523 resultados para TROUT SALMO-TRUTTA


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In two parts, the second with half-title: The complete angler...Being instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream: by Charles Cotton.


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Fish species around the world are parasitized by myxozoans of the genus Kudoa, several of which infect and cause damage of commercial importance. In particular, Kudoa thyrsites and Kudoa amamiensis infect certain cultured fish species causing damage to muscle tissue, making the fish unmarketable. Kudoa thyrsites has a broad host and geographic range infecting over 35 different fish species worldwide, while K. amamiensis has only been reported from a few species in Japanese waters. Through morphological and molecular analyses we have confirmed the presence of both of these parasites in eastern Australian waters. In addition, a novel Kudoa species was identified, having stellate spores, with one polar capsule larger than the other three. The SSU rDNA sequence of this parasite was 1.5% different from K. thyrsites and is an outlier from K. thyrsites representatives in a phylogenetic analysis. Furthermore, the spores of this parasite are distinctly smaller than those of K. thyrsites, and thus it is described as Kudoa minithyrsites n. sp. Although the potential effects of K. minithyrsites n. sp. on its fish hosts are unknown, both K. thyrsites and K. amamiensis are associated with flesh quality problems in some cultured species and may be potential threats to an expanding aquaculture industry in Australia.


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The toxicity of aluminium (Al) to fish in acidic waters has been well documented. It was therefore expected that Al toxicity would be significant in fish communities in Gadjarrigamarndah (Gadji) Creek, a seasonally flowing stream in tropical northern Australia. This creek receives acidic groundwater containing elevated concentrations of Al from earlier land irrigation of treated mine tailings water from the former Nabarlek uranium mine. It was hypothesised that Al toxicity was reduced by high levels of silica (Si) in the water, and the subsequent formation of Al-silicate complexes. This prompted a laboratory assessment of the toxicity of Gadji Creek water to sac-fry of the native fish, Mogurnda mogurnda, followed by more detailed investigation of the toxicity of Al and the influence of Si in reducing Al toxicity. No mortality of M. mogurnda sac-fry was observed in two toxicity tests using Gadji Creek water collected in August 1997 and September 1998. The majority of Al (80-95%) was calculated to be complexed with humic substances and sulfate, with <1% being complexed with silicate. Assessment of the influence of silica on the acute toxicity of Al in the absence of natural organic complexants (i.e. in reconstituted freshwater, pH 5) revealed that Si reduced Al toxicity. As the molar ratio of Si:Al was increased, the percent survival of M. mogurnda sac-fry increased until there was no significant (P > 0.05) difference from the controls. However, speciation modelling again predicted that little (<3%) Al complexed with silicate, with the speciation and bioavailability of Al remaining constant as the molar ratio of Si:Al increased. Therefore, the original hypothesis that Al-silicate complexes in solution reduced the toxicity of Al to M. mogurnda could not be supported. This potential mechanism, and an alternative hypothesis, that Si competes with Al for binding sites at the fish gill surface, requires further investigation. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Males of the eastern mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki) possess one of the widest reproductively active temperature ranges for any ectotherm, ranging across seasons from at least 18degreesC to 34degreesC. In this study, we tested the ability of male G. holbrooki to acclimate their sustained swimming performance following long-term exposure to 18degreesC or 30degreesC. We also investigated some of the possible physiological mechanisms associated with thermal acclimation responses in swimming performance, including changes in slow muscle fibre size and abundance and the expression of myosin heavy chains (MyHC). We found that U-crit, of 18degreesC-acclimated G. holbrooki was 20% greater at 18degreesC than 30degreesC-acclimated fish, and the Ucrit of the 30degreesC-acclimated group was more than 15% greater at 30degreesC. Slow, fast and intermediate muscle fibres were identified on the basis of their myosin ATPase staining reaction. Although the number of slow and intermediate muscle fibres was similar between groups, the total cross-sectional area of aerobic fibre types was 40% greater in 18degrees-than 30degreesC-acclimated fish, reflecting an increase in the average fibre diameter. An S58 antibody raised against chicken slow skeletal muscle myosin stained a sub-set of the slow fibres identified by myosin ATPase staining. The number of S58-positive muscle fibres was 50% greater in 30degreesC-than 18degreesC-acclimated fish, implying that different MyHCs are being expressed in cold and warm acclimated individuals. Given the sexually coercive mating system of this species, increases in the sustained swimming performance via thermal acclimation may benefit the ability of males to maintain a high rate of sneaky copulations. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This chapter outlines the relationships between a number of key factors that influence learning and memory, and illustrates them by reference to studies on the foraging behaviour of fish. Learning can lead to significant improvements in foraging performance in only a few exposures, and at least some fish species are capable of adjusting their foraging strategy as patterns of patch profitability change. There is also evidence that the memory window for prey varies between fish species, and that this may be a function of environmental predictability. Convergence between behavioural ecology and comparative psychology offers promise in terms of developing more mechanistically realistic foraging models and explaining apparently 'suboptimal' patterns of behaviour. Foraging decisions involve the interplay between several distinct systems of learning and memory, including those that relate to habitat, food patches, prey types, conspecifics and predators. Fish biologists, therefore, face an interesting challenge in developing integrated accounts of fish foraging that explain how cognitive sophistication can help individual animals to deal with the complexity of the ecological context.


