886 resultados para Socio-economic value
Atualmente as empresas encontram-se perante uma sociedade cada vez mais competitiva e desenvolvida, sendo por isso, imperativo a procura da melhoria contínua como forma de assegurar a adaptação da organização empresarial às alterações socioeconómicas que possam surgir. Incutir esta cultura é fundamental dentro do meio empresarial. A redução dos custos e o aumento da produtividade são dois dos principais desafios que todas as empresas se confrontam diariamente, sendo para isso desenvolvidas e aplicadas várias metodologias. A presente dissertação foi realizada no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica no ramo de Gestão Industrial no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. Este trabalho realizou-se no ambiente industrial da empresa Afer FUTE - Fábrica de Utilidades de Tubos, S.A, que é uma empresa dedicada, essencialmente à produção de Tábuas de Engomar e Escadotes. O objetivo deste projeto visava melhorar todo o sistema produtivo da secção dos Escadotes, englobando assim todos os procedimentos desde o momento de entrada dos materiais até à obtenção do produto acabado. Tendo em vista a resolução dos problemas inicialmente existentes na empresa, foram apresentadas propostas de melhoria do processo produtivo segundo uma visão, Lean Production ou seja baseada na eliminação de qualquer tipo de desperdícios. A implementação destas propostas permitiu a obtenção de resultados positivos no Sistema Produtivo de Escadotes, nomeadamente um aumento de produtividade em cerca de 40%.
A percepção e intervenção no espaço histórico, enquanto arquétipo cultural, constituíram o mote enquadrador do presente trabalho, merecendo amplo tratamento no primeiro capítulo. O segundo capítulo é dedicado ao estudo do palacete dos condes de Sampayo, elemento patrimonial de elevado valor significativo e que aqui se apresenta como objecto de tratamento central. O espólio consultado relativo ao arquivo da casa de Sampayo, permitiu-nos claramente fazer recuar no tempo a construção original do palacete, num percurso temporal análogo ao contíguo moinho de maré, ambos implementados no núcleo histórico de Alhos Vedros. Igualmente clarificou como, quando e de que forma a casa da Cova, dos Mendonça Furtado, convergirá com a casa dos Sampayo, num contexto socioeconómico específico em que a estruturação interna da nobreza se escorava nos sistemas de parentesco para consolidação do seu poder e para o fortalecimento e manutenção das casas titulares. Os modelos comparativos são tratados no capítulo três e surgem na figura das pousadas, valorizadoras dos edifícios com valor histórico e indutoras de sinergias locais. Por último, o capítulo quatro é totalmente dedicado à conceptualização de um projecto para a funcionalização do palacete como pousada. A perspectiva da sustentabilidade na fundamentação patrimonial do projeto, inscreve-se no programa de requalificação da frente ribeirinha do concelho da Moita e ancora numa perspetiva de âmbito mais alargado, inerente às políticas da administração do território e turismo da Grande Área Metropolitana de Lisboa. ABSTRACT; The perception and action in space history, as cultural archetype, constituted the framed motto of this work deserves wider treatment in the first chapter. The second chapter is devoted to the study of the palace of the Counts of Sampayo, of its assets in high-value significant and presented here is treated as central. The stock found on the file's house Sampayo, allowed us to clearly back in time the original construction of the palace, a temporal course similar to the adjacent tidal mill, both implemented in the historical center of Plantsville. He also clarified how, when and how the pit house, the Mendonca Furtado, converge with the house of Sampayo, specific socio-economic context in which the internal structure of the nobility was underpinned in kinship systems to consolidate its power and the strengthening and maintaining the homes owners. Comparative models are treated in chapter three, appearing in the picture of the holiday, not value of buildings of historic and inducing local synergies. Finally, chapter four is devoted entirely to the conceptualization of a project to re-functionalization of the mansion and guesthouse. The perspective of sustainability in the grounds of equity of the project is part of the program of the riverfront redevelopment of Moita and grounded on a broader scope, inherent in the policies of the planning and tourism Greater Metropolitan Area of Lisbon.
