853 resultados para Stock market integration


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Purpose – Investors are now able to analyse more noise-free news to inform their trading decisions than ever before. Their expectation that more information means better performance is not supported by previous psychological experiments which argue that too much information actually impairs performance. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the degree of information explicitness improves stock market performance. Design/methodology/approach – An experiment is conducted in a computer laboratory to examine a trading simulation manipulated from a real market-shock. Participants’ performance efficiency and effectiveness are measured separately. Findings – The results indicate that the explicitness of information neither improves nor impairs participants’ performance effectiveness from the perspectives of returns, share and cash positions, and trading volumes. However, participants’ performance efficiency is significantly affected by information explicitness. Originality/value – The novel approach and findings of this research add to the knowledge of the impact of information explicitness on the quality of decision making in a financial market environment.


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This thesis is an empirical-based study of the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and its implications in terms of corporate environmental and financial performance. The novelty of this study includes the extended scope of the data coverage, as most previous studies have examined only the power sector. The use of verified emissions data of ETS-regulated firms as the environmental compliance measure and as the potential differentiating criteria that concern the valuation of EU ETS-exposed firms in the stock market is also an original aspect of this study. The study begins in Chapter 2 by introducing the background information on the emission trading system (ETS), which focuses on (i) the adoption of ETS as an environmental management instrument and (ii) the adoption of ETS by the European Union as one of its central climate policies. Chapter 3 surveys four databases that provide carbon emissions data in order to determine the most suitable source of the data to be used in the later empirical chapters. The first empirical chapter, which is also Chapter 4 of this thesis, investigates the determinants of the emissions compliance performance of the EU ETS-exposed firms through constructing the best possible performance ratio from verified emissions data and self-configuring models for a panel regression analysis. Chapter 5 examines the impacts on the EU ETS-exposed firms in terms of their equity valuation with customised portfolios and multi-factor market models. The research design takes into account the emissions allowance (EUA) price as an additional factor, as it has the most direct association with the EU ETS to control for the exposure. The final empirical Chapter 6 takes the investigation one step further, by specifically testing the degree of ETS exposure facing different sectors with sector-based portfolios and an extended multi-factor market model. The findings from the emissions performance ratio analysis show that the business model of firms significantly influences emissions compliance, as the capital intensity has a positive association with the increasing emissions-to-emissions cap ratio. Furthermore, different sectors show different degrees of sensitivity towards the determining factors. The production factor influences the performance ratio of the Utilities sector, but not the Energy or Materials sectors. The results show that the capital intensity has a more profound influence on the utilities sector than on the materials sector. With regard to the financial performance impact, ETS-exposed firms as aggregate portfolios experienced a substantial underperformance during the 2001–2004 period, but not in the operating period of 2005–2011. The results of the sector-based portfolios show again the differentiating effect of the EU ETS on sectors, as one sector is priced indifferently against its benchmark, three sectors see a constant underperformance, and three sectors have altered outcomes.


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This paper conducts a comprehensive examination of the link between corporation tax payment and financial performance in the UK. We find no discernible link between tax rates and stock returns for the UK, no matter how tax payment is measured. This is true throughout the sample period and for both customer-facing and non-customer-facing companies. However, allowing for industry norms and a host of firm characteristics, companies with lower effective tax rates have significantly higher levels of stock market risk. Firms that are reported in the newspapers in a negative way in relation to their level of corporation tax payment experience small negative stock returns, which are partially reversed within a month. However, the initial negative effects and subsequent rebound are both more pronounced for smaller companies. News announcements of the potential involvement of a firm in a corporate inversion (expatriation) result in steeper and much longer-lasting falls in share prices, whereas news stories of a more general nature relating to a firm's tax avoidance or tax payments have little noticeable effect.


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This paper studies the relationship between institutional investor holdings and stock misvaluation in the U.S. between 1980 and 2010. I find that institutional investors overweigh overvalued and underweigh undervalued stocks in their portfolio, taking the market portfolio as a benchmark. Cross-sectionally, institutional investors hold more overvalued stocks than undervalued stocks. The time-series studies also show that institutional ownership of overvalued portfolios increases as the portfolios' degree of overvaluation. As an investment strategy, institutional investors' ride of stock misvaluation is neither driven by the fund flows from individual investors into institutions, nor industry-specific. Consistent with the agency problem explanation, investment companies and independent investment advisors have a higher tendency to ride stock misvaluation than other institutions. There is weak evidence that institutional investors make positive profit by riding stock misvaluation. My findings challenge the models that view individual investors as noise traders and disregard the role of institutional investors in stock market misvaluation.


