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Objective: To test the viability of a tracheal autotransplant, with an original technique using a prefabricated flap from a complete tracheal neovascularized segment (CTNVS) of the sternohyoid muscle anastomosed by a microsurgical technique. Study Design: An experimental study using dogs as an animal model. Methods: Ten mongrel dogs weighing 23 to 40 kg were divided into two groups: group I (control), five animals submitted to autotransplant of the CTNVS without a microsurgical vascular anastomosis; and group II, five dogs submitted to autotransplant of the CTNVS with a microsurgical vascular anastomosis. Results: All group I dogs developed respiratory insufficiency and died because of necrosis and stenosis of the autotransplanted CTNVS, whereas all group II dogs completed a minimum period of 90 days of observation without any clinical changes. Macro- and microscopic analysis revealed intact tracheal structures. Conclusions: The present clinical and morphological findings demonstrate that the CTNVS autotransplant is viable, when a microsurgical vascular anastomosis is used.
Bone transport is based on the principle of distraction osteogenesis described by Ilizarov and is a consecrated method for the treatment of segmental bone defects. One of its most problematic and, paradoxically, least studied aspects is the consolidation of the docking site. We studied histologically the ossification of the docking site and regenerate to determine any difference between them. Nine adult sheep were submitted to correction of a 1-cm tibial diaphyseal defect using a system of plate-fixed bone transport, with latency period of 1 week and 0.2 mm distraction of the transported segment four times a day. The sheep were divided into three groups of three animals each, according to the observation period of 3, 6 or 12 weeks between the fixation of the transported fragment and the euthanasia. The docking site and the regenerate were studied histologically on sections stained with Masson trichrome. The main mode of docking site ossification was the endochondral one and although intramembranous ossification was also observed simultaneously, it was limited to rare and small foci. In contrast, intramembranous ossification played the major role in the regenerate, with bone formation evolving from the base segment to the target segment. The experimental bone transport model proposed in the present study permits us to conclude that there is a clear difference between the ossification of the docking site and of the regenerate.
The Holt-Oram syndrome was confirmed in an asymptomatic 36-year-old man by a novel TBX5-gene mutation (exon 8 acceptor splicing site, c.663-1G greater than A). Computed tomography showed an atrial septal defect and an anomalous right coronary artery crossing between the aorta and pulmonary arteries. Surgery corrected the septal defect and the initial segment of the anomalous vessel was unroofed and enlarged. Anomalous coronary arteries were not previously described in the Holt-Oram syndrome patients and should be added to the list of possible associated cardiac defects.
Thirty-three captive leopard cats, Leopardus tigrinus, were anesthetized with xylazine (1-2 mg/kg) and ketamine (10 mg/kg), and electrocardiograph (ECG) tests were recorded in all leads with 1 cm = 1 mV sensibility and 25 mm/sec speed repeating DII lead at 50 mm/sec speed with the same sensibility. Results expressed by mean and standard deviation were: heart rate (HR) = 107 +/- 17 (bpm); P-wave = 0.048 +/- 0.072 (s) x 0.128 +/- 0.048 (mV); PR interval = 0.101 +/- 0.081 (s); QRS compound = 0.053 +/- 0.012 (s) x 1.446 +/- 0.602 (mV); QT interval = 0.231 +/- 0.028 (s); R-wave (CV(6)LL) = 1.574 +/- 0.527 (mV); R-wave (CV(6)LU) = 1.583 +/- 0.818 (mV); heart rhythm: normal sinus rhythm (15.2%), sinus rhythm with wandering pacemaker (WPM) (60.6%), sinus arrhythmia with WPM (24.2%); electric axis: between +30 degrees and +60 degrees (6.1%), +60 (6.1%), between +60 degrees and +90 degrees (57.6%), +90 degrees (9%), between +90 degrees and +120 degrees (21.2%); ST segment: normal (75.7%), elevation (18.2%), depression (6.1%); T-wave polarity (DII): positive (100%); T-wave (V(10)): absent (6.1%), negative (63.6%), positive (18.2%), and with interference (12.1%). Through ECG data comparison with other species, unique features of Leopardus tigrinus` (leopard cat) ECG parameters were detected. Some of the study animals presented with an R-Wave amplitude that was indicative of left ventricle overload according to patterns for normal domestic cats (Felis cati). Echocardiographic exams revealed normal heart cavities` function and morphology. The aim of this study was to establish some electrocardiographic parameters of captive L. tigrinus.
