970 resultados para Soluble lignins


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Dyslipidemia is a major public health problem, and therefore, it is important to develop dietary strategies to diminish the prevalence of this disorder. It was recently reported that diet may play an important role in triggering insulin resistance by interacting with genetic variants at the CAPN10 gene locus in patients with metabolic syndrome. Nonetheless, it remains unknown whether genetic variants of genes involved in the development of type 2 diabetes are associated with variations in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). The study used a single-center, prospective, cohort design. Here, we assessed the effect of four variants of the CAPN10 gene on HDL-C levels in response to a soy protein and soluble fiber dietary portfolio in subjects with dyslipidemia. In 31 Mexican dyslipidemic individuals, we analyzed four CAPN10 gene variants (rs5030952, rs2975762, rs3792267, and rs2975760) associated with type 2 diabetes. Subjects with the GG genotype of the rs2975762 variant of the CAPN10 gene were better responders to dietary intervention, showing increased HDL-C concentrations from the first month of treatment. HDL-C concentrations in participants with the wild type genotype increased by 17.0%, whereas the HDL-C concentration in subjects with the variant genotypes increased by only 3.22% (p = 0.03); the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels of GG carriers tended to decrease (-12.6%). These results indicate that Mexican dyslipidemic carriers of the rs2975762-GG genotype are better responders to this dietary intervention.


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El presente trabajo de graduación comprende el diseño de un estudio de factibilidad técnico- económico para la creación y comercialización de un nuevo producto “café soluble” que permita incrementar la rentabilidad de la Cooperativa El Espino De R.L. ubicada en el Departamento de la Libertad, Municipio de Antiguo Cuscatlán. Para llevar a cabo la estructuración del estudio técnico- económico, fué necesario realizar una investigación de campo en el municipio de Antiguo Cuscatlán departamento de La Libertad, conociendo por parte del consumidor final y las personas encargadas de las tiendas locales, las opiniones en cuanto a las expectativas que puedan tener al adquirir una nueva marca de café soluble. Dentro de dicho estudio se realizaron encuestas para las cuales; se elaboraron dos cuestionarios, uno dirigido a un universo conformado de consumidores finales y otro dirigido a las tiendas del Municipio de Antiguo Cuscatlán, ambos cuestionarios se estructuraron con preguntas semi abiertas y cerradas, esto facilitó la realización de un diagnóstico tanto del mercado como de la situación actual de la Cooperativa El Espino de RL, permitiendo conocer el entorno tanto interno como externo del sujeto en estudio; así mismo la entrevista estuvo dirigida al Sr. José Elías Escalante (Presidente de La Cooperativa). La información obtenida fué un referente para generar estrategias que permitan la colocación del producto en el mercado y cumplir con las expectativas de los clientes, tanto a nivel de tiendas como de consumidores. Después de analizar la información documental y la investigación de campo del Municipio de Antiguo Cuscatlán Dpto. de La Libertad, se concluyó que: Existe un mercado que se encuentra satisfecho con el café soluble que actualmente consumen, pero estos estarían dispuestos adquirir nuevas marcas que puedan llegar a penetrar el mercado ya existente. Existe la viabilidad de mercado considerando que el consumo de café soluble en el municipio es elevado, por lo tanto el proyecto cuenta con un mercado para poder desarrollarse, el proyecto es viable tecnológicamente, pues existen las condiciones técnicas para poder ejecutar el proyecto sin los inconvenientes, de la maquinaria, materia prima, e instalaciones. El proyecto será factible económicamente, pues de acuerdo al estudio económico realizado este reflejaría incremento en sus utilidades a partir del año uno, del proyecto. Por lo que se recomienda: Establecer las estrategias de comercialización para cubrir el mercado meta para el proyecto dentro del municipio de Antiguo Cuscatlán, y sus respectivos canales de distribución, tomando en cuenta los niveles de producción y los procesos con los que estrictamente debe cumplir el producto. Será de suma importancia tomar en cuenta los presupuestos y demás proyecciones financieras efectuadas, pues facilitaría la toma de decisiones del proyecto, en cuanto al manejo eficiente en sus recursos y obtener una mayor rentabilidad, con el monitoreo de sus ingresos. Con este trabajo se espera contribuir en las diferentes áreas que el estudio lo requiere, brindando una propuesta para incrementar la rentabilidad de La Cooperativa El Espino De RL.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Nanoscale.


