627 resultados para Superlattices (SLs)


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El uso de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica (FRP) emerge como alternativa al hormigón convencionalmente armado con acero debido a la mayor resistencia a la corrosión de dichos materiales. El presente estudio investiga el comportamiento en servicio de vigas de hormigón armadas con barras de FRP mediante un análisis teórico y experimental. Se presentan los resultados experimentales de veintiséis vigas de hormigón armadas con barras de material compuesto de fibra de vidrio (GFRP) y una armada con acero, todas ellas ensayadas a flexión de cuatro puntos. Los resultados experimentales son analizados y comparados con algunos de los modelos de predicción más significativos de flechas y fisuración, observándose, en general, una predicción adecuada del comportamiento experimental hasta cargas de servicio. El análisis de sección fisurada (CSA) estima la carga última con precisión, aunque se registra un incremento de la flecha experimental para cargas superiores a las de servicio. Esta diferencia se atribuye a la influencia de las deformaciones por esfuerzo cortante y se calcula experimentalmente. Se presentan los aspectos principales que influyen en los estados límites de servicio: tensiones de los materiales, ancho máximo de fisura y flecha máxima permitida. Se presenta una metodología para el diseño de dichos elementos bajo las condiciones de servicio. El procedimiento presentado permite optimizar las dimensiones de la sección respecto a metodologías más generales.


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Pollution by toxic compounds is one of the most relevant environmental damages to ecosystems produced by human activity and, therefore, it must be considered in environmental protection and restoration of contaminated sites. According to this purposes, the main goal of this doctoral thesis has been to analyse the impact of several chlorophenols and heavy metals on the microbial communities of two typical Mediterranean soils. The ecological risk concentrations of each pollutant, which have been determined according to respirometric activity and changes in the microbial community composition, and the factors that influence on their effective toxic concentrations (bioavailable pollutants) have been analysed in order to predict their potential impact on different soil ecosystems and provide scientific data for the regulation of the soil protection policies. Moreover, resistant microorganisms with pollutant removal capacities have been isolated from artificially contaminated soil microcosms and tested in axenic cultures, to infer their potential usefulness for bioremediation.


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La desertificació és un problema de degradació de sòls de gran importància en regions àrides, semi-àrides i sub-humides, amb serioses conseqüències ambientals, socials i econòmiques com a resultat de l'impacte d'activitats humanes en combinació amb condicions físiques i medi ambientals desfavorables (UNEP, 1994). L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi va ser el desenvolupament d'una metodologia simple per tal de poder avaluar de forma precisa l'estat i l'evolució de la desertificació a escala local, a través de la creació d'un model anomenat sistema d'indicators de desertificació (DIS). En aquest mateix context, un dels dos objectius específics d'aquesta recerca es va centrar en l'estudi dels factors més importants de degradació de sòls a escala de parcel.la, comportant un extens treball de camp, analisi de laboratori i la corresponent interpretació i discussió dels resultats obtinguts. El segon objectiu específic es va basar en el desenvolupament i aplicació del DIS. L'àrea d'estudi seleccionada va ser la conca de la Serra de Rodes, un ambient típic Mediterràni inclòs en el Parc Natural del Cap de Creus, NE Espanya, el qual ha estat progressivament abandonat pels agricultors durant el segle passat. Actualment, els incendis forestals així com el canvi d'ús del sòl i especialment l'abandonament de terres són considerats els problemes ambientals més importants a l'àrea d'estudi (Dunjó et al., 2003). En primer lloc, es va realitzar l'estudi dels processos i causes de la degradació dels sòls a l'àrea d'interés. En base a aquest coneixement, es va dur a terme la identificació i selecció dels indicadors de desertificació més rellevants. Finalment, els indicadors de desertificació seleccionats a escala de conca, incloent l'erosió del sòl i l'escolament superficial, es van integrar en un model espaial de procés. Ja que el sòl és considerat el principal indicador dels processos d'erosió, segons la FAO/UNEP/UNESCO (1979), tant el paisatge original així com els dos escenaris d'ús del sòl desenvolupats, un centrat en el cas hipotétic del pas d'un incendi forestal, i l'altre un paisatge completament cultivat, poden ser ambients classificats sota baixa o moderada degradació. En comparació amb l'escenari original, els dos escenaris creats van revelar uns valors més elevats d'erosió i escolament superficial, i en particular l'escenari cultivat. Per tant, aquests dos hipotètic escenaris no semblen ser una alternativa sostenible vàlida als processos de degradació que es donen a l'àrea d'estudi. No obstant, un ampli ventall d'escenaris alternatius poden ser desenvolupats amb el DIS, tinguent en compte les polítiques d'especial interés per la regió de manera que puguin contribuir a determinar les conseqüències potencials de desertificació derivades d'aquestes polítiques aplicades en aquest escenari tan complexe espaialment. En conclusió, el model desenvolupat sembla ser un sistema força acurat per la identificació de riscs presents i futurs, així com per programar efectivament mesures per combatre la desertificació a escala de conca. No obstant, aquesta primera versió del model presenta varies limitacions i la necessitat de realitzar més recerca en cas de voler desenvolupar una versió futura i millor del DIS.


