887 resultados para Self-employed--Psychology.
The use of smokeless tobacco products is undergoing an alarming resurgence in the United States. Several national surveys have reported a higher prevalence of use among those employed in blue-collar occupations. National objectives now target this group for health promotion programs which reduce the health risks associated with tobacco use.^ Drawn from a larger data set measuring health behaviors, this cross-sectional study tested the applicability of two related theories, the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), to smokeless tobacco (SLT) cessation in a blue-collar population of gas pipeline workers. In order to understand the determinants of SLT cessation, measures were obtained of demographic and normative characteristics of the population and specific constructs. Attitude toward the act of quitting (AACT) and subjective norm (SN) are constructs common to both models, perceived behavioral control (PBC) is unique to the TPB, and the number of past quit attempts is not contained in either model. In addition, a self-reported measure was taken of SLT use at two-month follow-up.^ The study population was comprised of all male SLT users who were field employees in a large gas pipeline company with gas compressor stations extending from Texas to the Canadian border. At baseline, 199 employees responded to the SLT portion of the survey, 118 completed some portion of the two-month follow-up, and 101 could be matched across time.^ As hypothesized, significant correlations were found between constructs antecedent to AACT and SN, although crossover effects occurred. Significant differences were found between SLT cessation intenders and non-intenders with regard to their personal and normative beliefs about quitting as well as their outcome expectancies and motivation to comply with others' beliefs. These differences occurred in the expected direction, with the mean intender score consistently higher than that of the non-intender.^ Contrary to hypothesis, AACT predicted intention to quit but SN did not. However, confirmatory of the TPB, PBC, operationalized as self-efficacy, independently contributed to the prediction of intention. Statistically significant relationships were not found between intention, perceived behavioral control, their interactive effects, and use behavior at two-month follow-up. The introduction of number of quit attempts into the logistic regression model resulted in insignificant findings for independent and interactive effects.^ The findings from this study are discussed in relation to their implications for program development and practice, especially within the worksite. In order to confirm and extend the findings of this investigation, recommendations for future research are also discussed. ^
This work belongs to the Project "Teaching and learning Psychology: a study of the educational practice in professors and beginners". It is part of an investigation program developed in the context of the subject "Didactic and Practical Planning of Psychology teaching" in which we have been working since 1998. This subject is also considered as the final stage of the formative itinerary for Psychology s professors. The reached results show the incidence that the beliefs and professors' representations have in the teaching processes. By getting into the studies centered in the educational knowledge we guide the inquiry around the development of the professor's professional knowledge and particularly the development of their formation. Our proposal contemplates a formation device which incorporates the observation, reflection, evaluation and self-evaluation of the practice in order to facilitate the reconstruction, significance and re-significance of the teaching and learning processes by giving relevance to the development of the teacher professional knowledge. The analysis of teaching practices process reveals that the mediations that cross the knowledge in the being taught instances are constituted in reflections axes. This involves the future professor's relationship with the knowledge and their projection in the construction of the professional identity.
This work belongs to the Project "Teaching and learning Psychology: a study of the educational practice in professors and beginners". It is part of an investigation program developed in the context of the subject "Didactic and Practical Planning of Psychology teaching" in which we have been working since 1998. This subject is also considered as the final stage of the formative itinerary for Psychology s professors. The reached results show the incidence that the beliefs and professors' representations have in the teaching processes. By getting into the studies centered in the educational knowledge we guide the inquiry around the development of the professor's professional knowledge and particularly the development of their formation. Our proposal contemplates a formation device which incorporates the observation, reflection, evaluation and self-evaluation of the practice in order to facilitate the reconstruction, significance and re-significance of the teaching and learning processes by giving relevance to the development of the teacher professional knowledge. The analysis of teaching practices process reveals that the mediations that cross the knowledge in the being taught instances are constituted in reflections axes. This involves the future professor's relationship with the knowledge and their projection in the construction of the professional identity.
