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Ternary compatible blends of chitosan, poly(vinyl alcohol), and poly(lactic acid) were prepared by an oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion process. Solutions of chitosan in aqueous acetic acid, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in water, and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) in chloroform were blended with a high shear mixer. PVA was used as an emulsifier to stabilize the emulsion and to reduce the interfacial tension between the solid polymers in the blends-produced. It proved to work very well because the emulsions were stable for periods of days or weeks and compatible blends were obtained When PVA was added. This effect was attributed to a synergistic effect of PVA and chitosan because the binary blends PVA/PLA and chitosan/PLA were completely incompatible; The blends were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermal mechanical analysis (TMA), stress strain tests, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results indicated that despite the fact that the system contained distinct phases some degree of molecular miscibility occurred when the three components were present in the blend.


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Collapsible soils are usually nonsaturated, low density, and metastable-structured soils that are known to exhibit a volume reduction following an episode of moisture increase or suction reduction. This paper describes the collapsible behavior of clayey sand based on controlled soil suction tests carried out on undisturbed samples from the city of Pereira Barreto, in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Foundation settlements due to soil collapse are common in this region and occurred during the filling of the reservoir of the Tres Irmaos Dam, which induced the elevation of the groundwater table in different parts of Pereira Barreto. This paper shows that collapse strains depend on the stress and soil suction acting in the sample and that saturation is not necessary for a collapse to occur. The influence of soil suction, gradual wetting, and the wetting and drying cycle on the collapsible behavior of the soil is also shown and discussed.


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Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) represents. about 50% of the total Brazilian municipal solid waste: thus, recycling represents huge benefits both in environmental and economic perspectives. Herein, the chemical characterization results of three samples from two different recycling plants from the State of Sao Paulo is prevented. The results demonstrated that the visual classification into grey and red is not related to the chemical composition but mostly to the grain size fraction. The chemical composition of the CDW varies according to the content of cement paste, natural aggregates (quartz sand or granite), red ceramic and clay. Furthermore, the production of recycled concrete aggregates requires two crushing stages to meet the technical standards. The sand fraction (below 4.8 mm) presents high grades of SiO(2), which indicates the liberation of cement paste to fines (< 0.15 mm). The fines have a great potential to be used in the cement industry.


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This paper presents a new methodology to estimate unbalanced harmonic distortions in a power system, based on measurements of a limited number of given sites. The algorithm utilizes evolutionary strategies (ES), a development branch of evolutionary algorithms. The problem solving algorithm herein proposed makes use of data from various power quality meters, which can either be synchronized by high technology GPS devices or by using information from a fundamental frequency load flow, what makes the overall power quality monitoring system much less costly. The ES based harmonic estimation model is applied to a 14 bus network to compare its performance to a conventional Monte Carlo approach. It is also applied to a 50 bus subtransmission network in order to compare the three-phase and single-phase approaches as well as the robustness of the proposed method. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a new methodology to estimate harmonic distortions in a power system, based on measurements of a limited number of given sites. The algorithm utilizes evolutionary strategies (ES), a development branch of evolutionary algorithms. The main advantage in using such a technique relies upon its modeling facilities as well as its potential to solve fairly complex problems. The problem-solving algorithm herein proposed makes use of data from various power-quality (PQ) meters, which can either be synchronized by high technology global positioning system devices or by using information from a fundamental frequency load flow. This second approach makes the overall PQ monitoring system much less costly. The algorithm is applied to an IEEE test network, for which sensitivity analysis is performed to determine how the parameters of the ES can be selected so that the algorithm performs in an effective way. Case studies show fairly promising results and the robustness of the proposed method.


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A new, simple approach for modeling and assessing the operation and response of the multiline voltage-source controller (VSC)-based flexible ac transmission system controllers, namely the generalized interline power-flow controller (GIPFC) and the interline power-flow controller (IPFC), is presented in this paper. The model and the analysis developed are based on the converters` power balance method which makes use of the d-q orthogonal coordinates to thereafter present a direct solution for these controllers through a quadratic equation. The main constraints and limitations that such devices present while controlling the two independent ac systems considered, will also be evaluated. In order to examine and validate the steady-state model initially proposed, a phase-shift VSC-based GIPFC was also built in the Alternate Transients Program program whose results are also included in this paper. Where applicable, a comparative evaluation between the GIPFC and the IPFC is also presented.


