946 resultados para Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV)
Die zuverlässige Berechnung von quantitativen Parametern der Lungenventilation ist für ein Verständnis des Verhaltens der Lunge und insbesondere für die Diagnostik von Lungenerkrankungen von großer Bedeutung. Nur durch quantitative Parameter sind verlässliche und reproduzierbare diagnostische Aussagen über den Gesundheitszustand der Lunge möglich. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden neue quantitative Verfahren zur Erfassung der Lungenventilation basierend auf der dynamischen Computer- (CT) und Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) entwickelt. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Frage untersucht, ob das Aufblähen der Lunge in gesunden Schweinelungen und Lungen mit Akutem Lungenversagen (ARDS) durch einzelne, diskrete Zeitkonstanten beschrieben werden kann, oder ob kontinuierliche Verteilungen von Zeitkonstanten die Realität besser beschreiben. Hierzu wurden Serien dynamischer CT-Aufnahmen während definierter Beatmungsmanöver (Drucksprünge) aufgenommen und anschließend aus den Messdaten mittels inverser Laplace-Transformation die zugehörigen Verteilungen der Zeitkonstanten berechnet. Um die Qualität der Ergebnisse zu analysieren, wurde der Algorithmus im Rahmen von Simulationsrechnungen systematisch untersucht und anschließend in-vivo an gesunden und ARDS-Schweinelungen eingesetzt. Während in den gesunden Lungen mono- und biexponentielle Verteilungen bestimmt wurden, waren in den ARDS-Lungen Verteilungen um zwei dominante Zeitkonstanten notwendig, um die gemessenen Daten auf der Basis des verwendeten Modells verlässlich zu beschreiben. Es wurden sowohl diskrete als auch kontinuierliche Verteilungen gefunden. Die CT liefert Informationen über das solide Lungengewebe, während die MRT von hyperpolarisiertem 3He in der Lage ist, direkt das eingeatmete Gas abzubilden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde zeitlich hochaufgelöst das Einströmen eines 3He-Bolus in die Lunge erfasst. Über eine Entfaltungsanalyse wurde anschließend das Einströmverhalten unter Idealbedingungen (unendlich kurzer 3He-Bolus), also die Gewebeantwortfunktion, berechnet und so eine Messtechnik-unabhängige Erfassung des Einströmens von 3He in die Lunge ermöglicht. Zentrale Fragestellung war hier, wie schnell das Gas in die Lunge einströmt. Im Rahmen von Simulationsrechnungen wurde das Verhalten eines Entfaltungsalgorithmus (basierend auf B-Spline Repräsentationen) systematisch analysiert. Zusätzlich wurde ein iteratives Entfaltungsverfahren eingesetzt. Aus zeitlich hochaufgelösten Messungen (7ms) an einer gesunden und einer ARDS-Schweinelunge konnte erstmals nachgewiesen werden, dass das Einströmen in-vivo in weniger als 0,1s geschieht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen Zeitkonstanten im Bereich von 4ms–50ms, wobei zwischen der gesunden Lungen und der ARDS-Lunge deutliche Unterschiede beobachtet wurden. Zusammenfassend ermöglichen daher die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Algorithmen eine objektivere Bestimmung quantitativer Parameter der Lungenventilation. Dies ist für die eindeutige Beschreibung ventilatorischer Vorgänge in der Lunge und somit für die Lungendiagnostik unerlässlich. Damit stehen quantitative Methoden für die Lungenfunktionsdiagnostik zur Verfügung, deren diagnostische Relevanz im Rahmen wissenschaftlicher und klinischer Studien untersucht werden kann.
