938 resultados para Submarine Pipelines
In this paper we study the optimal natural gas commitment for a known demand scenario. This study implies the best location of GSUs to supply all demands and the optimal allocation from sources to gas loads, through an appropriate transportation mode, in order to minimize total system costs. Our emphasis is on the formulation and use of a suitable optimization model, reflecting real-world operations and the constraints of natural gas systems. The mathematical model is based on a Lagrangean heuristic, using the Lagrangean relaxation, an efficient approach to solve the problem. Computational results are presented for Iberian and American natural gas systems, geographically organized in 65 and 88 load nodes, respectively. The location model results, supported by the computational application GasView, show the optimal location and allocation solution, system total costs and suggest a suitable gas transportation mode, presented in both numerical and graphic supports.
To comply with natural gas demand growth patterns and Europe´s import dependency, the gas industry needs to organize an efficient upstream infrastructure. The best location of Gas Supply Units – GSUs and the alternative transportation mode – by phisical or virtual pipelines, are the key of a successful industry. In this work we study the optimal location of GSUs, as well as determining the most efficient allocation from gas loads to sources, selecting the best transportation mode, observing specific technical restrictions and minimizing system total costs. For the location of GSUs on system we use the P-median problem, for assigning gas demands nodes to source facilities we use the classical transportation problem. The developed model is an optimisation-based approach, based on a Lagrangean heuristic, using Lagrangean relaxation for P-median problems – Simple Lagrangean Heuristic. The solution of this heuristic can be improved by adding a local search procedure - the Lagrangean Reallocation Heuristic. These two heuristics, Simple Lagrangean and Lagrangean Reallocation, were tested on a realistic network - the primary Iberian natural gas network, organized with 65 nodes, connected by physical and virtual pipelines. Computational results are presented for both approaches, showing the location gas sources and allocation loads arrangement, system total costs and gas transportation mode.
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (Ecologia Marinha), 26 de Novembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em hidráulica
Host-symbiont interactions in the deep-sea vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus : a molecular approach
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, especialidade de Biologia Marinha, 19 de Dezembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.
Samples of volcanic rocks from Alboran Island, the Alboran Sea floor and from the Gourougou volcanic centre in northern Morocco have been analyzed for major and trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopes to test current theories on the tectonic geodynamic evolution of the Alboran Sea. The Alboran Island samples are low-K tholeiitic basaltic andesites whose depleted contents of HFS elements (similar to0.5xN-MORB), especially Nb (similar to0.2xN-MORB), show marked geochemical parallels with volcanics from immature intra-oceanic arcs and back-arc basins. Several of the submarine samples have similar compositions, one showing low-Ca boninite affinity. Nd-143/Nd-144 ratios fall in the same range as many island-arc and back-arc basin samples, whereas Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (on leached samples) are somewhat more radiogenic. Our data point to active subduction taking place beneath the Alboran region in Miocene times, and imply the presence of an associated back-arc spreading centre. Our sea floor suite includes a few more evolved dacite and rhyolite samples with (Sr-87/Sr-86)(0) up to 0.717 that probably represent varying degrees of crustal melting. The shoshonite and high-K basaltic andesite lavas from Gourougou have comparable normalized incompatible-element enrichment diagrams and Ce/Y ratios to shoshonitic volcanics from oceanic island arcs, though they have less pronounced Nb deficits. They are much less LIL- and LREE-enriched than continental arc analogues and post-collisional shoshonites from Tibet. The magmas probably originated by melting in subcontinental lithospheric mantle that had experienced negligible subduction input. Sr-Nd isotope compositions point