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A femtosecond laser has been used to asymmetrically modify the cladding of fiber containing long-period gratings. Following modification, devices in single-mode fiber are shown to be capable of sensing the magnitude and direction of bending in one plane by producing blue and red wavelength shifts depending upon the orientation of the bend. The resulting curvature sensitivities were -1.62 and +3.82 nm&middotm. Devices have also been produced using an elliptical core fiber to study the effects of the cladding modification on the two polarization eigenstates. A cladding modification applied on the fast axis of the fiber is shown to affect the light in the fast axis much more significantly than the light in the orthogonal state; this behavior may ultimately lead to a sensor capable of detecting the direction of bending in two dimensions for applications in shape sensing.


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A study on heat pump thermodynamic characteristics has been made in the laboratory on a specially designed and instrumented air to water heat pump system. The design, using refrigerant R12, was based on the requirement to produce domestic hot water at a temperature of about 50 °C and was assembled in the laboratory. All the experimental data were fed to a microcomputer and stored on disk automatically from appropriate transducers via amplifier and 16 channel analogue to digital converters. The measurements taken were R12 pressures and temperatures, water and R12 mass flow rates, air speed, fan and compressor input powers, water and air inlet and outlet temperatures, wet and dry bulb temperatures. The time interval between the observations could be varied. The results showed, as expected, that the COP was higher at higher air inlet temperatures and at lower hot water output temperatures. The optimum air speed was found to be at a speed when the fan input power was about 4% of the condenser heat output. It was also found that the hot water can be produced at a temperature higher than the appropriate R12 condensing temperature corresponding to condensing pressure. This was achieved by condenser design to take advantage of discharge superheat and by further heating the water using heat recovery from the compressor. Of the input power to the compressor, typically about 85% was transferred to the refrigerant, 50 % by the compression work and 35% due to the heating of the refrigerant by the cylinder wall, and the remaining 15% (of the input power) was rejected to the cooling medium. The evaporator effectiveness was found to be about 75% and sensitive to the air speed. Using the data collected, a steady state computer model was developed. For given input conditions s air inlet temperature, air speed, the degree of suction superheat , water inlet and outlet temperatures; the model is capable of predicting the refrigerant cycle, compressor efficiency, evaporator effectiveness, condenser water flow rate and system Cop.


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This study covers two areas of contribution to the knowledge, firstly it tried to investigate rigourously the relationships of a number of factors believed that they may affect the climate perception, classified into three types to arrive to prove a hypothesis of the important role that qualification and personal factors play in shaping the climate perception, this is in contrast with situational factors. Secondly, the study tries to recluster the items of a wide-range applied scale for the measurement of climate named HAY in order to overcome the cross-cultural differences between the Kuwaiti and the American society, and to achieve a modified dimensions of climate for a civil service organisation in Kuwait. Furthermore, the study attempts to carry out a diagnostic test for the climate of the Ministry of Public Health in Kuwait, aiming to diagnose the perceived characteristics of the MoPH organisation, and suggests a number of areas to be given attention if an improvement is to be introduced. The study used extensively the statistical and the computer facilities to make the analysis more representing the field data, on the other hand this study is characterised by the very highly responsive rate of the main survey which would affect the findings reliability. Three main field studies are included, the first one was to conduct the main questionnaire where the second was to measure the "should be" climate by the experts of MoPH using the DELPHI technique, and the third was to conduct an extensive meeting with the very top management team in MoPH. Results of the first stage were subject to CLUSTER analysis for the reconstruction of the HAY tool, whereas comparative analysis was carried on between the results of the second and third stages on one side, the first from the other.


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We investigate experimentally the fundamental characteristics of space-charge waves excited in a photorefractive crystal of Bi12SiO20. Features such as their transient rise and decay as well as their steady-state frequency response are investigated. Based on this, we find the dependence of the space-charge waves' quality factor on spatial frequency and electric-field biasing. The experimental findings are compared with the linear space-charge wave theory developed previously by Sturman et al. [J. Opt. Sec. Am. B 10, 1919 (1993)].