L’ampliamento dello spettro d’ospite è strettamente connesso al processo evolutivo a cui i virus sono assoggettati e rappresenta una notevole sfida alla loro capacità di adattarsi. L’attitudine a superare le barriere di specie è conseguente alla costante e relativamente rapida evoluzione che caratterizza i virus; allo stesso tempo, la forza selettiva esercitata dal nuovo ospite rappresenterà un ulteriore stimolo per le capacità adattative del virus. Ad oggi, i meccanismi genetici ed evolutivi responsabili del salto di specie virale, cioè la trasmissione di un virus da un ospite tradizionale ad uno precedentemente resistente all’infezione, sono parzialmente sconosciuti. Nel seguente lavoro verranno presentati gli studi effettuati sulle dinamiche evolutive caratterizzanti virus a RNA e a DNA in cui si sono osservate variazioni dello spettro d’ospite. Gli studi hanno riguardato i coronavirus, con particolare riferimento al ruolo svolto dai pipistrelli nell’evoluzione dei coronavirus SARS-correlati, e l’importanza del gatto nell’evoluzione dei parvovirus dei carnivori. Nella prima sezione saranno mostrate le correlazioni genetiche dei coronavirus identificati in Italia nei pipistrelli appartenenti alla specie Rhinolophus ferrumequinum con i ceppi europei e del resto del mondo, allo scopo di chiarire l’origine evolutiva dei coronavirus dei pipistrelli correlati al virus della SARS (Bat-SARS-like CoV) europei, gli eventi migratori che hanno caratterizzato la loro diffusione nel continente e le potenziali ripercussioni sulla salute pubblica. Nella seconda sezione saranno evidenziate le caratteristiche molecolari dei ceppi di parvovirus circolanti nella popolazione felina, valutandone la diversità di sequenza e la complessità genetica, allo scopo di ottenere importanti informazioni in merito all’evoluzione del virus e alle interazioni tra il parvovirus e l’ospite.
Background: Survival of patients with Acute Aortic Syndrome (AAS) may relate to the speed of diagnosis. Diagnostic delay is exacerbated by non classical presentations such as myocardial ischemia or acute heart failure (AHF). However little is known about clinical implications and pathophysiological mechanisms of Troponin T elevation and AHF in AAS. Methods and Results: Data were collected from a prospective metropolitan AAS registry (398 patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2013). Troponin T values (either standard or high sensitivity assay, HS) were available in 248 patients (60%) of the registry population; the overall frequency of troponin positivity was 28% (ranging from 16% to 54%, using standard or HS assay respectively, p = 0.001). Troponin positivity was associated with a twofold increased risk of long in-hospital diagnostic time (OR 1.92, 95% CI 1.05-3.52, p = 0.03), but not with in-hospital mortality. The combination of positive troponin and ACS-like ECG abnormalities resulted in a significantly increased risk of inappropriate therapy due to a misdiagnosis of ACS (OR 2.48, 95% CI 1.12-5.54, p = 0.02). Patients with AHF were identified by the presence of dyspnea as presentation symptom or radiological signs of pulmonary congestion or cardiogenic shock. The overall frequency of AHF was 28 % (32% type A vs. 20% type B AAS, p = 0.01). AHF was due to a variety of pathophysiological mechanisms including cardiac tamponade (26%), aortic regurgitation (25%), myocardial ischemia (17%), hypertensive crisis (10%). AHF was associated with increased surgical delay and with increased risk of in-hospital death (adjusted OR 1.97 95% CI1.13-3.37,p=0.01). Conclusions: Troponin positivity (particularly HS) was a frequent finding in AAS. Abnormal troponin values were strongly associated with ACS-like ECG findings, in-hospital diagnostic delay, and inappropriate therapy. AHF was associated with increased surgical delay and was an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality.
