978 resultados para Systolic array


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The method (algorithm BIDIMS) of multivariate objects display to bidimensional structure in which the sum of differences of objects properties and their nearest neighbors is minimal is being described. The basic regularities on the set of objects at this ordering become evident. Besides, such structures (tables) have high inductive opportunities: many latent properties of objects may be predicted on their coordinates in this table. Opportunities of a method are illustrated on an example of bidimentional ordering of chemical elements. The table received in result practically coincides with the periodic Mendeleev table.


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We demonstrate a bi-metal coated (platinum and gold or silver), localized surface plasmon resonance fiber sensor with an index sensitivity exceeding 11,900 nm/RIU, yielding an index resolution of 2 × 10-5 in the aqueous index regime. This is one of the highest index sensitivities achieved with an optical fiber sensor. The coatings consist of arrays of bi-metal nano-wires (typically 36 nm in radius and 20 μm in length), supported by a silicon dioxide thin film on a thin substrate of germanium, the nano-wires being perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the D-shaped fiber.


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Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) array sensors have been successfully embedded in aluminium alloy matrix by ultrasonic consolidation (UC) technique. The temperature and loading responses of the embedded FBG arrays have been systematically characterised. The embedded grating sensors exhibit an average temperature sensitivity of ~36pm/°C, which is three times higher than that of normal FBGs, and a loading responsivity of ~0.1nm/kg within the dynamic range from 0kg to 3kg. This initial experiment clearly demonstrates that FBG array sensors can be embedded in metal matrix together with other passive and active fibres to fabricate smart materials to monitor the operation and health of engineering structures.


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Optical fibre strain sensors using Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs) are poised to play a major role in structural health monitoring in a variety of application from aerospace to civil engineering. At the heart of technology is the optoelectronic instrumentation required to convert optical signals into measurands. Users are demanding compact, lightweight, rugged and low cost solutions. This paper describes development of a new device based on a blazed FBG and CCD array that can potentially meet the above demands. We have shown that this very low cost technique may be used to interrogate a WDM array of sensor gratings with highly accurate and highly repeatable results unaffected by the polarisation state of the radiation. In this paper, we present results showing that sensors may be interrogated with an RMS error of 1.7pm, drift below 0.12pm and dynamic range of up to 65nm.


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A novel modulator array integrating eight GaAs electro-optic IQ modulators is characterized and tested over long-reach direct-detected multi-band OFDM-PONs. The GaAs IQ modulators present > 22 GHz bandwidth with 3V Vpi, being suitable for a 100-km 40-Gb/s OOFDM-PON supporting up to 1024 users.


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A solar power satellite is paid attention to as a clean, inexhaustible large- scale base-load power supply. The following technology related to beam control is used: A pilot signal is sent from the power receiving site and after direction of arrival estimation the beam is directed back to the earth by same direction. A novel direction-finding algorithm based on linear prediction technique for exploiting cyclostationary statistical information (spatial and temporal) is explored. Many modulated communication signals exhibit a cyclostationarity (or periodic correlation) property, corresponding to the underlying periodicity arising from carrier frequencies or baud rates. The problem was solved by using both cyclic second-order statistics and cyclic higher-order statistics. By evaluating the corresponding cyclic statistics of the received data at certain cycle frequencies, we can extract the cyclic correlations of only signals with the same cycle frequency and null out the cyclic correlations of stationary additive noise and all other co-channel interferences with different cycle frequencies. Thus, the signal detection capability can be significantly improved. The proposed algorithms employ cyclic higher-order statistics of the array output and suppress additive Gaussian noise of unknown spectral content, even when the noise shares common cycle frequencies with the non-Gaussian signals of interest. The proposed method completely exploits temporal information (multiple lag ), and also can correctly estimate direction of arrival of desired signals by suppressing undesired signals. Our approach was generalized over direction of arrival estimation of cyclostationary coherent signals. In this paper, we propose a new approach for exploiting cyclostationarity that seems to be more advanced in comparison with the other existing direction finding algorithms.


