946 resultados para Sewage Effluent
In recent years, freshwater fish farmers have come under increasing pressure from the Water Authorities to control the quality of their farm effluents. This project aimed to investigate methods of treating aquacultural effluent in an efficient and cost-effective manner, and to incorporate the knowledge gained into an Expert System which could then be used in an advice service to farmers. From the results of this research it was established that sedimentation and the use of low pollution diets are the only cost effective methods of controlling the quality of fish farm effluents. Settlement has been extensively investigated and it was found that the removal of suspended solids in a settlement pond is only likely to be effective if the inlet solids concentration is in excess of 8 mg/litre. The probability of good settlement can be enhanced by keeping the ratio of length/retention time (a form of mean fluid velocity) below 4.0 metres/minute. The removal of BOD requires inlet solids concentrations in excess of 20 mg/litre to be effective, and this is seldom attained on commercial fish farms. Settlement, generally, does not remove appreciable quantities of ammonia from effluents, but algae can absorb ammonia by nutrient uptake under certain conditions. The use of low pollution, high performance diets gives pollutant yields which are low when compared with published figures obtained by many previous workers. Two Expert Systems were constructed, both of which diagnose possible causes of poor effluent quality on fish farms and suggest solutions. The first system uses knowledge gained from a literature review and the second employs the knowledge obtained from this project's experimental work. Consent details for over 100 fish farms were obtained from the public registers kept by the Water Authorities. Large variations in policy from one Authority to the next were found. These data have been compiled in a computer file for ease of comparison.
Sewage sludge was pyrolysed with 40% mixed wood, 40% rapeseed and 40% straw. The reason for the mixture of different biomass is to investigate the impact of co-pyrolysis on the upper phase of bio-oil in terms of changes to composition, elemental analysis, viscosity, water content, pH, higher heating value and acid number that could impact on their applications. The biomass was pyrolysed in a laboratory at 450 °C and bio-oil was collected from two cooling traps. The bio-oil obtained from co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge with wood, rapeseed and straw was analysed for composition using the gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The upper phase from the co-pyrolysis process was also characterised for ultimate analysis, higher heating values, water content, viscosity, pH and acid number. There was an increase in the amount of upper phase produced with co-pyrolysis of 40% rapeseed. It was also found that the upper phase from sewage sludge with mixed wood has the highest viscosity, acid number and lowest pH. The bio-oil containing 40% straw was found to have a pH of 6.5 with a very low acid number while the 40% rapeseed was found to have no acid number. Sewage sludge with 40% rapeseed was found to have the highest energy content of 34.8 MJ/kg, 40% straw has 32.5 MJ/kg while the 40% mixed wood pyrolysis oil has the lowest energy content of 31.3 MJ/kg. The 40% rapeseed fraction was found to have the highest water content of 8.2% compared to other fractions.
The use of the pyrolysis process to obtain valuable products from biomass is amongst the technologies being investigated as a source for renewable energy. The pyrolysis process yields products such as biochar, bio-oil and non condensable gases. The main objective of this project is to increase energy recovery from sewage sludge by utilising the intermediate pyrolysis process. The intermediate pyrolysis has a residence time ranging from 5 to 10 minutes. The main product yields from sewage sludge pyrolysis are 50 wt% biochar, 40 wt% bio-oil and 10 wt% non condensable gases. The project was carried out on a pilot plant scale reactor with a load capacity of 20 kg/h. This enabled a high yield of biochar and bio-oil. The characterisation of the products indicated that the organic phase of the bio-oil had good fuel properties such as having high energy content of 39 MJ/kg, low acid number of 21.5, high flash point of 150 and viscosity of 35 cSt. An increase in pyrolysis experiments enabled large quantities of pyrolysis oil production. Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge was carried out on laboratory scale with mixed wood, rapeseed and straw. It found that there was an increase in bio-oil quantity with rapeseed while co-pyrolysis with wood helped to mask the smell of the sludge pyrolysis oil. Engine test were successfully carried out in an old Lister engine with pyrolysis oil fractions of 30% and 50% blended with biodiesel. This indicates that these pyrolysis oil fractions can be used in similar engine types without any problems however long term effects in ordinary engines are unknown. An economic evaluation was carried out about the implementation of the intermediate pyrolysis process for electricity production in a CHP using the pyrolysis oil. The prices of electricity per kWh were found to be very high.
