1000 resultados para Shear History


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Nanoindentation is applied to the two polymorphs of aspirin to examine and differentiate their interaction anisotropy and shear instability. Aspirin provides an excellent test system for the technique because: (i) polymorphs I and II exhibit structural similarity in two dimensions, thereby facilitating clear examination of the differences in mechanical response in relation to well-defined differences between the two crystal structures; (ii) single crystals of the metastable polymorph II have only recently become accessible; (iii) shear instability has been proposed for II. Different elastic moduli and hardness values determined for the two polymorphs are correlated with their crystal structures, and the interpretation is supported by measured thermal expansion coefficients. The stress-induced transformation of the metastable polymorph II to the stable polymorph I can be brought about rapidly by mechanical milling, and proceeds via a slip mechanism. This work establishes that nanoindentation provides ``signature'' responses for the two aspirin polymorphs, despite their very similar crystal structures. It also demonstrates the value of the technique to quantify stability relationships and phase transformations in molecular crystals, enabling a deeper understanding of polymorphism in the context of crystal engineering.


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Bonding a fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite or metallic plate to the soffit of a reinforced concrete (RC), timber or metallic beam can significantly increase its strength and other aspects of structural performance. These hybrid beams are often found to fail due to premature debonding of the plate from the original beam in a brittle manner. This has led to the development of many analytical solutions over the last two decades to quantify the interfacial shear and normal stresses between the adherends. The adherends are subjected to axial, bending and shear deformations. However, most analytical solutions have neglected the influence of shear deformation of the adherends. For the few solutions which consider this effect in an approximate manner, their applicability is limited to one or two specific load cases. This paper presents a general analytical solution for the interfacial stresses in plated beams under an arbitrary loading with the shear deformation of the adherends duly considered. The shear stress distribution is assumed to be parabolic through the depth of the adherends in predicting the interfacial shear stress and Timoshenko's beam theory is adopted in predicting interfacial normal stress to account for the shear deformation. The solution is applicable to a beam of arbitrary prismatic cross-section bonded symmetrically or asymmetrically with a thin or thick plate, both having linear elastic material properties. The effect of shear deformation is illustrated through an example beam. The influence of material and geometric parameters of the adherends and adhesive on the interfacial stress concentrations at the plate end is discussed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The realistic estimation of the dynamic characteristics for a known set of loading conditions continues to be difficult despite many contributions in the past. The design of a machine foundation is generally made on the basis of limiting amplitude or resonant frequency. These parameters are in turn dependent on the dynamic characteristics of soil viz., the shear modulus/stiffness and damping. The work reported herein is an attempt to relate statistically the shear modulus of a soil to its resonant amplitude under a known set of static and dynamic loading conditions as well as wide ranging soil conditions. The two parameters have been statistically related with a good correlation coefficient and low standard error of estimate.


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The generalised Langevin equation method for the dynamics of interacting colloids presented in my previous lecture is extended here to the case of a sheared suspension. A calculation of shear-dependent diffusivities using these methods is found to account for puzzling observations in experiments and simulations. The limitations of the method are discussed, and important unresolved questions presented. This lecture summarises work done in collaboration with A.V. Indrani [1].


