolic rate, usually followed by an apparently undefended reduction of body temperature. Some animals, such as marmots, are able to maintain this physiological state for months (hibernation), during which torpor bouts are periodically interrupted by short interbouts of normothermia (arousals). Interestingly, torpor adaptations have been shown to be associated with a large resistance towards stressors, such as radiation: indeed, if irradiated during torpor, hibernators can tolerate higher doses of radiation, showing an increased survival rate. New insights for radiotherapy and long-term space exploration could arise from the induction of torpor in non-hibernators, like humans. The present research project is centered on synthetic torpor (ST), a hypometabolic/hypothermic condition induced in a non-hibernator, the rat, through the pharmacological inhibition of the Raphe Pallidus, a key brainstem area controlling thermogenic effectors. By exploiting this procedure, this thesis aimed at: i) providing a multiorgan description of the functional cellular adaptations to ST; ii) exploring the possibility, and the underpinning molecular mechanisms, of enhanced radioresistance induced by ST. To achieve these aims, transcriptional and histological analysis have been performed in multiple organs of synthetic torpid rats and normothermic rats, either exposed or not exposed to 3 Gy total body of X-rays. The results showed that: i) similarly to natural torpor, ST induction leads to the activation of survival and stress resistance responses, which allow the organs to successfully adapt to the new homeostasis; ii) ST provides tissue protection against radiation damage, probably mainly through the cellular adaptations constitutively induced by ST, even though the triggering of specific responses when the animal is irradiated during hypothermia might play a role.
Very high field (29)Si-NMR measurements using a fully (29)Si-enriched URu(2)Si(2) single crystal were carried out in order to microscopically investigate the hidden order (HO) state and adjacent magnetic phases in the high field limit. At the lowest measured temperature of 0.4 K, a clear anomaly reflecting a Fermi surface instability near 22 T inside the HO state is detected by the (29)Si shift, (29)K(c). Moreover, a strong enhancement of (29)K(c) develops near a critical field H(c) ≃ 35.6 T, and the ^{29}Si-NMR signal disappears suddenly at H(c), indicating the total suppression of the HO state. Nevertheless, a weak and shifted (29)Si-NMR signal reappears for fields higher than H(c) at 4.2 K, providing evidence for a magnetic structure within the magnetic phase caused by the Ising-type anisotropy of the uranium ordered moments.
Plackett-Burman experimental design was applied for the robustness assessment of GC×GC-qMS (Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Fast Quadrupolar Mass Spectrometric Detection) in quantitative and qualitative analysis of volatiles compounds from chocolate samples isolated by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME). The influence of small changes around the nominal level of six factors deemed as important on peak areas (carrier gas flow rate, modulation period, temperature of ionic source, MS photomultiplier power, injector temperature and interface temperature) and of four factors considered as potentially influential on spectral quality (minimum and maximum limits of the scanned mass ranges, ions source temperature and photomultiplier power). The analytes selected for the study were 2,3,5-trimethylpyrazine, 2-octanone, octanal, 2-pentyl-furan, 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine, and 2-nonanone e nonanal. The factors pointed out as important on the robustness of the system were photomultiplier power for quantitative analysis and lower limit of mass scanning range for qualitative analysis.
Aflatoxins are hepatotoxic metabolites produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus on a number of agricultural commodities. This research was carried out to evaluate the ability of thermolysed and active Saccharomyces cerevisiae to attenuate liver damage caused by aflatoxin. Diets were prepared containing 0 aflatoxin; 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin; 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin plus 1% of dehydrated active yeast, and 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin plus 1% of thermolysed yeast. A bioassay with Wistar rats was conducted for 28 days, and body organs were weighted and analyses of the liver tissue of the animals were performed. The relative weight of heart, kidneys and liver from animals submitted to the different treatments did not show any difference, and liver tissue of animals feeding on the aflatoxin-free diet was adopted as a toxicity-free pattern. Hepatic tissue of animals feeding on diets containing 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin or the diet supplemented with 1% thermolysed yeast showed clear signs of toxicity and damage. Hepatic tissue of animals feeding on the diet containing 1% of dehydrated active yeast showed less toxicity signs and damage than those receiving the diet containing 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin. Active, dehydrated yeast had the ability to reduce toxic effects caused by aflatoxin, but thermolysed yeast was not able to alleviate the effects of aflatoxin toxicity.