BACKGROUND: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a sensitive tool for detection of respiratory picornaviruses. However, the clinical relevance of picornavirus detection by PCR is unclear. Immunofluorescence (IF), widely used to detect other respiratory viruses, has recently been introduced as a promising detection method for respiratory picornaviruses. OBJECTIVES: To compare the clinical manifestations of respiratory picornavirus infections detected by IF with those of respiratory picornavirus infections detected by xTAG multiplex PCR in hospitalized children. STUDY DESIGN: During a 1-year period, nasopharyngeal aspirates (NPA) from all children hospitalized due to an acute respiratory infection were prospectively analyzed by IF. All respiratory picornavirus positive IF samples and 100 IF negative samples were further tested with xTAG multiplex PCR. After exclusion of children with co-morbidities and viral co-infections, monoinfections with respiratory picornaviruses were detected in 108 NPA of 108 otherwise healthy children by IF and/or PCR. We compared group 1 children (IF and PCR positive, n=84) with group 2 children (IF negative and PCR positive, n=24) with regard to clinical manifestations of the infection. RESULTS: Wheezy bronchitis was diagnosed more often in group 1 than in group 2 (71% vs. 46%, p=0.028). In contrast, group 2 patients were diagnosed more frequently with pneumonia (17% vs. 6%, p=0.014) accompanied by higher levels of C-reactive protein (46mg/l vs. 11mg/l, p=0.009). CONCLUSIONS: Picornavirus detection by IF in children with acute respiratory infection is associated with the clinical presentation of wheezy bronchitis. The finding of a more frequent diagnosis of pneumonia in picornavirus PCR positive but IF negative children warrants further investigation.
Recurrence of cardiovascular events and mortality remain high after acute coronary syndromes. A Swiss multicentric study, "Inflammation and acute coronary syndromes (ACS)--Novel strategies for prevention and clinical managements", is currently underway with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. The study includes a clinical research subproject of which the aim is to assess the impact of the ELIPS program (multi-dimEnsionaL prevention Program after acute coronary Syndrome) on the recurrence of cardiovascular events after an ACS. The basic research sub-projects aim to investigate novel cardiovascular risk biomarkers and genetic determinants of recurrence and to study the role of stem cells after an ACS. Another sub-project will evaluate intracoronary imaging techniques and the efficacy of different types of stents.
Misclassification of the electrocardiogram (ECG) contributes to treatment errors in patients with acute coronary syndrome. We hypothesized that cardiology ECG review could reduce these errors.
Sclerosing cholangitis in critically ill patients (SC-CIP) with sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a cholestatic liver disease with a rapid progression to liver cirrhosis and hepatic failure. Data on outcome of these patients after liver transplantation (LT) are sparse.
Purpose To determine the frequency of apparent acute pulmonary embolism (PE) and of concomitant disease in computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA); to compare the frequency of PE in patients with pneumonia or acute cardiac disorder (acute coronary syndrome, tachyarrhythmia, acute left ventricular heart failure or cardiogenic shock), with the frequency of PE in patients with none of these alternative chest pathologies (comparison group). Methods Retrospective analysis of all patients who received a CTPA at the emergency department (ED) within a period of four years and 5 months. Results Of 1275 patients with CTPA, 28 (2.2%) had PE and concomitant radiologic evidence of another chest disease; 3 more (0.2%) had PE and an acute cardiac disorder without radiological evidence of heart failure. PE was found in 11 of 113 patients (10%) with pneumonia, in 5 of 154 patients (3.3%) with an acute cardiac disorder and in 186 of 1008 patients (18%) in the comparison group. After adjustment for risk factors for thromboembolism and for other relevant patient’s characteristics, the proportion of CTPAs with evidence of PE in patients with an acute cardiac disorder or pneumonia was significantly lower than in the comparison group (OR 0.13, 95% CI 0.05–0.33, p<0.001 for patients with an acute cardiac disorder, and OR 0.45, 95% CI 0.23–0.89, p = 0.021 for patients with pneumonia). Conclusion The frequency of PE and a concomitant disease that can mimic PE was low. The presence of an acute cardiac disorder or pneumonia was associated with decreased odds of PE.
In selected stroke patients intravenous thrombolysis and/or endovascular therapies lead to a significant reduction of long term disabilities. In case of no contraindications, patients with acute ischemic stroke, which arrive within the time window on the emergency unit, should receive thrombolysis consequently and current data indicate that patients with a severe acute ischemic stroke and a proximal cerebral arterial vessel occlusion (i. e. main stem of the arteria cerebri media, posterior, maybe also anterior, arteria carotis interna and basilaris) should preferentially be treated endovascularly, patients with a peripheral cerebral arterial vessel occlusion (i. e. main branch of the arteria cerebri media, anterior and posterior) and mild symptoms with intravenous thrombolysis.