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A low strain shear modulus plays a fundamental role in earthquake geotechnical engineering to estimate the ground response parameters for seismic microzonation. A large number of site response studies are being carried out using the standard penetration test (SPT) data, considering the existing correlation between SPT N values and shear modulus. The purpose of this paper is to review the available empirical correlations between shear modulus and SPT N values and to generate a new correlation by combining the new data obtained by the author and the old available data. The review shows that only few authors have used measured density and shear wave velocity to estimate shear modulus, which were related to the SPT N values. Others have assumed a constant density for all the shear wave velocities to estimate the shear modulus. Many authors used the SPT N values of less than 1 and more than 100 to generate the correlation by extrapolation or assumption, but practically these N values have limited applications, as measuring of the SPT N values of less than 1 is not possible and more than 100 is not carried out. Most of the existing correlations were developed based on the studies carried out in Japan, where N values are measured with a hammer energy of 78%, which may not be directly applicable for other regions because of the variation in SPT hammer energy. A new correlation has been generated using the measured values in Japan and in India by eliminating the assumed and extrapolated data. This correlation has higher regression coefficient and lower standard error. Finally modification factors are suggested for other regions, where the hammer energy is different from 78%. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High temperature bonded interface indentation experiments are carried out on a Zr based bulk metallic glass (BMG) to examine the plastic deformation characteristics in subsurface deformation zone under a Vickers indenter. The results show that the shear bands are semi-circular in shape and propagate in radial direction. At all temperatures the inter-band spacing along the indentation axis is found to increase with increasing distance from the indenter tip. The average shear band spacing monotonically increases with temperature whereas the shear band induced plastic deformation zone is invariant with temperature. These observations are able to explain the increase in pressure sensitive plastic flow of BMGs with temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We derive sum rules which constrain the spectral density corresponding to the retarded propagator of the T-xy component of the stress tensor for three gravitational duals. The shear sum rule is obtained for the gravitational dual of the N = 4 Yang-Mills, theory of the M2-branes and M5-branes all at finite chemical potential. We show that at finite chemical potential there are additional terms in the sum rule which involve the chemical potential. These modifications are shown to be due to the presence of scalars in the operator product expansion of the stress tensor which have non-trivial vacuum expectation values at finite chemical potential.


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The size of the shear transformation zone (STZ) that initiates the elastic to plastic transition in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass was estimated by conducting a statistical analysis of the first pop-in event during spherical nanoindentation. A series of experiments led us to a successful description of the distribution of shear strength for the transition and its dependence on the loading rate. From the activation volume determined by statistical analysis the STZ size was estimated based on a cooperative shearing model. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone), a fully substituted benzoquinone with polyprenyl side chain, participates in many cellular redox activities. Paradoxically it was discovered only in 1957, albeit being ubiquitous. It required a person, F. L. Crane, a place, Enzyme Institute, Madison, USA, and a time when D. E. Green was directing vigorous research on mitochondria. Located at the transition of 2-electron flavoproteins and 1-electron cytochrome carriers, it facilitates electron transfer through the elegant Q-cycle in mitochondria to reduce O-2 to H2O, and to H2O2, now a significant signal-transducing agent, as a minor activity in shunt pathway (animals) and alternative oxidase (plants). The ability to form Q-radical by losing an electron and a proton was ingeniously used by Mitchell to explain the formation of the proton gradient, considered the core of energy transduction, and also in acidification in vacuoles. Known to be a mobile membrane constituent (microsomes, plasma membrane and Golgi apparatus), allowing it to reach multiple sites, coenzyme Q is expected to have other activities. Coenzyme Q protects circulating lipoproteins being a better lipid antioxidant than even vitamin E. Binding to proteins such as QPS, QPN, QPC and uncoupling protein in mitochondria, QA and QB in the reaction centre in R. sphaeroides, and disulfide bond-forming protein in E. coli (possibly also in Golgi), coenzyme Q acquires selective functions. A characteristic of orally dosed coenzyme Q is its exclusive absorption into the liver, but not the other tissues. This enrichment of Q is accompanied by significant decrease of blood pressure and of serum cholesterol. Inhibition of formation of mevalonate, the common precursor in the branched isoprene pathway, by the minor product, coenzyme Q, decreases the major product, cholesterol. Relaxation of contracted arterial smooth muscle by a side-chain truncated product of coenzyme Q explains its effect of decreasing blood pressure. Extensive clinical studies carried out on oral supplements of coenzyine Q, initially by K. Folkers and Y. Yamamura and followed many others, revealed a large number of beneficial effects, significantly in cardiovascular diseases. Such a variety of effects by this lipid quinone cannot depend on redox activity alone. The fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) that bear structural relationship with coenzyme Q are known to be active in their polar forms. A vignette of modified forms of coenzyme Q taking active role in its multiple effects is emerging.


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The mechanical properties of clays are highly dependent not only on the stress/strain ratio to which the material is subjected but also on the chemistry of the pore fluids which in turn affects the intergranular or the effective stresses. Atterberg limits and vane shear tests were performed with different pore fluids in order to observe how the fine-grained material mechanically responded. The diffuse double layer theory has been used to interpret the data of vane shear tests in order to explain the variation of geotechnical responses with the different clays. Van der Waals forces and double layer forces were obtained and capillary forces calculated. The results show that while for kaolinite and illite the chemistry of the pore fluids has no influence on the water content and hence on the mechanical behaviour of the material, Na-smectite shows a strong correlation between the dielectric constant of the pore fluids and an increase in undrained shear strength. The data obtained extends an understanding of the influence of the dielectric constant (epsilon) of the pore fluids on the geotechnical properties of fine-grained materials.