Purpose: The Gow-Gates technique is said to have several advantages over traditional techniques to achieve mandibular nerve anesthesia; however, its routine use is quite limited, mainly due to complications during visual alignment of reference landmarks. The purpose of this study was to verify the validity and accuracy of a new method to reach the injection site. Material and Methods: Fifteen magnetic resonance images were captured. Distances from the ideal injection point in the condylar neck (puncture ideal) to the injection points located in the a and 0 plane intersection (Puncture Gow-Gates and puncture modified) were measured and compared. Results: Positive and significant (P <= .003) Pearson correlations between landmarks and injection points confirmed the validity of the modified technique. Paired t test showed that the segment line puncture ideal-puncture modified, 5.17 mm, was 3 times shorter (P < .001) than the segment line puncture ideal-puncture Gow-Gates, 17.91 mm. As calculated by linear regression, establishing the injection point of the modified technique depended only on the anteroposterior and lateromedial condyle positions. Conclusions: The modified technique proved to be valid and precise and has a determined and an effective injection site. (C) 2009 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 67:2609-2616, 2009
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze electrocardiographic alterations during dental implant surgeries when local anesthetic agents were used. Materials and Methods: Twenty implants were placed in 18 healthy patients. An electrocardiogram and Wincardio software were used to gather recordings from 12 static leads every 2 minutes, continuously record coronary artery (D2) derivations, and automatically measure the following electrocardiographic parameters: heart rate, duration and amplitude of the P wave, PR segment duration, ST segment deviation, QRS complex duration, and duration of the RR, QT, and corrected QT (QTc) intervals. Results: Analysis of variance of the values obtained at the different stages showed significant differences (P < .05) for the heart rate and for the duration of the RR and QT intervals. The heart rate increased during the anesthesia, incision, and bone drilling stages, reaching a peak during drilling. Duration of the RR and QT intervals decreased during the incision and drilling stages. Among the electrocardiographic parameters individually assessed, several altered values were found for the duration of the P wave, the QRS complex, and the QT and QTc intervals. Sinusal tachycardia and bradycardia, sinusal arrhythmia, supraventricular extrasystole, ventricular extrasystole, and T-wave inversion were detected. Conclusion: Dental implant placement surgery may induce electrocardiographic alterations. The most frequently found arrhythmias were extrasystole and sinusal tachycardia. The anesthesia, incision, and bone drilling stages exhibited the highest heart rate values and the shortest durations of the RR and QT intervals. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009;24:412-418
Objectives. The objective of this study was to elucidate the changes occurring in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) after surgical mandibular advancement with different fixation techniques: bicortical screws (rigid fixation) and miniplates (semi-rigid fixation). Study design. Eighteen minipigs were equally and randomly divided into 3 groups: Group I (control), nonoperated animals; Group II, animals submitted to surgical advancement surgery and osteosynthesis by bicortical screws; and Group III, animals submitted to surgical advancement surgery and osteosynthesis by miniplates. Four months after the surgeries, the presence of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-10 in synovial fluid samples was assessed in ELISA experiments. TMJs were histologically prepared. Results. Higher levels of IL-10 (P = .0436) were found for Group II. Descriptive histological analysis was compatible with the ELISA findings. Conclusions. Rigid fixation evokes more pronounced signs of bone remodeling in the TMJ, whereas malleable fixation promotes a more intense inflammatory activity. Therefore, rigid fixation seems to transmit a higher impact of postoperative masticatory forces to the TMJ.
Traumatic dental injuries are relatively frequent accidents that typically involve teeth in the maxillary anterior segment. The emergency treatment and the clinical decisions must be efficiently made at the time of injury, and there is a need for long-term follow-up because of the high incidence of complications. The aim of this article was to present the emergency and rehabilitation treatments of a multiple dentoalveolar trauma in the permanent dentition involving different extensions of enamel-dentin crown fracture, pulp exposure, and the avulsion of a canine. The treatment outcomes are reported up to the 4-year follow-up, and the clinical approaches and their rationale are discussed.