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The anterior adhesion and detachment mechanisms observed for Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis and Troglocephalus rhinobatidis (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) appear similar to those observed for the two other monopisthocotylean monogenean species with anterior apertures for which published data are available. This supports the theory that monogeneans with apertures may utilise a common mechanism. Adult anterior apertures can open and close and duct endings can evert during the adhesion phase and retract during detachment and searching behaviour. The adhesive is comprised of two secretory types, rod-shaped and spheroidal bodies, found within anterior apertures. These exit together and undergo mixing to produce the adhesive matrix in which elongate membranes from rod-shaped bodies are seen intermixed with a granular electron-dense matrix. The morphology of the adhesive matrix differs from that found for some other monogenean taxa. Anterior detachment by these monocotylids appears to involve a depletion of rod-shaped bodies in ducts and mechanical withdrawal of the anterior end.


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Variations in the growth and survival of six families of juvenile (initial mean weight = 4.16 g) Penaeus japonicus were examined at two densities (48 and 144 individuals m(-2)) in a controlled laboratory experiment. Survival was very high throughout the experiment (95.4%), but differed significantly between densities and rearing tanks. Family, sex and family x density interaction did not significantly affect survival. Mean specific growth rate (SGR) of the shrimp was 18% faster at the low density (1.93 +/- 0.05% day(-1)) than at high density (1.64 +/- 0.03% day(-1)). However, there was a small but significant interaction between family and density indicating that growth of the families was not consistent at both densities. The inconsistent growth of the families across the two densities resulted in a change in the relative performance (ranking) of families at each density. Sex, rearing tank and rearing cage also affected growth of the shrimp. Mean SGR of the females (1.79 +/- 0.03% day(-1)) was 5% faster than males (1.70 +/- 0.03% day(-1)) when averaged across both densities. Shrimp grew significantly faster in rearing tank 3 than rearing tank 1 or 2 at both densities. Results of the present study suggest that family x density interaction could affect the efficiency of selection for growth if shrimp stocks produced from shrimp breeding programs are to be grown across a wide range of densities. Crown Copyright (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A critical gene involved in mammalian sex determination and differentiation is the Sty-related gene Sox9. In reptiles, Sox9 resembles that of mammals in both structure and expression pattern in the developing gonad, but a causal role in male sex determination has not been established. A closely related gene, Sox8, is conserved in human, mouse, and trout and is expressed in developing testes and not developing ovaries in mouse. In this study, we tested the possibility of Sox8 being important for sex determination or sex differentiation in the red-eared slider turtle Trachemys scripta, in which sex is determined by egg incubation temperature between stages 15 and 20. We cloned partial turtle Sox8 and anti-Mullerian hormone (Amh) cDNAs, and analyzed the expression patterns of these genes in developing gonads by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and whole-mount in situ hybridization. While Amh is expressed more strongly in males than in females at stage 17, Sox8 is expressed at similar levels in males and females throughout the sex-determining period. These observations suggest that differential transcription of Sill is not responsible for regulation of Amh, nor responsible for sex determination in turtle. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Histological sections of primary segmental arteries and associated interarterial anastomoses and secondary vessels from the long-finned eel Anguilla reinhardtii were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Interarterial anastomoses were found to originate from the primary vasculature as depressions through the tunica intima and media, from where they ran perpendicularly to the adventitial layer, before coiling extensively. From here the anastomoses travelled a relatively linear path in the outer margin of the adventitia to anastomose with a secondary vessel running in parallel with the primary counterpart. In contrast to findings from other species, secondary vessels had a structure quite similar to that of primary vessels; they were lined by endothelial cells on a continuous basement membrane, with a single layer of smooth muscle cells surrounding the vessel. Smooth muscle cells were also found in the vicinity of interarterial anastomoses in the adventitia, but these appeared more longitudinally orientated. The presence of smooth muscle cells on all aspects of the secondary circulation suggests that this vascular system is regulated in a similar manner as the primary vascular system. Because interarterial anastomoses are structurally integrated with the primary vessel from which they originate, it is anticipated that flow through secondary vessels to some extent is affected by the vascular tone of the primary vessel. Immunohistochemical studies showed that primary segmental arteries displayed moderate immunoreactivity to antibodies against 5-hydroxytryptamine and substance P, while interarterial anastomoses and secondary vessels showed dense immunoreactivity. No immunoreactivity was observed on primary or secondary arteries against neuropeptide Y or calcitonin gene-related peptide.


