959 resultados para Syntactic derivation
L’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (IDM) est un paradigme d’ingénierie du logiciel bien établi, qui préconise l’utilisation de modèles comme artéfacts de premier ordre dans les activités de développement et de maintenance du logiciel. La manipulation de plusieurs modèles durant le cycle de vie du logiciel motive l’usage de transformations de modèles (TM) afin d’automatiser les opérations de génération et de mise à jour des modèles lorsque cela est possible. L’écriture de transformations de modèles demeure cependant une tâche ardue, qui requiert à la fois beaucoup de connaissances et d’efforts, remettant ainsi en question les avantages apportés par l’IDM. Afin de faire face à cette problématique, de nombreux travaux de recherche se sont intéressés à l’automatisation des TM. L’apprentissage de transformations de modèles par l’exemple (TMPE) constitue, à cet égard, une approche prometteuse. La TMPE a pour objectif d’apprendre des programmes de transformation de modèles à partir d’un ensemble de paires de modèles sources et cibles fournis en guise d’exemples. Dans ce travail, nous proposons un processus d’apprentissage de transformations de modèles par l’exemple. Ce dernier vise à apprendre des transformations de modèles complexes en s’attaquant à trois exigences constatées, à savoir, l’exploration du contexte dans le modèle source, la vérification de valeurs d’attributs sources et la dérivation d’attributs cibles complexes. Nous validons notre approche de manière expérimentale sur 7 cas de transformations de modèles. Trois des sept transformations apprises permettent d’obtenir des modèles cibles parfaits. De plus, une précision et un rappel supérieurs à 90% sont enregistrés au niveau des modèles cibles obtenus par les quatre transformations restantes.
Nous proposons une approche qui génère des scénarios de visualisation à partir des descriptions de tâches d'analyse de code. La dérivation de scénario est considérée comme un processus d'optimisation. Dans ce contexte, nous évaluons différentes possibilités d'utilisation d'un outil de visualisation donnée pour effectuer la tâche d'analyse, et sélectionnons le scénario qui nécessite le moins d'effort d'analyste. Notre approche a été appliquée avec succès à diverses tâches d'analyse telles que la détection des défauts de conception.
La rétroaction corrective (RC) se définit comme étant un indice permettant à l’apprenant de savoir que son utilisation de la L2 est incorrecte (Lightbown et Spada, 2006). Les chercheurs reconnaissent de plus en plus l’importance de la RC à l’écrit (Ferris, 2010). La recherche sur la RC écrite s’est grandement concentrée sur l’évaluation des différentes techniques de RC sans pour autant commencer par comprendre comment les enseignants corrigent les textes écrits de leurs élèves et à quel point ces derniers sont en mesure d’utiliser cette RC pour réviser leurs productions écrites. Cette étude vise à décrire quelles techniques de RC sont utilisées par les enseignants de francisation ainsi que comment les étudiants incorporent cette RC dans leur révision. De plus, elle veut aussi vérifier si les pratiques des enseignants et des étudiants varient selon le type d’erreur corrigée (lexicale, syntaxique et morphologique), la technique utilisée (RC directe, indirecte, combinée) et la compétence des étudiants à l’écrit (faible ou fort). Trois classes de francisation ont participé à cette étude : 3 enseignants et 24 étudiants (12 jugés forts et 12 faibles). Les étudiants ont rédigé un texte qui a été corrigé par les enseignants selon leur méthode habituelle. Puis les étudiants ont réécrit leur texte en incorporant la RC de leur enseignant. Des entrevues ont aussi été réalisées auprès des 3 enseignants et des 24 étudiants. Les résultats indiquent l’efficacité générale de la RC à l’écrit en langue seconde. En outre, cette efficacité varie en fonction de la technique utilisée, des types d’erreurs ainsi que du niveau de l’apprenant. Cette étude démontre que ces trois variables ont un rôle à jouer et que les enseignants devraient varier leur RC lorsqu’ils corrigent.