The success of metal-ceramic restorations depends on an optimal bond between metal and ceramic. This study evaluated the effect of 3 casting atmospheres on the metal-ceramic bond strength (MCBS) of 2 Ni-Cr alloys, with beryllium (Fit Cast V) and without beryllium (Fit Cast SB). Sixty acrylic resin patterns (8 mm long and 5 mm diameter) were obtained using a fluorocarbon resin matrix. Wax was used to refine the surface of acrylic resin patterns that were invested and cast in an induction casting machine under normal, vacuum, and argon atmospheres at a temperature of 1340ºC. The castings were divested manually and airborne-particle abraded with 100-µm aluminum-oxide. Ten castings were obtained for each group. The IPS Classic V ceramic was applied (2 mm high and 5 mm diameter). The shear bond strength was tested in a mechanical testing machine with a crosshead speed of 2.0 mm/min. The MCBS data (MPa) were subjected to 2-way analysis of variance (α=0.05). There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the alloys or among the casting atmospheres. Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the presence of beryllium and the casting atmosphere did not interfere in the MCBS of the evaluated metal-ceramic combinations
Accurate iris reproduction in the fabrication of ocular prosthesis in order to match the remaining eye is a key factor to mask the loss and achieve an esthetic outcome for anophthalmic patients. This study evaluated the stability of acrylic paints used for replicating iris color in ocular prostheses by the analysis of two factors: the temperature of the acrylic resin polymerization cycle during prosthesis fabrication and the incidence of sun light, which is the main photodegrading agent undermining the longevity of ocular prostheses. An accelerated aging assay was used for both analyses. Specimens simulating the prosthetic iris in the colors blue, yellow, black, brown and green were fabricated, and were submitted to a colorimetric reading before and after undergoing the thermal conditions of acrylic resin polymerization. Next, the specimens were submitted to an artificial accelerated aging assay with ultraviolet radiation A and weekly colorimetric readings during a 3-week period. The color change (??*) values for the four specimens painted with the same color paint were averaged and the resulting values were considered for statistical analysis. Levine's test and Student's t-test were used to analyze the influence of the temperature of the polymerization cycle during prosthesis fabrication on the color stability of each acrylic resin paint. Friedman's test for three dependent samples was used for analysis of color photodegradation as function of time. Significance level was set at 0.05 for all analyses. It was observed that, after the action of the temperature of the polymerization cycle, alteration above clinically acceptable level of ??*> 3.3 was observed only for the yellow color. After the accelerated aging assay, there were statistically significant differences (p<0.05) as a function of time in the green, brown, black and blue colors. Changes were clinically acceptable for the brown and black colors; slightly above the clinically acceptable limit for the green color; and significantly high and impracticable from a clinical standpoint for the blue color. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) for the yellow color, which presented color change only a little above the clinically acceptable limit. In conclusion: 1. Only the yellow color presented alterations above the clinically acceptable levels after the polymerization cycle; 2. After accelerated aging, there was no changes in the yellow color above the clinically acceptable levels; 3. For the green color, degradation was significant and slightly above the clinically acceptable levels; 4. The black, brown and blue colors presented significant alterations as function of time; the alterations of the brown and black colors were within acceptable clinical levels, while the blue color presented a more accentuated degradation over time.
Accelerated stability tests are indicated to assess, within a short time, the degree of chemical degradation that may affect an active substance, either alone or in a formula, under normal storage conditions. This method is based on increased stress conditions to accelerate the rate of chemical degradation. Based on the equation of the straight line obtained as a function of the reaction order (at 50 and 70 ºC) and using Arrhenius equation, the speed of the reaction was calculated for the temperature of 20 ºC (normal storage conditions). This model of accelerated stability test makes it possible to predict the chemical stability of any active substance at any given moment, as long as the method to quantify the chemical substance is available. As an example of the applicability of Arrhenius equation in accelerated stability tests, a 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution was analyzed due to its chemical instability. Iodometric titration was used to quantify free residual chlorine in the solutions. Based on data obtained keeping this solution at 50 and 70 ºC, using Arrhenius equation and considering 2.0% of free residual chlorine as the minimum acceptable threshold, the shelf-life was equal to 166 days at 20 ºC. This model, however, makes it possible to calculate shelf-life at any other given temperature.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the flexural strength of a direct composite, for indirect application, that received heat treatment, with or without investment. One indirect composite was used for comparison. For determination of the heat treatment temperature, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were performed, considering the initial weight loss temperature and glass transition temperature (Tg). Then, after photoactivation (600 mW/cm² - 40 s), the specimens (10 x 2 x 2 mm) were heat-treated following these conditions: 170ºC for 5, 10 or 15 min, embedded or not embedded in investment. Flexural strength was assessed as a means to evaluate the influence of different heat treatment periods and investment embedding on mechanical properties. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). TGA showed an initial weight loss temperature of 180ºC and DSC showed a Tg value of 157°C. Heat treatment was conducted in an oven (Flli Manfredi, Italy), after 37°C storage for 48 h. Flexural strength was evaluated after 120 h at 37°C storage. The results showed that different periods and investment embedding presented similar statistical values. Nevertheless, the direct composite resin with treatments presented higher values (178.7 MPa) compared to the indirect composite resin (146.0 MPa) and the same direct composite submitted to photoactivation only (151.7 MPa). Within the limitations of this study, it could be concluded that the heat treatment increased the flexural strength of the direct composite studied, leading to higher mechanical strength compared to the indirect composite.
Nitric oxide (NO) has been considered a key molecule in infammation. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of treatment with L-NAME and sodium nitroprussiate, substances that inhibit and release NO, respectively, on tissue tolerance to endodontic irrigants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The vital dye exudation method was used in a rat subcutaneous tissue model. Injections of 2% Evans blue were administered intravenously into the dorsal penial vein of 14 male rats (200-300 g). The NO inhibitor and donor substances were injected into the subcutaneous tissue in the dorsal region, forming two groups of animals: G1 was inoculated with L-NAME and G2 with sodium nitroprussiate. Both groups received injections of the test endodontic irrigants: acetic acid, 15% citric acid, 17% EDTA-T and saline (control). After 30 min, analysis of the extravasated dye was performed by light absorption spectrophotometry (620 nm). RESULTS: There was statistically signifcant difference (p<0.05) between groups 1 and 2 for all irrigants. L-NAME produced a less intense infammatory reaction and nitroprussiate intensifed this process. CONCLUSIONS: Independently of the administration of NO inhibitors and donors, EDTA-T produced the highest irritating potential in vital tissue among the tested irrigating solutions.