923 resultados para Solvents


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Cette thse traite de la chimie des complexes pinces de Ni(II) ainsi que des complexes cyclomtalls de Ni(II) comportant au moins un motif phosphinite. Elle se divise en trois parties. La premire concerne la synthse, la caractrisation, le mcanisme de formation et la ractivit des complexes pinces de Ni(II) base de ligand de type POCOP 1,3-(i-Pr2PO)2C6H4. De nouveaux ligands de type R-(POCOP) = P,C,P-{Rn-2,6-( R'2PO)2C6H4-n}; Rn = 4-OMe, 4-Me, 4-CO2Me, 3-OMe, 3- CO2Me, 3,5-t-Bu2 ; R' = i-Pr, t-Bu ont t synthtiss suite l'addition de chlorophosphine ClPR'2 une solution de rsorcinol ou drivs en prsence de base. La synthse des complexes R-(POCOP)Ni(Br) s'effectue partir du ligand correspondant en prsence de base, et de {NiBr2(NCiPr)}n. Ce nouveau prcurseur de nickel est synthtis partir de brome de nickel mtallique dans l'isobutyronitrile. Il est stable sous atmosphre inerte et sa solubilit dans les solvants polaires permet d'tudier les synthses des complexes en milieu homogne. Le mcanisme de formation des complexes portant des ligand pinces (PCsp3P) 1,3-(i- Pr2PCH2CH2)2CH2, (POCsp3OP) 1,3-(i-Pr2POCH2)2CH2, (PCsp2P) 1,3-(i- Pr2PCH2)2C6H4, Rn-(POCsp2OP) 1,3-(i-Pr2PO)2C6H4-n via nickellation du lien C-H a t investigu avec une mthode de raction de comptition. Cette tape a t dtermine comme tant de nature lectrophile. Les complexes rsultants ont t compltement caractriss. Une corrlation a notamment t effectue entre le dplacement chimique du Cipso en spectroscopie RMN 13C et le potentiel d'oxydation Eox en voltamtrie cyclique. Une nouvelle mthode de synthse directe verte "one pot" a t mise en place. En faisant ragir 75 C un mlange htrogne de II rsorcinol, de chlorodiisopropylphosphine et de nickel mtallique en poudre, on obtient le complexes pince (POCOP)Ni(Cl) avec des rendements allant jusqu' 93%. La ractivit de ces complexes POCOP a t investigue pour des ractions de fluorination et trifluoromthylation des halognures d'alkyle. La synthse du (POCOP)Ni(F) a lieu partir de prcurseur (POCOP)Ni(X) (X=Br, Cl), en prsence d'un large excs de fluorure d'argent AgF. Ce complexe catalyse la fluorination du bromure de benzyle et peut tre converti en (POCOP)Ni(CF3) en prsence de ractif du Ruppert, Me3SiCF3. La raction entre (POCOP)Ni(CF3) et le bromure de benzyle dans les solvants aromatiques mne la conversion totale du complexe en (POCOP)Ni(Br) et l'inattendue benzylation du solvant aromatique utilis. La seconde partie concerne la synthse des nouveaux complexes non symtriques base de ligands comportant un motif imidazolo-phosphine (PIMCOP) 3-[2-(R2P)-C3H2N2]-(R2PO)-C6H3, imidazoliophosphine (PIMIOCOP) 3-[2-(R2P)-3- (CH3)-C3H2N2]-(R2PO)-C6H3] et carbne N-htrocyclique (NHCCOP). La double dprotonation du 3-hydroxyphenyl-imidazole suivi de l'addition de deux quivalents de chlorodiphenylphosphine mne l'obtention du ligand PIMCOP 3-[3-(CH3)- C3H2N2]-(R2PO)-C6H3. L'tape de nickellation a lieu comme dans le cas des composs (POCOP)Ni. La mthylation du motif imidazole du (PIMCOP)Ni(Br) par le triflate de mthyle MeOTf, donne le driv (PIMIOCOP)Ni(Br). Ce dernier est converti en (NHCCOP)Ni(Br) aprs l'addition de chlorure de ttrathylamonium NEt4Cl. Les analogues i-Pr2P de ces complexes sont synthtiss en remplaant ClPPh2 par ClPiPr2. On obtient les espces cationiques [(PIMCOP)Ni(NCCH3)][OTf], [(PIMIOCOP)Ni(NCCH3)][OTf]2 et III [(NHCCOP)Ni(NCCH3)][OTf] suite l'addition en solution dans l'actonitrile de triflate d'argent AgOTf. Ces espces ont t utiliss comme catalyseurs pour la synthse d'amidine partir de benzonitrile et de diverse amines aliphatiques. Enfin des complexes orthonickells trans-Ni[(2-P,C-P(OC6H4)-(iPr2)( iPr2P(OC6H5))]Br base de phosphinite ont t synthtiss et caractriss. Les ligands sont synthtiss par raction d'un phnol et de chlorodiisopropylphosphine en prsence de base. L'ajout de {NiBr2(NCiPr)}n et de trithylamine permet l'orthomtallation via une tape de nickellation C-H. Un intermdiaire trans- [NiBr2{PiPr2(OC6H5)}2] de cette raction a t isol. Le complexe dimre peut ragir avec des espces lectrophiles mener l'ortho-fonctionnalisation de la phosphinite.