Los factores que inciden en el proceso de desarrollo de los territorios rurales y que explican el éxito o el fracaso de las estrategias impulsadas desde abajo (bottom-up) o inducidas desde arriba (top-down), han preocupado desde hace varias décadas a los analistas, que observan las limitaciones de los enfoques del “desarrollo territorial rural” para aprehender la complejidad de dicho proceso. Habiéndose centrado, sobre todo, en el ámbito de las políticas públicas y sus efectos en el desarrollo de los territorios rurales, los analistas del desarrollo han visto la necesidad de apoyarse en otras perspectivas que capten las dinámicas que acontecen en el ámbito de la sociedad civil local, tanto en lo que se refiere a las relaciones entre los diversos actores socioeconómicos e institucionales presentes en el territorio, como a su interacción con los organismos públicos encargados de implementar dichas políticas. El objetivo general de esta tesis doctoral ha sido analizar las dinámicas sociales que surgen en espacios naturales sometidos a políticas de gestión y regulación, mostrando el grado de influencia que tienen en la aplicación de esas políticas las diversas redes en que se organizan las poblaciones locales. De la investigación empírica realizada y de su integración en el marco teórico utilizado, hemos podido extraer resultados referidos a la realidad concreta y localizada de la REBISE que muestran cómo es que conciliar los objetivos de la “conservación” y el “desarrollo” en territorios poblados por comunidades locales estrechamente vinculadas a espacios naturales, exige abordar de forma integral los problemas ambientales, sociales y económicos. Tratar de alcanzar esos objetivos con políticas sectoriales conduce al fracaso de los programas de protección, ya que sólo se logran objetivos parciales y limitados. Por muy elevado que sea el valor ecológico de este tipo de espacios naturales y por muy alta que sea la protección que reciban por parte de los organismos internacionales (como ocurre con las “reservas de la biosfera” del programa MaB de la UNESCO), “conservar” estas áreas naturales no puede lograrse sin contar con la colaboración de las poblaciones locales. Esto exige combinar estrategias top-down y bottom-up buscando establecer sinergias entre los responsables públicos y los grupos sociales presentes en el territorio. De nuestra investigación se deduce la necesidad de empoderar a las comunidades locales para inducir en ellos un capital social tipo bridging dirigido a la construcción de un gran pacto territorial que trascienda los intereses particulares de cada grupo y que persiga el interés general del territorio en pro de la conservación de los recursos naturales y de la mejora del bienestar y calidad de vida de las familias que residen allí. Si no se hace así, continuarán promoviéndose proyectos “balsámicos” que paliarán a corto plazo algunos de los problemas de las poblaciones locales, pero que las mantendrán en el estancamiento y la pobreza.
Kenya is composed of over 40 ethnic communities who practice varied methods of animal handling and slaughter. Socio-cultural and religious traditions have the potential to influence animal handling and slaughter practices. These influences have, however, not been documented in the literature as far as the author is aware. Also, the literature has documented the connection between the manner of animal treatment and meat quality, but this is rarely discussed in the literature in Kenya; this connection is important as it informs modern meat trade practices by Kenyans as they trade in the global arena. This survey aimed to mainly establish and document the animal slaughter practices among Kenyan communities, and, to also highlight any current provisions related to meeting modern animal welfare requirements, animal handling procedures in the meat trade and discuss their potential influence on meat quality available in commerce in Kenya. This preliminary study surveyed the slaughter practices among 10 different Kenyan communities through a semi-structured questionnaire, focus group discussions and individual interviews. The survey demonstrated that different Kenyan communities practice varied methods of animal slaughter depending on whether the animal being slaughtered is for public feasting, domestic consumption or commercial merchandizing. The Kenyan communities surveyed in this study depend mainly on males to slaughter livestock for females preparing it for domestic use using a number of instruments and methods. For small stock for domestic consumption, females may slaughter the animal except for Muslims whose males have to slaughter the animal with a special knife (a Khalef) according to Muslim rites to render it Halal. Large stock is invariably slaughtered by males irrespective of the community, and the manner of use of the carcass. Gender, age, religion, community and the size of the animal were the major determinants of the method of animal slaughter. The animal welfare issues highlighted in the survey and related to the handling and slaughter of livestock have important implications for meat quality during commercial merchandizing. There is an apparent need to provide education to herders, livestock handlers, employees and management in the livestock industry in Kenya on the relationship between animal welfare requirements, animal handling procedures and meat quality. Such awareness can potentially improve the quality and economic value of the meat available in commerce.
