963 resultados para Suspension polymerization
This research focuses on developing active suspension optimal controllers for two linear and non-linear half-car models. A detailed comparison between quarter-car and half-car active suspension approaches is provided for improving two important scenarios in vehicle dynamics, i.e. ride quality and road holding. Having used a half-car vehicle model, heave and pitch motion are analyzed for those scenarios, with cargo mass as a variable. The governing equations of the system are analysed in a multi-energy domain package, i.e., 20-Sim. System equations are presented in the bond-graph language to facilitate calculation of energy usage. The results present optimum set of gains for both ride quality and road holding scenarios are the gains which has derived when maximum allowable cargo mass is considered for the vehicle. The energy implications of substituting passive suspension units with active ones are studied by considering not only the energy used by the actuator, but also the reduction in energy lost through the passive damper. Energy analysis showed less energy was dissipated in shock absorbers when either quarter-car or half-car controllers were used instead of passive suspension. It was seen that more energy could be saved by using half-car active controllers than the quarter-car ones. Results also proved that using active suspension units, whether quarter-car or half-car based, under those realistic limitations is energy-efficient and suggested.
The use of DNA as a polymeric building material transcends its function in biology and is exciting in bionanotechnology for applications ranging from biosensing, to diagnostics, and to targeted drug delivery. These applications are enabled by DNA’s unique structural and chemical properties, embodied as a directional polyanion that exhibits molecular recognition capabilities. Hence, the efficient and precise synthesis of high molecular weight DNA materials has become key to advance DNA bionanotechnology. Current synthesis methods largely rely on either solid phase chemical synthesis or template-dependent polymerase amplification. The inherent step-by-step fashion of solid phase synthesis limits the length of the resulting DNA to typically less than 150 nucleotides. In contrast, polymerase based enzymatic synthesis methods (e.g., polymerase chain reaction) are not limited by product length, but require a DNA template to guide the synthesis. Furthermore, advanced DNA bionanotechnology requires tailorable structural and self-assembly properties. Current synthesis methods, however, often involve multiple conjugating reactions and extensive purification steps.
The research described in this dissertation aims to develop a facile method to synthesize high molecular weight, single stranded DNA (or polynucleotide) with versatile functionalities. We exploit the ability of a template-independent DNA polymerase−terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) to catalyze the polymerization of 2’-deoxyribonucleoside 5’-triphosphates (dNTP, monomer) from the 3’-hydroxyl group of an oligodeoxyribonucleotide (initiator). We termed this enzymatic synthesis method: TdT catalyzed enzymatic polymerization, or TcEP.
Specifically, this dissertation is structured to address three specific research aims. With the objective to generate high molecular weight polynucleotides, Specific Aim 1 studies the reaction kinetics of TcEP by investigating the polymerization of 2’-deoxythymidine 5’-triphosphates (monomer) from the 3’-hydroxyl group of oligodeoxyribothymidine (initiator) using in situ 1H NMR and fluorescent gel electrophoresis. We found that TcEP kinetics follows the “living” chain-growth polycondensation mechanism, and like in “living” polymerizations, the molecular weight of the final product is determined by the starting molar ratio of monomer to initiator. The distribution of the molecular weight is crucially influenced by the molar ratio of initiator to TdT. We developed a reaction kinetics model that allows us to quantitatively describe the reaction and predict the molecular weight of the reaction products.
Specific Aim 2 further explores TcEP’s ability to transcend homo-polynucleotide synthesis by varying the choices of initiators and monomers. We investigated the effects of initiator length and sequence on TcEP, and found that the minimum length of an effective initiator should be 10 nucleotides and that the formation of secondary structures close to the 3’-hydroxyl group can impede the polymerization reaction. We also demonstrated TcEP’s capacity to incorporate a wide range of unnatural dNTPs into the growing chain, such as, hydrophobic fluorescent dNTP and fluoro modified dNTP. By harnessing the encoded nucleotide sequence of an initiator and the chemical diversity of monomers, TcEP enables us to introduce molecular recognition capabilities and chemical functionalities on the 5’-terminus and 3’-terminus, respectively.
