863 resultados para Social state
This paper seeks to chronicle the roots of corporate governance form its narrow shareholder perspective to the current bourgeoning stakeholder approach while giving cognizance to institutional investors and their effective role in ESG in light of the King Report III of South Africa. It is aimed at a critical review of the extant literature from the shareholder Cadbury epoch to the present day King Report novelty. We aim to: (i) offer an analytical state of corporate governance in the Anglo-Saxon world, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Far East Asia and Africa; and (ii) illuminate the lead role the king Report of South Africa is playing as the bellwether of the stakeholder approach to corporate governance as well as guiding the role of institutional investors in ESG.
With a unique cultural background and fast economic development, China’s adoption of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become the center of discussion worldwide, and its successful implementation will have great significance for global sustainability. This paper aims to explore how CSR has given way to economic growth in China since the start of economic transition and its cultural, historical and political background, and how this has affected or been affected by the economic performance of firms. Thus, the recent calls for China to adopt CSR in its industries follow a period where the country arguably had one of the strongest implementations of CSR approaches in the world. This transition is considered in the context of a case study of a Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE) and a group of small private firms in the same industrial sector in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province over a time span of eight years. While the CSR of the SOE has been steadily decreasing along with the change of ownership structure, its economic performance did not improve as expected. On the other hand, with a steady improvement in economic performance, the small private firms are showing a great reluctance to engage in CSR. The results indicate that implementation of CSR in China needs both the manager’s ethical awareness and the change of institutional framework. The results also raise the question as to whether CSR is a universal concept with a desired means of implementation across the developed and developing world.
This paper discusses the criteria for acceptably holding citizens partly responsible for wrongs their state or its agents commit. Some proposed criteria are not, it argues, appropriately sensitive to the particular coercive relation between state and citizen. Others, which are, conceive of it wrongly and fail to match our judgments about a range of cases. Alternative criteria of breadth and joint authorship, built around Christopher Kutz's account of participation, better match these considered judgments as well as linking them to a more powerful theoretical framework. Understanding citizens' responsibility will mean understanding these criteria more fully.
Why has the extreme right Greek Golden Dawn, a party with clear links to fascism experienced a rise defying all theories that claim that such a party is unlikely to win in post-WWII Europe? And, if we accept that economic crisis is an explanation for this, why has such a phenomenon not occurred in other countries that have similar conducive conditions, such as Portugal and Spain? This article addresses this puzzle by (a) carrying out a controlled comparison of Greece, Portugal and Spain and (b) showing that the rise of the extreme right is not a question of intensity of economic crisis. Rather it is the nature of the crisis, i.e. economic versus overall crisis of democratic representation that facilitates the rise of the extreme right. We argue that extreme right parties are more likely to experience an increase in their support when economic crisis culminates into an overall crisis of democratic representation. Economic crisis is likely to become a political crisis when severe issues of governability impact upon the ability of the state to fulfil its social contract obligations. This breach of the social contract is accompanied by declining levels of trust in state institutions, resulting in party system collapse.
This study examines the creation of the urban kommuna (commune) and the ideals that stimulated this social phenomenon – the kommuna impulse of the nascent Soviet state. Collective idealism affected Soviet housing, architecture and even urban planning, but little is known of social experiments in commune‐ism. As a result, these collective cells have been dismissed as utopian anomalies or the product of a housing shortage. Here it is argued that these discursive assessments are unsatisfactory and isolated from the historical narrative. While utopian ideals and domestic necessity were central to the formation of collective living, the kommuna was also involved in an active discourse with collectivism and socialist ideology. The kommuna cell was a dynamic entity that required considerable formative planning. The activists who forged these cells – the self‐identified ‘communards’ – turned their everyday domestic life into a socialist battleground, in which they struggled with the key debates of the early Soviet state. This article examines the communard as a social activist in order to better understand this phenomenon. It clarifies the coexistence of ideological and idealist trends among Soviet youth with practical contingencies for socialism. Furthermore, it reveals the process by which the kommuna impulse and these contingencies developed throughout the 1920s and early 1930s.