Background: Understanding how clinical variables affect stress distribution facilitates optimal prosthesis design and fabrication and may lead to a decrease in mechanical failures as well as improve implant longevity. Purpose: In this study, the many clinical variations present in implant-supported prosthesis were analyzed by 3-D finite element method. Materials and Method: A geometrical model representing the anterior segment of a human mandible treated with 5 implants supporting a framework was created to perform the tests. The variables introduced in the computer model were cantilever length, elastic modulus of cancellous bone, abutment length, implant length, and framework alloy (AgPd or CoCr). The computer was programmed with physical properties of the materials as derived from the literature, and a 100N vertical load was used to simulate the occlusal force. Images with the fringes of stress were obtained and the maximum stress at each site was plotted in graphs for comparison. Results: Stresses clustered at the elements closest to the loading point. Stress increase was found to be proportional to the increase in cantilever length and inversely proportional to the increase in the elastic modulus of cancellous bone. Increasing the abutment length resulted in a decrease of stress on implants and framework. Stress decrease could not be demonstrated with implants longer than 13 mm. A stiffer framework may allow better stress distribution. Conclusion: The relative physical properties of the many materials involved in an implant-supported prosthesis system affect the way stresses are distributed.
Purpose: The study evaluates the behavior of different adhesive systems and resin cements in fiber post placement, with the intent to clarify the possible role of unfilled resin as a luting material for fiber posts. Materials and Methods: Two luting agents (Dual-Link and Unfilled Resin) for cementing fiber posts into root canals were applied either with All-Bond 2 or One-Step Plus, or without an adhesive system, and challenged with the push-out test. Slices of roots restored with posts were loaded until post segment extrusion in the apical-coronal direction. Failure modes were analyzed under SEM. Results: Push-out strength was significantly influenced by the luting agent (p < 0.05), but not by the bonding strategy (p > 0.05). The best results were obtained in combination with Unfilled Resin with One-Step Plus. Dual-Link groups failed mainly cohesively within the cement, while Unfilled Resin demonstrated more adhesive fracture at the post interface. Conclusion: The results of this study support the hypothesis that adhesive unfilled resin application is essential for achieving high bond strength to radicular dentin.
The changing incidence of adenocarcinomas, particularly in the oesophagus and gastric cardia, has led to the rapid expansion of screening programmes aimed at detecting the precursor lesion of dysplasia before adenocarcinoma develops. The pathologist now has an important role in first diagnosing patients at risk for developing dysplasia, and then correctly classifying dysplasia when it occurs. Barrett's oesophagus has had different diagnostic criteria in previous years but is currently diagnosed by the presence of intestinal metaplasia of any length in the true oesophagus. Intestinal metaplasia confined only to the gastro-oesophageal junction or cardia is of uncertain significance but is probably common, with less risk of progressing to dysplasia or malignancy. In the stomach, patients with autoimmune atrophic gastritis and Helicobacter-associated multifocal atrophic gastritis have an increased risk of adenocarcinoma, but screening protocols are not well-developed compared with those used for Barrett's oesophagus. Dysplasia of glandular epithelium can be classified using well-described criteria. Low grade dysplasia is the most common type and regresses or remains stable in the majority of patients. High grade dysplasia is more ominous clinically, with a propensity to coexist with or progress to adenocarcinoma.
In the present study we evaluated the toxic effects on the male adult rat prostate of DBP exposure during fetal and lactational periods, because although many studies have addressed the influence of phthalates on the male reproductive system, only a few have discussed their possible effects on prostate development. Pregnant females were distributed into two experimental groups: Control (C) and Treated (T). The females of the T group received DBP (100 mg/kg, by gavage) from gestation day 12 to postnatal day 21, while C rats received the vehicle (corn oil). In adulthood (90 days old), the animals were euthanized. The serum and testicular testosterone levels were measured. Ventral prostate was removed and weighed. Distal segment fragments of the ventral prostate were fixed and processed for histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to detect androgen receptor (AR) and Ki67 antigens. Protein extraction from ventral prostate fragments was performed for AR immunoblotting and Gelatin zymography for MMP-2 and MMP-9 (MMP, metalloproteinase). Stereological and histopathological analyses were also performed. Serum and testicular testosterone levels and prostate weight were comparable between groups. In the T group the relative proportions (%) of epithelial (C=32.86; T=42.04*) and stromal (C=21.61; T=27.88*) compartments were increased, while the luminal compartment was decreased (C=45.54; T=30.08*), *p < 0.05. In T, disseminated inflammatory infiltrate in the stroma, associated or not with epithelial dysplasia and PIN (Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia), was observed. Increases in AR expression, proliferation