Building on TcEP’s synthesis capacities, in Specific Aim 3 we invented a two-step strategy to synthesize diblock amphiphilic polynucleotides, in which the first, hydrophilic block serves as a macro-initiator for the growth of the second block, comprised of natural and/or unnatural nucleotides. By tuning the hydrophilic length, we synthesized the amphiphilic diblock polynucleotides that can self-assemble into micellar structures ranging from star-like to crew-cut morphologies. The observed self-assembly behaviors agree with predictions from dissipative particle dynamics simulations as well as scaling law for polyelectrolyte block copolymers.
In summary, we developed an enzymatic synthesis method (i.e., TcEP) that enables the facile synthesis of high molecular weight polynucleotides with low polydispersity. Although we can control the nucleotide sequence only to a limited extent, TcEP offers a method to integrate an oligodeoxyribonucleotide with specific sequence at the 5’-terminus and to incorporate functional groups along the growing chains simultaneously. Additionally, we used TcEP to synthesize amphiphilic polynucleotides that display self-assemble ability. We anticipate that our facile synthesis method will not only advance molecular biology, but also invigorate materials science and bionanotechnology.
Ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) is a variant of olefin metathesis used to polymerize strained cyclic olefins. Ruthenium-based Grubbs’ catalysts are widely used in ROMP to produce industrially important products. While highly efficient in organic solvents such as dichloromethane and toluene, these hydrophobic catalysts are not typically applied in aqueous systems. With the advancements in emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization, it is promising to conduct ROMP in an aqueous dispersed phase to generate well-defined latex nanoparticles while improving heat transfer and reducing the use of volatile organic solvents (VOCs). Herein I report the efforts made using a PEGylated ruthenium alkylidene as the catalyst to initiate ROMP in an oil-in-water miniemulsion. 1H NMR revealed that the synthesized PEGylated catalyst was stable and reactive in water. Using 1,5-cyclooctadiene (COD) as monomer, we showed the highly efficient catalyst yielded colloidally stable polymer latexes with ~ 100% conversion at room temperature. Kinetic studies demonstrated first-order kinetics with good livingness as confirmed by the shift of gel permeation chromatography (GPC) traces. Depending on the surfactants used, the particle sizes ranged from 100 to 300 nm with monomodal distributions. The more strained cyclic olefin norbornene (NB) could also be efficiently polymerized with a PEGylated ruthenium alkylidene in miniemulsion to full conversion and with minimal coagulum formation.
This work was developed in the form of a case study to measure the efficiency of gait and conclude if the tested suspension systems differ in the efficiency in a various tested transtibial prostheses,based on the data provided by radiologic images, indirect calorimetry and perception of the patient. Introduction - The suspension system and the stump adjustment to the socket plays an important role in the functionality of the prosthesis, the mobility of the amputee and overall satisfaction with the device. The comfort and functional effectiveness of the prosthesis are closely related. The harmony between the residual limb and prosthesis is crucial to that this meets its function and enable effective March and allow the amputated the continuity of their Daily day activities, keeping the stump functional. Comfort and functional effectiveness of the prosthesis are closely related, suspension systems should prevent excessive longitudinal and rotational transverse displacement of the stump within the socket, these systems should help stabilize and enhance the connection of the prosthesis to the residual limb, reducing the pistonning, increased proprioception and providing a more natural gait.
Pelvic organ prolapse suspension (POPS) is a recent surgical procedure for one-stage treatment of multiorgan female pelvic prolapse. This study evaluates the preliminary results of laparoscopic POPS in 54 women with a mean age of 55.2 and a BMI of 28.3. Patients underwent at the same time stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR) to correct the residual rectal prolapse. We had no relapses and the preliminary results were excellent. We evaluated the patients after 1 year follow-up and we confirmed the validity of our treatment. The technique is simplier than traditional treatments with an important reduction or completely disappearance of the pre-operative symptomatology.