This work belongs to the Project "Teaching and learning Psychology: a study of the educational practice in professors and beginners". It is part of an investigation program developed in the context of the subject "Didactic and Practical Planning of Psychology teaching" in which we have been working since 1998. This subject is also considered as the final stage of the formative itinerary for Psychology s professors. The reached results show the incidence that the beliefs and professors' representations have in the teaching processes. By getting into the studies centered in the educational knowledge we guide the inquiry around the development of the professor's professional knowledge and particularly the development of their formation. Our proposal contemplates a formation device which incorporates the observation, reflection, evaluation and self-evaluation of the practice in order to facilitate the reconstruction, significance and re-significance of the teaching and learning processes by giving relevance to the development of the teacher professional knowledge. The analysis of teaching practices process reveals that the mediations that cross the knowledge in the being taught instances are constituted in reflections axes. This involves the future professor's relationship with the knowledge and their projection in the construction of the professional identity.
In the educational project described in this paper, new virtual 3D didactical contents have been developed to achieve specific outcomes, within the frame of a new methodology oriented to objectives of the European Higher Education Area directives. The motivation of the project was to serve as a new assessment method, to create a link between new programs of study with the older ones. In this project, new rubrics have been developed to be employed as an objective method of evaluation of specific and transversal outcomes, to accomplish the certification criteria of institutions like ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology).
Since the observation of optical bistability by Gibbs et al., optical bistability has been the field where researchers from many fields have found a common place to work. More recently, when Ikeda and co-workers discussed the effect of a delayed feedback on instability of a ring cavity containing a non linear dielectric medium, and pointed out that the transmitted light from the ring cavity can be periodic or chaotic in time under a certain condition, optical bistable devices have shown new possibilities to be applied in many different fields. The novel phenomenon has been predicted to be observed in the hybrid optical device and has been confirmed by Gibbs et al. Moreover, as we have shown, a similar effect can be obtained when liquid crystal cells are employed as non linear element.
A colloidal deposition technique is presented to construct long-range ordered hybrid arrays of self-assembled quantum dots and metal nanoparticles. Quantum dots are promising for novel opto-electronic devices but, in most cases, their optical transitions of interest lack sufficient light absorption to provide a significant impact in their implementation. A potential solution is to couple the dots with localized plasmons in metal nanoparticles. The extreme confinement of light in the near-field produced by the nanoparticles can potentially boost the absorption in the quantum dots by up to two orders of magnitude. In this work, light extinction measurements are employed to probe the plasmon resonance of spherical gold nanoparticles in lead sulfide colloidal quantum dots and amorphous silicon thin-films. Mie theory computations are used to analyze the experimental results and determine the absorption enhancement that can be generated by the highly intense near-field produced in the vicinity of the gold nanoparticles at their surface plasmon resonance. The results presented here are of interest for the development of plasmon-enhanced colloidal nanostructured photovoltaic materials, such as colloidal quantum dot intermediate-band solar cells.
This paper presents a novel self-timed multi-purpose sensor especially conceived for Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The aim of the sensor is to measure performance variations during the life-cycle of the device, such as process variability, critical path timing and temperature variations. The proposed topology, through the use of both combinational and sequential FPGA elements, amplifies the time of a signal traversing a delay chain to produce a pulse whose width is the sensor’s measurement. The sensor is fully self-timed, avoiding the need for clock distribution networks and eliminating the limitations imposed by the system clock. One single off- or on-chip time-to-digital converter is able to perform digitization of several sensors in a single operation. These features allow for a simplified approach for designers wanting to intertwine a multi-purpose sensor network with their application logic. Employed as a temperature sensor, it has been measured to have an error of ±0.67 °C, over the range of 20–100 °C, employing 20 logic elements with a 2-point calibration.
This study was funded by the Swiss National Foundation (100014_124516). We would like to thank all students who helped with data collection.