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La technique de trempage (dip-coating) est un procd rapide et efficace pour former des films minces de copolymres blocs (CPB) dpaisseur et de nano-morphologies varies. Trs peu dtudes ont toutefois port sur le trempage des CPB supramolculaires et/ou photosensibles. Le trempage du CPB poly(styrne-b-4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) a premirement t tudi avec des petites molcules (PM) dacide 1-naphtoque (NCOOH) et de 1-naphtol (NOH) capables de former des ponts hydrogne (ponts H) avec le bloc P4VP dans 4 solvants (ttrahydrofurane (THF), p-dioxane, tolune et chloroforme). Le ratio dincorporation (RI) molaire PM/VP dans les films tremps augmente avec la vitesse de retrait mais sa variation dpend fortement du solvant et de la PM utiliss. Le RI et la morphologie des films minces dpendent de la possibilit (ou non) du solvant former des ponts H avec la PM et de sa slectivit au bloc de PS menant (ou non) des micelles de P4VP/PM en solution dont la rigidit influence ltat cintique du systme en film mince. La dpendance en une courbe en V de lpaisseur des films en fonction la vitesse de retrait dfinit deux rgimes, nomms rgimes capillaire et de drainage. Ces rgimes influencent diffremment le RI et la morphologie finale. Nous nous sommes ensuite intresss aux complexes de PS-P4VP avec des azobenznes (AB) photosensibles, le 4-hydroxy-4-butyl-azobenzne (BHAB) et le 4-hydroxy-4-cyano-azobenzne (CHAB). Ces AB peuvent non seulement former des ponts H avec le bloc P4VP mais aussi s'isomriser entre les formes trans et cis sous illumination. Les expriences avec PS-P4VP/BHAB dans le THF et le tolune ont rvl que l'irradiation pendant le trempage permet de provoquer une transition entre les morphologies sphrique et cylindrique basses vitesses de retrait. Ces transitions sont expliques par laugmentation du ratio molaire BHAB/VP pris dans les films sous illumination et par le plus grand volume des isomres BHAB-cis par rapport aux BHAB-trans. L'irradiation permet galement de moduler l'paisseur des films sans gard la prsence des AB. Finalement, des solutions de PS-P4VP/CHAB et PS-P4VP/BHAB dans le THF avec un CPB de masse molaire plus leve ont t tudies afin de comprendre leffet d'un temps de demi-vie plus court de lAB et de la prsence de micelles en solution. Le photocontrle morphologique perd de son efficacit avec le CHAB car laugmentation du RI de CHAB dans les films illumins par rapport aux films non irradis est moins prononce que pour les complexes de BHAB. Le choix du PS-P4VP est galement important puisque la prsence de micelles dans les solutions de THF du PS-P4VP(36,5k-16k), mme si elle ninfluence pas les RI BHAB/VP, fige davantage la morphologie sphrique en solution par rapport une solution non-micellaire de PS-P4VP(24k-9,5k), limitant les possibilits de transition morphologique.


