1000 resultados para Suomalaisen koulutuspolitiikan murros 1990-luvulla


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Information concerning standard design practices and details for the Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) was provided to the research team. This was reviewed in detail so that the researchers would be familiar with the terminology and standard construction details. A comprehensive literature review was completed to gather information concerning constructability concepts applicable to bridges. It was determined that most of the literature deals with constructability as a general topic with only a limited amount of literature with specific concepts for bridge design and construction. Literature was also examined concerning the development of appropriate microcomputer databases. These activities represent completion of Task 1 as identified in the study.


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Kirjoitus perustuu kesällä 2005 Turun yliopistossa tarkastettuun lisensiaatintutkimukseen


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There are still many vintage portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements, 18 ft wide (5.4 m), dating back to pre-World War II era in use today. Successive overlays have been placed to cover joints and to improve rideability. The average thickness of the existing asphalt cement concrete (ACC) along route E66 in Tama County, Iowa, was 6.13 in. (15.6 cm). The rehabilitation strategy called for widening the base using the top 3 in. (7.6 cm) of the existing ACC by a recycling process involving cold milling and mixing with additional emulsion/rejuvenator. The material was then placed into a widening trench and compacted to match the level of the milled surface. This project was undertaken to develop a rehabilitation methodology to widen these older pavements economically and to have a finished surface capable of carrying traffic with little or no additional work.


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The Iowa Diabetes Prevention and Control Program provides educational opportunities for health care providers via the Iowa Communications Network interactive fiber optic system. The program also certifies diabetes outpatient education programs in Iowa.


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The primary objective of this project is to develop a design manual that would aid the county or municipal engineer in making structurally sound bridge strengthening or replacement decisions. The contents of this progress report are related only to Phase I of the study and deal primarily with defining the extent of the bridge problem in Iowa. In addition, the types of bridges to which the manual should be directed have been defined.


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The concept of rubblizing existing concrete pavement prior to the placement of an asphaltic cement concrete overlay has been around for several years and, in fact, has been tried successfully in the states of New York, Michigan, and Ohio. With available construction and maintenance dollars usually not meeting the demands of the needed work, much of the necessary rehabilitation of existing Portland cement concrete pavements is not being completed when it would be most beneficial. Research project HR-315, "Iowa Development of Rubblized Concrete", has been undertaken to determine the effects of rubblized concrete pavement base as it affects the cracking pattern and longevity of the ACC overlay.


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Leena Kolehmainen: Saksan ja suomen verbien morfologiaa, fraseologiaa, semantiikkaa ja valenssinmuutoksia ; Annekatrin Kaivapalu: Lähdekieli kielenoppimisen apuna ; Katja Huumo: Tieteen suomen suuntaviivat ; Paula Sjöblom: Nimellä on merkitystä ; Minna Sääskilahti: Vapise, kuningas alkoholi. Alkoholivalistuksen tekstilaji ja sen muuttuminen vuosien 1755 ja 2001 välisenä aikana


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