955 resultados para TAC, Radon, ricostruzione, tomografia


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In this paper, a data driven orthogonal basis function approach is proposed for non-parametric FIR nonlinear system identification. The basis functions are not fixed a priori and match the structure of the unknown system automatically. This eliminates the problem of blindly choosing the basis functions without a priori structural information. Further, based on the proposed basis functions, approaches are proposed for model order determination and regressor selection along with their theoretical justifications. © 2008 IEEE.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate if there is a reduced risk of type 1 diabetes in children breastfed or exclusively breastfed by performing a pooled analysis with adjustment for recognized confounders.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Relevant studies were identified from literature searches using MEDLINE, Web of Science, and EMBASE. Authors of relevant studies were asked to provide individual participant data or conduct prespecified analyses. Meta-analysis techniques were used to combine odds ratios (ORs) and investigate heterogeneity between studies.
RESULTS: Data were available from 43 studies including 9,874 patients with type 1 diabetes. Overall, there was a reduction in the risk of diabetes after exclusive breast-feeding for >2 weeks (20 studies; OR = 0.75, 95% CI 0.64-0.88), the association after exclusive breast-feeding for >3 months was weaker (30 studies; OR = 0.87, 95% CI 0.75-1.00), and no association was observed after (nonexclusive) breast-feeding for >2 weeks (28 studies; OR = 0.93, 95% CI 0.81-1.07) or >3 months (29 studies; OR = 0.88, 95% CI 0.78-1.00). These associations were all subject to marked heterogeneity (I(2) = 58, 76, 54, and 68%, respectively). In studies with lower risk of bias, the reduced risk after exclusive breast-feeding for >2 weeks remained (12 studies; OR = 0.86, 95% CI 0.75-0.99), and heterogeneity was reduced (I(2) = 0%). Adjustments for potential confounders altered these estimates very little.
CONCLUSIONS: The pooled analysis suggests weak protective associations between exclusive breast-feeding and type 1 diabetes risk. However, these findings are difficult to interpret because of the marked variation in effect and possible biases (particularly recall bias) inherent in the included studies.


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We studied the plasma chain-breaking antioxidants alpha carotene, beta carotene, lycopene, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and a measure of total antioxidant capacity, TAC, in 79 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), 37 patients with vascular dementia (VaD), 18 patients with Parkinson's disease and dementia (PDem), and 58 matching controls, together with 41 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and 41 matching controls. Significant reductions in individual antioxidants were observed in all dementia groups. When compared to controls, the following were reduced: Vitamin A in AD (p <0.01) and VaD (p <0.001); Vitamin C in AD (p <0.001), VaD (p <0.001) and PDem (p <0.01); Vitamin E in AD (p <0.01) and VaD (p <0.001); beta carotene in VaD (p = 0.01); lycopene in PDem (p <0.001). Lycopene was also reduced in PDem compared to AD (p <0.001) and VaD (p <0.001). Antioxidant levels in PD were not depleted. No significant change in TAC was seen in any group. The reduction in plasma chain-breaking antioxidants in patients with dementia may reflect an increased free-radical activity, and a common role in cognitive impairment in these conditions. Increased free-radical activity in VaD and PDem could be associated with concomitant AD pathology. Individual antioxidant changes are not reflected in TAC.


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Medical geology research has recognised a number of potentially toxic elements (PTEs), such as arsenic, cobalt, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, vanadium, uranium and zinc, known to influence human disease by their respective deficiency or toxicity. As the impact of infectious diseases has decreased and the population ages, so cancer has become the most common cause of death in developed countries including Northern Ireland. This research explores the relationship between environmental exposure to potentially toxic elements in soil and cancer disease data across Northern Ireland. The incidence of twelve different cancer types (lung, stomach, leukaemia, oesophagus, colorectal, bladder, kidney, breast, mesothelioma, melanoma and non melanoma(NM) both basal and squamous, were examined in the form of twenty-five coded datasets comprising aggregates over the 12 year period from 1993 to 2006. A local modelling technique,geographically weighted regression (GWR) is usedto explore the relationship between environmental exposure and cancer disease data. The results show comparisons of the geographical incidence of certain cancers (stomach and NM squamous skin cancer) in relation to concentrations of certain PTEs (arsenic levels in soils and radon were identified). Findings from the research have implications for regional human health risk assessments.