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Strontium has been substituted for calcium in the glass series (SiO2)49.46(Na2O)26.38(P2O5)1.07(CaO)23.08x(SrO)x (where x = 0, 11.54, 23.08) to elucidate their underlying atomic-scale structural characteristics as a basis for understanding features related to the bioactivity. These bioactive glasses have been investigated using isomorphic neutron and X-ray diffraction, Sr K-edge EXAFS and solid state 17O, 23Na, 29Si, 31P and 43Ca magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR. An effective isomorphic substitution first-order difference function has been applied to the neutron diffraction data, confirming that Ca and Sr behave in a similar manner within the glass network, with residual differences attributed to solely the variation in ionic radius between the two species. The diffraction data provides the first direct experimental evidence of split Ca–O nearest-neighbour correlations in these melt quench bioactive glasses, together with an analogous splitting of the Sr–O correlations; the correlations are attributed to the metal ions correlated either to bridging or to non-bridging oxygen atoms. Triple quantum (3Q) 43Ca MAS NMR corroborates the split Ca–O correlations. Successful simplification of the 2 < r (A) < 3 region via the difference method has also revealed two distinct Na environments. These environments are attributed to sodium correlated either to bridging or to nonbridging oxygen atoms. Complementary multinuclear MAS NMR, Sr K-edge EXAFS and X-ray diffraction data supports the structural model presented. The structural sites present will be intimately related to their release properties in physiological fluids such as plasma and saliva, and hence the bioactivity of the material. Detailed structural knowledge is therefore a prerequisite for optimising material design.


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The concept of soft state (i.e., the state that will expire unless been refreshed) has been widely used in the design of network signaling protocols. The approaches of refreshing state in multi-hop networks can be classified to end-to-end (E2E) and hop-by-hop (HbH) refreshes. In this article we propose an effective Markov chain based analytical model for both E2E and HbH refresh approaches. Simulations verify the analytical models, which can be used to study the impacts of link characteristics on the performance (e.g., state synchronization and message overhead), as a guide on configuration and optimization of soft state signaling protocols. © 2009 IEEE.


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We examine financial constraints and forms of finance used for investment, by analysing survey data on 157 large privatised companies in Hungary and Poland for the period 1998 - 2000. The Bayesian analysis using Gibbs sampling is carried out to obtain inferences about the sample companies' access to finance from a model for categorical outcome. By applying alternative measures of financial constraints we find that foreign companies, companies that are part of domestic industrial groups and enterprises with concentrated ownership are all less constrained in their access to finance. Moreover, we identify alternative modes of finance since different corporate control and past performance characteristics influence the sample firms' choice of finance source. In particular, while being industry-specific, the access to domestic credit is positively associated with company size and past profitability. Industrial group members tend to favour bond issues as well as sells-offs of assets as appropriate types of finance for their investment programmes. Preferences for raising finance in the form of equity are associated with share concentration in a non-monotonic way, being most prevalent in those companies where the dominant owner holds 25%-49% of shares. Close links with a leading bank not only increase the possibility of bond issues but also appear to facilitate access to non-banking sources of funds, in particular, to finance supplied by industrial partners. Finally, reliance on state finance is less likely for the companies whose profiles resemble the case of unconstrained finance, namely, for companies with foreign partners, companies that are part of domestic industrial groups and companies with a strategic investor. Model implications also include that the use of state funds is less likely for Polish than for Hungarian companies.


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A femtosecond laser has been used to asymmetrically modify the cladding of fiber containing long-period gratings. Following modification, devices in single-mode fiber are shown to be capable of sensing the magnitude and direction of bending in one plane by producing blue and red wavelength shifts depending upon the orientation of the bend. The resulting curvature sensitivities were -1.62 and +3.82 nm·m. Devices have also been produced using an elliptical core fiber to study the effects of the cladding modification on the two polarization eigenstates. A cladding modification applied on the fast axis of the fiber is shown to affect the light in the fast axis much more significantly than the light in the orthogonal state; this behavior may ultimately lead to a sensor capable of detecting the direction of bending in two dimensions for applications in shape sensing. © 2006 IEEE.


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The formation of single-soliton or bound-multisoliton states from a single linearly chirped Gaussian pulse in quasi-lossless and lossy fiber spans is examined. The conversion of an input-chirped pulse into soliton states is carried out by virtue of the so-called direct Zakharov-Shabat spectral problem, the solution of which allows one to single out the radiative (dispersive) and soliton constituents of the beam and determine the parameters of the emerging bound state(s). We describe here how the emerging pulse characteristics (the number of bound solitons, the relative soliton power) depend on the input pulse chirp and amplitude. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are initiating cells in colorectal cancer (CRC). Colorectal tumours undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like processes at the invasive front, enabling invasion and metastasis, and recent studies have linked this process to the acquisition of stem cell-like properties. It is of fundamental importance to understand the molecular events leading to the establishment of cancer initiating cells and how these mechanisms relate to cellular transitions during tumourigenesis. We use an in vitro system to recapitulate changes in CRC cells at the invasive front (mesenchymal-like cells) and central mass (epithelial-like cells) of tumours. We show that the mesoderm inducer BRACHYURY is expressed in a subpopulation of CRC cells that resemble invasive front mesenchymal-like cells, where it acts to impose characteristics of CSCs in a fully reversible manner, suggesting reversible formation and modulation of such cells. BRACHYURY, itself regulated by the oncogene β-catenin, influences NANOG and other 'stemness' markers including a panel of markers defining CRC-CSC whose presence has been linked to poor patient prognosis. Similar regulation of NANOG through BRACHYURY was observed in other cells lines, suggesting this might be a pathway common to cancer cells undergoing mesenchymal transition. We suggest that BRACHYURY may regulate NANOG in mesenchymal-like CRC cells to impose a 'plastic-state', allowing competence of cells to respond to signals prompting invasion or metastasis. Copyright © 2011 UICC.