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The paper presents and discusses experimental procedures, visual observations and test results considered important to obtain data that can be used in validation of constitutive relations and failure criteria. The aim is to investigate the combined effects of stress intensity, stress-triaxiality and Lode parameter on the material response and failure behavior of aluminum alloys. Smooth and pre-notched tensile and shear specimens were manufactured from both very thin sheets and thicker plates to cover a wide range of stress triaxialities and Lode parameters. In addition, modified Arcan specimens were designed allowing investigation of the effect of sudden changes in stress states and deformation modes on the material behavior. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The application of functionally graded material (FGM) concept to piezoelectric transducers allows the design of composite transducers without interfaces, due to the continuous change of property values. Thus, large improvements can be achieved, as reduction of stress concentration, increasing of bonding strength, and bandwidth. This work proposes to design and to model FGM piezoelectric transducers and to compare their performance with non-FGM ones. Analytical and finite element (FE) modeling of FGM piezoelectric transducers radiating a plane pressure wave in fluid medium are developed and their results are compared. The ANSYS software is used for the FE modeling. The analytical model is based on FGM-equivalent acoustic transmission-line model, which is implemented using MATLAB software. Two cases are considered: (i) the transducer emits a pressure wave in water and it is composed of a graded piezoceramic disk, and backing and matching layers made of homogeneous materials; (ii) the transducer has no backing and matching layer; in this case, no external load is simulated. Time and frequency pressure responses are obtained through a transient analysis. The material properties are graded along thickness direction. Linear and exponential gradation functions are implemented to illustrate the influence of gradation on the transducer pressure response, electrical impedance, and resonance frequencies. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Piezoresistive materials, materials whose resistivity properties change when subjected to mechanical stresses, are widely utilized in many industries as sensors, including pressure sensors, accelerometers, inclinometers, and load cells. Basic piezoresistive sensors consist of piezoresistive devices bonded to a flexible structure, such as a cantilever or a membrane, where the flexible structure transmits pressure, force, or inertial force due to acceleration, thereby causing a stress that changes the resistivity of the piezoresistive devices. By applying a voltage to a piezoresistive device, its resistivity can be measured and correlated with the amplitude of an applied pressure or force. The performance of a piezoresistive sensor is closely related to the design of its flexible structure. In this research, we propose a generic topology optimization formulation for the design of piezoresistive sensors where the primary aim is high response. First, the concept of topology optimization is briefly discussed. Next, design requirements are clarified, and corresponding objective functions and the optimization problem are formulated. An optimization algorithm is constructed based on these formulations. Finally, several design examples of piezoresistive sensors are presented to confirm the usefulness of the proposed method.


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The paper discusses the effect of stress triaxiality on the onset and evolution of damage in ductile metals. A series of tests including shear tests and experiments oil smooth and pre-notched tension specimens wits carried Out for it wide range of stress triaxialities. The underlying continuum damage model is based oil kinematic definition of damage tensors. The modular structure of the approach is accomplished by the decomposition of strain rates into elastic, plastic and damage parts. Free energy functions with respect to fictitious undamaged configurations as well as damaged ones are introduced separately leading to elastic material laws which are affected by increasing damage. In addition, a macroscopic yield condition and a flow rule are used to adequately describe the plastic behavior. Numerical simulations of the experiments are performed and good correlation of tests and numerical results is achieved. Based oil experimental and numerical data the damage criterion formulated in stress space is quantified. Different branches of this function are taken into account corresponding to different damage modes depending oil stress triaxiality and Lode parameter. In addition, identification of material parameters is discussed ill detail. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coaracy Nunes was the first hydroelectric power plant in the Amazon region, being located in Araguari River, Amapa State, Brazil. The plant operates since 1976, presenting now a nominal capacity of 78 MW. The shear pins, which are installed in the turbine hydraulic arms to control the wicket gate and regulate the water flow into the turbine blades, suffered several breakdowns since 2004. These shear pins are made of an ASTM 410 stainless steel and were designed to break by a shear overload of 120 kN. Fractographic investigation of the pins, however, revealed two types of fracture topographies: a region of stable crack propagation area, with non-pronounced striation and secondary cracks; and a region of unstable propagation, featuring elongated dimples. These results indicated that the stable crack propagation occurred by fatigue (bidirectional bending), which was nucleated at machining marks under high nominal load. Finite element analysis was carried out using two loading conditions (pure shear and a combination of shear and bending) and the results indicated that the presence of a bending stress strongly increased the stress concentration factor (85% rise in the shear stress and 130% rise in the Von Mises stress). Misalignment during shear pins assembly associated with vibration might have promoted the premature failure of the shear by bending fatigue. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the stress relaxation behavior of PMMA/PS blends, with or without random copolymer addition, submitted to step shear strain experiments in the linear and nonlinear regime was studied. The effect of blend composition (ranging from 10 to 30 wt.% of dispersed phase), viscosity ratio (ranging from 0.1 to 7.5), and random copolymer addition (for concentrations up to 8 wt.% with respect to the dispersed phase) was evaluated and correlated to the evolution of the morphology of the blends. All blends presented three relaxation stages: a first fast relaxation which was attributed to the relaxation of the pure phases, a second one which was characterized by the presence of a plateau, and a third fast one. The relaxation was shown to be faster for less extended and smaller droplets and to be influenced by coalescence for blends with a dispersed phase concentration larger than 20 wt.%. The relaxation of the blend was strongly influenced by the matrix viscosity. The addition of random copolymer resulted in a slower relaxation of the droplets.