Treinamento de habilidades sociais com universitários da área de fonoaudiologia: análise de conteúdo
Além do aprendizado de conhecimentos básicos e técnicos, promover competência social e habilidades interpessoais de universitários da área da Saúde torna-se fundamental para o desenvolvimento de relações saudáveis e produtivas no contexto acadêmico e na linha do cuidado. O campo das Habilidades Sociais, uma área da Psicologia, tem fornecido fundamentação desde a metodologia de avaliação de repertório social, até programas de Treinamento de Habilidades Sociais (THS) em contextos educacionais. Atualmente, é crescente o interesse em pesquisas qualitativas na Saúde por englobar o universo de significados, motivos, crenças, valores e atitudes, correspondendo a um espaço mais profundo das relações humanas. Objetivos: Investigar do ponto de vista qualitativo o programa de THS com universitários, oferecido pela disciplina de Psicologia III no Curso de Fonoaudiologia; descrever as potencialidades e dificuldades do repertório de HS conforme a autopercepção dos universitários; identificar os ganhos percebidos pelos universitários ao longo do programa de THS; analisar a relação entre o THS com o autoconhecimento nas relações interpessoais e na relação profissional-paciente. Metodologia: Participaram desta pesquisa 22 universitários, com faixa etária entre 19 e 21 anos de ambos os sexos, que cursavam o segundo ano do Curso de Fonoaudiologia de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior do interior paulista. Empregaram-se abordagem qualitativa e análise de conteúdo dos relatos produzidos pelos universitários no 1o, 8o e 15o encontros do THS e das sínteses (8o e 15o). Resultados: Foram identificadas três temas para análise: \"A importância do conhecimento teórico/técnico para a formação do fonoaudiólogo\", \"A importância do THS no contexto acadêmico e para a prática clínica\" e \"Avaliação dos universitários sobre os efeitos do THS\". No que se refere ao conhecimento teórico/técnico, os relatos apontaram a importância de que este seja desenvolvido de maneira contínua, valorizando as metodologias ativas empregadas. Quanto ao treinamento, os participantes descreveram maior prevalência de potencialidades e dificuldades das habilidades assertivas nos relacionamentos interpessoais do contexto acadêmico. Também foi apontada maior dificuldade de empatia com colegas e na comunicação com professores. No contexto profissional, as dificuldades permearam a ansiedade de falar em público e ser assertivo ao trabalhar em grupo. Quanto aos ganhos identificados, prevaleceu a assertividade com os dois interlocutores envolvidos nesta pesquisa; porém, todas as habilidades sociais tiveram resultados considerados positivos nos dois contextos, destacando a comunicação empática com paciente como facilitadora do processo terapêutico. O THS foi avaliado positivamente, pois permitiu a identificação de potencialidades, dificuldades e ganhos no repertório de HS no contexto acadêmico, sendo apontado como uma forma de preparação para a prática clínica, promovendo o autoconhecimento, o desenvolvimento de comportamentos socialmente habilidosos e a generalização para outros contextos. Conclusão: A inserção do THS na formação profissional de universitários na Fonoaudiologia mostrou-se bastante promissora ao ampliar o repertório de habilidades e competências para além do conhecimento teórico/técnico, tendo o autoconhecimento papel central neste processo, culminando com mudanças de comportamento na vida pessoal e profissional. Salienta-se a relevância do THS em cursos de graduação na área da Saúde, pelo contexto da relação profissional-paciente.