The theme of family in literature and in popular discourse occurs at times when the family as an institution is under attack. Attacks against the family coupled with defence of the family are viewed as the barometer of people’s satisfaction with the society in which they live. This outpouring of emotion, whether it is in defence of or attacking the family, is the result of the family’s position on the bridge between nature and society – a fortunate (or a detrimental) link between an individual and the units that make up a society. Across the United States and much of the western world, the battle for gay marriage and inclusive civil unions has revealed the fissures in our collective moral view of the family. The conservative concern about the absence of ‘family values’ is magnified by our situation in a world of flux. Inflation, war, terrorist threats, and the depletion of natural resources are but a few examples. When so much is unknown, how do we position ourselves? What anchors us to the past, gives us comfort in the present, and supports us in the future if not the family? Alternatively, what coddles us more in the past, shackles us more to the present, and lulls us more into a fixed conception of the future than the family? My research is not a sociological survey into the family nor does it stake any claims to understanding the present state of the family in society. The study seeks, however, to shed light on the rhetorical uses of the family by analysing two novels that are inextricably concerned with the theory of the family in times of heightened social change. In particular, my research focuses upon the social role and political meaning of the family in Anna Karenina and Jia.
The goal of this paper is to investigate how the Untied States federal government, specifically through the National Endowment for the Arts, or NEA, has acted in the position of an arts patron in the past few decades. Specifically, this paper will focus on the past decade and a half since the 'arts crisis' of the late 1980s and the social and political backlash against the art community in the 1990s, which was only against ‘offensive’ art that was seen as morally and culturally corruptive. I explore the political, social, and economic forms the backlash took, particularly rooted in a perceived fear of degenerative arts as a corruption of and a catalyst for the eventual collapse of American culture and values. Additionally, I analyse the role the federal government played in ‘ameliorating’ the situation. I investigate how state arts patronage has affected and continues to affect both the concepts behind and the manifestations of art, as well as who is encouraged, sanctioned, or neglected in the production of art. To accomplish this, I explore how and why the federal government employs the arts to define and redefine morality and culture, and how does it express/allow the expressions of these through art.
o tema das minorias parece ter atingido um ponto importante de maturidade dialética no meio acadêmico. Em Estados democráticos, como são a maior parte dos estados contemporâneos, surge como algo premente a questão da inclusão social, da integração de todos os componentes, grupos e pessoas, neste projeto de construção de uma sociedade que seja, de fato, para todos. Sem isso, por outro lado, não há como se falar em legitimidade estatal, em legitimidade do poder político constituído. Hoje, a questão da inclusão social das minorias passa a ser não apenas uma opção, mas uma necessidade, se de fato quisermos conferir ao Estado democrático uma legitimidade popular genuína. Neste sentido, a valorização da comunidade local pode ser uma opção interessante, fazendo o Estado e a sociedade retornarem a uma situação de legitimidade mais evidente.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo traçar um quadro das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos professores que lidam com a Educação Física nas escolas de 1º, 2º e 3º graus de Porto Alegre e apresentar alternativas práticas para a superação destas dificuldades. Fizeram parte do estudo professores de Educação Física de 74 escolas estaduais, particulares e municipais de 1º e 2º graus e, professores de 6 estabelecimentos particulares e federais de ensino superior de Porto Alegre, num total de 275 indivíduos. A coleta de dados realizou-se através de questionário aberto, escala de opinião tipo Likert, observação de aulas e análise de documentos legais. Para a interpretação estatística utilizou-se os testes t análise de variância e teste U de Mann-Whitney. Para as informações de natureza qualitativa utilizou-se a técnica da Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que em relação à formação profissional recebida no curso