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A highly sensitive liquid level monitoring system based on microstructured polymer optical fiber Bragg grating (mPOFBG) array sensors is reported for the first time. The configuration is based on five mPOFBGs inscribed in the same fiber in the 850 nm spectral region, showing the potential to interrogate liquid level by measuring the strain induced in each mPOFBG embedded in a silicone rubber (SR) diaphragm, which deforms due to hydrostatic pressure variations. The sensor exhibits a highly linear response over the sensing range, a good repeatability, and a high resolution. The sensitivity of the sensor is found to be 98 pm/cm of water, enhanced by more than a factor of 9 when compared to an equivalent sensor based on a silica fiber around 1550 nm. The temperature sensitivity is studied and a multi-sensor arrangement proposed, which has the potential to provide level readings independent of temperature and the liquid density.


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Background: Monocytes are implicated in the initiation and progression of theatherosclerotic plaque contributing to plaque instability and rupture. Little is knownof the role played by the 3 phenotypically and functionally different monocytesubpopulations in determining ventricular remodeling following ST elevation my-ocardial infarction (STEMI). Mon1 are "classical" inflammatory monocytes, whilstMon3 are considered reparative with fibroblast deposition ability. The function ofthe newly described Mon2 is yet to be elucidated. Method: STEMI patients (n=196, mean age 62±13 years; 72% male) treatedwith percutaneous revascularization were recruited within the first 24 hours. Pe-ripheral blood monocyte subpopulations were enumerated and characterizedusing flow cytometry after staining for CD14, CD16 and CCR2. Phenotypi-cally, monocyte subpopulations are defined as: CD14+CD16-CCR2+ (Mon1),CD14+CD16+CCR+ (Mon2) and CD14lowCD16+CCR2- (Mon3) cells. Transtho-racic 2D echocardiography was performed within 7 days and 6 months post infarctto assess ventricular volumes, mass, systolic, and diastolic functions. Results: Using linear regression analysis higher counts for Mon1, and lowercounts for Mon2 and Mon3 were significantly associated with the baseline leftventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) within seven days post infarction. At 6 monthspost STEMI lower counts of Mon2 remained positively associated with decreasedLVEF (p value= 0.002).Monocyte subsets correlation with LVEFMonocytes mean florescence Baseline left ventricular Left ventricular ejectionintensity (cells/μl) ejection fraction (%) fraction (%) at 6 months post infarctβ-value P-valueβ-value P-valueTotal Mon0.31 P<0.001 0.360.009Mon 10.019 2−0.28 0.001 −0.420.002Mon 3−0.27 0.001 −0.180.21 Conclusion: Peripheral monocytes of all three subsets correlate with LVEF af-ter a myocardial infarction. High counts of the inflammatory Mon1 are associatedwith reduction in the baseline LVEF. Post remodelling, the convalescent EF wasindependently predicted by monocyte subpopulation 2. As lower counts depictednegative ventricular remodeling, this suggests a reparative role for the newly de-scribed Mon2, possibly via myofibroblast deposition and angiogenesis, in contrastto an anticipated inflammatory role.


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In this study, two linear coplanar array antennas based on Indium Phosphide (InP) substrate are designed, presented and compared in terms of bandwidth and gain. Slot introduction in combination with coplanar structure is investigated, providing enhanced antenna gain and bandwidth at the 60 GHz frequency band. In addition the proposed array antennas are evaluated in terms of integration with a high-speed photodiode and investigated in terms of matching, providing a bandwidth that reaches 2 GHz. Moreover a potential beam forming scenario combined with photonic up-conversion scheme has been proposed. © 2013 IEEE.


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Photovoltaic (PV) stations have been widely built in the world to utilize solar energy directly. In order to reduce the capital and operational costs, early fault diagnosis is playing an increasingly important role by enabling the long effective operation of PV arrays. This paper analyzes the terminal characteristics of faulty PV strings and arrays, and it develops a PV array fault diagnosis technique. The terminal current-voltage curve of a faulty PV array is divided into two sections, i.e., high-voltage and low-voltage fault diagnosis sections. The corresponding working points of healthy string modules and of healthy and faulty modules in an unhealthy string are then analyzed for each section. By probing into different working points, a faulty PV module can be located. The fault information is of critical importance for the maximum power point tracking and the array dynamical reconfiguration. Furthermore, the string current sensors can be eliminated, and the number of voltage sensors can be reduced by optimizing voltage sensor locations. Typical fault scenarios including monostring, multistring, and a partial shadow for a 1.6-kW 3 $times$ 3 PV array are presented and experimentally tested to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis method.