Driven by the global trend in the sustainable economy development and environmental concerns, the exploring of plant-derived biomaterials or biocomposites for potential biomedical and/or pharmaceutical applications has received tremendous attention. Therefore, the work of this thesis is dedicated to high-value and high-efficiency utilization of plant-derived materials, with the focus on cellulose and hemicelluloses in the field of biomedical applications in a novel biorefinery concept. The residual cellulose of wood processing waste, sawdust, was converted into cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) with tunable surface charge density and geometric size through 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxy (TEMPO)-mediated oxidation and mechanical defibrillation. The sawdust-based CNFs and its resultant free-standing films showed comparable or even better mechanical properties than those from a commercial bleached kraft pulp at the same condition, demonstrating the feasibility of producing CNFs and films thereof with outstanding mechanical properties from birch sawdust by a process incorporated into a novel biorefinery platform recovering also polymeric hemicelluloses for other applications. Thus, it is providing an efficient route to upgrade sawdust waste to valuable products. The surface charge density and geometric size of the CNFs were found to play key roles in the stability of the CNF suspension, as well as the gelling properties, swelling behavior, mechanical stiffness, morphology and microscopic structural properties, and biocompatibility of CNF-based materials (i.e. films, hydrogels, and aerogels). The CNFs with tunable surface chemistry and geometric size was found promising applications as transparent and tough barrier materials or as reinforcing additive for production of biocomposites. The CNFs was also applied as structural matrices for the preparation of biocomposites possessing electrical conductivity and antimicrobial activity by in situ polymerization and coating of polypyrrole, and incorporation of silver nanoparticles, which make the material possible for potential wound healing application. The CNF-based matrices (films, hydrogels, and aerogels) with tunable structural and mechanical properties and biocompatibility were further prepared towards an application as 3D scaffolds in tissue engineering. The structural and mechanical strength of the CNF matrices could be tuned by controlling the charge density of the nanocellulose, as well as the pH and temperature values of the hydrogel formation conditions. Biological tests revealed that the CNF scaffolds could promote the survival and proliferation of tumor cells, and enhance the transfection of exogenous DNA into the cells, suggesting the usefulness of the CNF-based 3D matrices in supporting crucial cellular processes during cell growth and proliferation. The CNFs was applied as host materials to incorporate biomolecules for further biomedical application. For example, to investigate how the biocompatibility of a scaffold is influenced by its mechanical and structural properties, these properties of CNF-based composite matrices were controlled by incorporation of different hemicelluloses (O-acetyl galactoglucomanan (GGM), xyloglucan (XG), and xylan) into CNF hydrogel networks in different ratios and using two different approaches. The charge density of the CNFs, the incorporated hemicellulose type and amount, and the swelling time of the hydrogels were found to affect the pore structure, the mechanical strength, and thus the cells growth in the composite hydrogel scaffolds. The mechanical properties of the composite hydrogels were found to have an influence on the cell viability during the wound healing relevant 3T3 fibroblast cell culture. The thusprepared CNF composite hydrogels may work as promising scaffolds in wound healing application to provide supporting networks and to promote cells adhesion, growth, and proliferation.
The linked concepts of 'microbial loop' and 'protozoan trophic link' have been very well documented in filter-feeding microzooplankton such as copepods, but have not been applied to energy transfer to benthic suspension-feeding macrofauna, with the exception of the recent demonstration of heterotrophic flagellate assimilation by mussels. The oyster Crassostrea gigas obtains energy resources by filtering microalgae (similar to 5 to 100 mu m). However, in turbid estuaries, light-limited phytoplanktonic production cannot entirely account for oyster energy requirements. Conversely, picoplankters (<2 mu m), which are main effecters of coastal energy flow and matter cycling, are not efficiently retained by oyster filtration. Ciliate protozoal as both micro-sized cells (similar to 5 to 100 run) and bacteria grazers, may represent a major intermediary in trophic transfer between picoplankton and metazoa. The ciliate Uronema was intensely cultured and labelled, using the cyanobacteria Synechococcus as an auto-fluorescent biomarker. The labelled ciliates were offered as potential prey to oysters. We report here the first experimental evidence of a significant retention and ingestion of ciliates by oysters, supporting the role of protozoa as a realistic trophic link between picoplankters and filter-feeding bivalves and thus enhancing their potential importance in estuarine microbial food webs.