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Background: India has the third largest HIV-1 epidemic with 2.4 million infected individuals. Molecular epidemiological analysis has identified the predominance of HIV-1 subtype C (HIV-1C). However, the previous reports have been limited by sample size, and uneven geographical distribution. The introduction of HIV-1C in India remains uncertain due to this lack of structured studies. To fill the gap, we characterised the distribution pattern of HIV-1 subtypes in India based on data collection from nationwide clinical cohorts between 2007 and 2011. We also reconstructed the time to the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) of the predominant HIV-1C strains. Methodology/Principal Findings: Blood samples were collected from 168 HIV-1 seropositive subjects from 7 different states. HIV-1 subtypes were determined using two or three genes, gag, pol, and env using several methods. Bayesian coalescent-based approach was used to reconstruct the time of introduction and population growth patterns of the Indian HIV-1C. For the first time, a high prevalence (10%) of unique recombinant forms (BC and A1C) was observed when two or three genes were used instead of one gene (p<0.01; p = 0.02, respectively). The tMRCA of Indian HIV-1C was estimated using the three viral genes, ranged from 1967 (gag) to 1974 (env). Pol-gene analysis was considered to provide the most reliable estimate 1971, (95% CI: 1965-1976)]. The population growth pattern revealed an initial slow growth phase in the mid-1970s, an exponential phase through the 1980s, and a stationary phase since the early 1990s. Conclusions/Significance: The Indian HIV-1C epidemic originated around 40 years ago from a single or few genetically related African lineages, and since then largely evolved independently. The effective population size in the country has been broadly stable since the 1990s. The evolving viral epidemic, as indicated by the increase of recombinant strains, warrants a need for continued molecular surveillance to guide efficient disease intervention strategies.


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This paper presents the effect of nonlocal scaling parameter on the coupled i.e., axial, flexural, shear and contraction, wave propagation in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The axial and transverse motion of SWCNT is modeled based on first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and thickness contraction. The governing equations are derived based on nonlocal constitutive relations and the wave dispersion analysis is also carried out. The studies shows that the nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in all wave modes where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the wavenumber plots as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite or wave speed tends to zero. The frequency at which this phenomenon occurs is called the escape frequency. Explicit expressions are derived for cut-off and escape frequencies of all waves in SWCNT. It is also shown that the cut-off frequencies of shear and contraction mode are independent of the nonlocal scale parameter. The results provided in this article are new and are useful guidance for the study and design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the coupled wave propagation properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes.


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A minimum weight design of laminated composite structures is carried out for different loading conditions and failure criteria using genetic algorithm. The phenomenological maximum stress (MS) and Tsai-Wu (TW) criteria and the micro-mechanism-based failure mechanism based (FMB) failure criteria are considered. A new failure envelope called the Most Conservative Failure Envelope (MCFE) is proposed by combining the three failure envelopes based on the lowest absolute values of the strengths predicted. The effect of shear loading on the MCFE is investigated. The interaction between the loading conditions, failure criteria, and strength-based optimal design is brought out.


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The existence of an indentation size effect (ISE) in the onset of yield in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) is investigated by employing spherical-tip nanoindentation experiments. Statistically significant data on the load at which the first pop-in in the displacement occurs were obtained for three different tip radii and in two different structural states (as-cast and structurally relaxed) of the BMG. Hertzian contact mechanics were employed to convert the pop-in loads to the maximum shear stress underneath the indenter. Results establish the existence of an ISE in the BMG of both structural states, with shear yield stress increasing with decreasing tip radius. Structural relaxation was found to increase the yield stress and decrease the variability in the data, indicating ``structural homogenization'' with annealing. Statistical analysis of the data was employed to estimate the shear transformation zone (STZ) size. Results of this analysis indicate an STZ size of similar to 25 atoms, which increases to similar to 34 atoms upon annealing. These observations are discussed in terms of internal structure changes that occur during structural relaxation and their interaction with the stressed volumes in spherical indentation of a metallic glass. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.