956 resultados para Scientific Spreading


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O presente estudo trata de uma pesquisa quantitativa e descritiva que teve por objetivo caracterizar as produções científicas na área de enfermagem com os descritores “HIV and enfermagem”, “AIDS and Enfermagem”, “DST and enfermagem”, publicadas na Scientific Eletronic Library Online – SciELO, no período de 1992 à 2008. A amostra constitui-se de 40 publicações, sendo que 38 eram sobre HIV/AIDS e 2 sobre DST em geral. Foi verificado que o número de estudos tem aumentado nos últimos anos o que demonstra interesse por parte dos enfermeiros para pesquisar a temática. O Estado de São Paulo concentra a maior parte dos artigos publicados 85%. Na caracterização das publicações de acordo com a metodologia, 47,5%, eram estudos qualitativos o que pode traduzir a necessidade de identificar através da pesquisa os aspectos subjacentes a essas temáticas. Os sujeitos de estudo em 37,5% dos trabalhos eram mulheres e 57,5% haviam sido desenvolvidos com clientes soropositivos ao HIV/AIDS. Quanto ao objeto de estudo abordado pelos autores, 30% dos trabalhos pesquisaram o conhecimento dos clientes sobre DST/AIDS e 30% sobre a assistência de enfermagem.


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Given a significant element of truth in "Public Choice", a modest element must be found when a similar approach is made to the behavior of economic scientists. Harry Johnson found this in "The Keynesian Revolution and the Monetarist Counter-Revolution". Following him, I find more in the Public Choice "Revolution" itself. The basic visions, assumptions and methods of the latter are appraised within its time-space stream. "Variations on a theme by Buchanan" or "The B- and F-Twist" could have been suggestive subtitles for this paper -- an embrycnic Economics of Knowledge, a complement to the Sociology of Knowledge.


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O objeto deste estudo e o Centro Ferroviário de Ensino e Seleção Profissional de são Paulo , criado em 1934 , conjuntamente pelas ferrovias paulistas e o governo estadual. A criação deste centro em S~ o Paulo deveu-se ao desenvolvimento das ferrovias no estado , por força das necessidades de expansão da economia cafeeira, a exigi r transportes rápidos, baratos , a longa distância. Concorreu igualmente para o surgimento desta instituição , a difusão em são Paulo da doutrina da Organização Racional do Trabalho, que visava, em termos gerais , o aumento da produtividade da força de trabalho . A aplicação desta doutrina na indústria teve grande êxito , evoluindo com a introdução da Seleção Profissional e das Relações Humanas aplicadas ao trabalho industrial, como maneira de melhor aproveitar o "fator humano" . A divulgação desta doutrina no Brasil , deveu-se à atuação do Instituto de Organização Racional do Trabalho de são Paulo (IOORT ), especialmente pela introdução deste s princípio s no ensino ferroviário . Sua utilização na organização e nos métodos de ensino sobressaísse pela elaboração das séries met6dicas de aprendizagem e aplicação de procedimentos psicotécnicos p~ ra seleção de pessoal, e de candidatos aos curso s profissionais. Inicialmente foram empregados pelo Liceu de Artes e Ofícios de São Paulo, e depois, pela Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana. O Centro Ferroviário de Ensino e Seleção Profissional de são Paulo, durante os 11 anos de seu funcionamento, preparou força de "trabalho especializada para os transportes ferroviários paulistas e de outros estados , mediante a aplicação de métodos de aprendizagem e de aperfeiçoamento técnico-profissional . Esta instituição teve importante papel na origem do SENAI, ao qual foi incorporado, em 1945 , como Divisão de Transportes, fornecendo-lhe quadros de pessoa l técnico, métodos de ensino e ideologia em geral.