Doutoramento em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, 2016.
Rather often we have to confront with the pessimistic views on the future of the family business. Contrary to these prognosis, the FB is not only present but also improving its position in the global economy and playing a key role in the European economy too. They represent 60 % of employment and more than 60 million jobs in the private sector. Among many internal challenges of FB in the five years’ time, the importance of the ‘company succession’ is increasing together with the renewing technology and ‘attracting the right sills/ talents’ (Global Family Survey, 2015). This article is focusing on the transfer of socio-economic wealth (SEW) as a key intangible asset within the intergenerational changes in the FB. The paper outlines the various concepts (narrow vs. broad) of the SEW and special attention is paid to the risk prone [taken] and risk adverse entrepreneurial attitudes. In this relation, the authors made distinction between the ‘opportunity’ and ‘necessity entrepreneurs’. Using empirical experiences based on multi-site company case studies in the three INSIST project countries, the various sub-sections are focusing on the transfer of the following key components of the SEW to the next generation: trust-based social-system, generic human values (i.e. openness, mutual respect, correctness, reliability, responsibility etc.) and ‘practice based – embedded collective knowledge’. Key lesson of this analysis is the following: transferring physical assets in the succession process seems to us less important than the transfer of the intangible one embedded in the company’s culture community. Further systematic national and international investigations – combining quantitative and qualitative research tools – are necessary to acquire more accurate picture on the impacts of transferring both intangible and tangible assets in the succession process in the FB.
This paper applies a SRT framework to the study of two case studies, namely the recent campaign of opposition to the legalization of hydraulic fracking in the State of New York and the more ongoing debate on land leasing in Africa. In relation to both campaigns, the analysis accounts for the arguments of a major financial institution and industry representatives who stress the safe and value-adding dimensions of these practices, as well as the views of opponents who refute the validity of industry's position and point to the unacceptable risks posed to the community, health and the environment. In spite of a number of obvious differences between these two case studies, not least differences arising from contrasting socio-economic and geo-political settings, there were also some notable similarities. First, was a tendency amongst protesters in both cases to formulate their role as contemporaries in a historically extended struggle for democratic justice. All perceived of themselves as guardians of their community's right to resist a corporate 'invasion' of their territories, like their forefathers and mothers before them. A theme of colonialism was explored in both settings through various identity and thematic anchoring devices that deliberately evoked shared understandings and historical memories of exploitation and human suffering. The evocation of powerful symbols of identity through visual narratives of protest further reinforced the cultural comprehensibility of opponents' message of protest in both contexts.