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This thesis deals with the synthesis, characterization and catalysis activity studies of some zeolite encapsulated complexes. Encapsulation inside the zeolite cages makes the catalysts more stable. Further, the framework prevents the complexes from dimerising. Catalysis by metal complexes encapsulated in the cavities of zeolites and other molecular sieves has many features of homogeneous, heterogenous and enzymatic catalysis. Serious attempts has been made to gain product selectivity in catalysis .The catalytic activity shown by the encapsulated complexes can be correlated to the structure of the active site inside the zeolite pore. It deals with the studies on the partial oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde. The oxidatio was carried out using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant in presence of PdYDMG and CuYSPP as catalysts. The product (benzaldehyde) was detected using TLC and confirmed using GC.The catalytic activity of the complexes was tested for oxidation under various conditions. The operating conditions like the amount of the catalyst, reaction time, oxidant to substrate ratio, reaction temprature, and solvents have been optimized. No further oxidation products were obtained on continuing the reaction for four hours beyond the optimum time. Maximum conversion was obtained at room temperature and the percentage conversion decreased with increase in temperature. Activity was found to be dependent on the solvent used. With increasing awareness about the dangers of environmental degradation, research in chemistry is getting increasing geared to the development of green chemistry, by designing environmentally friendly products and processes that bring down the generation and use of hazardous substances.


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The study entitled standardization of optimum conditions for the production of glucosamine hydrochloride from chitin. Shellfish processing industries around the world turn out a significant quantity of head and shell as industrial waste. The waste must be removed immediately to prevent the contamination to the processing environment. The technique that are available for their disposal include ocean dumping, incineration or disposal of landfill sites. In this thesis the techniques and methods are used to process glucosamine hydrochloride from crustacean processing waste. Chitin is a nitrogenous polysaccharide, which is white, hard, inelastic, found in outer skeleton of insects, crabs, shrimp and lobsters and in the internal structures of other invertebrates. Glucosamine can be considered as a nutraceutical product by virtue of its properties. It is important for healthy skin, and plays a major role in the healing of surgical incisions and skin wounds. Deproteinisation of shrimp shell had significant effect on quality of chitin. Demineralization is also influences chitin quality. Solvents used for glucosamine hydrochloride affects the final yield and purity.


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Natural rubber/isora fibre composites were cured at various temperatures. The solvent swelling characteristics of natural rubber composites containing both untreated and alkali treated fibres were investigated in aromatic and aliphatic solvents like toluene, and n-hexane. The diffusion experiments were conducted by the sorption gravimetric method. The restrictions on elastomer swelling exerted by isora fibre as well as the anisotropy of swelling of the composite have been confirmed by this study. Composite cured at 100C shows the lowest percentage swelling. The uptake of aromatic solvent is higher than that of aliphatic solvent for the composites cured at all temperatures. The effect of fibre loading on the swelling behaviour of the composite was also investigated in oils like petrol, diesel, lubricating oil etc. The % swelling index and swelling coefficient of the composite were found to decrease with increase in fibre loading. This is due to the increased hindrance exerted by the fibres at higher fibre loadings and also due to the good fibre-rubber interactions. Maximum uptake of solvent was observed with petrol followed by diesel and then lubricating oil. The presence of bonding agent in the composites restrict the swelling considerably due to the strong interfacial adhesion. At a fixed fibre loading, the alkali treated fibre composite showed lower percentage swelling compared to the untreated one.