This paper studies the characteristics of blends of biodiesel and a new type of SSPO (sewage sludge derived intermediate pyrolysis oil) in various ratios, and evaluates the application of such blends in an unmodified Lister diesel engine. The engine performance and exhaust emissions were investigated and compared to those of diesel and biodiesel. The engine injectors were inspected and tested after the experiment. The SSPO-biodiesel blends were found to have comparable heating values to biodiesel, but relatively high acidity and carbon residue. The diesel engine has operated with a 30/70 SSPO-biodiesel blend and a 50/50 blend for up to 10h and there was no apparent deterioration in operation observed. It is concluded that with 30% SSPO, the engine gives better overall performance and fuel consumption than with 50% SSPO. The exhaust temperatures of 30% SSPO and 50% SSPO are similar, but 30% SSPO gives relatively lower NO emission than 50% SSPO. The CO and smoke emissions are lower with 50% SSPO than with 30% SSPO. The injectors of the engine operated with SSPO blends were found to have heavy carbon deposition and noticeably reduced opening pressure, which may lead to deteriorated engine performance and exhaust emissions in extended operation. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
The stability of the oil phase obtained from intermediate pyrolysis process was used for this investigation. The analysis was based on standard methods of determining kinematic viscosity, gas - chromatography / mass - spectrometry for compositional changes, FT-IR for functional group, Karl Fischer titration for water content and bomb calorimeter for higher heaating values. The methods were used to determine changes that occurred during ageing. The temperatures used for thermal testing were 60 °C and 80 °C for the periods of 72 and 168 h. Methanol and biodiesel were used as solvents for the analysis. The bio-oil samples contained 10 % methanol, 10 % Biodiesel, 20 % Biodiesel and unstabilised pyrolysis oil. The tests carried out at 80 °C showed drastic changes compared to those at 60 °C. The bio-oil samples containing 20 % biodiesel proved to be more stable than those with 10 % methanol. The unstabilised pyrolysis oil showed the greatest changes in viscosity, composition change and highest increase in water content. The measurement of kinematic viscosity and gas chromatograph mass spectrometry were found to be more reliable for predicting the ageing process.
Biofuels derived from industry waste have potential to substitute fossil fuels (Diesel and Gasoline) in internal combustion (IC) engines. Use of waste streams as fuels would help to reduce considerably life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions and minimise waste processing costs. In this study an investigation into the fuel properties of two waste derived biofuels were carried out, they are: (i) Glidfuel (GF) biofuel - a waste stream from paper industry, and (ii) Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) biodiesel - biodiesel produced from palm oil industry effluent through various treatment and transesterification process. GF and POME was mixed together at various proportions and separately with fossil diesel (FD) to assess the miscibility and various physical and chemical properties of the blends. Fuel properties such as kinematic viscosity, higher heating value, water content, acid number, density, flash point temperature, CHNO content, sulphur content, ash content, oxidation stability, cetane number and copper corrosion ratings of all the fuels were measured. The properties of GF, POME and various blends were compared with the corresponding properties of the standard FD. Significance of the fuel properties and their expected effects on combustion and exhaust emission characteristics of the IC engine were discussed. Results showed that most properties of both GF and POME biodiesel were comparable to FD. Both GF and POME were miscible with each other, and also separately with the FD. Flash point temperatures of GF and POME biodiesel were 40.7°C and 158.7°C respectively. The flash point temperature of GF was about 36% lower than corresponding FD. The water content in GF and FD were 0.74 (% wt) and 0.01 (% wt) respectively. Acidity values and corrosion ratings of both GF and POME biodiesel were low compared to corresponding value for FD. The study concluded that optimum GF-POME biofuel blends can substitute fossil diesel use in IC engines.
Stabilization ponds are biological treatment systems in that stabilization of organic matter is performed by the bacterial oxidation and / or reduction of photosynthetic algae. This study aimed to monitor and evaluate the efficiency of stabilization ponds in the Rio Grande do Norte State. Collections were made of the treated effluent, made directly in the output boxes of facultative lagoons and maturation (M1 and M2) and raw sewage (EB) that arrived at the stations. The variables analyzed were: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, chlorophyll "a", apparent color, total phosphorus, organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, Kjeldahl nitrogen, turbidity, cyanobacteria density and concentrations of microcystin. Variance analysis (ANOVA one way) observing the premises using the Tukey test, so as to check differences between treatments. The evaluate the stations found to COD removals in the bands of 48,8% (Pipa) to 75,8% (Caiçara Rio do Vento) and 57,5% (Pipa) to 83,0% (Santo Antônio), respectively. The mean concentrations of cyanobacteria varied from LFs density of 62,545 cels.mL-1 (Pedro Velho Roça) cels.mL-1 to 2,669,048 (Ponta Negra), while the final effluent showed range between 9,072 Cels.mL- 1 (Pedro Velho Roça) to 1,899,981 cels.mL-1 (Macau – Ilha de Santana) and the average concentrations of microcystin the final effluent ranged from 0.02 μg.L-1 (Ponta Negra) to 0.15 μg.L-1 (Macau – Ilha de Santana) at the studied the stations.
This paper proposed the study of the treatment of a synthetic wastewater contaminated with BTX by electro-oxidation batch with the anode of Ti/PbO2, and the adsorption of BTX using expanded perlite as adsorbent material, and to evaluate the best operating conditions both methods in order to perform a sequential treatment (adsorption and electro-oxidation) and achieve greater efficiency in the removal of the compounds. The operating conditions were measured: temperature, current density and applied amount of the adsorbent material, by UV-VIS analysis and Demand Chemical oxygen demand (COD). According to the experimental results, the electro-oxidative treatment was efficient in the degradation of the compounds BTX (benzene, toluene and xylenes) in synthetic sewage due to the electrochemical properties of the anode of Ti/PbO2. The applied current density and temperature promoted increased efficiency of COD removal, reaching obtain percentages greater than 70%. In the adsorption process, the temperature increase was not a factor in the removal of organic matter, while the increase in the amount of adsorbent material led to an increase in the percentage removal, obtaining 66.30% using 2 g of adsorbent. The selected operating conditions of both treatments performed separately take into account the removal efficiency of organic matter, and the low energy consumption and operating costs, so the sequential treatment were satisfactory reaching 87.26% of COD removal using adsorption as a pretreatment. Quantification of BTX through the analysis of gas chromatography at the end of the treatments also confirmed the removal efficiency of organic compounds, giving outstanding advantages to sequential treatment.