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This study investigated the nature of vasodilator mechanisms in the dorsal aorta of the giant shovelnose ray, Rhinobatus typus. Anatomical techniques found no evidence for an endothelial nitric oxide synthase, but neural nitric oxide synthase was found to be present in the perivascular nerve fibres of the dorsal aorta and other arteries and veins using both NADPH-diaphorase staining and immunohistochemistry with a specific neural NOS antibody. Arteries and veins both contained large nNOS-positive nerve trunks from which smaller nNOS-positive bundles branched and formed a plexus in the vessel wall. Single, varicose nNOS-positive nerve fibres were present in both arteries and veins. Within the large bundles of both arteries and veins, groups of nNOS-positive cell bodies forming microganglia were observed. Double-labelling immunohistochemistry using an antibody to tyrosine hydroxylase showed that nearly all the NOS nerves were not sympathetic. Acetylcholine always caused constriction of isolated rings of the dorsal aorta and the nitric oxide donor, sodium nitroprusside, did not mediate any dilation. Addition of nicotine (3 x 10(-4) M) to preconstricted rings caused a vasodilation that was not affected by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, L-NNA (10(-4) M), nor the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (10(-5) M). This nicotine-mediated vasodilation was, therefore, not due to the synthesis and release of NO. Disruption of the endothelium significantly reduced or eliminated the nicotine-mediated vasodilation. In addition. indomethacin (10(-5) M), an inhibitor of cyclooxygenases, significantly increased the time period to maximal dilation and reduced, but did not completely inhibit the nicotine-mediated vasodilation. These data support the hypothesis that a prostaglandin is released from the vascular endothelium of a batoid ray, as has been described previously in other groups of fishes. The function of the nitrergic innervation of the blood vessels is not known because nitric oxide does not appear to regulate vascular tone. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The paradigm that mangroves are critical for sustaining production in coastal fisheries is widely accepted, but empirical evidence has been tenuous. This study showed that links between mangrove extent and coastal fisheries production could be detected for some species at a broad regional scale (1000s of kilometres) on the east coast of Queensland, Australia. The relationships between catch-per-unit-effort for different commercially caught species in four fisheries (trawl, line, net and pot fisheries) and mangrove characteristics, estimated from Landsat images were examined using multiple regression analyses. The species were categorised into three groups based on information on their life history characteristics, namely mangrove-related species (banana prawns Penaeus merguiensis, mud crabs Scylla serrata and barramundi Lates calcarifer), estuarine species (tiger prawns Penaeus esculentus and Penaeus semisulcatus, blue swimmer crabs Portunus pelagicus and blue threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum) and offshore species (coral trout Plectropomus spp.). For the mangrove-related species, mangrove characteristics such as area and perimeter accounted for most of the variation in the model; for the non-mangrove estuarine species, latitude was the dominant parameter but some mangrove characteristics (e.g. mangrove perimeter) also made significant contributions to the models. In contrast, for the offshore species, latitude was the dominant variable, with no contribution from mangrove characteristics. This study also identified that finer scale spatial data for the fisheries, to enable catch information to be attributed to a particular catchment, would help to improve our understanding of relationships between mangroves and fisheries production. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study has examined expression and circulating levels of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) in the euryhaline bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas. Complementary DNA and deduced amino acid sequence for CNP in C leucas were determined by RACE methods. Homology of CNP amino acid sequence in C. leucas was high both for proCNP and for mature CNP when compared with previously identified elasmobranch CNPs. Mature CNP sequence in C. leucas was identical to that in Triakis seyllia and Seyliorhinus canicula. Levels of expression of CNP mRNA were significantly decreased in the atrium but did not change in either the brain or ventricle following acclimation to a SW environment. However, circulating levels of CNP significantly increased from 86.0 +/- 7.9 fmol ml(-1) in FW to 144.9 +/- 19.5 fmol ml(-1) in SW. The results presented demonstrate that changes in environmental salinity influences both synthesis of CNP from the heart and also circulating levels in C. leucas. Potential stimulus for release and modes of action are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Specialization to a particular environment is one of the main factors used to explain species distributions. Antarctic fishes are often cited as a classic example to illustrate the specialization process and are regarded as the archetypal stenotherms. Here we show that the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki has retained the capacity to compensate for chronic temperature change. By displaying astounding plasticity in cardiovascular response and metabolic control, the fishes maintained locomotory performance at elevated temperatures. Our falsification of the specialization paradigm indicates that the effect of climate change on species distribution and extinction may be overestimated by current models of global warming.