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Polymer-solvent interaction parameters for the blends of natural rubber (NR) with styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) and polybutadiene rubber ( BR) are calculated using the Flory-Rehner equation by equating the network density of the vulcanizates in two solvents.


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This paper describes the first use of polystyrene-supported poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers as heterogeneous basic organocatalysts for carboncarbon bond formation. Polystyrene-supported PAMAM dendrimers of first, second and third generations have been used as reusable base catalysts in Knoevenagel condensations of carbonyl compounds with active methylene compounds. The reactions proceed in short periods of time and with 100% selectivity. This novel catalyst eliminates the use of aromatic and halogenated solvents, as well as complex purification processes. The catalysts can be recycled ten times.


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The thesis deals with our studies on the synthesis and elucidation of structure of some metal complexes of dithio ligands, such as the dithiocarbamates, xanthates and 2-aminocyclopent-1-ene-1-dithiocarboxylate and its N-alkyl derivatives.2-Aminocyclopent-1-ene-1-dithiocarboxylate (ACDA) is an interesting ligand, because of its potential dual capability of bonding between the metal and the ligand. Since the earlier reports on the complexes of ACDA contain contradictory ideas on the nature of its bonding, it was thought worthwhile to undertake a detailed and systematic study of these type of complexes. As the ACDA complexes have very low solubilities in solvents like chloroform, we have used the isopropyl derivative of ACDA as the ligand. The increased solubility of these complexes have made it possible to investigate their NMR and solution electronic spectra.The complexes of this ligand have not yet been reported in the literature.We have synthesised some new mixed ligand complexes of dithiocarbamates by reacting bis(dithiocarbamato)--dichloro dicopper complexes (obtained by the reaction of mixed benzoic dithiocarbamic anhydride and copper(II) chloride) with ACDA or its N-alkyl derivatives.Interactions of metal halides with the mixed anhydrides formed from benzoylchloride and xanthates have also been investigated. Novel complexes of the type, [Cu2(RXant)CI] (R=i-Bu, i-Pr, n-Bu or n-Pr)) have been isolated from the reaction of copper(II) chloride and the mixed anhydride, and these reactions appear to be like the clock reactions reported in the literature.It also deal with the characterisation of the complexes of the type [Hg(R2d t c )X] (X=Cl, Br or 1),[Cu3(R2dtc)6][Cu2Br6] and [Cu(R2dtc)Cl2](R2=Me2,Et2,Pip,Morph or Pyrr)respectively, synthesised by simple and novel routes, different from those reported earlier.


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The electron donor properties of Nd2O3 activated at 300, 500 and 800C were investigated through studies on the adsorption of electron acceptors of various electron affinities - 7, 7, 8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (2.84 eV). 2, 3, 5, 6-tetrachloro-l , 4-benzoquinone (2.40 eV). p-dinitrobenzene (1.77 eV), and m-dinitrobenzene (1.26 eV) in solvents acetonitrile and 1, 4-dioxan. The extent of electron transfer during adsorption has been found from magnetic measurements and electronic spectral data. The corresponding data on mixed oxides of neodymium and aluminium are reported for various. compositions. The acid-base properties of catalysts were also determined using a set of Hammett indicators.


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The electron donor properties of Pr6O11 activated at 300. 500 and 800C are reported from the studies on adsorption of electron acceptors of various electron affinity (7. 7, 8, 8-tetracyanoquinodimethane. 2, 3. 5, 6-tetrachloro-l, 4-benzoquin one. p-dinitrobenzene. and m-dinitrobenzene) in three solvents (acetonitrile, 1,4-dioxan and ethyl acetate). The extent of electron transfer during adsorption is understood from magnetic measurements and ESR spectral data. The corresponding data on mixed oxides of Pr and Al are reported for various compositions, The acid / base properties of these oxides are determined using a set of Hammett indicators.


