997 resultados para Segmental bone defect
The hypothesis that growth hormone (GH) up-regulates the expression of enzymes, matrix proteins, and differentiation markers involved in mineralization of tooth and bone matrices was tested by the treatment of Lewis dwarf rats with GH over 5 days, The molar teeth and associated alveolar bone were processed for immunohistochemical demonstration of bone morphogenetic proteins 2 and 4 (BMP-2 and -4), bone morphogenetic protein type IA receptor (BMPR-IA), bone alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteocalcin (OC), osteopontin (OPN), bone sialoprotein (BSP), and E11 protein (E11), The cementoblasts, osteoblasts, and periodontal ligament (PDL) cells responded to GH by expressing BMP-2 and -4, BMPR-IA, ALP, OC, and OPN and increasing the numbers of these cells. No changes were found in patterns of expression of the late differentiation markers BSP and E11 in response to GH, Thus, GH evokes expression of bone markers of early differentiation in cementoblasts, PDL cells, and osteoblasts of the periodontium. We propose that the induction of BMP-2 and -4 and their receptor by GH compliments the role of GH-induced insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in promoting bone and tooth root formation.
This article reports the longitudinal follow-up of a familial case of aggressive periodontitis treated by a combined regenerative approach that consisted of root conditioning, bone grafting, and membrane positioning. Treatment resulted in attachment level gain, reduction of probing depth, absence of bleeding on probing, and complete bone filling of the defect. The short-term results obtained after surgery were maintained after 6 years, suggesting that the combined regenerative approach is able to completely arrest the disease with long-term stability. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2009; 29: 69-79.)
The relationship between the ordering characteristic of the pyrochlore structure type and that characteristic of the defect fluorite structure type (immediately on either side of two phase regions separating the two structure types) in a range of rare eath sesquioxide stabilized cubic zirconias is investigated via electron diffraction and imaging. Systematic structural change as a function of composition and relative size of the constituent metal ions is highlighted and a multi-q to single-q = 1/2 [111]* model proposed for the observed pyrochlore to defect fluorite phase transition. Strain introduced into the close-packed {111} metal ion planes of the defect fluorite average structure by the local cation and oxygen vacancy distribution is pointed to as the likely origin of the observed behavior. (C) 2001 Academic Press
Purpose: To evaluate the biomechanical fixation, bone-to-implant contact (BIC), and bone morphology of screw-type root-form implants with healing chambers with as-machined or dual acid-etched (DAE) surfaces in a canine model. Materials and Methods: The animal model included the placement of machined (n = 24) and DAE (n = 24) implants along the proximal tibiae of six mongrel dogs, which remained in place for 2 or 4 weeks. Following euthanasia, half of the specimens were subjected to biomechanical testing (torque to interface failure) and the other half were processed for histomorphologic and histomorphometric (%BIC) assessments. Statistical analyses were performed by one-way analysis of variance at the 95% confidence level and the Tukey post hoc test for multiple comparisons. Results: At 4 weeks, the DAE surface presented significantly higher mean values for torque to interface failure overall. A significant increase in %BIC values occurred for both groups over time. For both groups, bone formation through the classic appositional healing pathway was observed in regions where intimate contact between the implant and the osteotomy walls occurred immediately after implantation. Where contact-free spaces existed after implantation (healing chambers), an intramembranous-like healing mode with newly formed woven bone prevailed. Conclusions: In the present short-term evaluation, no differences were observed in BIC between groups; however, an increase in biomechanical fixation was seen from 2 to 4 weeks with the DAE surface. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:75-82
Background: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a macromolecule of importance in inflammation that has been implicated in periodontitis. The aims of this study were to investigate VEGF expression during the progression of periodontal disease and to evaluate the effect of a preferential cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor meloxicam on VEGF expression and alveolar bone loss in experimentally induced periodontitis. Methods: A total of 120 Wistar rats were randomly separated into groups 1 (control) and 2 (meloxicam, 3 mg/kg/day, intraperitoneally, for 3, 7, 14, or 30 days). Silk ligatures were placed at the gingival margin level of the lower right first molar of all rats. VEGF expression was assessed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), Western blot (WB), and immunohistochemical (IHC) analyses. The hemiarcades were processed for histopathologic analysis. RT-PCR and WB results were submitted to analysis of variance, the Tukey test, and Pearson correlation analysis (P<0.05). Results: A reduction in alveolar bone resorption was observed in the meloxicam-treated group compared to the control group at all periods studied. There was a positive correlation between COX-2 mRNA and VEGF mRNA in the gingival tissues and periodontal disease (R = 0.80; P = 0.026). Meloxicam significantly reduced the increased mRNA VEGF expression in diseased tissues after 14 days of treatment (P = 0.023). Some alterations in VEGF receptor I mRNA expression were observed, but these were not statistically significant. VEGF protein expression in WB experiments was significantly higher in diseased sites compared to healthy sites (P<0.05). After 14 days of treatment with meloxicam, an important decrease in VEGF protein expression was detected in diseased tissues (P = 0.08). Qualitative IHC analysis revealed that VEGF protein expression was higher in diseased tissues and decreased in tissues from rats treated with meloxicam. Conclusions: The present data suggest an important role for VEGF in the progression of periodontal disease. Systemic therapy with meloxicam can modify the progression of experimentally induced periodontitis in rats by reducing VEGF expression and alveolar bone loss.