Strong convective events can produce extreme precipitation, hail, lightning or gusts, potentially inducing severe socio-economic impacts. These events have a relatively small spatial extension and, in most cases, a short lifetime. In this study, a model is developed for estimating convective extreme events based on large scale conditions. It is shown that strong convective events can be characterized by a Weibull distribution of radar-based rainfall with a low shape and high scale parameter value. A radius of 90km around a station reporting a convective situation turned out to be suitable. A methodology is developed to estimate the Weibull parameters and thus the occurrence probability of convective events from large scale atmospheric instability and enhanced near-surface humidity, which are usually found on a larger scale than the convective event itself. Here, the probability for the occurrence of extreme convective events is estimated from the KO-index indicating the stability, and relative humidity at 1000hPa. Both variables are computed from ERA-Interim reanalysis. In a first version of the methodology, these two variables are applied to estimate the spatial rainfall distribution and to estimate the occurrence of a convective event. The developed method shows significant skill in estimating the occurrence of convective events as observed at synoptic stations, lightning measurements, and severe weather reports. In order to take frontal influences into account, a scheme for the detection of atmospheric fronts is implemented. While generally higher instability is found in the vicinity of fronts, the skill of this approach is largely unchanged. Additional improvements were achieved by a bias-correction and the use of ERA-Interim precipitation. The resulting estimation method is applied to the ERA-Interim period (1979-2014) to establish a ranking of estimated convective extreme events. Two strong estimated events that reveal a frontal influence are analysed in detail. As a second application, the method is applied to GCM-based decadal predictions in the period 1979-2014, which were initialized every year. It is shown that decadal predictive skill for convective event frequencies over Germany is found for the first 3-4 years after the initialization.
On most if not all evaluatively relevant dimensions such as the temperature level, taste intensity, and nutritional value of a meal, one range of adequate, positive states is framed by two ranges of inadequate, negative states, namely too much and too little. This distribution of positive and negative states in the information ecology results in a higher similarity of positive objects, people, and events to other positive stimuli as compared to the similarity of negative stimuli to other negative stimuli. In other words, there are fewer ways in which an object, a person, or an event can be positive as compared to negative. Oftentimes, there is only one way in which a stimulus can be positive (e.g., a good meal has to have an adequate temperature level, taste intensity, and nutritional value). In contrast, there are many different ways in which a stimulus can be negative (e.g., a bad meal can be too hot or too cold, too spicy or too bland, or too fat or too lean). This higher similarity of positive as compared to negative stimuli is important, as similarity greatly impacts speed and accuracy on virtually all levels of information processing, including attention, classification, categorization, judgment and decision making, and recognition and recall memory. Thus, if the difference in similarity between positive and negative stimuli is a general phenomenon, it predicts and may explain a variety of valence asymmetries in cognitive processing (e.g., positive as compared to negative stimuli are processed faster but less accurately). In my dissertation, I show that the similarity asymmetry is indeed a general phenomenon that is observed in thousands of words and pictures. Further, I show that the similarity asymmetry applies to social groups. Groups stereotyped as average on the two dimensions agency / socio-economic success (A) and conservative-progressive beliefs (B) are stereotyped as positive or high on communion (C), while groups stereotyped as extreme on A and B (e.g., managers, homeless people, punks, and religious people) are stereotyped as negative or low on C. As average groups are more similar to one another than extreme groups, according to this ABC model of group stereotypes, positive groups are mentally represented as more similar to one another than negative groups. Finally, I discuss implications of the ABC model of group stereotypes, pointing to avenues for future research on how stereotype content shapes social perception, cognition, and behavior.