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La tesi doctoral és un estudi de l'evolució del paisatge de les closes de l'Alt Empordà entre els anys 1957 i 2001. Dins el marc teòric s'hi explora el concepte de paisatge cultural agrari tradicional, es fa una introducció de les aportacions que fa la geografia històrica a l'estudi de les closes arreu d'Europa i es presenten els fonaments de l'ecologia del paisatge. La recerca es basa en la fotointerpretació de fotografies aèries ampliades i l'aplicació d'índexs espacials propis de l'ecologia del paisatge per a l'anàlisi de l'evolució de l'estructura del paisatge. Es complementa amb la realització d'entrevistes personals als gestors del paisatge per tal de conèixer com han dut a terme la gestió de les closes al llarg del període estudiat. Es combinen ambdós tipus d'informació a través de la tècnica estadística de la regressió logística multinomial per tal de descobrir el funcionament de les interaccions entre aquests àmbits.


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Neste estudo, propomos uma nova metodologia para a produção de nanopartículas poliméricas formadas a partir de um polímero do tipo polimetacrilato -Eudragit L100. O papel da nanomoagem húmida na redução do tamanho das partículas do pó Eudragit L100 foi investigada através da caracterização de diversos parâmetros importantes, tais como: o tamanho das esferas de moagem, a concentração e tipo de estabilizadores das nanosuspensões, a concentração do polímero, a velocidade de agitação do nanomoínho e, por último o tempo de moagem. Com o objectivo final de se obter um pó seco que permita uma melhor manipulação e armazenamento destas partículas, as metodologias de liofilização e de secagem por aerossol foram comparadas. As nanopartículas optimizadas foram testadas em soluções electrolíticas e acídicas, que mimetizam as condições fisiológicas encontradas no tracto gastrointestinal humano. Foi demonstrado que é necessária a combinação de dois tipos diferentes de estabilizadores (eletrostático (SLS) e estérico (PVA)) para se obterem nanopartículas com dimensões na escala nanométrica, bem como uma melhor redispersão destas partículas em soluções electrolíticas e ácidicas que simulam as condições fisiológicas in vivo. Outros estudos serão posteriormente realizados com a finalidade de se produzir por esta técnica nanopartículas que encapsulem compostos bioactivos, com o intuito de melhorar a solubilidade e/ou biodisponibilidade dos compostos encapsulados in vivo.


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In this work we report the structural characteristics of bovine serum albumin/poly(ethylene glycol) lipid conjugate (BSA/PEG(2000)-PE) complexes under physiological conditions (37 degrees C and pH 7.4) for particular fractions of BSA to PEG-lipid concentration, CBSA/C-PEG2000-PE. Ultraviolet fluorescence spectroscopy (UV) results shown that PEG(2000)-PE is associated to BSA, leading to;protein unfolding for fixed C-BSA = 0.01 wt % and variable C-PEG2000-PE = 0.0015-0.6 wt %. Tryptophan groups on the BSA surface are in contact with the PEG-lipid at C-PEG2000-PE = 0.0015 wt %, while they are exposed to water at C-PEG2000-PE (>)0.0015 wt %. Dynamic and static light scattering (DLS and SLS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) point out the existence of individual BSAIPEG-lipid complexes in the system for fixed C-BSA = 1 wt % and variable C-PEG2000-PE = 0.15-2 wt %. DLS shows that there is only one BSA molecule per protein/PEG-lipid complex, while SLS shows that the PEG-lipid associates to the BSA without promoting aggregation between adjacent protein/ polymer-lipid conjugate complexes. SANS was used to show that BSA/PEG(2000)-PE complexes adopt an oblate ellipsoidal shape. Partially unfolded BSA is contained in the core of the oblate ellipsoid, which is surrounded by an external shell containing the PEG(2000)-PE.