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Conventional procedures used to assess the integrity of corroded piping systems with axial defects generally employ simplified failure criteria based upon a plastic collapse failure mechanism incorporating the tensile properties of the pipe material. These methods establish acceptance criteria for defects based on limited experimental data for low strength structural steels which do not necessarily address specific requirements for the high grade steels currently used. For these cases, failure assessments may be overly conservative or provide significant scatter in their predictions, which lead to unnecessary repair or replacement of in-service pipelines. Motivated by these observations, this study examines the applicability of a stress-based criterion based upon plastic instability analysis to predict the failure pressure of corroded pipelines with axial defects. A central focus is to gain additional insight into effects of defect geometry and material properties on the attainment of a local limit load to support the development of stress-based burst strength criteria. The work provides an extensive body of results which lend further support to adopt failure criteria for corroded pipelines based upon ligament instability analyses. A verification study conducted on burst testing of large-diameter pipe specimens with different defect length shows the effectiveness of a stress-based criterion using local ligament instability in burst pressure predictions, even though the adopted burst criterion exhibits a potential dependence on defect geometry and possibly on material`s strain hardening capacity. Overall, the results presented here suggests that use of stress-based criteria based upon plastic instability analysis of the defect ligament is a valid engineering tool for integrity assessments of pipelines with axial corroded defects. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work describes the development of an engineering approach based upon a toughness scaling methodology incorporating the effects of weld strength mismatch on crack-tip driving forces. The approach adopts a nondimensional Weibull stress, (sigma) over bar (w), as a the near-tip driving force to correlate cleavage fracture across cracked weld configurations with different mismatch conditions even though the loading parameter (measured by J) may vary widely due to mismatch and constraint variations. Application of the procedure to predict the failure strain for an overmatch girth weld made of an API X80 pipeline steel demonstrates the effectiveness of the micromechanics approach. Overall, the results lend strong support to use a Weibull stress based procedure in defect assessments of structural welds.


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The rheological behavior of milk cream was studied for different fat contents (0.10 to 0.31) and for a wide temperature range (2 and 87C) using a rotational rheometer. Newtonian behavior was observed, except for fat content between 0.20 and 0.31 and temperature between 2 and 33C, where viscoplastic behavior was remarkable. The rheological parameters (Newtonian viscosity, plastic viscosity and yield stress) and density were well correlated to temperature and fat content. Tube friction factor during flow of cream was experimentally obtained at various flow rates, temperatures and tube diameters (86 < Re < 2.3 x 104, 38 < Re(B) < 8.8 x 103, 1.1 x 103 < He < 6.7 x 103). The proposed correlations for density and rheological parameters were applied for the prediction of friction factor for laminar and turbulent flow of cream using well-known equations for Newtonian and viscoplastic flow. The good agreement between experimental and predicted values confirms the reliability of the proposed correlations for describing the flow behavior of cream. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS This paper presents correlations for the calculation of density and rheological parameters (Newtonian viscosity, Bingham plastic viscosity and yield stress) of milk cream as functions of temperature (2-87C) and fat content (0.10-0.31). Because of the large temperature range, the proposed correlations are useful for process design and optimization in dairy processing. An example of practical application is presented in the text, where the correlations were applied for the prediction of friction factor for laminar and turbulent tube flow of cream using well-known equations for Newtonian and viscoplastic flow, which are summarized in the text. The comparison with experimental data obtained at various flow rates, temperatures and tube diameters showed a good agreement, which confirms the reliability of the proposed correlations.