to significant crustal contamination which appears to account for the small Nb anomalies. The unmistakable supra-subduction zone (SSZ) signature shown by our Alboran basalts and basaltic andesite samples refutes geodynamic models that attribute all Neogene volcanism in the Alboran domain to decompression melting of upwelling asthenosphere arising from convective thinning of over-thickened lithosphere. Our data support recent models in which subsidence is caused by westward rollback of an eastward-dipping subduction zone beneath the westemmost Mediterranean. Moreover, severance of the lithosphere at the edges of the rolling-back slab provides opportunities for locally melting lithospheric mantle, providing a possible explanation for the shoshonitic volcanism seen in northern Morocco and more sporadically in SE Spain. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Two Paleogene ocean islands are exposed in the Azuero Peninsula, west Panama, within sequences accreted in the early-Middle Eocene. A multidisciplinary approach involving litho-logic mapping, paleontological age determinations, and petrological study allows reconstruction of the stratigraphy and magmatic evolution of one of these intraplate oceanic volcanoes. From base to top, the volcano's structure comprises submarine basaltic lava flows locally interlayered with hemipelagic sediments, basaltic breccias, shallow-water limestones, and subaerial basaltic lava. Gabbros and basaltic dikes were emplaced along a rift zone of the island. Geochemical trends of basaltic lavas include decreased Mg# {[Mg/(Mg + Fe)] * 100} and, with time, increased incompatible element contents thought to be representative of many poorly documented intraplate volcanoes in the Pacific. Our results show that, in addition to deep drilling, the roots of oceanic islands can be explored through studies of accreted and subaerially exhumed oceanic sequences.
330 km 2 of the easter-n part of the Archean Manitou Lakes - Stormy Lake metavolcanic - metasedimentary belt have been mapped and sampled. A large number of rocks ~.vere analyzed for the major and trace constituents including the rare-earth elements (REE). The Stormy Lake - Kawashegamuk Lake area may be subdivided into four major lithological groups of supracrustal rocks 1) A north-facing mafic assemblage, consisting of pillowed tholeiitic basalts and gabbro sills characterized by flat REE profiles, is exposed in the south part of the map area and belongs to a 8000 m thick homoclinal assemblage outside the map area. Felsic pyroclastic rocks believed to have been issued from a large central vent conformably overlie the tholeiites. 2) A dominantly epiclastic group facing to the north consists of terrestrial deposits interpreted to be an alluvial fan deposit ; a submarine facies is represented by turbiditic sediments. 3) The northeastern part of the study area consists of volcanic rocks belonging to two mafic - felsic cycles facing to the southuest ; andesitic flows with fractionated REE patterns make up a large part of the upper cycle, whereas the lower cycle has a stronger chemical polarity being represented by tholeiitic flows, with flat REE, which a r e succeeded by dacitic and rhyolitic pyroclasti cs. iii 4) A thick monotonous succession of tholeiitic pillmled basalt f lows and gabbro sills with flat REE represent the youngest supracrustal rocks. TIle entire belt underwent folding, faulting and granitic plutonism during a tectono-thermal event around 2700 Ma ago. Rocks exposed in the map area were subjected to regional greenschist facies metamorphism, but higher metamorphic grades are present near late granitic intrusions. Geochemical studies have been useful in 1) distinguishing the various rock units ; 2) relating volcanic and intrusive rocks 3) studying the significance of chemical changes due to post magmatic processes 4) determining the petrogenesis of the major volcanic rock types. In doing so, two major volcanic suites have been recognized : a) a tholeiitic suite, mostly represented by mafic rocks, was derived from partial melting of upper mantle material depleted in Ti, K and the light REE ; b) a calc-alkalic suite which evolved from partial melting of amphibolite in the lower crust. The more differentiated magma types have been produced by a multistage process involving partial melting and fractional crystallization to yield a continuum of compos i t i ons ranging from basaltic andesite to rhyolite. A model for the development of the eastern part of the Manitou Lakes - Stormy Lake belt has been proposed.