Dans ce travail, nous étendons le nombre de conditions physiques actuellement con- nues du trou d’échange exact avec la dérivation de l’expansion de quatrième ordre du trou d’échange sphérique moyenne exacte. Nous comparons les expansions de deux- ième et de quatrième ordre avec le trou d’échange exact pour des systèmes atomiques et moléculaires. Nous avons constaté que, en général, l’expansion du quatrième ordre reproduit plus fidèlement le trou d’échange exact pour les petites valeurs de la distance interélectronique. Nous démontrons que les ensembles de base de type gaussiennes ont une influence significative sur les termes de cette nouvelle condition, en étudiant com- ment les oscillations causées par ces ensembles de bases affectent son premier terme. Aussi, nous proposons quatre modèles de trous d’échange analytiques auxquels nous imposons toutes les conditions actuellement connues du trou d’échange exact et la nou- velle présentée dans ce travail. Nous évaluons la performance des modèles en calculant des énergies d’échange et ses contributions à des énergies d’atomisation. On constate que les oscillations causeés par les bases de type gaussiennes peuvent compromettre la précision et la solution des modèles.
This work is aimed at building an adaptable frame-based system for processing Dravidian languages. There are about 17 languages in this family and they are spoken by the people of South India.Karaka relations are one of the most important features of Indian languages. They are the semabtuco-syntactic relations between verbs and other related constituents in a sentence. The karaka relations and surface case endings are analyzed for meaning extraction. This approach is comparable with the borad class of case based grammars.The efficiency of this approach is put into test in two applications. One is machine translation and the other is a natural language interface (NLI) for information retrieval from databases. The system mainly consists of a morphological analyzer, local word grouper, a parser for the source language and a sentence generator for the target language. This work make contributios like, it gives an elegant account of the relation between vibhakthi and karaka roles in Dravidian languages. This mapping is elegant and compact. The same basic thing also explains simple and complex sentence in these languages. This suggests that the solution is not just ad hoc but has a deeper underlying unity. This methodology could be extended to other free word order languages. Since the frame designed for meaning representation is general, they are adaptable to other languages coming in this group and to other applications.
A new procedure for the classification of lower case English language characters is presented in this work . The character image is binarised and the binary image is further grouped into sixteen smaller areas ,called Cells . Each cell is assigned a name depending upon the contour present in the cell and occupancy of the image contour in the cell. A data reduction procedure called Filtering is adopted to eliminate undesirable redundant information for reducing complexity during further processing steps . The filtered data is fed into a primitive extractor where extraction of primitives is done . Syntactic methods are employed for the classification of the character . A decision tree is used for the interaction of the various components in the scheme . 1ike the primitive extraction and character recognition. A character is recognized by the primitive by primitive construction of its description . Openended inventories are used for including variants of the characters and also adding new members to the general class . Computer implementation of the proposal is discussed at the end using handwritten character samples . Results are analyzed and suggestions for future studies are made. The advantages of the proposal are discussed in detail .
This thesis entitled Reliability Modelling and Analysis in Discrete time Some Concepts and Models Useful in the Analysis of discrete life time data.The present study consists of five chapters. In Chapter II we take up the derivation of some general results useful in reliability modelling that involves two component mixtures. Expression for the failure rate, mean residual life and second moment of residual life of the mixture distributions in terms of the corresponding quantities in the component distributions are investigated. Some applications of these results are also pointed out. The role of the geometric,Waring and negative hypergeometric distributions as models of life lengths in the discrete time domain has been discussed already. While describing various reliability characteristics, it was found that they can be often considered as a class. The applicability of these models in single populations naturally extends to the case of populations composed of sub-populations making mixtures of these distributions worth investigating. Accordingly the general properties, various reliability characteristics and characterizations of these models are discussed in chapter III. Inference of parameters in mixture distribution is usually a difficult problem because the mass function of the mixture is a linear function of the component masses that makes manipulation of the likelihood equations, leastsquare function etc and the resulting computations.very difficult. We show that one of our characterizations help in inferring the parameters of the geometric mixture without involving computational hazards. As mentioned in the review of results in the previous sections, partial moments were not studied extensively in literature especially in the case of discrete distributions. Chapters IV and V deal with descending and ascending partial factorial moments. Apart from studying their properties, we prove characterizations of distributions by functional forms of partial moments and establish recurrence relations between successive moments for some well known families. It is further demonstrated that partial moments are equally efficient and convenient compared to many of the conventional tools to resolve practical problems in reliability modelling and analysis. The study concludes by indicating some new problems that surfaced during the course of the present investigation which could be the subject for a future work in this area.