de Educação Física atender às exigências da realidade de trabalho, não houve diferença significativa entre os professores das escolas particulares e públicas de 1º e 2º grau. Os professores, de forma geral, consideraram a área biológica como a mais adequada, seguida das áreas técnico-profissional e didático-pedagógica. A área humanística foi considerada a menos adequada. Em relação aos aspectos estruturais houve diferença significativa entre as respostas dos professores das escolas particulares e públicas de 1º e 2º graus. Os professores das escolas particulares consideram suas condições mais adequadas que os professores das escolas públicas. No ensino superior a situação se inverteu, os professores das escolas públicas consideraram suas condições melhores do que os das escolas particulares. Em relação ao local de trabalho constatou-se diferença significativa entre as escolas públicas e particulares de 1º e 2º grau. Os professores das escolas particulares consideram as condições de seu local de trabalho mais adequadas. Quanto aos aspectos didáticos-pedagógicos, tanto os professores das escolas públicas como das particulares de 1º e 2º graus consideraram que seus alunos mostram-se comprometidos com as aulas de Educação Física. Esses resultados formaram um quadro bastante coerente quando confrontados com a política econômica adotada pelo governo nas últimas décadas que repercutiu na educação sobre a forma de privatização e de utilização do ensino superior como instrumento de formação de mão-de-obra para o desenvolvimento do país nos moldes capitalistas. Como alternativas para a superação dessas dificuldades recomendamos: - a nível de formação profissional: o acréscimo de disciplinas da área humanística que permitam a aquisição de conhecimentos mais aprofundados sobre as questões políticas e sociais do professor de Educação Física; - a nível de local de trabalho: a integração dos conteúdos das aulas de Educação Física aos conteúdos das outras disciplinas curriculares principalmente nas primeiras séries do 1º grau; - em relação aos aspectos didático-pedagógicos: fornecer conhecimentos teóricos sobre a Educação Física que permitam aos alunos desenvolver atividades físicas e desportivas, mesmo fora da escola, de forma consciente e independente, com condições de identificar seus benefícios e malefícios sem auxílio do professor; - a nível estrutural recomendamos a militância em espaços que permitam uma interferência mais direta nas questões políticas e econômicas do país, tais como: associações, sindicatos e partidos políticos.
By virtue of the volume and nature of their attributions, including secondary school as well as problem-areas such as security and traffic, the Brazilian states are the ultimate responsible entities for young people. This study argues in favour of granting greater freedom for the states to define their own public policy parameters to deal with local features and to increase the degree of learning about such actions at the national level. In empirical terms, the study assesses the impacts of new laws, such as the new traffic code (from the joint work with Leandro Kume, EPGE/FGV doctor’s degree student) and traces the statistics for specific questions like drugs, violence and car accidents. The findings show that these questions produce different results for young men and women.The main characters in these dramas are young single males, suggesting the need for more distinguished public policies according not only to age, but also by gender. The study also reveals that the magnitude of these problems changes according to the youth’s social class. Prisons concern poorer men (except for the functional illiterate) while fatal car accidents and the confessed use of drugs concern upper-class boys.
A pesquisa propõe a construção de um modelo de gestão pelas competências em uma organização não-governamental a partir da metodologia de pesquisa-ação e de uma abordagem baseada na gestão social. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2005, no Instituto Bola Pra Frente, e está ancorada em um modelo de gestão participativa, contemplando uma reflexão crítica a respeito dos modelos de gestão adotados no terceiro setor, especialmente nas ONGs. Busca-se apresentar uma antítese para os conceitos de gestão estratégica adotados no segundo setor, que possuem uma base utilitarista e não contemplam o mundo intersubjetivo e as experiências e vivências anteriores das pessoas que atuam nas organizações deste setor. Para contextualizar a formação do terceiro setor e das ONGs, o referencial prático é precedido de uma breve retrospectiva histórica a respeito da atuação do Estado na promoção da cidadania e das principais características do terceiro setor e das ONGs.