The interior layered deposit (ILD) in Ganges Chasma, Valles Marineris, is a 4.25 km high mound that extends approximately 110 km from west to east. The deposition, deformation, and erosion history of the Ganges ILD records aids in identifying the processes that formed and shaped the Chasma. To interpret structural and geomorphic processes acting on the ILD, multiple layer attitudes and layer thickness transects were conducted on the Ganges ILD. Mineralogical data was analyzed to determine correlations between materials and landforms. Layer thickness measurements indicate that the majority of layers are between 0.5 m and 4 m throughout the ILD. Three major benches dominate the Ganges ILD. Layer thicknesses increase at the ILD benches, suggesting that the benches are formed from the gradual thickening of layers. This indicates that the benches are depositional features draping over basement topography. Layer attitudes indicate overall shallow dips generally confined to a North-South direction that locally appear to follow bench topography. Layering is disrupted on a scale of 40 m to 150 m in 12 separate locations throughout the ILD. In all locations, underlying layering is disturbed by overlying folded layers in a trough-like geometry. These features are interpreted to have formed as submarine channels in a lacustrine setting, subsequently infilled by sediments. Subsequently, the channels were eroded to the present topography, resulting in the thin, curved layering observed. Data cannot conclusively support one ILD formation hypothesis, but does indicate that the Ganges ILD postdates Chasma formation. The presence of water altered minerals, consistently thin layering, and layer orientations provide strong evidence that the ILD formed in a lacustrine setting.
Affiliation: Centre Robert-Cedergren de l'Université de Montréal en bio-informatique et génomique & Département de biochimie, Université de Montréal
La technologie des microarrays demeure à ce jour un outil important pour la mesure de l'expression génique. Au-delà de la technologie elle-même, l'analyse des données provenant des microarrays constitue un problème statistique complexe, ce qui explique la myriade de méthodes proposées pour le pré-traitement et en particulier, l'analyse de l'expression différentielle. Toutefois, l'absence de données de calibration ou de méthodologie de comparaison appropriée a empêché l'émergence d'un consensus quant aux méthodes d'analyse optimales. En conséquence, la décision de l'analyste de choisir telle méthode plutôt qu'une autre se fera la plupart du temps de façon subjective, en se basant par exemple sur la facilité d'utilisation, l'accès au logiciel ou la popularité. Ce mémoire présente une approche nouvelle au problème de la comparaison des méthodes d'analyse de l'expression différentielle. Plus de 800 pipelines d'analyse sont appliqués à plus d'une centaine d'expériences sur deux plateformes Affymetrix différentes. La performance de chacun des pipelines est évaluée en calculant le niveau moyen de co-régulation par l'entremise de scores d'enrichissements pour différentes collections de signatures moléculaires. L'approche comparative proposée repose donc sur un ensemble varié de données biologiques pertinentes, ne confond pas la reproductibilité avec l'exactitude et peut facilement être appliquée à de nouvelles méthodes. Parmi les méthodes testées, la supériorité de la sommarisation FARMS et de la statistique de l'expression différentielle TREAT est sans équivoque. De plus, les résultats obtenus quant à la statistique d'expression différentielle corroborent les conclusions d'autres études récentes à propos de l'importance de prendre en compte la grandeur du changement en plus de sa significativité statistique.
La microscopie par fluorescence de cellules vivantes produit de grandes quantités de données. Ces données sont composées d’une grande diversité au niveau de la forme des objets d’intérêts et possèdent un ratio signaux/bruit très bas. Pour concevoir un pipeline d’algorithmes efficaces en traitement d’image de microscopie par fluorescence, il est important d’avoir une segmentation robuste et fiable étant donné que celle-ci constitue l’étape initiale du traitement d’image. Dans ce mémoire, je présente MinSeg, un algorithme de segmentation d’image de microscopie par fluorescence qui fait peu d’assomptions sur l’image et utilise des propriétés statistiques pour distinguer le signal par rapport au bruit. MinSeg ne fait pas d’assomption sur la taille ou la forme des objets contenus dans l’image. Par ce fait, il est donc applicable sur une grande variété d’images. Je présente aussi une suite d’algorithmes pour la quantification de petits complexes dans des expériences de microscopie par fluorescence de molécules simples utilisant l’algorithme de segmentation MinSeg. Cette suite d’algorithmes a été utilisée pour la quantification d’une protéine nommée CENP-A qui est une variante de l’histone H3. Par cette technique, nous avons trouvé que CENP-A est principalement présente sous forme de dimère.