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Nell’ottica di una limitazione dello sfruttamento di fonti fossili, della diminuzione delle emissioni di gas serra e dell’introduzione, nel mercato energetico, di dispositivi fotovoltaici organici (OPVs) che permettano di sfruttare l’energia solare conferendo leggerezza e flessibilità alle celle fotovoltaiche, è stato sintetizzato un nuovo polialchiltiofene contenente unità elettron-donatrici e accettrici in catena principale, da testare come strato fotoattivo all’interno di un dispositivo OPV. In particolare, a partire da 1,6-dibromoesano e 3-bromotiofene, è stato preparato 4,7-bis(3-(6-bromoesil)tiofen-2-il)-2,1,3-benzotiadiazolo mediante reazione di cross-coupling di Suzuki con l’estere pinacolico dell'acido 2,1,3-benzotiadiazolo-4,7-bis(boronico) e, successivamente, polimerizzato via metodo ossidativo con FeCl3. Il polimero ottenuto, poli(4,7-bis(3-(6-bromoesil)tiofen-2-il)-2,1,3-benzotiadiazolo), è stato caratterizzato mediante analisi TGA, DSC, FTIR-ATR, GPC, 1H-NMR e UV-Vis. Verrà, in seguito, post-funzionalizzato con tributilfosfina per ottenere un polimero ionico solubile in acqua o in solventi polari, al fine di evitare l’impiego di solventi aromatici o clorurati durante la deposizione del film polimerico all’interno della cella fotovoltaica.


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The need to use renewable energy sources, due to the massive production of pollution for the energy production, has led to the development of new technologies for the use of solar energy. The purpose of this thesis project is to synthesize and characterize new thiophene-based polymeric materials processable in water, a green solvent, for the construction of organic solar cells, promising and versatile devices used for the production of electric energy. For this, a highly regioregular polymer was synthesized through GRIM polymerization (Grignard Metathesis Polymerization) on which a study was performed to identify the optimal reaction time.


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Il progressivo esaurimento delle risorse fossili e l’incremento delle problematiche ambientali legate al rilascio di gas serra contribuiscono alla ricerca e all’utilizzo di fonti energetiche alternative. In questo scenario, i dispositivi fotovoltaici organici (OPVs) rappresentano uno dei modi più affascinanti e promettenti per trasformare l’energia solare, una riserva energetica potenzialmente inesauribile, a costo nullo e non inquinante, in energia elettrica. Materiali organici utilizzabili in questi dispositivi sono i polimeri π-coniugati. In quest’ottica, il lavoro è stato focalizzato sulla preparazione di due nuovi polimeri: il primo, contenente unità elettron-donatrici e accettrici in catena principale, ottenuto via polimerizzazione ossidativa in presenza di FeCl3 e successivamente post-funzionalizzato con tributilfosfina per renderlo ionico e idrosolubile; il secondo, a base di politiofene non ionico ma polare, avente funzionalità eteree nelle catene laterali, preparato sfruttando il metodo GRIM. Questi materiali sono stati caratterizzati mediante analisi spettroscopiche e verranno successivamente testati all’interno di celle solari fotovoltaiche organiche aventi configurazione SMOSCs (il primo) e BHJ (il secondo).


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Bleeding complications in dengue may occur irrespective of the presence of plasma leakage. We compared plasma levels of modulators of the endothelial barrier among three dengue groups: bleedings without plasma leakage, dengue hemorrhagic fever, and non-complicated dengue. The aim was to evaluate whether the presence of subtle alterations in microvascular permeability could be detected in bleeding patients. Plasma levels of VEGF-A and its soluble receptors were not associated with the occurrence of bleeding in patients without plasma leakage. These results provide additional rationale for considering bleeding as a complication independent of endothelial barrier breakdown, as proposed by the 2009 WHO classification.