This study investigated whether the epidemiology of penicillin-non-susceptible pneumococci (PNSP) colonising small children correlated with the biannual epidemic activity of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Colonisation rates and the prevalence of PNSP among paediatric outpatients aged < 5 years was analysed between January 1998 and September 2003 using an established national surveillance network. Resistance trends were investigated using time-series analysis to assess the correlation with the biannual pattern of RSV infections and national sales of oral paediatric formulations of antibiotics and antibiotic prescriptions to children aged < 5 years for acute respiratory tract infections. PNSP rates exhibited a biannual cycle in phase with the biannual seasonal RSV epidemics (p < 0.05). Resistance rates were higher during the winter seasons of 1998-1999 (20.1%), 2000-2001 (16.0%) and 2002-2003 (19.1%), compared with the winter seasons of 1997-1998 (8.2%), 1999-2000 (11.6%) and 2001-2002 (9.5%). Antibiotic sales and prescriptions showed regular peaks during each winter, with no significant correlation with the biannual pattern of RSV activity and seasonal trends of PNSP. RSV is an important determinant of the spread of PNSP and must be considered in strategies aimed at antimicrobial resistance control.
BACKGROUND: First investigations of the interactions between weather and the incidence of acute myocardial infarctions date back to 1938. The early observation of a higher incidence of myocardial infarctions in the cold season could be confirmed in very different geographical regions and cohorts. While the influence of seasonal variations on the incidence of myocardial infarctions has been extensively documented, the impact of individual meteorological parameters on the disease has so far not been investigated systematically. Hence the present study intended to assess the impact of the essential variables of weather and climate on the incidence of myocardial infarctions. METHODS: The daily incidence of myocardial infarctions was calculated from a national hospitalization survey. The hourly weather and climate data were provided by the database of the national weather forecast. The epidemiological and meteorological data were correlated by multivariate analysis based on a generalized linear model assuming a log-link-function and a Poisson distribution. RESULTS: High ambient pressure, high pressure gradients, and heavy wind activity were associated with an increase in the incidence of the totally 6560 hospitalizations for myocardial infarction irrespective of the geographical region. Snow- and rainfall had inconsistent effects. Temperature, Foehn, and lightning showed no statistically significant impact. CONCLUSIONS: Ambient pressure, pressure gradient, and wind activity had a statistical impact on the incidence of myocardial infarctions in Switzerland from 1990 to 1994. To establish a cause-and-effect relationship more data are needed on the interaction between the pathophysiological mechanisms of the acute coronary syndrome and weather and climate variables.
Pulmonary capillary pressure (Pcap) is the predominant force that drives fluid out of the pulmonary capillaries into the interstitium. Increasing hydrostatic capillary pressure is directly proportional to the lung's transvascular filtration rate, and in the extreme leads to pulmonary edema. In the pulmonary circulation, blood flow arises from the transpulmonary pressure gradient, defined as the difference between pulmonary artery (diastolic) pressure and left atrial pressure. The resistance across the pulmonary vasculature consists of arterial and venous components, which interact with the capacitance of the compliant pulmonary capillaries. In pathological states such as acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, and high altitude or neurogenic lung edema, the longitudinal distribution of the precapillary arterial and the postcapillary venous resistance varies. Subsequently, the relationship between Pcap and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) is greatly variable and Pcap can no longer be predicted from PAOP. In clinical practice, PAOP is commonly used to guide fluid therapy, and Pcap as a hemodynamic target is rarely assessed. This approach is potentially misleading. In the presence of a normal PAOP and an increased pressure gradient between Pcap and PAOP, the tendency for fluid leakage in the capillaries and subsequent edema development may substantially be underestimated. Tho-roughly validated methods have been developed to assess Pcap in humans. At the bedside, measurement of Pcap can easily be determined by analyzing a pressure transient after an acute pulmonary artery occlusion with the balloon of a Swan-Ganz catheter.