This thesis entitled Geometric algebra and einsteins electron: Deterministic field theories .The work in this thesis clarifies an important part of Koga’s theory.Koga also developed a theory of the electron incorporating its gravitational field, using his substitutes for Einstein’s equation.The third chapter deals with the application of geometric algebra to Koga’s approach of the Dirac equation. In chapter 4 we study some aspects of the work of mendel sachs (35,36,37,).Sachs stated aim is to show how quantum mechanics is a limiting case of a general relativistic unified field theory.Chapter 5 contains a critical study and comparison of the work of Koga and Sachs. In particular, we conclude that the incorporation of Mach’s principle is not necessary in Sachs’s treatment of the Dirac equation.
In 1931 Dirac studied the motion of an electron in the field of a magnetic monopole and found that the quantization of electric charge can be explained by postulating the mere existence of a magnetic monopole. Since 1974 there has been a resurgence of interest in magnetic monopole due to the work of ‘t’ Hooft and Polyakov who independently observed that monopoles can exist as finite energy topologically stable solutions to certain spontaneously broken gauge theories. The thesis, “Studies on Magnetic Monopole Solutions of Non-abelian Gauge Theories and Related Problems”, reports a systematic investigation of classical solutions of non-abelian gauge theories with special emphasis on magnetic monopoles and dyons which possess both electric and magnetic charges. The formation of bound states of a dyon with fermions and bosons is also studied in detail. The thesis opens with an account of a new derivation of a relationship between the magnetic charge of a dyon and the topology of the gauge fields associated with it. Although this formula has been reported earlier in the literature, the present method has two distinct advantages. In the first place, it does not depend either on the mechanism of symmetry breaking or on the nature of the residual symmetry group. Secondly, the results can be generalized to finite temperature monopoles.
In this thesis the author has presented qualitative studies of certain Kdv equations with variable coefficients. The well-known KdV equation is a model for waves propagating on the surface of shallow water of constant depth. This model is considered as fitting into waves reaching the shore. Renewed attempts have led to the derivation of KdV type equations in which the coefficients are not constants. Johnson's equation is one such equation. The researcher has used this model to study the interaction of waves. It has been found that three-wave interaction is possible, there is transfer of energy between the waves and the energy is not conserved during interaction.
This thesis summarizes the results on the studies on a syntax based approach for translation between Malayalam, one of Dravidian languages and English and also on the development of the major modules in building a prototype machine translation system from Malayalam to English. The development of the system is a pioneering effort in Malayalam language unattempted by previous researchers. The computational models chosen for the system is first of its kind for Malayalam language. An in depth study has been carried out in the design of the computational models and data structures needed for different modules: morphological analyzer , a parser, a syntactic structure transfer module and target language sentence generator required for the prototype system. The generation of list of part of speech tags, chunk tags and the hierarchical dependencies among the chunks required for the translation process also has been done. In the development process, the major goals are: (a) accuracy of translation (b) speed and (c) space. Accuracy-wise, smart tools for handling transfer grammar and translation standards including equivalent words, expressions, phrases and styles in the target language are to be developed. The grammar should be optimized with a view to obtaining a single correct parse and hence a single translated output. Speed-wise, innovative use of corpus analysis, efficient parsing algorithm, design of efficient Data Structure and run-time frequency-based rearrangement of the grammar which substantially reduces the parsing and generation time are required. The space requirement also has to be minimised
Author identification is the problem of identifying the author of an anonymous text or text whose authorship is in doubt from a given set of authors. The works by different authors are strongly distinguished by quantifiable features of the text. This paper deals with the attempts made on identifying the most likely author of a text in Malayalam from a list of authors. Malayalam is a Dravidian language with agglutinative nature and not much successful tools have been developed to extract syntactic & semantic features of texts in this language. We have done a detailed study on the various stylometric features that can be used to form an authors profile and have found that the frequencies of word collocations can be used to clearly distinguish an author in a highly inflectious language such as Malayalam. In our work we try to extract the word level and character level features present in the text for characterizing the style of an author. Our first step was towards creating a profile for each of the candidate authors whose texts were available with us, first from word n-gram frequencies and then by using variable length character n-gram frequencies. Profiles of the set of authors under consideration thus formed, was then compared with the features extracted from anonymous text, to suggest the most likely author.