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of osteoblastic cells to the composite of Ricinus cominunis polyurethane (RCP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) incubated in synthetic body fluid (SBF). RCP pure (RCPp) and RCP blended with ALP 6 mg/mL polymer (RCP+ALP) were incubated in SBF for 17 days. Four groups of RCP were tested: RCPp, RCP+ALP, and RCPp and RCP+ALP incubated in SBF (RCPp/SBF and RCP+ALP/SBF). Stem cells from rat bone marrow were cultured in conditions that allowed osteoblastic differentiation on RCP discs and were evaluated: cell adhesion, culture growth, cell viability, total protein content, ALP activity, and bone-like nodule formation. Data were compared by ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test. The group RCP-A P was highly cytotoxic and, therefore, was not considered here. Cell adhesion (p = 0.14), culture growth (p = 0.39), viability (p = 0.46) and total protein content (p = 0.12) were not affected by either RCP composition or incubation in SBE ALP activity was affected (p = 0.0001) as follows: RCPp < RCPp/SBF < RCP+ALP/SBF. Bone-like nodule formation was not observed on all evaluated groups. The composite RCP+ALP prior to SBF incubation is cytotoxic and must not be considered as biomaterial, but the incorporation of ALP to the RCP followed by SBF incubation could be a useful alternative to improve the biological properties of the RCP. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Objectives: This study evaluated key parameters of the in vitro osteogenesis induced by osteoblastic cells obtained from sites submitted to sinus grafting with anorganic bovine bone (ABB) in comparison with cells derived from bone sites of the same patients. Materials and methods: In three patients, the augmentation of maxillary sinus was carried out using ABB (Bio-Oss (R)). After at least 6 months, during the surgical intervention for titanium implants placement, biopsies were taken from these areas using trephine burs (grafted group). Bone fragments, of the same patients, from sites that had not received graft were also obtained with trephine burs and used as a control group. Osteoblastic cells were obtained from grafted and control groups by enzymatic digestion and cultured under standard osteogenic condition until subconfluence. First passaged cells were cultured in 24-well culture plates. Cell adhesion was evaluated at 24 h. For proliferation and viability assay, cells were cultured for 1, 3, 7, and 10 days. Total protein content and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity were measured at 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, and 21 days. Cultures were stained with Alizarin red S at 21 days, for detection of mineralized matrix. Data were compared by Student`s t-test. Results: Cell adhesion and viability were not affected by cell source (P>0.05). Total protein content was greater (P<0.05) for grafted group. Cell proliferation, ALP activity, and bone-like nodule formation were all greater (P<0.05) for the control group. Conclusions: Taken together, these results indicate that the in vivo long-term contact of cells with ABB downregulates the expression of osteoblast phenotype and consequently the in vitro osteogenesis.
This study investigated the response of human alveolar bone-derived cells to a novel poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)/barium titanate (P(VDF-TrFE)/BT) membrane. Osteoblastic cells were cultured in osteogenic conditions either on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for up to 14 days. At 7 and 14 days, the mRNA expression of Runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2), Type I collagen (COL I), Osteopontin (OPN), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Bone sialoprotein (BSP), and Osteocalcin (OC), key markers of the osteoblastic phenotype, and of Bcl2-associated X protein (Bax), B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), and Survivin (SUR), associated with the control of the apoptotic cell death, was assayed by real-time PCR. In situ ALP activity was qualitatively evaluated by means of Fast red staining. Surface characterization was also qualitatively and quantitatively assayed in terms of topography, roughness, and wettability. Cells grown on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT exhibited a significantly higher mRNA expression for all markers compared to the ones on PTFE, except for Bcl-2, which was not detected for both groups. Additionally, Fast red staining was noticeably stronger in cultures on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT at 7 and 14 days. At micron-and submicron scale, SEM images and roughness analysis revealed that PTFE and P(VDF-TrFE)/BT exhibited a smooth topography and a similar roughness, respectively. PTFE membrane displayed higher contact angles compared with P(VDF-TrFE)/BT, as indicated by wettability assay. The novel P(VDF-TrFE)/BT membrane supports the acquisition of the osteoblastic phenotype in vitro, while up-regulating the expression of apoptotic markers. Further in vivo experiments should be carried out to confirm the capacity of P(VDF-TrFE)/BT membrane in promoting bone formation in guided bone regeneration.