Documento de pesquisa que aborda o perfil, a dimensão e a magnitude das organizações comunitárias de provisão social na França e nos Estados Unidos, relacionando suas formas de vinculação, dinâmicas e identidades em face da esfera governamental e da esfera privada capitalista, apontando: (i) tipos dominantes de atores e como funcionam seus quadros em relação ao Estado e aos interesses capitalistas no mercado; (ii) recursos mobilizados na interação com o poder político e poder econômico (Estado e empresas capitalistas) quando recebem doações: significado do trabalho voluntariado e das iniciativas de geração de ocupação e renda (associativismo/cooperativismo) e (iii) fins visados e valores expressos. São discutidas as formas de atuação de base, participação local em cada país e é analisada, comparativamente, a questão do significado desses agentes no quadro atual dos atuais sistemas de bem-estar (Welfare State) na sociedade civil norte-americana e francesa.
O objetivo da pesquisa é construir a história social de uma empresa familiar brasileira fundada nos anos trinta no estado de São Paulo. A investigação acompanhou o desenvolvimento da organização até os dias atuais e pretendeu abranger diferentes dimensões desse processo: econômico-financeiros, políticos, gerenciais e tecnológicos.
In the last decades of the 21st century, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become one of the most widely debated issues in business management, concerning researchers, politicians, managers and society at large. With multilateral implications in economic and social life, CSR refers, essentially, to the discussion about the boundaries of business intervention in society and the ethical limits that should regulate that intervention. It questions the impact of business practices in social well-being, the role left for corporations and for the State in attending to community needs, and which are, at last, the responsibilities that tie enterprises to society. In this research, CSR is approached from the perspective of its ethical foundations, based on the moral reasoning of the business manager, as a key organizational leader with relevant decision power. Specifically, the research aims to understand how the personal human value system and the ethical orientation of managers influence their attitude towards CSR, considering this attitude as an indicator of managerial behavior that translates into corporate performance. Theoretically, CSR concept is discussed and presented as a set of social commitments, based on a strict interpretation of its meaning. As to human values, its philosophical roots are briefly analyzed and Schwartz modern motivational theory is addressed as main reference for studying the personal value system of managers in this research. Concerning ethics, based on classical theory from moral philosophy, references are seek in John Stuart Mill¿s utilitarianism, Immanuel Kant¿s deontological absolutism, John Rawls¿s theory of justice and the ethics of virtue inspired by Aristotle¿s moral thoughts. Based on an extended literature review, research hypothesis are proposed as part of a theoretical model of analysis named Individual Attitude Towards Social Responsibility Model. In order to test the theory¿s empirical validity, it was conducted a field study with 252 Brazilian managers, mainly from the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Results show that managerial attitude aligned with CSR principles is favored by conservative personal values, protectors of stability and centered on collective will, and by an ethical orientation based on egalitarianism as postulated by distributive justice principles. However, results also show that the influence of values and personal ethics on managerial attitude towards CSR only occur in managers younger than 30 years old. Findings and their meanings are discussed, as well as summarized in the Axiological and Ethical Determinants of Managers¿ Social Commitment Model. Finally, methodological limitations are evaluated and clues for further research are suggested.
The objectives of this research were to identify and to determine the mam elements presents in actions developed by the company classified as corporate social responsibility as well as the company's speech and relation with their employees1 in Fumas' productive units. In the base theoretician-empiricist, were analyzed the aspects concerning to the social management considering the postindustrial societal model, as to the social responsibility and the moral siege aspect present in the internaI company' s relations. The method that characterizes this research is the case study of a mixing economy company considered as prominence in the industrial scene of the country, from the verification of its organizational climate. The data had been gotten by direct comment and by semistructuralized interviews, carried through with workers belonging to diverse hierarchic organization's studied leveIs, involved with social practices and their organization, having relationship to the employees. The analysis was description-qualitative formo The collected data disclose to the existence of accords and dissonances between the social responsibility practical, the moral siege and the speech presented by this company. The main objective of the study was to extend the agreement concerning to the social responsibility, as well as the moral siege practiced by the company, having as reference their integrant's perceptions, considering both the current economic and social rationalities that establish a new mo dei of relationship between State, companies under its protection and the civil society.