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Dual beam thermal lens tecbnique is successfully employed for the determination of absolute Fluorescence quantum yield of rhodamine 6G lnser dye in different solvents. A 532 nm radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser was used for the excitation purpose. The fluorescence quantum yield values are found to be strongly influenced by environmental effects. It has been observed that fluorescence yield is greater for rhodamine 6G in ethylene glycol system than in water or in methanol. Our results also indicate that parameters like concentration of the dye solution, aggregate formation and excited state absorption affect the absolute values of fluorescence yield significantly.


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In this paper, we present a laser-induced photoacoustic study on the photostability of laser dye Coumarin 540 doped in PMMA matrix and modified by the incorporation of low-molecular weight additives. The dependence of photostability of the dye on various experimental conditions, such as nature of solvents, incident optical power and dye concentration, is investigated in detail. The activation rates for the bleaching process are calculated for different concentrations and they suggest the possibility of two distinct mechanisms responsible for photodegradation. Further, analysis of the data confirms the linear dependence of photodegradation on the intensity of incident radiation. The role of different externally influencing parameters, such as wavelength and modulation frequency of incident radiation, is also discussed.


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The results of a brief investigation of the amplified spontaneous emission and lasing characteristics of Coumarin 540 dye in as many as ten different solvents are reported. It has been found that C 540 dye solutions contained within a rectangular quartz cuvette give laser emission with well resolved equally spaced modes when pumped with a 476 nm beam. The modes were found to originate from the subcavities formed by the plane-parallel walls of the cuvette containing the high-gain medium. While the quantum yield remains a decisive factor, a clear correlation between the total width of the emission spectra and the refractive indices of the solvents of the respective samples has been demonstrated. The well-resolved mode structure exhibited by the emission spectra gives clear evidence of the lasing action taking place in the gain medium, and the number of modes enables us to compare the gain of the media in different samples. A detailed discussion of the solvent effect in the lasing characteristics of C540 in different solutions is given.