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The move from Standard Definition (SD) to High Definition (HD) represents a six times increases in data, which needs to be processed. With expanding resolutions and evolving compression, there is a need for high performance with flexible architectures to allow for quick upgrade ability. The technology advances in image display resolutions, advanced compression techniques, and video intelligence. Software implementation of these systems can attain accuracy with tradeoffs among processing performance (to achieve specified frame rates, working on large image data sets), power and cost constraints. There is a need for new architectures to be in pace with the fast innovations in video and imaging. It contains dedicated hardware implementation of the pixel and frame rate processes on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to achieve the real-time performance. ^ The following outlines the contributions of the dissertation. (1) We develop a target detection system by applying a novel running average mean threshold (RAMT) approach to globalize the threshold required for background subtraction. This approach adapts the threshold automatically to different environments (indoor and outdoor) and different targets (humans and vehicles). For low power consumption and better performance, we design the complete system on FPGA. (2) We introduce a safe distance factor and develop an algorithm for occlusion occurrence detection during target tracking. A novel mean-threshold is calculated by motion-position analysis. (3) A new strategy for gesture recognition is developed using Combinational Neural Networks (CNN) based on a tree structure. Analysis of the method is done on American Sign Language (ASL) gestures. We introduce novel point of interests approach to reduce the feature vector size and gradient threshold approach for accurate classification. (4) We design a gesture recognition system using a hardware/ software co-simulation neural network for high speed and low memory storage requirements provided by the FPGA. We develop an innovative maximum distant algorithm which uses only 0.39% of the image as the feature vector to train and test the system design. Database set gestures involved in different applications may vary. Therefore, it is highly essential to keep the feature vector as low as possible while maintaining the same accuracy and performance^


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The work described in this thesis was conducted with the aim of: 1) investigating the binding capabilities of calix[4]arene-functionalized microcantilevers towards specific metal ions and 2) developing a new16-microcantilever array sensing system for the rapid, and simultaneous detection of metal ions in fresh water. Part I of this thesis reports on the use of three new bimodal calix[4]arenes (methoxy, ethoxy and crown) as potential host/guest sensing layers for detecting selected ions in dilute aqueous solutions using single microcantilever experimental system. In this work it was shown that modifying the upper rim of the calix[4]arenes with a thioacetate end group allow calix[4]arenes to self-assemble on Au(111) forming complete highly ordered monolayers. It was also found that incubating the microcantilevers coated with 5 nm of Inconel and 40 nm of Au for 1 h in a 1.0 M solution of calix[4]arene produced the highest sensitivity. Methoxy-functionalized microcantilevers showed a definite preference for Ca²⁺ ions over other cationic guests and were able to detect trace concentration as low as 10⁻¹² M in aqueous solutions. Microcantilevers modified with ethoxy calix[4]arene displayed their highest sensitivity towards Sr²⁺ and to a lesser extent Ca²⁺ ions. Crown calix[4]arene-modified microcantilevers were however found to bind selectively towards Cs⁺ ions. In addition, the counter anion was also found to contribute to the deflection. For example methoxy calix[4]arene-modified microcantilever was found to be more sensitive to CaCl₂ over other water-soluble calcium salts such as Ca(NO₃)₂ , CaBr₂ and CaI₂. These findings suggest that the response of calix[4]arene-modified microcantilevers should be attributed to the target ionic species as a whole instead of only considering the specific cation and/or anion. Part II presents the development of a 16-microcantilever sensor setup. The implementation of this system involved the creation of data analysis software that incorporates data from the motorized actuator and a two-axis photosensitive detector to obtain the deflection signal originating from each individual microcantilever in the array. The system was shown to be capable of simultaneous measurements of multiple microcantilevers with different coatings. A functionalization unit was also developed that allows four microcantilevers in the array to be coated with an individual sensing layer one at the time. Because of the variability of the spring constants of different cantilevers within the array, results presented were quoted in units of surface stress unit in order to compare values between the microcantilevers in the array.


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Major funding was provided by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under grant NE/I028017/1 and partially supported by Boğaziçi University Research Fund (BAP) under grant 6922. We would like to thank all the project members from the University of Leeds, Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory, Aberdeen University and Sakarya University. I would also like to thank Prof. Ali Pinar and Dr. Kıvanç Kekovalı for their valuable comments. Some of the figures were generated by GMT software (Wessel and Smith, 1995).