999 resultados para Spatiotemporal characteristics
This paper describes methods to analyze the brain's electric fields recorded with multichannel Electroencephalogram (EEG) and demonstrates their implementation in the software CARTOOL. It focuses on the analysis of the spatial properties of these fields and on quantitative assessment of changes of field topographies across time, experimental conditions, or populations. Topographic analyses are advantageous because they are reference independents and thus render statistically unambiguous results. Neurophysiologically, differences in topography directly indicate changes in the configuration of the active neuronal sources in the brain. We describe global measures of field strength and field similarities, temporal segmentation based on topographic variations, topographic analysis in the frequency domain, topographic statistical analysis, and source imaging based on distributed inverse solutions. All analysis methods are implemented in a freely available academic software package called CARTOOL. Besides providing these analysis tools, CARTOOL is particularly designed to visualize the data and the analysis results using 3-dimensional display routines that allow rapid manipulation and animation of 3D images. CARTOOL therefore is a helpful tool for researchers as well as for clinicians to interpret multichannel EEG and evoked potentials in a global, comprehensive, and unambiguous way.
Drainage-basin and channel-geometry multiple-regression equations are presented for estimating design-flood discharges having recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years at stream sites on rural, unregulated streams in Iowa. Design-flood discharge estimates determined by Pearson Type-III analyses using data collected through the 1990 water year are reported for the 188 streamflow-gaging stations used in either the drainage-basin or channel-geometry regression analyses. Ordinary least-squares multiple-regression techniques were used to identify selected drainage-basin and channel-geometry regions. Weighted least-squares multiple-regression techniques, which account for differences in the variance of flows at different gaging stations and for variable lengths in station records, were used to estimate the regression parameters. Statewide drainage-basin equations were developed from analyses of 164 streamflow-gaging stations. Drainage-basin characteristics were quantified using a geographic-information-system (GIS) procedure to process topographic maps and digital cartographic data. The significant characteristics identified for the drainage-basin equations included contributing drainage area, relative relief, drainage frequency, and 2-year, 24-hour precipitation intensity. The average standard errors of prediction for the drainage-basin equations ranged from 38.6% to 50.2%. The GIS procedure expanded the capability to quantitatively relate drainage-basin characteristics to the magnitude and frequency of floods for stream sites in Iowa and provides a flood-estimation method that is independent of hydrologic regionalization. Statewide and regional channel-geometry regression equations were developed from analyses of 157 streamflow-gaging stations. Channel-geometry characteristics were measured on site and on topographic maps. Statewide and regional channel-geometry regression equations that are dependent on whether a stream has been channelized were developed on the basis of bankfull and active-channel characteristics. The significant channel-geometry characteristics identified for the statewide and regional regression equations included bankfull width and bankfull depth for natural channels unaffected by channelization, and active-channel width for stabilized channels affected by channelization. The average standard errors of prediction ranged from 41.0% to 68.4% for the statewide channel-geometry equations and from 30.3% to 70.0% for the regional channel-geometry equations. Procedures provided for applying the drainage-basin and channel-geometry regression equations depend on whether the design-flood discharge estimate is for a site on an ungaged stream, an ungaged site on a gaged stream, or a gaged site. When both a drainage-basin and a channel-geometry regression-equation estimate are available for a stream site, a procedure is presented for determining a weighted average of the two flood estimates.
The process of comparing a fingermark recovered from a crime scene with the fingerprint taken from a known individual involves the characterization and comparison of different ridge details on both the mark and the print. Fingerprints examiners commonly classify these characteristics into three different groups, depending on their level of discriminating power. It is commonly considered that the general pattern of the ridge flow constitutes first-level detail, specific ridge flow and minutiaes (e.g. ending ridges, bifurcations) constitutes second-level detail, and fine ridge details (e. g. pore positions and shapes) are described as third-level details.In this study, the reproducibility of a selection of third-level characteristics is investigated. The reproducibility of these features is examined on serveral recordings of a same finger, first acquired using only optical visualization techniques and second on impressions developed using common firngermark development techniques. Prior to the evaluation of the reproducibility of the considered characteristics, digital images of the fingerprints were recorded at two different resolutions (1000 and 2000 ppi). This allowed the study to also examine the influence of higher resolution on the considered characteristics. It was observed that the increase in the resolution did not result in better feature detection or comparison between images.The examination of the reproducibility of a selection of third-level characteristics showed that the most reproducible features observed were minutiae shapes and pore positions along the ridges.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the quality (angularity, mortar strengths and alkali-silica reactivity) of fine aggregate for Iowa portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Sands were obtained from 30 sources representative of fine aggregate across Iowa. The gradation, fineness modulus and mortar strengths were determined for all sands. Angularity was evaluated using a new National Aggregate Association (NAA) flow test. The NAA uncompacted void values are significantly affected by the percent of crushed particles and are a good measure of fine aggregate angularity. The alkali-silica reactivity of Iowa sands was measured by the ASTM P214 test. By P214 many Iowa sands were identified as being reactive while only two were innocuous. More research is needed on P214 because pavement performance history has shown very little alkali-silica reactivity deterioration of pavement. Six of the sands tested by P214 were evaluated using the Canadian Prism Test. None were identified as being reactive by the Canadian Prism Test.