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2010. július 20-án megkezdte működését a magyar áramtőzsde, a HUPX. 2010. augusztus 16-án az első napokban tapasztalt 45-60 euró megawattórás ár helyett egyes órákban 2999 eurós árral szembesültek a piaci szereplők. A kiemelkedően magas árak megjelenése nem szokatlan az áramtőzsdéken a nemzetközi tapasztalatok szerint, sőt a kutatások kiemelten foglalkoznak az ún. ártüskék okainak felkutatásával, valamint megjelenésük kvantitatív és kvalitatív elemzésével. A cikkben a szerző bemutatja, milyen eredmények születtek a kiugró árak statisztikai vizsgálatai során a szakirodalomban, illetve azok következtetései hogyan állják meg a helyüket a magyar árak idősorát figyelembe véve. A szerző bemutat egy modellkeretet, amely a villamosenergia-árak viselkedését a hét órái szerint periodikusan váltakozó paraméterű eloszlásokkal írja le. A magyar áramtőzsde rövid története sajnos nem teszi lehetővé, hogy a hét minden órájára külön áreloszlást illeszthessünk. A szerző ezért a hét óráit két csoportba sorolja az ár eloszlásának jellege alapján: az ártüskék megjelenése szempontjából kockázatos és kevésbé kockázatos órákba. Ezután a HUPX-árak leírására felépít egy determinisztikus, kétállapotú rezsimváltó modellt, amellyel azonosítani lehet a kockázatos és kevésbé kockázatos órákat, valamint képet kaphatunk az extrém ármozgások jellegéről. / === / On 20th July, 2010 the Hungarian Power Exchange, the HUPX started its operation. On 16th August in certain hours the markets participants faced € 2,999 price instead of in the first days experienced 45-60 euros/mwh. According to the international experiences the appearance of the extremely high prices hasn’t been unusual in the power exchanges, the researches have focused exploring the causes of the so-called spikes and quantitative and qualitative analysis of those appearances. In this article the author describes what results were determined on statistical studies of outstanding prices in the literature, and how their conclusions stand up into account the time series of the Hungarian prices. The author presents a model framework which describes the behavior of electricity prices in the seven hours of periodically varying parameters. Unfortunately the brief history of the Hungarian Power Exchange does not allow to suit specific prices for each hour of week. Therefore the author classifies the hours of the week in the two groups based on the nature of price dispersion: according to the appearance of spikes to risky and less risky classes. Then for describing the HUPX prices the author builds a deterministic two-state, regime-changing model, which can be identified the risky and less risky hours, and to get a picture of the nature of extreme price movements.


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In the years 2002, 2003 and 2004 we collected samples of macroinvertebrates on a total of 36 occasions in Badacsony bay, in areas of open water (in the years 2003 and 2004 reed-grassy) as well as populated by reed (Phragmites australis) and cattail (Typha angustifolia). Samples were taken using a stiff hand net. The sampling site includes three microhabitats differentiated only by the aquatic plants inhabiting these areas. Our data was gathered from processing 208 individual samples. The quantity of macroinvertebrates is represented by biovolume value based on volume estimates. We can identify taxa in abundant numbers found in all water types and ooze; as well as groups associated with individual microhabitats with various aquatic plants. We can observe a notable difference between the years in the volume of invertebrate macrofauna caused by the drop of water level, and the multiplication of submerged macrophytes. There are smaller differences between the samples taken in reeds and cattail stands. In the second half of 2003 – which was a year of drought – the Najas marina appeared in open waters and allowed to support larger quantities of macroinvertebrates. In 2004 with higher water levels, the Potamogeton perfoliatus occurring in the same area has had an even more significant effect. This type of reed-grass may support the most macroinvertebrates during the summer. From the aspect of diversity relations we may suspect different characteristics. The reeds sampling site proved to be the richest, while the cattail microhabitat is close behind, open water (with submerged macrophytes) is the least diverse microhabitat.