The demands of mitigation and adaptation policies are important to understanding a country’s climate change preparation by providing microfinance in the agricultural sector. This could be seen as a strategy to fight against the challenges of future food security. In 2014, Indonesia established climate change adaptation policies. This legislation aims to pave the way for making actions on climate change adaptation mainstream in national and local development planning. Public and private finance have supported the implementation of the climate actions. However, most funding is still used for mitigation. Adaptation finance needs support, especially in agriculture. This research paper studies opportunities for microfinance to play a role together with existing resources in supporting climate change adaptation in Indonesia. The data was acquired and analysed through a literature review, analysis of case studies and interviews with stakeholders in the climate change-related financial sector. The central findings regarding the opportunity for microfinance to contribute to the existing schemes in Indonesian climate change adaptation finance for agriculture are worthy of the result. This study found that adaptation finance is mostly used for indirect activities. Meanwhile, local communities, and farmers in particular, need directly targeted measures to adapt to climate change. An alternative approach is providing microfinance, insurance and capacity development for farmers to produce high quality agricultural products. This would contribute to optimizing the agri-food value chain, which supports socio-economic development of stakeholders, especially farmers. Hence, microfinance appears to be one potential solution to support direct climate change adaptation actions for the agricultural sector. However, this may not be strong enough to finance the entire needs for agricultural climate actions. Adaptation is contextual, so it has to be grounded in the needs of local communities. Microfinance needs public sectors support as well as other resources from the private sector. In the case of rapid response to disasters, which often destroy the agricultural sector, microfinance should be advantageous in supporting adaptation. However, in reality, it does not work, as it is prevented by regulations. So, this can be an area the public sector can support as a risk-taker as well as by providing initial funds and resources for scaling up efforts.
In a professional and business-social context such as that of global hotel brands in the United Kingdom, intercultural communication, contacts and relationships are found at the heart of daily operations and of customer service. A large part of the clientele base of hotels in the United Kingdom is formed by individuals who belong to different cultural groups that travel in the country either for leisure or business. At the same time, the global workforce which is recruited in the hotel industry in the United Kingdom is a reality here to stay. Global travelling and labor work mobility are phenomena which have been generated by changes which occur on a socio-economic, cultural and political level due to the phenomenon of globalization. The hotel industry is therefore well acquainted with the essence of different cultures either to be accommodated within hotel premises, as in the case of external customers, or of diversity management where different cultures are recruited in the hotel industry, as in the case of internal customers. This thesis derives from research conducted on eight different global hotel brands in the United Kingdom in particular, with reference to three, four and five star categories. The research aimed to answer the question of how hotels are organized in order to address issues of intercultural communication during customer service and if intercultural barriers arise during the intercultural interaction of hotel staff and global customers. So as to understand how global hotel brands operate the research carried out focused in three main areas relating to each hotel: organizational culture, customer service–customer care and intercultural issues. The study utilized qualitative interviews with hotel management staff and non-management staff from different cultural backgrounds, public space observations between customers and staff during check-in and checkout in the reception area and during dining at the café-bar and restaurant. Thematic analysis was also applied to the official web page of each hotel and to job advertisements to enhance the findings from the interviews and the observations. For the process of analysis of the data interpretive (hermeneutic) phenomenology of Martin Heidegger has been applied. Generally, it was found that hotel staff quite often feel perplexed by how to deal with and how to overcome, for instance, language barriers and religious issues and how to interpret non verbal behaviors or matters on food culture relating to the intercultural aspect of customer service. In addition, it was interesting to find that attention to excellent customer service on the part of hotel staff is a top organizational value and customer care is a priority. Despite that, the participating hotel brands appear to have not yet, realized how intercultural barriers can affect the daily operation of the hotel, the job performance and the psychology of hotel staff. Employees indicated that they were keen to receive diversity training, provided by their organizations, so as to learn about different cultural needs and expand their intercultural skills. The notion of diversity training in global hotel brands is based on the sense that one of the multiple aims of diversity management as a practice and policy in the workplace of hotels is the better understanding of intercultural differences. Therefore global hotel brands can consider diversity training as a practice which will benefit their hotel staff and clientele base at the same time. This can have a distinctive organizational advantage for organizational affairs in the hotel industry, with potential to influence the effectiveness and performance of hotels.