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This work consists in a study of the Shrimp Industry in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, whose central issue relates to the understanding of how the Triple Helix (University, Government and the productive sector) interrelationship limits or expands the industry s innovation process. The study aims to understand how the Triple Helix relationship interferes in the innovation process of shrimp in Rio Grande do Norte. As the knowledge becomes the resource key for production methods, the generation of new technologies, new products and processes which demands joint and integrated action of the institutions comprising the Triple Helix: University, Government and productive sector, which possess the essential resources to innovate the process and can be maximized from cooperative relationships between the referred Institutions. Thus, in this work, it was sharply used the pioneering studies of Sabato and Botana (1968) regarding the cooperation relationship between the scientific-technological sphere, the governmental and the productive base, and studies on the Triple Helix approach, proposed by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000), in which the university has a key role in the process of technological and innovative development of countries and regions, and under which it is assigned to the very University - the character of the entrepreneurial institution, through the concept of entrepreneurial University. Aiming to overcome the criticism of Cooke (2005), regarding the limitations of the Triple Helix approach, in this study it was used - as analytical perspectives - the perspective of social immersion (Granovetter, 1985, 2005) and the theory of resources dependence (PFEFFER; SALANCIK, 1978). The analytical perspectives presented in here, despite of the different assumptions, are essential to eliminate the bias that one only approach can lead (ASTLEY; VAN DE VEM; 2007). The authors arguments focus on the fact that the integration is possible if the researcher acknowledged that different perspectives may have different descriptions of the same phenomenon. As a research strategy, this study is characterized as a study case, along with the proposed objectives - the qualitative method was used as an approach and, depending on the gathering of the sector s historical, a sectional longitudinal view approach was applied (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the sector s evolutionary process and its inter-institutional relations - regarding the shrimp culture in Rio Grande do Norte - to promote the development, as the content was used for the technical analysis (BARDIN, 1977). The approach of social immersion and resources addiction dependence made it possible to understand that relationships are established within and between each sphere (university, government and productive sector) characterizing a network of low density relationships and strongly internal and external dependence. Based on the speech of Etzkowitz and Mello (2006), a successful Triple Helix strategy of innovation requires not only the involvement and commitment of the parts, within the institutional sphere and among them, but also the development of mechanisms to coordinate the multiple and complex interactions and interfaces, focusing on promoting both environment and context for innovation and learning; it can be acknowledge from study results that the shrimp in the State of the RN, although there are several institutional mechanisms to promote greater integration and technological development, has been presented disjointed - both internally and between the spheres - and under no legitimate practice when facing the innovational promotion and integration institutions. Due to those factors, the central institutions of the network are crucial to the promotion of innovations, spreading through their direct contacts the importance factor of the sustainable competitive activity in the world market and on the national level. However, it may be concluded, from the data, that the Triple Helix relations are interfering in a negative way on what concerns the promotion of innovations in the shrimp industry in RN