This thesis aims to understand how cells coordinate their motion during collective migration. As previously shown, the motion of individually migrating cells is governed by wave-like cell shape dynamics. The mechanisms that regulate these dynamic behaviors in response to extracellular environment remain largely unclear. I applied shape dynamics analysis to Dictyostelium cells migrating in pairs and in multicellular streams and found that wave-like membrane protrusions are highly coupled between touching cells. I further characterized cell motion by using principle component analysis (PCA) to decompose complex cell shape changes into a serial shape change modes, from which I found that streaming cells exhibit localized anterior protrusion, termed front narrowing, to facilitate cell-cell coupling. I next explored cytoskeleton-based mechanisms of cell-cell coupling by measuring the dynamics of actin polymerization. Actin polymerization waves observed in individual cells were significantly suppressed in multicellular streams. Streaming cells exclusively produced F-actin at cell-cell contact regions, especially at cell fronts. I demonstrated that such restricted actin polymerization is associated with cell-cell coupling, as reducing actin polymerization with Latrunculin A leads to the assembly of F-actin at the side of streams, the decrease of front narrowing, and the decoupling of protrusion waves. My studies also suggest that collective migration is guided by cell-surface interactions. I examined the aggregation of Dictyostelim cells under distinct conditions and found that both chemical compositions of surfaces and surface-adhesion defects in cells result in altered collective migration patterns. I also investigated the shape dynamics of cells suspended on PEG-coated surfaces, which showed that coupling of protrusion waves disappears on touching suspended cells. These observations indicate that collective migration requires a balance between cell-cell and cell-surface adhesions. I hypothesized such a balance is reached via the regulation of cytoskeleton. Indeed, I found cells actively regulate cytoskeleton to retain optimal cell-surface adhesions on varying surfaces, and cells lacking the link between actin and surfaces (talin A) could not retain the optimal adhesions. On the other hand, suspended cells exhibited enhanced actin filament assembly on the periphery of cell groups instead of in cell-cell contact regions, which facilitates their aggregation in a clumping fashion.
Different nanocomposites have been attained by in situ polymerization based on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and mesoporous SBA-15, this silica being used for immobilization of the FI catalyst bis [N-(3-tert-butylsalicylidene)-2,3,4,5,6-pentafluoroanilinato] titanium (IV) dichloride and as filler as well. Two distinct approaches have been selected for supporting the FI catalyst on the SBA-15 prior polymerization. A study on polymerization activity of this catalyst has been performed under homogenous conditions and upon heterogenization. A study of the effect of presence of mesoporous particles and of the immobilization method is also carried out. Moreover, the thermal characterization, phase transitions and mechanical response of some pristine UHMWPEs and UHMWPE/SBA-15 materials have been carried out. Relationships with variations on molar mass, impregnation method of catalyst and final SBA-15 content have been established.
New nanocomposites based on polyethylene have been prepared by in situ polymerization of ethylene in presence of mesoporous MCM-41. The polymerization reactions were performed using a zirconocene catalyst either under homogenous conditions or supported onto mesoporous MCM-41 particles, which are synthesized and decorated post-synthesis with two silanes before polymerization in order to promote an enhanced interfacial adhesion. The existence of polyethylene chains able to crystallize within the mesoporous channels in the resulting nanocomposites is figured out from the small endothermic process, located at around 80 C, on heating calorimetric experiments, in addition to the main melting endotherm. These results indicate that polyethylene macrochains can grow up during polymerization either outside or inside the MCM-41 channels, these keeping their regular hexagonal arrangements. Mechanical response is observed to be dependent on the content in mesoporous MCM-41 and on the crystalline features of polyethylene. Accordingly, stiffness increases and deformability decreases in the nanocomposites as much as MCM-41 content is enlarged and polyethylene amount within channels is raised. Ultimate mechanical performance improves with MCM-41 incorporation without varying the final processing temperature.
Stress serves as an adaptive mechanism and helps organisms to cope with life-threatening situations. However, individual vulnerability to stress and dysregulation of this system may precipitate stress-related disorders such as depression. The neurobiological circuitry in charge of dealing with stressors has been widely studied in animal models. Recently our group has demonstrated a role for lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) through the LPA1 receptor in vulnerability to stress, in particular the lack of this receptor relates to robust decrease of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and induction of anxious and depressive states. Nevertheless, the specific abnormalities in the limbic circuit in reaction to stress remains unclear. The aim of this study is to examine the differences in the brain activation pattern in the presence or absence of LPA1 receptor after acute stress. For this purpose, we have studied the response of maLPA1-null male mice and normal wild type mice to an intense stressor: Tail Suspension Test. Activation induced by behaviour of brain regions involved in mood regulation was analysed by stereological quantification of c-Fos immunoreactive positive cells. We also conducted multidimensional scaling analysis in order to unravel coativation between structures. Our results revealed hyperactivity of stress-related structures such as amygdala and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in the knockout model and different patterns of coactivation in both genotypes using a multidimensional map. This data provides further evidence to the engagement of the LPA1 receptors in stress regulation and sheds light on different neural pathways under normal and vulnerability conditions that can lead to mood disorders.