Ce mémoire propose une analyse de l’expansion internationale de la China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) et des impacts de cette expansion sur la sécurité énergétique de la Chine. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, l’approvisionnement énergétique d’un pays est jugé sécuritaire lorsqu’une quantité suffisante de ressources nécessaires pour combler sa demande en énergie sont présentes, disponibles et accessibles et que son approvisionnement en services énergétiques demeure fiable et abordable. La recherche comporte quatre volets. Le premier volet porte sur les étapes de la restructuration de l’industrie pétrolière chinoise depuis 1949. Celle-ci est analysée au travers des changements dans les modes de gestion des compagnies pétrolières nationales et dans leurs relations avec le gouvernement chinois. Le deuxième volet traite de la diversification et des nouvelles spécialisations de CNPC. Ces aspects sont étudiés dans le cadre d’une analyse du pourcentage de ses actifs dans chaque segment industriel (aval, intermédiaire et amont) obtenus grâce à ses rapports annuels. Le troisième volet aborde la répartition géographique des activités de la compagnie que l’on étudie à l’aide d’une analyse approfondie de près de 150 investissements, acquisitions et contrats réalisés à l’étranger entre 1992 et 2014. Le quatrième volet aborde les impacts des investissements à l’étranger de la compagnie sur la sécurité énergétique de la Chine. Ces impacts sont mesurés par l’entremise d’une analyse des flux pétroliers internationaux vers la Chine que l’on compare à la production de CNPC par pays. Ce mémoire permet de déterminer que l’expansion internationale de CNPC sert d’abord et avant tout les intérêts économiques de la compagnie. Ce sont surtout ses investissements dans la construction d’infrastructures de transport (oléoducs, gazoducs ainsi que les usines et terminaux de liquéfaction de gaz naturel liquéfié) qui apportent des bénéfices directs à la sécurité énergétique de la Chine. La contribution des investissements dans les autres secteurs est beaucoup moins systématique et dépend largement de la période au cours de laquelle ils ont été effectués.
Tsunamis are water waves generated by a sudden vertical displacement of the water surface. They are waves generated in the ocean by the disturbance associated with seismic activity, under sea volcanic eruptions, submarine landslides, nuclear explosion or meteorite impacts with the ocean. These waves are generated in the ocean and travel into coastal bays, gulfs, estuaries and rivers. These waves travel as gravity waves with a velocity dependent on water depth. The term tsunami is Japanese and means harbour (tsu) and wave (nami). It has been named so because such waves often develop resonant phenomena in harbours after offshore earthquakes.
The present study led to the recognition of Natrinema sp. BTSH 10 isolated from saltern ponds, as an ideal candidate species for production of gelatinase, which was noted as a halozyme capable of showing enzyme activity in the presence of 15% NaCl. Results obtained during the course of the present study indicated potential for application of this enzyme in industrial catalysis that are performed in the presence of high concentrations of salt. The enzyme characteristics noted with this gelatinase also indicate the scope for probable applications in leather industry, meat tenderization, production of fish sauce and soy sauce. Since halophilic proteases are tolerant to organic solvents, they could be used in antifouling coating preparations used to prevent biofouling of submarine equipments. The gelatinase from haloarchaea could be considered as a probable candidate for peptide synthesis. However, further studies are warranted on this haloarcheal gelatinase particularly on structure elucidation and enzyme engineering to suit a wide range of applications. There is immense scope for developing this halozyme as an industrial enzyme once thorough biochemistry of this gelatinase is studied and a pilot scale study is conducted towards industrial production of this enzyme under fermentation is facilitated. Based on the present study it is concluded that haloarchaea Natrinema sp. that inhabit solar saltern ponds are ideal source for deriving industrially important halozymes and molecular studies on enzymes are prerequisite for their probable industrial applications. This is the first time this species of archaea is recognized as a source of gelatinase enzyme that has potential for industrial applications.