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Seagrass is expected to benefit from increased carbon availability under future ocean acidification. This hypothesis has been little tested by in situ manipulation. To test for ocean acidification effects on seagrass meadows under controlled CO2/pH conditions, we used a Free Ocean Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FOCE) system which allows for the manipulation of pH as continuous offset from ambient. It was deployed in a Posidonia oceanica meadow at 11 m depth in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. It consisted of two benthic enclosures, an experimental and a control unit both 1.7 m**3, and an additional reference plot in the ambient environment (2 m**2) to account for structural artifacts. The meadow was monitored from April to November 2014. The pH of the experimental enclosure was lowered by 0.26 pH units for the second half of the 8-month study. The greatest magnitude of change in P. oceanica leaf biometrics, photosynthesis, and leaf growth accompanied seasonal changes recorded in the environment and values were similar between the two enclosures. Leaf thickness may change in response to lower pH but this requires further testing. Results are congruent with other short-term and natural studies that have investigated the response of P. oceanica over a wide range of pH. They suggest any benefit from ocean acidification, over the next century (at a pH of 7.7 on the total scale), on Posidonia physiology and growth may be minimal and difficult to detect without increased replication or longer experimental duration. The limited stimulation, which did not surpass any enclosure or seasonal effect, casts doubts on speculations that elevated CO2 would confer resistance to thermal stress and increase the buffering capacity of meadows.


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The cyclic phosphazene trimers [N3P3(OC6H5)5OC5H4N·Ti(Cp)2Cl][PF6] (3), [N3P3(OC6H4CH2CN·Ti(Cp)2Cl)6][PF6]6 (4), [N3P3(OC6H4-But)5(OC6H4CH2CN·Ti(Cp)2Cl)][PF6] (5), [N3P3(OC6H5)5C6H4CH2CN·Ru(Cp)(PPh3)2][PF6] (6), [N3P3(OC6H5)5C6H4CH2CN·Fe(Cp)(dppe)][PF6] (7) and N3P3(OC6H5)5OC5H4N·W(CO)5 (8) were prepared and characterized. As a model, the simple compounds [HOC5H5N·Ti(Cp)2Cl]PF6 (1) and [HOC6H4CH2CN·Ti(Cp)2Cl]PF6 (2) were also prepared and characterized. Pyrolysis of the organometallic cyclic trimers in air yields metallic nanostructured materials, which according to transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM/SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX), and IR data, can be formulated as either a metal oxide, metal pyrophosphate or a mixture in some cases, depending on the nature and quantity of the metal, characteristics of the organic spacer and the auxiliary substituent attached to the phosphorus cycle. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) data indicate the formation of small island and striate nanostructures. A plausible formation mechanism which involves the formation of a cyclomatrix is proposed, and the pyrolysis of the organometallic cyclic phosphazene polymer as a new and general method for obtaining metallic nanostructured materials is discussed.


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This work looks at the effect on mid-gap interface state defect density estimates for In0.53Ga0.47As semiconductor capacitors when different AC voltage amplitudes are selected for a fixed voltage bias step size (100 mV) during room temperature only electrical characterization. Results are presented for Au/Ni/Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP metal–oxide–semiconductor capacitors with (1) n-type and p-type semiconductors, (2) different Al2O3 thicknesses, (3) different In0.53Ga0.47As surface passivation concentrations of ammonium sulphide, and (4) different transfer times to the atomic layer deposition chamber after passivation treatment on the semiconductor surface—thereby demonstrating a cross-section of device characteristics. The authors set out to determine the importance of the AC voltage amplitude selection on the interface state defect density extractions and whether this selection has a combined effect with the oxide capacitance. These capacitors are prototypical of the type of gate oxide material stacks that could form equivalent metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors beyond the 32 nm technology node. The authors do not attempt to achieve the best scaled equivalent oxide thickness in this work, as our focus is on accurately extracting device properties that will allow the investigation and reduction of interface state defect densities at the high-k/III–V semiconductor interface. The operating voltage for future devices will be reduced, potentially leading to an associated reduction in the AC voltage amplitude, which will force a decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio of electrical responses and could therefore result in less accurate impedance measurements. A concern thus arises regarding the accuracy of the electrical property extractions using such impedance measurements for future devices, particularly in relation to the mid-gap interface state defect density estimated from the conductance method and from the combined high–low frequency capacitance–voltage method. The authors apply a fixed voltage step of 100 mV for all voltage sweep measurements at each AC frequency. Each of these measurements is repeated 15 times for the equidistant AC voltage amplitudes between 10 mV and 150 mV. This provides the desired AC voltage amplitude to step size ratios from 1:10 to 3:2. Our results indicate that, although the selection of the oxide capacitance is important both to the success and accuracy of the extraction method, the mid-gap interface state defect density extractions are not overly sensitive to the AC voltage amplitude employed regardless of what oxide capacitance is used in the extractions, particularly in the range from 50% below the voltage sweep step size to 50% above it. Therefore, the use of larger AC voltage amplitudes in this range to achieve a better signal-to-noise ratio during impedance measurements for future low operating voltage devices will not distort the extracted interface state defect density.