Trilateral retinoblastoma (TRb) is a rare disease associating intraocular retinoblastoma with intracranial primitive neuroectodermal tumor. Treatment is difficult and prognosis is poor. This multicenter study evaluates clinical findings and MR imaging characteristics of associated intracranial tumors in Rb patients. Clinical data of 17 patients (16 TRb and 1 quadrilateral Rb patients) included time intervals between Rb and TRb diagnosis and presence of baseline brain-imaging (BBI). Two reviewers reviewed all images individually and one reviewer per center evaluated their images. Consensus was reached during a joint scoring session. Studies were reviewed for tumor location, size and imaging characteristics (signal intensity (SI) on T1- and T2-weighted images, enhancement pattern and cystic appearance). Of 18 intracranial tumors, 78 % were located in the pineal gland and 22 % suprasellar. All tumors showed well-defined borders with mostly heterogenous enhancement (72 %) and isointense SI on T1- (78 %) and T2-weighted images (72 %) compared to gray matter. The majority of pineal TRbs showed a cystic component (57 %). TRb detected synchronously with the intraocular tumors on BBI (n = 7) were significantly smaller (P = 0.02), and mainly asymptomatic than TRb detected later on (n = 10). Overall, 5-year-survival of TRb patients detected on BBI was 67 % (95 % CI 29-100 %) compared to 11 % (95 % CI 0-32 %) for the group with delayed diagnosis. TRb mainly develops in the pineal gland and frequently presents with a cystic appearance that could be misinterpreted as benign pineal cysts. Routine BBI in all newly diagnosed Rb patients can detect TRb at a subclinical stage.
Cardiovascular risk assessment might be improved with the addition of emerging, new tests derived from atherosclerosis imaging, laboratory tests or functional tests. This article reviews relative risk, odds ratios, receiver-operating curves, posttest risk calculations based on likelihood ratios, the net reclassification improvement and integrated discrimination. This serves to determine whether a new test has an added clinical value on top of conventional risk testing and how this can be verified statistically. Two clinically meaningful examples serve to illustrate novel approaches. This work serves as a review and basic work for the development of new guidelines on cardiovascular risk prediction, taking into account emerging tests, to be proposed by members of the 'Taskforce on Vascular Risk Prediction' under the auspices of the Working Group 'Swiss Atherosclerosis' of the Swiss Society of Cardiology in the future.
With the objective of studying the effect of increasing phosphorus and potassium doses on the agronomical and technological characteristics of the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), cultivar IAC 20, an experiment was carried out during 1994/95 on a Red-Dark Latossol at the Embrapa-Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Oeste (CPAO) in Ponta Porã, MS, Brazil. A randomized bloch design was used in a 3 x 5 factorial arrangement with four replications. The doses were 30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 of P2O5, applied as triple superphosphate, and 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg ha-1 of K2O as KCl. The K2O doses used had a significant influence on the seed cotton yield, plant height and weight of 100 seeds and of bolls.
The purpose of Research Project HR-182 was to identify those aggregate types which would perform satisfactorily as seal coat aggregates. Aggregates were chosen from across the State to represent the various types normally encountered and were used with two different types of binder bitumens. A water spray treatment was also included to simulate the effects of rainfall. The evaluation was based upon aggregate retention. Due to the influence of unexpected variables upon the field samples, the laboratory data are reliable for only the most general observations. Namely, that gravels as a group appear to be retained better than carbonates and rain-fall shortly after seal coat placement can affect aggregate retention. The subsequent field observations and analysis of skid resistance data permit the following conclusions: 1. Aggregate retention is influenced by lithologic type with the gravels, quartzite, haydite, dolomites, and medium grained limestones performing best. 2. Aggregate retention is not influenced by binder bitumen type. 3. Friction values of seal coats are influ-enced by aggregate retention and/or lithologic type. The following recommendations have been determined: The aggregate used for cover aggregate/seal coat projects should be Type 4 or better skid resistance as identified in Iowa DOT Materials Instructional Memorandum T-203. This will result in maximizing the possibility of good aggregate retention and skid resistance.