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A pharmacokinetic hypothesis of stratum corneum with two parallel pathways, lipophilic and porous hydrophilic, is not well documented yet. Still questionable is the localization of the pores, and the present experiments were designed to elucidate the contribution of extracellular lipids and intracellular keratin to the structure of this pathway. Percutaneous penetration of baclofen, a model zwitterion, was studied in vitro using human cadaver skin. Aqueous or ethanolic saturated solutions of the drug (Cs = 4.6 and 0.4 mg/ mL, respectively) were applied on the skin that was pretreated with: methanol/chloroform (Me/Ch) or acetone-chloroform (Ac/Ch) (1:1) mixtures, or with these solvents followed by 0.2% solution of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). As controls, baclofen penetration through the intact full-thickness skin was determined, and the fluxes were 0.18 ±0.08 and 0.14 ±0.07 µg/cm2/h for aqueous and ethanolic solutions, respectively. When Me/Ch was used for 1 h, an expected increase of the penetration was observed, but the lag time, Tlag, was still nearly 20 h. When the less polar mixture, Ac/Ch, was used, no flux enhancement was observed, and with ethanol as the vehicle, decreased penetration was even noted. No effect on baclofen penetration was observed when SLS was used for 1 h after delipidization of the skin was done with either the Me/Ch or Ac/Ch mixture. The results suggest that the polar pathway may be located intercellularly and comprises aqueous regions surrounded by polar lipids, which create the walls of such microchannels.


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Lettuce is an important leafy vegetable, consumed across the world, containing bitter sesquiterpenoid lactone (SL) compounds that may negatively affect consumer acceptance and consumption. We assessed liking of samples with differing absolute abundance and different ratios of bitter:sweet compounds by analysing recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from an interspecific lettuce mapping population derived from a cross between a wild (L. serriola acc. UC96US23) and domesticated lettuce, (L. sativa, cv. Salinas). We found that the ratio of bitter:sweet compounds was a key determinant of bitterness perception and liking. We were able to demonstrate that SLs such as 8-deoxylactucin-15-sulphate contribute most strongly to bitterness perception, whilst 15-p-hydroxylphenylacetyllactucin-8-sulphate does not contribute to bitter taste. Glucose was the sugar most highly correlated with sweetness perception. There is a genetic basis to the biochemical composition of lettuce. This information will be useful in lettuce breeding programmes in order to produce leaves with more favourable taste profiles.


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Aim To evaluate the influence of resorbable membranes on hard tissue alterations and osseointegration at implants placed into extraction sockets in a dog model. Material and methods In the mandibular premolar region, implants were installed immediately into the extraction sockets of six Labrador dogs. Collagen-resorbable membranes were placed at the test sites, while the control sites were left uncovered. Implants were intended to heal in a submerged mode. After 4 months of healing, the animals were sacrificed, and ground sections were obtained for histomorphometric evaluation. Results After 4 months of healing, a control implant was not integrated (n=5). Both at the test and at the control sites, bone resorption occurred. While the most coronal bone-to-implant contact was similar between the test and the control sites, the alveolar bone crest outline was maintained to a higher degree at the buccal aspect of the test sites (loss: 1.7 mm) compared with the control sites (loss: 2.2 mm). Conclusions The use of collagen-resorbable membranes at implants immediately placed into extraction sockets contributed to a partial (23%) preservation of the buccal outline of the alveolar process. To cite this article:Caneva M, Botticelli D, Salata LA, Souza SLS, Carvalho Cardoso L, Lang NP. Collagen membranes at immediate implants: a histomorphometric study in dogs.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 891-897.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.01946.x.