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Sugarcane is a monocot plant that accumulates sucrose to levels of up to 50% of dry weight in the stalk. The mechanisms that are involved in sucrose accumulation in sugarcane are not well understood, and little is known with regard to factors that control the extent of sucrose storage in the stalks. UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase; EC is an enzyme that produces UDP-glucose, a key precursor for sucrose metabolism and cell wall biosynthesis. The objective of this work was to gain insights into the ScUGPase-1 expression pattern and regulatory mechanisms that control protein activity. ScUGPase-1 expression was negatively correlated with the sucrose content in the internodes during development, and only slight differences in the expression patterns were observed between two cultivars that differ in sucrose content. The intracellular localization of ScUGPase-1 indicated partial membrane association of this soluble protein in both the leaves and internodes. Using a phospho-specific antibody, we observed that ScUGPase-1 was phosphorylated in vivo at the Ser-419 site in the soluble and membrane fractions from the leaves but not from the internodes. The purified recombinant enzyme was kinetically characterized in the direction of UDP-glucose formation, and the enzyme activity was affected by redox modification. Preincubation with H2O2 strongly inhibited this activity, which could be reversed by DTT. Small angle x-ray scattering analysis indicated that the dimer interface is located at the C terminus and provided the first structural model of the dimer of sugarcane UGPase in solution.


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Witches' broom disease (WBD), caused by the hemibiotrophic fungus Moniliophthora perniciosa, is one of the most devastating diseases of Theobroma cacao, the chocolate tree. In contrast to other hemibiotrophic interactions, the WBD biotrophic stage lasts for months and is responsible for the most distinctive symptoms of the disease, which comprise drastic morphological changes in the infected shoots. Here, we used the dual RNA-seq approach to simultaneously assess the transcriptomes of cacao and M. perniciosa during their peculiar biotrophic interaction. Infection with M. perniciosa triggers massive metabolic reprogramming in the diseased tissues. Although apparently vigorous, the infected shoots are energetically expensive structures characterized by the induction of ineffective defense responses and by a clear carbon deprivation signature. Remarkably, the infection culminates in the establishment of a senescence process in the host, which signals the end of the WBD biotrophic stage. We analyzed the pathogen's transcriptome in unprecedented detail and thereby characterized the fungal nutritional and infection strategies during WBD and identified putative virulence effectors. Interestingly, M. perniciosa biotrophic mycelia develop as long-term parasites that orchestrate changes in plant metabolism to increase the availability of soluble nutrients before plant death. Collectively, our results provide unique insight into an intriguing tropical disease and advance our understanding of the development of (hemi)biotrophic plant-pathogen interactions.


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Witches' broom disease (WBD) of cacao differs from other typical hemibiotrophic plant diseases by its unusually long biotrophic phase. Plant carbon sources have been proposed to regulate WBD developmental transitions; however, nothing is known about their availability at the plant-fungus interface, the apoplastic fluid of cacao. Data are provided supporting a role for the dynamics of soluble carbon in the apoplastic fluid in prompting the end of the biotrophic phase of infection. Carbon depletion and the consequent fungal sensing of starvation were identified as key signalling factors at the apoplast. MpNEP2, a fungal effector of host necrosis, was found to be up-regulated in an autophagic-like response to carbon starvation in vitro. In addition, the in vivo artificial manipulation of carbon availability in the apoplastic fluid considerably modulated both its expression and plant necrosis rate. Strikingly, infected cacao tissues accumulated intracellular hexoses, and showed stunted photosynthesis and the up-regulation of senescence markers immediately prior to the transition to the necrotrophic phase. These opposite findings of carbon depletion and accumulation in different host cell compartments are discussed within the frame of WBD development. A model is suggested to explain phase transition as a synergic outcome of fungal-related factors released upon sensing of extracellular carbon starvation, and an early senescence of infected tissues probably triggered by intracellular sugar accumulation.