Widely held clinical assumptions about self-harming eating disorder patients were tested in this project. Specifically, the present study had two aims: (1) to confirm research that suggests patients with self-injurious behavior exhibit greater severity in eating disorder symptomology; and (2) to document the treatment course for these patients (e.g. reported change in eating disorder attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors) from admission to discharge. Data from 43 participants who received treatment at a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) for Eating Disorders were used in the current study. The length of treatment required for study inclusion reflected mean lengths of stay (Williamson, Thaw, & Varnardo-Sullivan, 2001) and meaningful treatment lengths in prior research (McFarlane et al., 2013; McFarlane, Olmsted, & Trottier, 2008): five to eight weeks. Scores on the Eating Disorder Inventory-III (Garner, 2004) at the time of admission and discharge were compared. These results suggest that there are no significant differences between eating disordered patients who engage in self-injury and those who do not in terms of symptom severity or pathology at admission. The results further suggest that patients in both groups see equivalent reductions in symptoms from admission to discharge across domains and also share non-significant changes in emotional dysregulation over the course of treatment. Importantly, these results also suggest that general psychological maladjustment is higher at discharge for eating disordered patients who engage in self-injury.
Parent Loss in Adolescence and its Impact on Sense of Self: When an Adolescent Boy Loses His Mother.
Adolescence is a developmental phase that involves physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. Often this period is one of transition that requires significant adjustment both with the individual and the family. It is considered to start with puberty, sometime between the ages of 10 and 13, and end with the transition into adulthood (Kruse & Walper, 2008). Puberty is a term that is used to describe the physical changes that generally occur during adolescence. It is an aspect of the changes that occur during the overarching phase of development. Within adolescence, individuals are confronted with many developmental tasks such as establishing an individual identity, making decisions about the future, and moving from dependence on families to independence (Austrian, 2008).There are many changes that occur during adolescence, including sexual maturation and functioning, endocrine developments, and skeletal and muscular changes. Boys will see a growth of body, pubic, and facial hair, their voice will deepen, and they will begin having erections and wet dreams (Kruse & Walper, 2008). The accelerated transformation of this phase generally has an emotional impact and individuals may feel concerned or self-conscious about their appearance. Ausubel, Montemayor, and Svajian (1977) suggest that adolescents may be more sensitive during this period of development. This sensitivity may be in part due to the rapid growth resulting in a sense of awkwardness in appearance and physical coordination.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the experience of college-aged students who have been diagnosed with dyslexia. Research has shown that many people with dyslexia experience a variety of social and emotional struggles throughout their education. Using qualitative research techniques, this study provides a description of the experience common among college students with dyslexia. Specifically, the study examines the experience of dyslexic students as it relates to attributions of successes and failures, locus of control, self-concept, and how personal knowledge about the diagnosis impacts their experience.
As acceptance of the Evidence-based Psychology Practice (EBPP) model continues to grow (Pagoto, Spring, Coups, Mulvaney, Coutu, & Ozakinci, 2007), it seems pertinent to explore how this model can be applied in different settings. This topic is timely as practitioners in the field are being held ever more accountable for the efficacy of the treatments they employ (Pagoto et al., 2007). Increased scrutiny has resulted in a need to integrate research into practice in order to ensure continued relevance in the ever-changing realm of American health care (Luebbe, Radcliffe, Callands, Green & Thorn, 2007; Collins, Leffingwell & Belar, 2007; Chwalisz, 2003). This paper explores how the requirements set forth by the American Psychological Association Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice (2006) can be implemented at the University of Denver's (DU) Professional Psychology Center (PPC), a training clinic for students enrolled in the Psy.D. program at DU's Graduate School of Professional Psychology (GSPP). In doing so, the methods employed by Collins et al. (2007) at Oklahoma State University (OSU) are used as a template and modified to accommodate differences between these two institutions.
The aim of this paper is to provide evidence that overweight individuals are at increased risk for emotional abuse compared to their normal weight counterparts. Studies examining weight-based discrimination and bullying demonstrate examples of emotional abuse aimed at overweight individuals. The psychological difficulties associated with emotional abuse, such as symptoms of anxiety, depression and social difficulties, are reviewed. It is hypothesized that similar psychological difficulties are experienced when obese persons experience weight based emotional abuse. A self psychological conceptualization is applied to understand the effect emotional abuse has on one's sense of self. A treatment proposal, which aims to utilize self-object transferences to strengthen the self, is offered. Future research for the application of self psychology in a group therapy format is discussed.