BACKGROUND: Cyclic recruitment during mechanical ventilation contributes to ventilator associated lung injury. Two different pathomechanisms in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are currently discussed: alveolar collapse vs persistent flooding of small airways and alveoli. We compare two different ARDS animal models by computed tomography (CT) to describe different recruitment and derecruitment mechanisms at different airway pressures: (i) lavage-ARDS, favouring alveolar collapse by surfactant depletion; and (ii) oleic acid ARDS, favouring alveolar flooding by capillary leakage. METHODS: In 12 pigs [25 (1) kg], ARDS was randomly induced, either by saline lung lavage or oleic acid (OA) injection, and 3 animals served as controls. A respiratory breathhold manoeuvre without spontaneous breathing at different continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) was applied in random order (CPAP levels of 5, 10, 15, 30, 35 and 50 cm H(2)O) and spiral-CT scans of the total lung were acquired at each CPAP level (slice thickness=1 mm). In each spiral-CT the volume of total lung parenchyma, tissue, gas, non-aerated, well-aerated, poorly aerated, and over-aerated lung was calculated. RESULTS: In both ARDS models non-aerated lung volume decreased significantly from CPAP 5 to CPAP 50 [oleic acid lung injury (OAI): 346.9 (80.1) to 96.4 (48.8) ml, P<0.001; lavage-ARDS: 245 17.6) to 42.7 (4.8) ml, P<0.001]. In lavage-ARDS poorly aerated lung volume decreased at higher CPAP levels [232 (45.2) at CPAP 10 to 84 (19.4) ml at CPAP 50, P<0.001] whereas in OAI poorly aerated lung volume did not vary at different airway pressures. CONCLUSIONS: In both ARDS models well-aerated and non-aerated lung volume respond to different CPAP levels in a comparable fashion: Thus, a cyclical alveolar collapse seems to be part of the derecruitment process also in the OA-ARDS. In OA-ARDS, the increase in poorly aerated lung volume reflects the specific initial lesion, that is capillary leakage with interstitial and alveolar oedema.
Human bocavirus (HBoV) is a novel agent associated with respiratory symptoms in adults and children. We studied prospectively the first acute respiratory infection in a birth cohort of healthy neonates in Switzerland. HBoV was identified in 5 (4.5%) of 112 infants as young as 3 months of age. In 4 of the 5 infants, HBoV was associated with other respiratory viruses. We conclude that HBoV circulates in the community and is acquired early in life.
BACKGROUND: Transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome (TLVABS) is an acute cardiac syndrome mimicking ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction characterized by transient wall-motion abnormalities involving apical and mid-portions of the left ventricle in the absence of significant obstructive coronary disease. METHODS: Searching the MEDLINE database 28 case series met the eligibility criteria and were summarized in a narrative synthesis of the demographic characteristics, clinical features and pathophysiological mechanisms. RESULTS: TLVABS is observed in 0.7-2.5% of patients with suspected ACS, affects women in 90.7% (95% CI: 88.2-93.2%) with a mean age ranging from 62 to 76 years and most commonly presents with chest pain (83.4%, 95% CI: 80.0-86.7%) and dyspnea (20.4%, 95% CI: 16.3-24.5%) following an emotionally or physically stressful event. ECG on admission shows ST-segment elevations in 71.1% (95% CI: 67.2-75.1%) and is accompanied by usually mild elevations of Troponins in 85.0% (95% CI: 80.8-89.1%). Despite dramatic clinical presentation and substantial risk of heart failure, cardiogenic shock and arrhythmias, LVEF improved from 20-49.9% to 59-76% within a mean time of 7-37 days with an in-hospital mortality rate of 1.7% (95% CI: 0.5-2.8%), complete recovery in 95.9% (95% CI: 93.8-98.1%) and rare recurrence. The underlying etiology is thought to be based on an exaggerated sympathetic stimulation. CONCLUSION: TLVABS is a considerable differential diagnosis in ACS, especially in postmenopausal women with a preceding stressful event. Data on longterm follow-up is pending and further studies will be necessary to clarify the etiology and reach consensus in acute and longterm management of TLVABS.