In this study, we carried out the study of Eriochrome black T removal using expanded perlite modified orthophenanthroline by adsorption technique. The study of the adsorption process was performed by investigating the effect of the initial dye concentration, contact time and pH range of the solution (acidic and alkaline) in the adsorption process, for a so-called synthetic effluent (aqueous solution of black eriochrome T) and a real effluent (generated from the test for determining the water hardness, by complexation titration). The materials were characterized by Thermogravimetry / Differential Thermal Analysis (TG / DTA), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (IR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). By analysis of XRD observed thinking on orthophenanthroline the modified expanded perlite. And by IR analysis showed an increase in intensity and a detailed enlargement of the absorption band related to the axial deformation of the OH bond of silanol groups of perlite (Si-OH). In the equilibration time of the study, in the evaluated time range (5-230 min) was not possible to observe the existence of a balance of time, probably attributed to the type of interaction between the Eriochrome black-T and the expanded perlite modified orthophenanthroline, being an interaction of surface origin. In the study effect of the initial concentration of the adsorbate in the case 2,0x10-4 mol / L natural pH (pH 5) gave the highest removal percentage value of eriochrome T black color with 63.74 % removal in 20 minutes of contact. In evaluating the effect of varying the pH of Eriochrome black T solution in the adsorption process, it was found that the more acidic the environment, the greater the percentage stain removal, being a result of acid-base interaction between the adsorbate and the adsorbent. In T Eriochrome black removal study in real effluent we used the optimized conditions by studying with synthetic sewage. The dye removal at pH 10, natural pH of the effluent was no significant reaching the maximum amount of color removal percentage of 8.12%, obtained already at pH 3 with maximum color removal 100.00% of color, once more proving that eriochrome black T and effectively interact better with the adsorbent at acid pH values (pH 5 or 3), and most efficiently at pH 3. thus one can mention that the perlite expanded (an amorphous aluminosilicate naturally acid) modified with orthophenanthroline (one Bronsted base) consists of a master and effective removal of coloring material in the acid-type aqueous solution, the conditions expressed in this study, can be applied as an adsorbent of this dye also mums real effluent.
The textile effluents are a complex mixture of many pollutants that contain high organic loads, severe color and toxic compounds. The high concentration of the textile effluent may cause increased chemical demand (COD) and biochemical (BOD) of oxygen, elevated temperature, acidity or alkalinity, causing damage and environmental problems. In addition to representing a serious threat to human health such effluent is also quite toxic to most aquatic organisms. And for this reason, one must meet the concentration limits for emission sources and sewage system. This study aimed to investigate the performance of electrochemical treatment of a textile effluent for the removal of color, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO) and dissolved organic matter by investigating the influence of experimental parameters such as the electrocatalyst materials (Ti/Pt and Ti/Pt-SnSb) and current density in order to compare their efficiency, energy consumption and cost. The dye Novacron Blue CD (NB) was employed in synthetic solution, while the dyes Remazol Yellow 3RS (RY 3RS) Remazol Red RR Gran (RR-RR Gran) and Navy Blue CL-R (NB CL-R) were used to generate simulated textile effluent laboratory. The results showed that the application of electrochemical oxidation process favors the elimination of color effectively independent the electrocatalytic material and current used, as well as treated effluent. However, the influence of electrocatalytic material was crucial to reduction of the organic matter in all cases.
This paper evaluate the performance of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in sequential batch activated sludge modality with tertiary treatment step, located in high temperature region. It also presents the analysis of organic matter’s removal and the evaluation of sludge sedimentation conditions through reactors in bench scale, fed with different substrate’s and biomass’ concentrations, from the WWTP in study. The results showed high efficiency and stability of the treatment process using Sequential Batch Reactors for domestic sewage, even with sudden changes of organic and hydraulic load, reaching more than 90% of efficiency in the removal of biodegradable organic matter. The removal of organic matter and sedimentation tests in bench reactors showed the good performance in respect of the organic matter’s removal, however, the high concentration of micro-organism results in a lower sludge sedimentation rate, which can compromise the quality of the final effluent. The relation Food/Microorganism in the conditions of the WWTP’s current operation showed a value of 0.06 gCOD/gVSS.d. and zonal sedimentation velocity of 0.59 m/h, the great ratio of the concentration of the substrate by biomass concentration, which obtained the maximum operational efficiency, showed a value of 0.09 gCOD/gVSS.d. and zonal sedimentation velocity of 1.4 m/h.