index and metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity were noted in T animals. In some T animals, collagen fibrils accumulated adjacent to the epithelium. As far as we are aware, this is the first report in the literature showing that phthalates could play a role in proliferative and inflammatory disorders of the rat prostate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ligand-binding region of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor is formed by seven N-terminal, imperfect, cysteine-rich (LB) modules. This segment is followed by an epidermal growth factor precursor homology domain with two N-terminal, tandem, EGF-like modules that are thought to participate in LDL binding and recycling of the endocytosed receptor to the cell surface. EGF-A and the concatemer, EGF-AB, of these modules were expressed in Escherichia coli. Correct protein folding of EGF-A and the concatemer EGF-AB was achieved in the presence or absence of calcium ions, in contrast to the LB modules, which require them for correct folding. Homonuclear and heteronuclear H-1-N-15 NMR spectroscopy at 17.6 T was used to determine the three-dimensional structure of the concatemer. Both modules are formed by two pairs of short, anti-parallel beta -strands. In the concatemer, these modules have a fixed relative orientation, stabilized by calcium ion-binding and hydrophobic interactions at the interface. N-15 longitudinal and transverse relaxation rates, and {H-1}-N-15 heteronuclear NOEs were used to derive a model-free description of the backbone dynamics of the molecule. The concatemer appears relatively rigid, particularly near the calcium ion-binding site at the module interface, with an average generalized order parameter of 0.85 +/- 0.11. Some mutations causing familial hypercholesterolemia may now be rationalized. Mutations of D41, D43 and E44 in the EGF-B calcium ion-binding region may affect the stability of the linker and thus the orientation of the tandem modules. The diminutive core also provides little structural stabilization, necessitating the presence of disulfide bonds. The structure and dynamics of EGF-AB contrast with the N-terminal LB modules, which require calcium ions both for folding to form the correct disulfide connectivities and for maintenance of the folded structure, and are connected by highly mobile linking peptides. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Complete sequences were obtained for the coding portions of the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of Schistosoma mansoni (NMRI strain, Puerto Rico; 14415 bp), S. japonicum (Anhui strain, China; 14085 bp) and S. mekongi (Khong Island, Laos; 14072 bp). Each comprises 36 genes: 12 protein-encoding genes (cox1-3, nad1-6, nad4L, atp6 and cob); two ribosomal RNAs, rrnL (large subunit rRNA or 16S) and rrnS (small subunit rRNA or 12S); as well as 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. The atp8 gene is absent. A large segment (9.6 kb) of the coding region (comprising 14 tRNAs, eight complete and two incomplete protein-encoding genes) for S. malayensis (Baling, Malaysian Peninsula) was also obtained. Each genome also possesses a long non-coding region that is divided into two parts (a small and a large non-coding region, the latter not fully sequenced in any species) by one or more tRNAs. The protein-encoding genes are similar in size, composition and codon usage in all species except for cox1 in S. mansoni (609 aa) and cox2 in S. mekongi (219 an), both of which are longer than homologues in other species. An unexpected finding in all the Schistosoma species was the presence of a leucine zipper motif in the nad4L gene. The gene order in S. mansoni is strikingly different from that seen in the S. japonicum group and other flatworms. There is a high level of identity (87-94% at both the nucleotide and amino acid levels) for all protein-encoding genes of S. mekongi and S. malayensis. The identity between genes of these two species and those of S. japonicum is less (56-83% for amino acids and 73-79 for nucleotides). The identity between the genes of S. mansoni and the Asian schistosomes is far less (33-66% for amino acids and 54-68% for nucleotides), an observation consistent with the known phylogenetic distance between S. mansoni and the other species. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Within a 199 866 base pair (bp) portion of a Plasmodium vivax chromosome we identified a conserved linkage group consisting of at least 41 genes homologous to Plasmodium falciparum genes located on chromosome 3. There were no P. vivax homologues of the P. falciparum cytoadherence-linked asexual genes clag 3.2, clag 3.1 and a var C pseudogene found on the P. vivax chromosome. Within the conserved linkage group, the gene order and structure are identical to those of P. falciparum chromosome 3. This conserved linkage group may extend to as many as 190 genes. The subtelomeric regions are different in size and the P. vivax segment contains genes for which no P. falciparum homologues have been identified to date. The size difference of at least 900 kb between the homologous P. vivax chromosome and P. falciparum chromosome 3 is presumably due to a translocation. There is substantial sequence divergence with a much higher guanine + cytosine (G + C) content in the DNA and a preference for amino acids using GC-rich codons in the deduced proteins of P. vivax. This structural conservation of homologous genes and their products combined with sequence divergence at the nucleotide level makes the P. vivax genome a powerful tool for comparative analyses of Plasmodium genomes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.