In natural languages with a high degree of word-order freedom syntactic phenomena like dependencies (subordinations) or valencies do not depend on the word-order (or on the individual positions of the individual words). This means that some permutations of sentences of these languages are in some (important) sense syntactically equivalent. Here we study this phenomenon in a formal way. Various types of j-monotonicity for restarting automata can serve as parameters for the degree of word-order freedom and for the complexity of word-order in sentences (languages). Here we combine two types of parameters on computations of restarting automata: 1. the degree of j-monotonicity, and 2. the number of rewrites per cycle. We study these notions formally in order to obtain an adequate tool for modelling and comparing formal descriptions of (natural) languages with different degrees of word-order freedom and word-order complexity.
We study several extensions of the notion of alternation from context-free grammars to context-sensitive and arbitrary phrase-structure grammars. Thereby new grammatical characterizations are obtained for the class of languages that are accepted by alternating pushdown automata.
Familiale Bewegungssozialisation – Zum Einfluss der Herkunftsfamilie auf die Bewegungssozialisation von Grundschulkindern. Die zentrale Fragestellung der Schrift ist, welchen Einfluss die soziale Herkunft auf die Bewegungssozialisation und Bewegungsentwicklung von Kindern im Grundschulalter hat. Die Auswirkungen sozialer Ungleichheit auf die Bewegungssozialisation, insbesondere die motorische Entwicklung, wurden in der Sportwissenschaft noch unzureichend untersucht. Der Arbeit liegt die Sozialisationstheorie von Witte (1994) zugrunde; mit ihrer Hilfe wird versucht die motorische Entwicklung theoriegeleitet zu erklären. Dafür werden Merkmale der Bewegungssozialisation und der motorischen Entwicklung in das theoretische Rahmenkonzept von Witte (1994) eingesetzt. Zu Beginn (Kapitel 1) erklärt die Arbeit den Begriff der sozialen Herkunft. Es werden der soziale Status, die Familienform und der Migrationshintergrund als Bestandteile der sozialen Herkunft definiert. Im weiteren Verlauf (Kapitel 2) wird die Sozialisationsinstanz Familie und die verschiedenen Familienformen vor dem Hintergrund sozialer Ungleichheit dargelegt. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich dem sozialisationstheoretischen Konzept. Es werden die Sozialisationstheorie von Hurrelmann, die Körper- und Bewegungskarriere von Baur und das theoretische Rahmenkonzept der Sozialisation von Witte erklärt. Kapitel 4 beschreibt den Forschungsstand und Kapitel 5 stellt die Modellbildung und die Herleitung der Hypothesen dar. Die empirische Untersuchung fand an ausgewählten Grundschulen der Stadt Kassel statt. Insgesamt wurden 251 Kinder im Alter von 7-10 Jahren mit dem AST 6-11 untersucht und deren Eltern mit einem eigens entwickelten Fragebogen befragt. Die Daten wurden mit Hilfe von multivariaten Verfahren in Beziehung zueinander gesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich Grundschulkinder hinsichtlich ihrer motorischen Entwicklung nicht in Abhängigkeit der sozialen Herkunft unterscheiden. Jedoch ist das Sportklima der Familien sehr stark abhängig von der sozialen Herkunft. Es wird deutlich, dass Kinder aus sozial benachteiligten Familien, aus Ein-Eltern-Familien und mit Migrationshintergrund schlechtere Möglichkeiten haben sich in ihrer Bewegungssozialisation zu entfalten. Die Prüfung des Sozialisationsmodells zeigt, neben der guten Operationalisierbarkeit des Modells, dass die Modellvariable „Orientierung“ (Orientierung der Familie hinsichtlich der Bedeutung von Bewegung und Sport) den größten Einfluss auf die Bewegungssozialisation von Kindern hat.