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”A stock market for all”. Integrity and concern for the market in the (self-)regulation of the Swedish securities market This article deals with the transformation process that led to the substantial growth of the securities markets, and also led to a situation where Sweden became one of the leading countries when it comes to ordinary people investing in shares and mutual funds. The article discusses how social control and regulation of the market changed as a result of this process. A sudden and strong unanimity for knowledge tests in order for a stockbroker to be allowed to conduct brokerage, advisory services and asset management was the significant change in this transformation process. Knowledge tests were first introduced on a voluntary basis by the industry itself, but is now a mandatory requirement by the State. This article argues that the unanimity for knowledge tests best can be understood by studying the broadening of the financial markets. The broadening meant that more groups in society – with very varying capabilities – had started to place their assets in the security markets. They were encouraged to do so since this was considered to be the solution to the growing number of socioeconomic problems. This article is mainly based on market statistics and document analysis supplemented by interviews.


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During the period of 1990-2002 US households experienced a dramatic wealth cycle, induced by a 369% appreciation in the value of real per capita liquid stock market assets followed by a 55% decline. However, consumer spending in real terms continued to rise throughout this period. Using data from 1990-2005, traditional life-cycle approaches to estimating macroeconomic wealth effects confront two puzzles: (i) econometric evidence of a stable cointegrating relationship among consumption, income, and wealth is weak at best; and (ii) life-cycle models that rely on aggregate measures of wealth cannot explain why consumption did not collapse when the value of stock market assets declined so dramatically. We address both puzzles by decomposing wealth according to the liquidity of household assets. We find that the significant appreciation in the value of real estate assets that occurred after the peak of the wealth cycle helped sustain consumer spending from 2001 to 2005.


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Através de dados financeiros de ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo, testa-se a validade do modelo de valor presente (MVP) com retornos esperados constantes ao longo do tempo (Campbell & Schiller, 1987). Esse modelo relaciona o preço de uma ação ao seu esperado fluxo de dividendos trazido a valor presente a uma taxa de desconto constante ao longo do tempo. Por trás desse modelo está a hipótese de expectativas racionais, bem como a hipótese de previsibilidade de preço futuro do ativo, através da inserção dos dividendos esperados no período seguinte. Nesse trabalho é realizada uma análise multivariada num arcabouço de séries temporais, utilizando a técnica de Auto-Regressões Vetoriais. Os resultados empíricos apresentados, embora inconclusivos, permitem apenas admitir que não é possível rejeitar completamente a hipótese de expectativas racionais para os ativos brasileiros.


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Evidências de incompatibilidades entre a dinâmica do mercado de ações e os conceitos descritos pelos modelos de racionalidade plena têm estimulado o desenvolvimento de estudos a cerca do comportamento dos agentes econômicos, como forma de entender algumas anomalias presentes no processo de formação de preço dos ativos, dando origem aos estudos na área de Finanças Comportamentais. Este trabalho refere-se ao estudo de estratégias baseadas em Finanças Comportamentais aplicadas ao mercado de ações brasileiro.


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This paper investigates the presence of long memory in financiaI time series using four test statistics: V/S, KPSS, KS and modified R/S. There has been a large amount of study on the long memory behavior in economic and financiaI time series. However, there is still no consensus. We argue in this paper that spurious short-term memory may be found due to the incorrect use of data-dependent bandwidth to estimating the longrun variance. We propose a partially adaptive lag truncation procedure that is robust against the presence of long memory under the alternative hypothesis and revisit several economic and financiaI time series using the proposed bandwidth choice. Our results indicate the existence of spurious short memory in real exchange rates when Andrews' formula is employed, but long memory is detected when the proposed lag truncation procedure is used. Using stock market data, we also found short memory in returns and long memory in volatility.