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In the first part of the study we probed the effectiveness of rice bran oil as a multipurpose compounding ingredient for nitrile (NBR) and chloroprene (CR) rubbers. This oil has already been successfully employed in the compounding of NR and SBR in this laboratory.In this context we thought it worthwhile to try this oil in the polar rubbers viz, NBR and CR also. The principle of like dissolves like as applicable to solvents is equally applicable while selecting a plasticiser, elastomer combination. Because of the compatibility considerations polar plasticisers are preferred for polar rubbers like NBR and CR. Although plasticisation is a physical phenomenon and no chemical reaction is involved, the chemical structure of plasticisers determines how much physical attraction there is between the rubber and the plasticiser. In this context it is interesting to note that the various fatty acids present in rice bran oil have a long paraffinic chain, characteristic of waxes, with an acid group at the end of the molecule. The paraffinic end of the molecule contributes lubricating effects and limits compatibility whereas the acid end group contributes some polarity and is also chemically reactive. Because of absorption of acid group on the surface of pigments, these acids will have active pigment wetting characteristics also. These factors justifies the role of rice bran oil as a co-activator and lubricating agent for NBR and CR. In fact in our study we successfully replaced stearic acid as co-activator and aromatic oillDOP as processing aid for CR and NBR with rice bran oil.This part of the study has got special significance in the fact that rubber industry now heavily depends on petroleum industry for process oils. The conventional process oils like aromatic, naphthenic and paraffinic oils are increasingly becoming costlier, as its resources in nature are fast depleting. Moreover aromatic process oils are reported to be carcinogenic because of the presence of higher levels of polycyclic aromatic compounds in these oils.As a result of these factors, a great amount research is going on world over for newer processing aids which are cost effective, nontoxic and performanance wise at par with the conventional ones used in the rubber industry. Trials with vegetable oils in this direction is worth trying.Antioxidants are usually added to the rubber compound to minimise ageing effects from heat, light, oxygen etc. As rice bran oil contains significant amount of tocopherols and oryzanol which are natural antioxidants, we replaced a phenolic antioxidant like styrenated phenol (SP) from the compound recipe of both the rubbers with RBO and ascertained whether this oil could function in the role of antioxidant as well.Preparation and use of epoxidised rice bran oil as plasticiser has already been reported.The crude rice bran oil having an iodine value of 92 was epoxidised in this laboratory using peracetic acid in presence of sulphuric acid as catalyst. The epoxy content of the epoxidised oil was determined volumetrically by treating a known weight of the oil with excess HCI and back titrating the residual HCI with standard alkali solution. The epoxidised oil having an epoxy content of 3.4% was tried in the compounding of NBR and CR as processing aids. And results of these investigations are also included in this chapter. In the second part of the study we tried how RBO/ERBO could perform when used as a processing aid in place of aromatic oil in the compounding of black filled NRCR blends. Elastomers cannot have all the properties required for a particular applications, so it is common practice in rubber industry to blend two elastomers to have desired property for the resulting blend.In this RBO/ERBO was tried as a processing aid for plasticisation, dispersion of fillers, and vulcanisation of black filled NR-CR blends.Aromatic oil was used as a control. The results of our study indicate that these oils could function as a processing aid and when added together with carbon black function as a cure accelerator also.PVC is compatible with nitrile rubber in all proportions, provided NBR has an acrylonitrile content of 25 to 40%. Lower or higher ACN content in NBR makes it incompatible with PVC.PVC is usually blended with NBR at high temperatures. In order to reduce torque during mixing, additional amounts of plasticisers like DOP are added. The plasticiser should be compatible both with PVC and NBR so as to get a homogeneous blend. Epoxidised soyaben oil is reported to have been used in the compounding of PVC as it can perfonn both as an efficient plasticiser and heat stabilizer.At present DOP constitute the largest consumed plasticiser in the PVC compounding. The migration of this plasticiser from food packaging materials made of PVC poses great health hazards as this is harmful to human body. In such a scenario we also thought it worthwhile to see whether DOP could be replaced by rice bran oil in the compounding of NBR-PVC blends Different blends of NBR-PVC were prepared with RBO and were vulcanized using sulphur and conventional accelerators. The various physical and mechanical properties of the vulcanisates were evaluated and compared with those prepared with DOP as the control plasticiser. Epoxidised rice bran oil was also tried as plasticiser for the preparation of NBR-PVC blends. A comparison of the processability and cure characteristics of the different blends prepared with DOP and ERBO showed that ERBO based blends have better processability and lower cure time values. However the elastographic maximum torque values are higher for the DOP based blends. Almost all of the physical properties evaluated are found to be slightly better for the DOP based blends over the ERBO based ones. However a notable feature of the ERBO based blends is the better percentage retention of elongation at break values after ageing over the DOP based blends. The results of these studies using rice bran oil and its epoxidised variety indicated that they could be used as efficient plasticisers in place of DOP and justifies their role as novel, nontoxic, and cheap plasticisers for NBR-PVC blends.


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The present study indicate the scope for the utilization of the marine fungus Aspergillus awamori Nagazawa BTMFW 032 for extracellular lipase production employing submerged fermentation. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on lipase production by a marine fungus employing statistical modeling towards industrial production. The characterization of purified lipase produced by A. awamori showed stability in organic solvents, oxidizing agent and reducing agents, I,3-regiospecificity and hydrolytic activity. These properties make this lipase an ideal candidate for biocatalysis in organic media for the production of novel compounds such as biodiesel and sugar fatty esters. 91.4 % reduction in oil and grease content in ayurvedic oil by the treatment of A. awamori lipase indicates that there is a scope for this enzyme in the treatment of oil effluents and bioremediation. There is ample scope for further research on the biochemistry of the enzyme, structure elucidation and enzyme engineering towards a wide range of further applications, besides enriching scientific knowledge on marine enzymes.