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This paper is the result of the Masters dissertation studying the role and history of scientific communication, especially the changes that have occurred after the appearance of electronic communication and computer networks. This study showed that hypertext systems are increasingly being used in the scientific and academic world in the production of electronic journals; this makes it possible for the user to rapidly access information in their area. However, these systems need to be improved to help the user during search and access to information. Both printed journals migrating to electronic media, and the exclusively electronic journals should present the current quality indicators. The attempt was made to discover whether characteristics related to printed journals are being maintained in their electronic counterparts. For this, a prototype model was developed to analyze the structure of electronic scientific journals; it composes 14 criteria expressing aspects of quality for these journals. It includes elements of Website Information Architecture and those already in place in printed scientific journals in order to ensure that basic functions - archiving and dissemination - are maintained in electronic publishing. Each criterion consists of variables, which measure the maintenance of these functions both in the migrating printed journals and the exclusively electronic ones. This prototype model was used to analyze Ciência da Informação On-line and DataGramaZero - Revista de Ciência da Informação. Results indicate that this model is able to find out if the basic functions of archiving and dissemination are being maintained in electronic journals. Therefore, its implementation is justified in electronic journals. The model can help librarians, authors, and users of electronic journals to identify quality journals, and assist editors in developing their projects. The material from the study may be included in the preservice and inservice education of Information Science professionals and to support editors of scientific journals.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This thesis is resulted of a research on propagated the social representations of constructivism in the Internet, which as had estimated basic the idea of Moscovici (1961) of that the media it has determinative paper in the popularization of the scientific theories, in formation e propagation of the social representations and in the construction of behaviors human beings. Understanding the Internet as latest space of circulation of social communications, therefore, privileged field (and still not explored) for studies of social representations, we choose this half midiático as investigative field of our research, it if it constitutes in the "great ocean of the new informational planet" (LEVY, 2000, p. 126), besides making possible the interaction with different forms of images, different individuals, different ' world ', configuring itself as important space of symbolic production e of analysis of the representational process in the world contemporary. Based in these questions, we trace as objective to analyze the circulating speech propagated on-line on the constructivism, searching to apprehend the social representations shared the respect. This objective was constructed in face of the insertion of the theory constructivist in the educational way has two decades more than, as well as of its consolidation as reference in different social contexts, mainly in midiático. The question that directed the research was: as this theory obtains to penetrate in some layers of our society, to influence the world readings e the behaviors of different people? That modifications it suffers in this trajectory and which the paper of the Internet in this process? The corpus of the research was constituted of the substances on the theory found in the Internet, in pages in Portuguese of Google, in the period of 27 of July of 2004 the 17 of August of 2004. The data they had been analyzed on the basis of the project of analysis of content elaborated for Moscovici (1961) and in the estimated theoreticians of the social communication, in special of the hypermedia. The results had disclosed that the Internet participates of determinative form in the process of popularization of the constructivism theory, not only spreading out its estimated theoretician- methodological for the domain public (diffusion), but propagating positive beliefs and images of its postulates (propagation) and using them it service of interests politicians e financiers (propaganda). The popularization of the constructivism in the Internet and social representations of this theory propagated configure one process in which the theory passes of pedagogical theoretical landmark for grief, assuming a commercial character extremely and the status of solution for problems of the education and the society, stirring up attitudes and behaviors in public, most general possible, that comes to take care of to the interests politicians e marketing. Recognizing the diversity, the permanent renewal of information and the negotiation of directions gifts in the Internet, as well as the innumerable ones forms of access to the information found by it, we consider results of the research as fruits of the inherent characteristics to this way midiático, to the time where we call the attention for relativity these results, for the plasticity of knowing them and sensible propagated on-line e for the great challenge that the hypermedia imposes to the study of communication phenomena, of the social representations and in educational quarrels and for the necessity of new research that they investigate the forms of socialization of the information and communication propitiated by hypermedia and its implications in the construction of the symbolic universes and in practical social


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This study focuses on the central Brazilian historiography of science, focusing specifically on the life and work of a contemporaneous mathematician-physicist, and becomes part of the set of research results that investigate, organize and describe personal, intellectual and professional itineraries of Brazilian scientists and educators. The theme chosen for the study ran from seminars on Mathematics in Pará and is up to organize and describe the life history, education, professional experience and scientific production of William Mauricio Souza Marcos de La Penha (Guilherme de La Penha), considering their academic, professional and intellectual life history, so that their academic and intellectual production be spread over the Brazilian scientific and academic community. We adopted the historical research as theoretical and methodological base for the development of this study, rising arguments about the profile of Guilherme de La Penha to characterize him as a multiskill intellectual and to reveal that his thoughts about science, technology, training scientists and educators were in accordance with their writings and their professional practice in order to build a first story about the life and work of William de La Penha. In this sense, we took the theoretical aspects related to historical research, biographies, intellectual itineraries, files and inventories as sources and historical construction vehicles in order to point out the essential elements to form a profile of the transdisciplinary intellectual historians, ie a profile scientist who carries out the research, management and administration, as well as a committed educator to the on-going training and forming process. The results pointed in different directions, among which we highlight the creation of Seção Guilherme de La Penha at Universidade da Amazonia, producing several articles about the life and work of William de La Penha presented at national and international conferences and the proposal for documentary displays which could contribute to understanding the implementation of a scientific area in Pará State, an area that would not only be restricted to the production of knowledge, but more than that, it would include the spreading, which provides various means, primarily through education. Thus it was possible to ensure that La Penha has an intellectual profile that can be considered a multi-and transdisciplinary intellectual who defends the possibility of forming a scientist one and multiple, non-linear attitudes and dialogues with all other areas in order to be understood under a model scientist for the twenty-first century based on the model clearly inspired by the scientist authors with which he identified throughout their training and professional activities, like the three that stood out in their relationship science: Archimedes, Leonhard Euler and Cliford Ambrose Truesdell