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Exposure to silica dust has been examined as a possible risk factor for autoimmune diseases, including systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and ANCA-associated vasculitis. However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms resulting in the increased prevalence of autoimmunity remain elusive. To clarify these mechanisms, we studied various markers of immune activation in individuals occupationally exposed to silica dust, i.e., serum levels of soluble IL-2 receptor (sIL-2R), levels of IL-2, other pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and lymphoproliferation. Our results demonstrate that silica-exposed individuals present important alterations in their immune response when compared to controls, as shown by increased serum sIL-2R levels, decreased production of IL-2 and increased levels of the pro-inflammatory (IFN-γ, IL-1α, TNF-α, IL-6) as well as anti-inflammatory (IL-10 and TGF-β) cytokines. Furthermore, silica-exposed individuals presented enhanced lymphoproliferative responses. Our findings provide evidence that the maintenance of immune homeostasis may be disturbed in silica-exposed individuals, possibly resulting in autoimmune disorders.


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Enormous amounts of pesticides are manufactured and used worldwide, some of which reach soils and aquatic systems. Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide that is effective against all types of weeds and has been used for many years. It can therefore be found as a contaminant in water, and procedures are required for its removal. This work investigates the use of biopolymeric membranes prepared with chitosan (CS), alginate (AG), and a chitosan/alginate combination (CS/AG) for the adsorption of glyphosate present in water samples. The adsorption of glyphosate by the different membranes was investigated using the pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order kinetic models, as well as the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The membranes were characterized regarding membrane solubility, swelling, mechanical, chemical and morphological properties. The results of kinetics experiments showed that adsorption equilibrium was reached within 4 h and that the CS membrane presented the best adsorption (10.88 mg of glyphosate/g of membrane), followed by the CS/AG bilayer (8.70 mg of glyphosate/g of membrane). The AG membrane did not show any adsorption capacity for this herbicide. The pseudo-second order model provided good fits to the glyphosate adsorption data on CS and CS/AG membranes, with high correlation coefficient values. Glyphosate adsorption by the membranes could be fitted by the Freundlich isotherm model. There was a high affinity between glyphosate and the CS membrane and moderate affinity in the case of the CS/AG membrane. Physico-chemical characterization of the membranes showed low values of solubility in water, indicating that the membranes are stable and not soluble in water. The SEM and AFM analysis showed evidence of the presence of glyphosate on CS membranes and on chitosan face on CS/AG membranes. The results showed that the glyphosate herbicide can be adsorbed by chitosan membranes and the proposed membrane-based methodology was successfully used to treat a water sample contaminated with glyphosate. Biopolymer membranes therefore potentially offer a versatile method to eliminate agricultural chemicals from water supplies.


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Hemoglobin SC disease is a very prevalent hemoglobinopathy, however very little is known specifically about this condition. There appears to be an increased risk of thromboembolic events in hemoglobin SC disease, but studies evaluating the hemostatic alterations are lacking. We describe a cross-sectional observational study evaluating coagulation activation markers in adult hemoglobin SC patients, in comparison with sickle cell anemia patients and healthy controls. A total of 56 hemoglobin SC and 39 sickle cell anemia patients were included in the study, all in steady state, and 27 healthy controls. None of the patients were in use of hydroxyurea. Hemoglobin SC patients presented a significantly up-regulated relative expression of tissue factor, as well as elevations in thrombin-antithrombin complex and D-dimer, in comparison to controls (p<0.01). Hemoglobin SC patients presented lower tissue factor expression, and thrombin-antithrombin complex and D-dimer levels when compared to sickle cell anemia patients (p<0.05). Endothelial activation (soluble thrombomodulin and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1), and inflammation (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) markers were both significantly elevated in hemoglobin SC patients when compared to controls, being as high as the levels seen in sickle cell anemia. Overall, in hemoglobin SC patients, higher hemolytic activity and inflammation were associated with a more intense activation of coagulation, and hemostatic activation was associated with two very prevalent chronic complications seen in hemoglobin SC disease: retinopathy and osteonecrosis. In summary, our results demonstrate that hemoglobin SC patients present a hypercoagulable state, although this manifestation was not as intense as that seen in sickle cell anemia.