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A partir de uma adaptação da metodologia de Osler e Chang (1995), este trabalho avalia, empiricamente, a lucratividade de estratégias de investimento baseadas na identificação do padrão gráfico de Análise Técnica Ombro-Cabeça-Ombro no mercado de ações brasileiro. Para isso, foram definidas diversas estratégias de investimento condicionais à identificação de padrões Ombro-Cabeça- Ombro (em suas formas padrão e invertida), por um algoritmo computadorizado, em séries diárias de preços de 47 ações no período de janeiro de 1994 a agosto de 2006. Para testar o poder de previsão de cada estratégia, foram construídos intervalos de confiança, a partir da técnica Bootstrap de inferência amostral, consistentes com a hipótese nula de que, baseado apenas em dados históricos, não é possível criar estratégias com retornos positivos. Mais especificamente, os retornos médios obtidos por cada estratégia nas séries de preços das ações, foram comparados àqueles obtidos pelas mesmas estratégias aplicadas a 1.000 séries de preços artificiais - para cada ação - geradas segundo dois modelos de preços de ações largamente utilizados: Random Walk e E-GARCH. De forma geral, os resultados encontrados mostram que é possível criar estratégias condicionais à realização dos padrões Ombro- Cabeça-Ombro com retornos positivos, indicando que esses padrões conseguem capturar nas séries históricas de preços de ações sinais a respeito da sua movimentação futura de preços, que não são explicados nem por um Random Walk e nem por um E-GARCH. No entanto, se levados em consideração os efeitos das taxas e dos custos de transação, dependendo das suas magnitudes, essas conclusões somente se mantêm para o padrão na sua forma invertida


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This paper will verify the existence of asymmetric information in Brazilian stock market through tests on stocks prices behavior of Brazilian companies during 1990-1996 period. The analysis will be conducted in the context of an equilibrium model of the issue-invest decision developed by Myers e Majluf. This study will seek to discuss new asymmetric information measures using statistic models ARCH and GARCH which consider data series heterocedasticity. Therefore, we will try to amply the concept of correct measure suggested by Nathalie Dierkens.


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O trabalho está centrado no estudo do conflito existente entre teoria e prática no que concerne à relação existente entre valor de mercado de uma ação e seu valor patrimonial. Estudos de correlação, causalidade e evolução foram levados a efeito sobre séries de valores de 35 ações. Os resultados indicam que o valor patrimonial é um importante indicador da performance futura da ação.


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O trabalho busca identificar as possíveis relações existentes entre as crises político-econômicas ocorridas no Brasil nos últimos cinco anos e o comportamento do mercado financeiro medido pela volatilidade de alguns ativos. Ele se insere na classe de trabalhos empíricos que buscam relacionar fluxo de informações e comportamento do mercado.


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A redução dos índices de inflação introduzida no Brasil pelo Plano Real trouxe alterações nos mais diferentes aspectos da vida econômica do país. Este trabalho visa analisar as principais alterações provocadas nos mercados de ações, analisando os impactos na Bovespa - Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo. Para tal foram analisadas as principais variáveis e medidas estatísticas que descrevem a Bovespa, como, por exemplo, a volatilidade e risco sistemático, nos períodos de quatro anos anteriores e posteriores ao início do Plano Real. De forma a separar os efeitos causados pelo Plano Real de outros de extensão global, utilizamos séries de controles baseadas em índices de bolsas da América Latina e de mercados centrais. Os resultados das análises realizadas indicam que houve uma redução da volatilidade no período pós-real em relação ao pré-real, o risco sistemático dos ativos brasileiros não se alterou, e o Ibovespa tornou-se menos eficiente em comparação com uma carteira formada pelos índices dos mercados centrais.


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Este artigo examina o impacto das recentes programas de recompra de ações sobre a expropriação de acionistas minoritários. Recentemente, houve 12 ofertas de recompra de ações cujo controle foi adquirido por investidores estratégicos estrangeiros ou por consórcios para comprar empresas privatizadas. Dois exemplos são: (i) a compra do controle da Lojas Renner, empresa de varejo da família Renner pela J. C. Penney; e (ii) Cargill comprando o controle da Solorrico, uma empresa de fertilizantes controlada por uma família. Paralelamente, a CVM emitiu a resolução #299 para evitar a expropriação de acionistas minoritários. Nós conjeturamos que pequenas e médias empresas com baixo crescimento, baixa alavancagem, e propriedade concentrada são candidatos mais prováveis para um "takeover" com maior probabilidade de expropriação. Isto explica parcialmente a falta de liquidez e o alto desconto na oferta pública de ações no mercado acionário brasileiro.