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Infrastructure works are included in strategic areas for the social development. For that matter that all of the investments are very important for the social development. When the population has enough water and an acceptable quality, and it includes a wastewater gathering and its treatment, the whole society became less susceptible to the water diseases. Even the Water Supply and the Sewage depend for its perfect operation of reservoirs, or of the accumulation of water to provide the popular necessity, either due to retention or for the treatment wastewarer. These structures present very specific environmental conditions, because the microclimate created around them, like high environmental humidity and for the existence of many harmful substances for the concrete, such as chloride ions presents in water. The reservoir that compose the System of Water Supply of Natal were built between 1970s and 1980s, a period whom the technical and scientific community did not have in-depth studies about the reinforced concrete mechanism of deterioration. Therefore, these reservoirs have been suffered accelerated deterioration progress, and they have been shown many pathological manifestations strikingly visible. In front of all these problems this academic work aims to identify the generally conditions of conservation of all the reservoirs components of the Water Supply System of Natal. This academic work objectives to develop a recuperation plan for use in these reservoirs, in this academic work it was achieved all the survey of pathological manifestation existing in each reservoir. It was made with local visits, photographic recorders of all manifestations viii and realization of in loco tests. The other step consisted in a application of GDE/UnB metodolgy reformulated by Fonseca (2007). In the step of local visits in each reservoir it was evaluated carbonation depth, by spreading a phenolphthalein solution with 1% of concentration; evaluation of contamination of chlorides, by spreading silver nitrate solution with 1% of concentration, and evaluation of width cracks. After the conclusion of all the testings, it was established that all reservoir, studied in this academic work, have showed an advanced deteriorating condition. It´s presents prevalent pathological manifestations as unacceptable cracks, spots, efflorescence and reinforcement corrosion, and in some cases, chlorides contamination. After the conclusion of the testings and its concatenation it was able to implementing, using GDE/UnB methodology, the order of the restoration its service life and initial safety conditions


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The uses of a new bone spreading technique with simultaneous implant placement are discussed. The spreading system is an alternative technique to Summers' osteotome. Specific screw designs (spreader) served to laterally compress the bone to increase the cancellous density adjacent to the site. The spreader achieved a controlled and standardized dilation of horizontal bone. The advantages, material selection, and the application of this new procedure are detailed. (Implant Dent 2009; 18:119-125)


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Introduction: Open access publishing is becoming increasingly popular within the biomedical sciences. SciELO, the Scientific Electronic Library Online, is a digital library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals many of which provide open access to full-text articles. This library includes a number of dental journals some of which may include reports of clinical trials in English, Portuguese and/or Spanish. Thus, SciELO could play an important role as a source of evidence for dental healthcare interventions especially if it yields a sizeable number of high quality reports. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify reports of clinical trials by handsearching of dental journals that are accessible through SciELO, and to assess the overall quality of these reports. Material and methods: Electronic versions of six Brazilian dental Journals indexed in SciELO were handsearched at www.scielo.br in September 2008. Reports of clinical trials were identified and classified as controlled clinical trials (CCTs - prospective, experimental studies comparing 2 or more healthcare interventions in human beings) or randomized controlled trials (RCTs - a random allocation method is clearly reported), according to Cochrane eligibility criteria. Criteria to assess methodological quality included: method of randomization, concealment of treatment allocation, blinded outcome assessment, handling of withdrawals and losses and whether an intention-to-treat analysis had been carried out. Results: The search retrieved 33 CCTs and 43 RCTs. A majority of the reports provided no description of either the method of randomization (75.3%) or concealment of the allocation sequence (84.2%). Participants and outcome assessors were reported as blinded in only 31.2% of the reports. Withdrawals and losses were only clearly described in 6.5% of the reports and none mentioned an intention-to-treat analysis or any similar procedure. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that a substantial number of reports of trials and systematic reviews are available in the dental journals listed in SciELO, and that these could provide valuable evidence for clinical decision making. However, it is clear that the quality of a number of these reports is of some concern and that improvement in the conduct and reporting of these trials could be achieved if authors adhered to internationally accepted guidelines, e. g. the CONSORT statement.