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Objectives The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the acellular dermal matrix (ADM) as a membrane for guided bone regeneration (GBR), in comparison with a bioabsorbable membrane. Material and methods In seven dogs, the mandibular pre-molars were extracted. After 8 weeks, one bone defect was surgically created bilaterally and the GBR was performed. Each side was randomly assigned to the control group (CG: bioabsorbable membrane made of glycolide and lactide copolymer) or the test group (TG: ADM as a membrane). Immediately following GBR, standardized digital X-ray radiographs were taken, and were repeated at 8 and 16 weeks post-operatively. Before the GBR and euthanasia, clinical measurements of the width and thickness of the keratinized tissue (WKT and TKT, respectively) were performed. One animal was excluded from the study due to complications in the TG during wound healing; therefore, six dogs remained in the sample. The dogs were sacrificed 16 weeks following GBR, and a histomorphometric analysis was performed. Area measurements of new tissue and new bone, and linear measurements of bone height were performed. Results Post-operative healing of the CG was uneventful. In the TG membrane was exposed in two animals, and one of them was excluded from the sample. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups for any histomorphometric measurement. Clinically, both groups showed an increase in the TKT and a reduction in the WKT. Radiographically, an image suggestive of new bone formation could be observed in both groups at 8 and 16 weeks following GBR. Conclusion ADM acted as a barrier in GBR, with clinical, radiographic and histomorphometric results similar to those obtained with the bioabsorbable membrane. To cite this article:Borges GJ, Novaes AB Jr, de Moraes Grisi MF, Palioto DB, Taba M Jr, de Souza SLS. Acellular dermal matrix as a barrier in guided bone regeneration: a clinical, radiographic and histomorphometric study in dogs.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 1105-1115.


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Aim To evaluate the influence of magnesium-enriched hydroxyapatite (MHA) (SintLife (R)) on bone contour preservation and osseointegration at implants placed immediately into extraction sockets. Material and methods In the mandibular pre-molar region, implants were installed immediately into extraction sockets of six Labrador dogs. MHA was placed at test sites, while the control sites did not receive augmentation materials. Implants were intended to heal in a submerged mode. After 4 months of healing, the animals were sacrificed, and ground sections were obtained for histomorphometric evaluation. Results After 4 months of healing, one control implant was not integrated leaving n=5 test and control implants for evaluation. Both at the test and the control sites, bone resorption occurred. While the most coronal bone-to-implant contact was similar between test and control sites, the alveolar bony crest outline was maintained to a higher degree at the buccal aspect of the test sites (loss: 0.7 mm) compared with the control sites (loss: 1.2 mm), even though this difference did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions The use of MHA to fill the defect around implants placed into the alveolus immediately after tooth extraction did not contribute significantly to the maintenance of the contours of the buccal alveolar bone crest. To cite this article:Caneva M, Botticelli D, Stellini E, Souza SLS, Salata LA, Lang NP. Magnesium-enriched hydroxyapatite at immediate implants: a histomorphometric study in dogs.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22, 2011; 512-517doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.02040.x.


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Aim To compare the remodeling of the alveolar process at implants installed immediately into extraction sockets by applying a flap or a ""flapless"" surgical approach in a dog model. Material and methods Implants were installed immediately into the distal alveoli of the second mandibular premolars of six Labrador dogs. In one side of the mandible, a full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap was elevated (control site), while contra-laterally, the mucosa was gently dislocated, but not elevated (test site) to disclose the alveolar crest. After 4 months of healing, the animals were sacrificed, ground sections were obtained and a histomorphometric analysis was performed. Results After 4 months of healing, all implants were integrated (n=6). Both at the test and at the control sites, bone resorption occurred with similar outcomes. The buccal bony crest resorption was 1.7 and 1.5 mm at the control and the test sites, respectively. Conclusions ""Flapless"" implant placement into extraction sockets did not result in the prevention of alveolar bone resorption and did not affect the dimensional changes of the alveolar process following tooth extraction when compared with the usual placement of implants raising mucoperiosteal flaps. To cite this article:Caneva M, Botticelli D, Salata LA, Souza SLS, Bressan E, Lang NP. Flap vs. ""flapless"" surgical approach at immediate implants: a histomorphometric study in dogs.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 1314-1319.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2009.01959.x.


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This paper reports a direct observation of an interesting split of the (022)(022) four-beam secondary peak into two (022) and (022) three-beam peaks, in a synchrotron radiation Renninger scan (phi-scan), as an evidence of the layer tetragonal distortion in two InGaP/GaAs (001) epitaxial structures with different thicknesses. The thickness, composition, (a perpendicular to) perpendicular lattice parameter, and (01) in-plane lattice parameter of the two epitaxial ternary layers were obtained from rocking curves (omega-scan) as well as from the simulation of the (022)(022) split, and then, it allowed for the determination of the perpendicular and parallel (in-plane) strains. Furthermore, (022)(022) omega:phi mappings were measured in order to exhibit the multiple diffraction condition of this four-beam case with their split measurement.