Introduction The objective of the present study was to assess the craniocervical posture and the positioning of the hyoid bone in children with asthma who are mouth breathers compared to non-asthma controls. Methods The study was conducted on 56 children, 28 of them with mild (n = 15) and moderate (n = 13) asthma (14 girls aged 10 79 +/- 1 31 years and 14 boys aged 9 79 +/- 1.12 years), matched for sex, height, weight and age with 28 non-asthma children who are not mouth breathers The sample size was calculated considering a confidence interval of 95% and a prevalence of 4% of asthma in Latin America. Eighteen variables were analyzed in two radiographs (latero-lateral teleradiography and lateral cervical spine radiography), both obtained with the head in a natural position The independent t-test was used to compare means values and the chi-square test to compare percentage values (p < 0 05) Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to verify reliability. Results. The Craniovertebral Angle (CVA) was found to be significantly smaller in asthma than in control children (106.38 +/- 766 vs. 111 21 +/- 7.40. p = 0 02) and the frequency of asthma children with an absent or inverted hyoid triangle was found to be significantly higher compared to non-asthma children (36% vs 7%, p = 0.0001). The values of the inclination angles of the superior cervical spine in relation to the horizontal plane were significantly higher in moderate than in mild asthma children (CVT/Hor 85 10 +/- 725 vs. 90 92 +/- 6.69, p = 0 04 and C1/Hor. 80 93 +/- 5.56 vs 85 00 +/- 4 20, p = 0 04) Conclusions These findings revealed that asthma children presented higher head extension and a higher frequency of changes in hyoid bone position compared to non-asthma children and that greater the asthma severity greater the extension of the upper cervical spine. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to analyze if the presence of impacted third molars, and their positions in the mandibular angle, can change the bone quality in this area, considering the measure of the cortical thickness in this region as representative or not for mandible fracture risk. Software was used to analyze 50 digital images from panoramic radiographs of patients who had one or two impacted third molars in the mandible, and 30 digital images of patients with agenesis of the mandibular third molar. The thickness of the cortical region of the mandible was measured; it was possible to draw a parallel line to the posterior portion of the mandible and a parallel line to the body of this bone on each side of the image. At the intersection of these lines near the distal portion of the second molar, another line was set up to serve as reference in the cortical thickness measurement. It could be concluded that the cortical thickness of the mandibular angle in male patients without impacted third molars was greater than the thickness in patients with these teeth, and no difference in thickness was found for the female group.
Objective: This study aimed at investigating the influence of the porous titanium (Ti) structure on the osteogenic cell behaviour. Materials and methods: Porous Ti discs were fabricated by the powder metallurgy process with the pore size typically between 50 and 400 mm and a porosity of 60%. Osteogenic cells obtained from human alveolar bone were cultured until subconfluence and subcultured on dense Ti (control) and porous Ti for periods of up to 17 days. Results: Cultures grown on porous Ti exhibited increased cell proliferation and total protein content, and lower levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity than on dense Ti. In general, gene expression of osteoblastic markers-runt-related transcription factor 2, collagen type I, alkaline phosphatase, bone morphogenetic protein-7, and osteocalcin was lower at day 7 and higher at day 17 in cultures grown on porous Ti compared with dense Ti, a finding consistent with the enhanced growth rate for such cultures. The amount of mineralized matrix was greater on porous Ti compared with the dense one. Conclusion: These results indicate that the porous Ti is an appropriate substrate for osteogenic cell adhesion, proliferation, and production of a mineralized matrix. Because of the three-dimensional environment it provides, porous Ti should be considered an advantageous substrate for promoting desirable implant surface-bone interactions.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the development of the osteoblastic phenotype in human alveolar bone-derived cells grown on collagen type I-coated titanium (Ti) surface (Col-Ti) obtained by plasma deposition acrylic acid grafting compared with machined Ti (M-Ti). Osteoblastic cells were cultured until subconfluence and subcultured on Col-Ti and M-Ti for periods of up to 21 days. Cultures grown on Col-Ti and M-Ti exhibited similar cell morphology. Cell adhesion, total protein content, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity were not affected by Ti surface modification in all evaluated periods. Growth analyses indicated that there were significantly more cells in cultures grown on Col-Ti at day 3. Runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2), osteopontin (OPN), and osteoprotegerin (OPG) mRNA expression of cells subcultured on Col-Ti was higher, whereas collagen type I (COL) was lower compared with M-Ti. Ti surface modification neither affected the osteocalcin (OC), ALP and receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand (RANKL) mRNA expression nor the calcium content extracted from mineralized matrix. These results demonstrated that Col-Ti favours cell growth during the proliferative phase (day 3) and osteoblastic differentiation, as demonstrated by changes in mRNA expression profile during the matrix mineralization phase (day 14), suggesting that this Ti surface modification may affect the processes of bone healing and remodelling. To cite this article:Assis AF, Beloti MM, Crippa GE, de Oliveira PT, Morra M, Rosa AL. Development of the osteoblastic phenotype in human alveolar bone-derived cells grown on a collagen type I-coated titanium surface.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 240-246.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2008.01641.x.
Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLA) is a polymer of great technological interest, whose excellent mechanical properties, thermal plasticity and bioresorbability render it potentially useful for environmental applications, as a biodegradable plastic and as a biocompatible material in biomedicine. The interactions between an implant material surface and host cells play central roles in the integration, biological performance and clinical success of implanted biomedical devices. Osteoblasts from human alveolar bone were chosen to investigate the cell behaviour when in contact with PLA discs. Cell morphology and adhesion through osteopontin (OPN) and fibronectin (FN) expression were evaluated in the initial osteogenesis, as well as cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase activity and bone nodule formation. It was shown that the polymer favoured cell attachment. Cell proliferation increased until 21 days but in a smaller rate when compared to the control group. On the other hand, ALP activity and bone mineralization were not enhanced by the polymer. It is suggested that this polymer favours cell adhesion in the early osteogenesis in vitro, but it does not enhance differentiation and mineralization. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2009
In the course of attempting to define the bone ""secretome"" using a signal-trap screening approach, we identified a gene encoding a small membrane protein novel to osteoblasts. Although previously identified in silico as ifitm5, no localization or functional studies had been undertaken on this gene. We characterized the expression patterns and localization of this gene in vitro and in vivo and assessed its role in matrix mineralization in vitro. The bone specificity and shown role in mineralization led us to rename the gene bone restricted ifitm-like protein (Bril). Bril encodes a 14.8-kDa 1.34 arnino acid protein with two transmembrane domains. Northern blot analysis showed bone-specific expression with no expression in other embryonic or adult tissues. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry in mouse embryos showed expression localized on the developing bone. Screening of cell lines showed Bril expression to be highest in osteoblasts, associated with the onset of matrix maturation/mineralization, suggesting a role in bone formation. Functional evidence of a role in mineralization was shown by adenovirus-mediated Brit overexpression and lentivirus-mediated Bril shRNA knockdown in vitro. Elevated Bril resulted in dose-dependent increases in mineralization in UMR106 and rat primary osteoblasts. Conversely, knockdown of Bril in MC3T3 osteoblasts resulted in reduced mineralization. Thus, we identified Bril as a novel osteoblast protein and showed a role in mineralization, possibly identifying a new regulatory pathway in bone formation.
Strategies to promote bone repair have included exposure of cells to growth factor (GF) preparations from blood that generally include proteins as part of a complex mixture. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of such a mixture on different parameters of the development of the osteogenic phenotype in vitro. Osteoblastic cells were obtained by enzymatic digestion of human alveolar bone and cultured under standard osteogenic conditions until subconfluence. They were subcultured on Thermanox coverslips up to 14 days. Treated cultures were exposed during the first 7 days to osteogenic medium supplemented with a GFs + proteins mixture containing the major components found in platelet extracts [plate I et-derived growth factor-BB, transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1, TGF-beta 2, albumin, fibronectin, and thrombospondin] and to osteogenic medium alone thereafter. Control cultures were exposed only to the osteogenic medium. Treated cultures exhibited a significantly higher number of adherent cells from day 4 onward and of cycling cells at days 1 and 4, weak alkaline phosphatase (ALP) labeling, and significantly decreased levels of ALP activity and mRNA expression. At day 14, no Alizarin red-stained nodular areas were detected in cultures treated with GFs + proteins. Results were confirmed in the rat calvaria-derived osteogenic cell culture model. The addition of bone morphogenetic protein 7 or growth and differentiation factor 5 to treated cultures upregulated Runx2 and ALP mRNA expression, but surprisingly, ALP activity was not restored. These results showed that a mixture of GFs + proteins affects the development of the osteogenic phenotype both in human and rat cultures, leading to an increase in the number of cells, but expressed a less differentiated state.