OBJECTIVES: We assessed the clinical characteristics of patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) with left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) ≤ 35% and investigated the association of low EF with early and long-term outcome. METHODS: A total of 2439 patients of the Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne (ASTRAL) were selected. Demographics, risk factors, pre-stroke treatment, and clinical, radiological and metabolic variables in patients with and without low EF were compared. Functional independence (modified Rankin Score ≤ 2) and mortality were recorded 1 week up to 12 months from admission. RESULTS: Low EF patients (n=119) were more commonly men, older, had higher rates of coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation (AF), and more frequent pretreatment with anticoagulants, antiplatelets and antihypertensive agents. On admission, they presented with higher stroke severity and had lower values of systolic blood pressure, higher heart rate, and worse estimated glomerular filtration rate. Stroke-related disability and death rates were higher in low EF patients during follow-up (19.5% vs. 7.8% at 1 week, and 36.1% vs. 16.5% at 12 months). Increasing age, stroke severity, and AF were independent predictors of one-year mortality in these patients while prior use of statins had a favorable effect on early mortality. CONCLUSIONS: AIS in patients with low EF is associated with older age, cardiac comorbidities, and more severe clinical presentation. Low EF can identify a subset of AIS patients at high risk of early and long-term functional disability and mortality.
AIMS: To characterize the population of drug users consulting the Emergency Room (ER) of a university hospital with acute opiate overdose (AOO) and to assess rate of referral to specialized treatment programme. DESIGN: Survey of a 12-month sample of AOO patients. MEASUREMENTS: Medical and psychosocial features of the drug users, details of emergency treatment and referral by a mobile resuscitation team (SMUR) and the ER of our hospital (CHUV-Lausanne, Switzerland). In addition fatal AOO cases were collected by the Institute of Forensic Medicine (IFM) during the same period. FINDINGS: One hundred and eighty-four cases of AOO (134 patients) were treated. The files of the IFM detailed six additional deceased cases. This population of drug users was characterized by an over-representation of men (73%), by young age (27.4 years), by a high rate of multi-drugs use (90%) and by a high rate of multiple previous overdoses (2.6). Average length of stay was 20.1 hours but 41% of cases stayed less than 8 hours. Only one patient was readmitted within an 8-hour period. When discharged, 78% returned home. Unexpectedly, 67% of patients were not referred to any therapeutic programme for drug addiction. CONCLUSION: This study shows the low mortality of AOO when treated but also demonstrates the need to improve psychosocial evaluation and referral of drug addicts admitted with AOO.
This study was undertaken to evaluate the suitability of various stones which play an important role in the properties of compacted mixtures in asphalt treated bases. The determination of the effect of water temperature on the cohesion of the mixes is investigated. A number of stones were prepared for the test. Attention is paid to the particular source of stone with the corresponding test results. A preliminary study of the effect of lime when added to mixed aggregate was also conducted. The purpose of this study is to provide needed information on the cohesive characteristics of asphalt treated bases using a wide range of stones. This study is also to evaluate the suitability of the various stone sources.
In recent years, it has become apparent that the design and maintenance of pavement drainage extends the service life of pavements. Most pavement structures now incorporate subsurface layers. Part of the function of these subsurface layers is to drain away excess water, which can be extremely deleterious to the life of the pavement. To assure the effectiveness of such drainage layers after they have been spread and compacted, simple, rapid, in-situ permeability and stability testing and end-result specification are needed. This report includes conclusions and recommendations related to four main study objectives: (1) Determine the optimal range for in-place stability and in-place permeability based on Iowa aggregate sources; (2) Evaluate the feasibility of an air permeameter for determining the permeability of open and well-graded drainage layers in situ; (3) Develop reliable end-result quality control/quality assurance specifications for stability and permeability; and (4) Refine aggregate placement and construction methods to optimize uniformity.
Iowa Highway Commission Project HR-33, "Characteristics of Chemically Treated Roadway Surfaces", was investigated at the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station under Project 375-S. The purpose of the project as originally proposed was to study the physical and chemical characteristics of chemically treated roadway surfaces. All chemical treatments were to be included, but only sodium chloride and calcium chloride treated roadways were investigated. The uses of other types of chemical treatment were not discovered until recently, notably spent sulfite liquor and a commercial additive. Costs of stabilized secondary roads in Hamilton County averaged $4300.00 per mile even though remanent soil-aggregate material was used. The cost of similar roads in Franklin County was $4400.00 per mile. The Franklin County road surfaces were constructed entirely from materials that were hauled to the road site. Costs in Butler County were a little over $3000.00 per mile some eight years ago. Chemical investigations indicate that calcium chloride and sodium chloride are lost through leaching. Approximately 95 percent of the sodium chloride appears to have been lost, and nearly 65 percent of the calcium chloride has disappeared. The latter value may be much in error since surface dressings of calcium chloride are commonly used and have not been taken into account. Clay contents of the soil-aggregate-chemical stabilized roads range from about 6 to ll percent, averaging 8 or 9 percent. The thicknesses of stabilized mats are usually 2 to 4 inches, with in-place densities ranging from 130 to 145 pcf. Generally the densities found in sodium chloride stabilized roads were slightly higher than those found in the calcium chloride stabilized roads.