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There are currently a number of different methods available to obtain anaesthesia in minor dermatological procedures. Although intradermal infiltration of 1% lidocaine is the favoured method for anaesthesia induction in laceration repair, it can cause significant pain in itself. Topical anaesthesia has been investigated as an alternative to infiltration anaesthesia, with the majority of studies looking at preparations of either TAC (tetracaine, adrenaline and cocaine) or LAT (lidocaine, adrenaline and tetracaine).


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O presente texto tem como objetivos relevar as potencialidades que a prospetiva, enquanto abordagem dos future studies, apresenta para a investigação e a intervenção na área da saúde. Uma vez caracterizada esta abordagem, apresentam-se os principais resultados de um estudo sobre os determinantes organizacionais da qualidade das tecnologias de saúde nos serviços de radiologia dos hospitais públicos da Região Algarve. A investigação procurou descodificar o sistema de regulação da qualidade, em geral, e dos pressupostos da "prática baseada na evidência" protagonizada pelos técnicos de radiologia dos serviços hospitalares, em particular, questionando ainda os horizontes dos futuros possíveis no que concerne à adoção generalizada de tais práticas no quotidiano de trabalho ao nível da praxis em tomografia computorizada (TC). Em termos teórico-metodológicos, recorreu-se a ferramentas do «método dos cenários» de Godet (1993) para a análise da relação de dependência/influência entre as variáveis num contexto da regulação da qualidade, em geral, e dos pressupostos da "prática baseada na evidência", em particular. Os principais resultados do estudo permitiram identificar um cenário ótimo, a curto prazo, para o desenvolvimento da qualidade das práticas dos técnicos de radiologia, fundado nos eixos da "regulação autónoma da melhoria do contexto de trabalho", das "perspetivas de regulação de controlo dos processos da melhoria da qualidade", da "autonomia profissional e controlo organizacional".


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Coronary CT angiography is widely used in clinical practice for the assessment of coronary artery disease. Several studies have shown that the same exam can also be used to assess left ventricle (LV) function. LV function is usually evaluated using just the data from end-systolic and end-diastolic phases even though coronary CT angiography (CTA) provides data concerning multiple cardiac phases, along the cardiac cycle. This unused wealth of data, mostly due to its complexity and the lack of proper tools, has still to be explored in order to assess if further insight is possible regarding regional LV functional analysis. Furthermore, different parameters can be computed to characterize LV function and while some are well known by clinicians others still need to be evaluated concerning their value in clinical scenarios. The work presented in this thesis covers two steps towards extended use of CTA data: LV segmentation and functional analysis. A new semi-automatic segmentation method is presented to obtain LV data for all cardiac phases available in a CTA exam and a 3D editing tool was designed to allow users to fine tune the segmentations. Regarding segmentation evaluation, a methodology is proposed in order to help choose the similarity metrics to be used to compare segmentations. This methodology allows the detection of redundant measures that can be discarded. The evaluation was performed with the help of three experienced radiographers yielding low intraand inter-observer variability. In order to allow exploring the segmented data, several parameters characterizing global and regional LV function are computed for the available cardiac phases. The data thus obtained is shown using a set of visualizations allowing synchronized visual exploration. The main purpose is to provide means for clinicians to explore the data and gather insight over their meaning, as well as their correlation with each other and with diagnosis outcomes. Finally, an interactive method is proposed to help clinicians assess myocardial perfusion by providing automatic assignment of lesions, detected by clinicians, to a myocardial segment. This new approach has obtained positive feedback from clinicians and is not only an improvement over their current assessment method but also an important first step towards systematic validation of automatic myocardial perfusion assessment measures.


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The development of a compact gamma camera with high spatial resolution is of great interest in Nuclear Medicine as a means to increase the sensitivity of scintigraphy exams and thus allow the early detection of small tumours. Following the introduction of the wavelength-shifting fibre (WSF) gamma camera by Soares et al. and evolution of photodiodes into highly sensitive silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), this thesis explores the development of a WSF gamma camera using SiPMs to obtain the position information of scintillation events in a continuous CsI(Na) crystal. The design is highly flexible, allowing the coverage of different areas and the development of compact cameras, with very small dead areas at the edges. After initial studies which confirmed the feasibility of applying SiPMs, a prototype with 5 5 cm2 was assembled and tested at room temperature, in an active field-of-view of 10 10 mm2. Calibration and characterisation of intrinsic properties of this prototype were done using 57Co, while extrinsic measurements were performed using a high-resolution parallel-hole collimator and 99mTc. In addition, a small mouse injected with a radiopharmaceutical was imaged with the developed prototype. Results confirm the great potential of SiPMs when applied in a WSF gamma camera, achieving spatial resolution performance superior to the traditional Anger camera. Furthermore, performance can be improved by an optimisation of experimental conditions, in order to minimise and control the undesirable effects of thermal noise and non-uniformity of response of multiple SiPMs. The development and partial characterisation of a larger SiPM WSF gamma camera with 10 10 cm2 for clinical application are also presented.