Introducción: Siendo la desnutrición infantil, un indicador trazador en el perfil de salud de una población y prioridad establecida por los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio y el plan decenal de salud pública en Colombia - PDSP en su dimensión de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, mantiene gran prevalencia a nivel nacional a pesar de presentar subregistro en la información reportada, por ende, es prioridad la medición, notificación y tratamiento de la misma. La OMS estandarizó los parámetros de medición y el gobierno nacional los adoptó mediante la resolución 2121 de 2010. Sin embargo, para disminuir el indicador de desnutrición que al año 2015 debería estar reducido en un 50% según el PDSP, es necesario identificar el sub registro que hay en el diagnóstico de la misma. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio poblacional, descriptivo y transversal, en el cual se analizó la base de datos de los niños menores de 5 años asistentes a consulta de crecimiento y desarrollo en una institución de salud del municipio de Puerto Inírida, con el fin de realizar una caracterización nutricional basados en mediciones antropométricas y contrastándolas realizadas por los profesionales de salud con las encontradas utilizando los patrones establecidos por la OMS. La información se analizó con el Software WHO Anthro propiedad de la OMS. Resultados: Se encontró que el 33,6% de los menores de 5 años registrados presentan desnutrición crónica, el 7,6% desnutrición aguda, el 13,2% de desnutrición global y el 13,9% tiene obesidad. Al discriminarlo por edad se encontró mayor prevalencia de desnutrición crónica en ambos sexos, siendo mayor en población de sexo masculino (40,1% masculino – 27,6% femenino); al igual que al realizar la comparación por pertenencia puesto que se encuentra la misma prevalencia en desnutrición crónica (29,1% en población indígena y 29% en población no indígena). Según los estándares de la OMS, en la población estudiada 12 se identificaron 243 casos de malnutrición, mientras que en la consulta de crecimiento y desarrollo fueron diagnosticados como casos de malnutrición por los profesionales de salud solo 99. Discusión: La malnutrición es un problema estructural, por ende, se deben tener en cuenta factores tanto intrínsecos como extrínsecos de la persona. Las medidas antropométricas son sólo una manera de medir, que se debe contextualizar con el entorno y las condiciones socioeconómicas, patológicas y culturales en las que se encuentre la población. El estado nutricional de los menores asistentes a los controles de crecimiento y desarrollo de la población estudiada, se encuentra mal registrado, de la misma manera se encontró una gran prevalencia de desnutrición crónica que es un determinante en la calidad de vida. Es imperante la implementación de políticas públicas adecuadas que permitan profundizar en las causas de este flagelo y así mismo en su tratamiento.
To identify the adherence rate of a statin treatment and possible related factors in female users from the Unified Health System. Seventy-one women were evaluated (64.2 ± 11.0 years) regarding the socio-economic level, comorbidities, current medications, level of physical activity, self-report of muscular pain, adherence to the medical prescription, body composition and biochemical profile. The data were analyzed as frequencies, Chi-Squared test, and Mann Whitney test (p<0.05). 15.5% of women did not adhere to the medical prescription for the statin treatment, whose had less comorbidities (p=0.01), consumed less quantities of medications (p=0.00), and tended to be younger (p=0.06). Those patients also presented higher values of lipid profile (CT: p=0.01; LDL-c: p=0.02). Musculoskeletal complains were not associated to the adherence rate to the medication. The associated factors to adherence of dyslipidemic women to statin medical prescription were age, quantity of comorbidities and quantity of current medication.
This study sought to identify factors involved in access to the services of a basic health unit. It is a cross-sectional, population-based study involving 101 randomly-selected families residing in the area covered by the health unit. An adult resident of each household was interviewed. The response variable was whether or not the resident frequented the health unit if he/she or anyone in the family required assistance to resolve a health issue. The independent variables investigated were service provision aspects, demographic and socio-economic characteristics, individual habits, morbidities and use of the health unit. In addition to descriptive and univariate analysis, logistic regression was applied in the multivariate analysis. The results show that access to the basic health unit is associated with the treatment received previously (OR = 3,224) with accessibility (OR = 0,146) and micro-area of residence (OR = 10,918). These findings suggest that access is related to the impressions created by the care received at the health unit and is based on experiences with the service, but can also be strongly modulated by individual aspects and factors related to the territory.