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The development of computed tomography systems with energy resolving detectors is a current challenge in medical physics and biomedical engineering. A computed tomography system of this kind allows getting complementary informations relatively to conventional systems, that can help the medical diagnosis, being of great interest in medicine. The work described in this thesis is related to the development of a computed tomography system using micropattern gaseous detectors, which allow storing, simultaneously, information about the interaction position and the energy of each single photon that interacts with the detector. This kind of detectors has other advantages concerning the cost and characteristics of operation when compared with solid state detectors. Tomographic acquisitions were performed using a MicroHole & Strip Plate based detector, which allowed reconstructing cross-sectional images using energy windows, applying the energy weighting technique and performing multi-slice and tri-dimensional reconstructions. The contrast-to-noise ratio was improved by 31% by applying the energy weighting technique, comparing with the corresponding image obtained with the current medical systems. A prototype of a computed tomography with flexibility to change the detector was developed, making it possible to apply different detectors based on Thick-COBRA. Several images acquired with these detectors are presented and demonstrate their applicability in X-ray imaging. When operating in NeCH4, the detector allowed a charge gain of 8 104, an energy resolution of 20% (full width at half maximum at 8 keV), a count rate of 1 106 Hz/mm2, a very stable operation (gain fluctuations below 5%) and a spacial resolution of 1.2 mm for an energy photon of 3.6 keV. Operating the detector in pure Kr allowed increasing the detection efficiency and achieving a charge gain of 2 104, an energy resolution of 32% (full width at half maximum at 22 keV), a count rate of 1 105 Hz/mm2, very stable operation and a spatial resolution of 500 m. The software already existing in the group was improved and tools to correct geometric misalignments of the system were also developed. The reconstructions obtained after geometrical correction are free of artefacts due to the referred misalignments.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Especialização em Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Cette recherche qualitative a pour objectif de contribuer aux connaissances sur le trouble d’accumulation compulsive (TAC) afin de donner des assises empiriques à la pratique des travailleurs sociaux, techniciens en travail social, éducateurs spécialisés, psychoéducateurs et autres professionnels intervenant au sein des services sociaux. Par extension, elle vise aussi à fournir des pistes pour l’amélioration des services offerts aux personnes aux prises avec ce problème. La question de départ de cette recherche était : Comment les usagers des CSSS ayant eu des services pour un TAC perçoivent et évaluent-ils les interventions effectuées par les intervenants sociaux? Afin d’y répondre, des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées ont été effectuées auprès d’usagers de Centres de santé et de services sociaux de Québec et ses environs (CSSS Alphonse-Desjardins, Québec-Nord, Portneuf et de la Vieille-Capitale). Ces usagers ont complété le questionnaire Working Alliance Inventory-SR (WAI-SR), version française. Des intervenants sociaux des CSSS ont également participé à des groupes de discussion, afin de compléter et contextualiser les données obtenues. Résultats : Le TAC est une expérience et une situation de vie avant d’être une condition au sens psychiatrique, et les comportements d’accumulation s’inscrivent dans les perceptions que les usagers ont d’eux-mêmes, de leurs priorités et objectifs et des conditions dans lesquelles ils veulent vivre. Les usagers rencontrés ont majoritairement une opinion favorable des services psychosociaux des CSSS, ce qui peut être lié à un bon niveau de reconnaissance de la problématique. La perception favorable des services semble liée à une bonne alliance thérapeutique. Autant les usagers que les intervenants sociaux percevaient qu’il y avait un manque de ressources dans la région de Québec pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des personnes aux prises avec des problèmes inhérents au TAC. Mots-clés : accumulation compulsive, santé mentale, alliance thérapeutique, intervention psychosociale, perception services, Centre local de services communautaires.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Geofísica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Geofisíca), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014